• Orange Truffles Tomato


    Orange Truffles Tomato

    Orange Truffles tomato is a unique looking fruit. Bell shaped, deep yellow fruits, have really nice flavor, texture and aroma. Not to be confused with Aladdin's  Lamp, Orange Truffles is a larger tomato with different flavor (sweeter) and shape. It also tends to ripen a bit later. Our first fruits started ripening around 82 days. Plants were not tall and produced a really nice crop of sweet tomatoes with good texture. These will turn heads in your garden when they start ripening. Great tomato for snacking, market sales, dehydrating, garnishing and more. Fun to grow! What a treat!
  • Oranzhevaya Zemlyanikia Tomato 

    Oranzhevaya Zemlyanikia tomato is a huge, deep yellow/orange variety that can weigh 1.3 pounds on the big side. On the smaller side they weigh about 8-10 ounces. Meaning orange strawberry in Russian, seeds for this variety were acquired from my Russian friend. Plants are thick and tall and produce plenty medium-firm fruits that are pretty and tasty when ripened. It is a mid to late season variety. As far as taste, these were fantastic for us. The reminded me of Yoder's German or Kellogg's Breakfast, two really good yellow varieties. Plenty meat on this beefsteak. Even though its name suggests heart shaped, it's not an oxheart. A really god tomato, especially for sandwiches!  
  • Brandywine Purple tomato, is a one pound tomato that can easily get bigger. Meaty and flavorful beefsteaks are perfect for slicing and sandwiches. But they will make some fantastic, fresh salsa also. Fruits are sweetish, firmer and have excellent balance, with a little fruitiness. I love the aroma of these when fully ripened! Fruits do not have a lot of seeds so grow a few extra plants if you are a seed saver! It will be well worth it! Plants produce a good amount of fruits that take about 85 days to ripen. Good disease resistance, tall vines so stake well. Produces until season's end. A Must Grow!
  • Out of stock
    In our garden, Alfonsi's Big Pink Beefsteak tomato was my favorite beefsteak and perhaps tomato in 2018. It really took me by surprise because of it's green shoulders, but that just helped to intensify things. Alfonsi's is so balanced and tasty, it has made its way on my top tomato list. This, along with Texwine, Green Giant and about 5 or 6  other big beefsteaks were really impressive in 2018. It also reminded me of Dester, one of my favorite beefsteaks! Alfonsi's is smooth, not too sweet or tart, sort of fruity and has just the right amount of everything. Simply impressive. Stake well and expect plenty fruits. Good disease resistance all through the season! Seeds from a European friend! Fruits can reach 1.5 lbs. Green shoulders turn pink eventually but fruits taste great even with them!
  • Aji Dulce Pepper

    I love eating all kinds of peppers! Hots, extra-hots, ghosts, scorpions, cayennes,  just name them, I eat them! I grew up eating all kinds and flavors of peppers. But my favorite all is Aji Dulce pepper.  I just can't get enough of them. This no heat habanero- flavored pepper, is something to behold! It's perfect for any type of cooking except if you need heat. Makes perfect pepper flakes for sprinkling on your foods. Season your meats and enjoy the exquisite flavor that chefs love. Aji Dulce is similar in taste to Habanada Pepper but I a little sweeter. Both are fantastic for gourmet cooking!  To me, Aji Dulce taste like bubble gum, but that's just me. You must grow this one!
  • Bejing Zao Shu Tomato

    I have been been concentrating on some Chinese varieties since 2015. What I have noticed is that they have some very distinct characteristics. Most of them veer on the sweet side. Bejing Zao Shu tomato is no different. This three ounce, bright red tomato, is sweet and rich. It also has faint after-taste of fruits, of which I can't really describe. All I can say is that it's very good. Plants are not tall but they are prolific. These will work well for snacking, canning, cooking, dehydrating and tons more. It's a good little all purpose tomato. Try'em!
  • Martha Logan Tomato

    Martha Logan tomato is a larger variety that grows on tall, vibrant vines. Our largest fruits weighed about 1.2 pounds and were beautiful. Our plants did not display any signs of diseases. Fruits began to ripen a bit late, coming in about 82 days after transplanting them in out garden. But from that point, we harvested beautiful fruits until season's end. As it pertains to taste, it is very flavorful. It's juice is rich and flesh, perfectly textured and sweetish! This gem has a beautiful aroma when fully ripened. Great for sandwiches! Stake and feed well and your rewards will be awesome!    
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    Holy Land Tomato

    Big, hefty beefsteaks are what you will get when you grow out Holy Land Tomato. Our plants were tall and loaded with 1-2 lb tomatoes that kept coming until cooler weather. Fruits began to ripen about 85 days after transplant. I just had to eat the very first ripened fruit. It was sweet, meaty, flavorful and satisfying. I also love that these have good, old time flavor. Holy Land is the perfect compliment to two slices of bread, some mayo, lettuce, good cheese, salt and pepper. If you can't locate any of those things, simply eat it right off the vine, it's super delicious that way.
  • Amos Coli Tomato

    All tomatoes are not made equally. Try as you may, not every tomato will make seamlessly great sauce. Amos Coli tomato, will stand up to the best of them when it comes to tomato sauce. Thick, 2-3 inch plums are ready to make some of the best accompaniment to your pasta, even for non-cooks. They have a naturally saucy feel, even when eaten fresh. I also made some great tomato stew with these, what a treat! Amos Coli vines are wispy leafed and produce plenty of fruits. Staking should be done early, as plants begin to hold fruits not long after transplant! For canning, snacking and more!
  • Perhaps the most unique green variety that we have ever grown, Spear's Tennessee Green tomato was definitely worth it! I heard great things about these before I tried them and was really excited to see how they produced. When they began to ripen, I was intrigued by their deep olive color, unlike most greens. Fruits were meaty, intense and delicious! Not too sweet, not too tart, but rich and satisfying, with some aftertaste that reminds me of some tropical fruits that I grew up with in the Caribbean. Put Spear's Tennessee Green on you list, you wouldn't regret it!
  • Super Choice Tomato

    Super Choice tomato is a Kentucky heirloom beefsteak that did well for us in our 2018 grow-outs. Thick steamed, indeterminate and bushy plants, grew to about 7 feet tall and produced 12-20 ounce, red tomatoes with outstanding flavor. When well ripened, Super Choice is flavorful, meaty, smooth and a little tangy. there are some sweetish under-tones. I especially liked them sliced with a little salt and pepper. They were great on sandwiches too! Vines were not prolific but produced plenty for their fruit size.  I am placing this one in the balanced category with plenty of flavors to experience. Nice sandwich tomato. Made some great fried greens!
  • Stripes Of Yore Tomato

    One of the most beautiful anthos that I have grown, Stripes Of Yore tomato also has good flavor, without the antho usual taste that many of us dislike. Displaying pretty yellow with random black clutches/stripes, this one will turn heads in your garden! On the milder side with some fruitiness, this saladette tomato also serves well as a garnish and cooking tomato. Chefs love it, so that says a lot! Skinny plants can grow to 6 feet tall and produce plenty fruits. It's also a good choice for market sales. Ours started ripening about 78 days after transplant and continued until season's end.
  • I was introduced to Velmahoza Magnate tomato about 5 years ago and I totally loved them. Somehow I forgot to grow them out again until 2018.  This tomato reminds me a lot of Curtis Cheek tomato in looks, but has a totally different flavor and texture. Plants are wispy, as most oxhearts are. They grow to about 5 feet tall and produce pretty pink oxhearts. Our biggest fruits this year were about 14 ounces, but I would say that they average about 8-10 ounces. Ours always stand up well to early blight. Thick, smooth and sweeter meat that's made for sandwiches and sauces. Recommended!
  • Gold Stripe Tomato

  • Yellow Dragon Tomato

    We grew out yellow dragon tomato for the first time in 2018. It was a  pleasing experience. 5 feet tall plants produced prolifically and were still doing so at season's end. They produced 3-5 ounce, pale yellow fruits with top side, dark antho, that sometimes streaked down to their bottom ends. Fruits were mild and juicy with some fruity and sweet undertones. They definitely were head-turners in the garden and at farmer's market too. Our first fruits began to ripen about 76 days after being transplanted in the garden. Perfect for salads, platters/garnish, tomato juice, snacking and fresh salsa and market sales! A solid choice for your garden!
  • Yellow Fire Tomato

  • Brimmer Tomato

    The more I think about Brimmer tomato, the more I appreciate good sandwich tomatoes. I'd be honest!  I am a huge tomato sandwich eater, but I also enjoy experiencing tomatoes in so many other ways during the season. So when it comes to tomato sandwiches, each year I look for the best that I possibly can. I also revert some other varieties that I loved from previous years. Brimmer will easily make this list. Sandwiches with these were super good and I filled myself to the brim each time. Nice texture, size and old-time tomato flavor. These are sandwich perfect. Try them!
  • Riccio di Parma Tomato

    Great sauce tomatoes come in different shapes and colors. Rico Di Parma tomato is one of them. This pleated tomato makes awesome sauce. Huge fruits are visually beautiful and clean. It's not a very juicy variety and cooks down into thick, stronger flavored sauce, that works well on your pasta or a base for your bisque and soups. Plants produce plenty fruits for such a large fruit. They are a bit late though. Our first ripened fruits were harvested at 85 days after transplant.  We continued to harvest until cooler weather, in October. This variety is also beautiful on a platter. Great for sandwiches too!
  • Mrs Maxwell's Big Italian tomato is a large, deep pink, meaty variety, that packs nice tomato flavor.Let it ripen well and you will be rewarded. I have regretted only growing out only three plants in my first grout-outs, but they will be back in 2019. For me, this was a memorable tomato because it was tasty, productive and had hardy vines that produced multi-purposed fruits. I had these cooked, stewed, sauced, as fried green tomatoes, sold some at the market, ate them in the garden, gazpacho, you name it, I did it. I ended up not saving many seeds. It's all good though. I saved enough to share a few! Grow these out if you like good tomatoes!
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    I couldn't believe my eyes when my Dwarf Pepper Like Striped tomato plants stared ripening their fruits. They were loaded and looked like pinstriped decorations. Determinate plants were about 2 feet tall and had so many fruits on them that they had to be well staked from the start. 2 inch long fruits turned from green to a beautiful red and yellow pinstripe. they were, mildly sweet, flavorful with good overall flavor. not too much juice. These were great sauce makers too! A good keeper after harvest! Perfect for sauces, salsa, cooking, garnish, market sales and more.  Great for container growing!  
  • Caro Rich Tomato

    I was very pleased with Caro Rich tomato in 2018. Our 3.5 feet tall, determinate plants produce prolifically. Fruits were between 4 and 6 ounces and loaded with richness and fruitiness. It isn't a sweeter variety. Ours were mildly sweet, had good balanced and satisfying! Some were fruit-like! What I liked also, is that they had decent keep after harvest. Plants should still be staked. These are perfect for slicing, snacking, canning and even mild yellow tomato sauce. They will also work well if you are a market vendor or have a tomato stand. I will definitely be growing these again in 2019 and beyond! See it on Youtube! 
  • Cosmic Eclipse Tomato

    Cosmic Eclipse tomato is an average to larger sized cherry variety.  It's also in the antho family. I wasn't sure what I would get when I grew these out, but I was game! Our vines produced prolifically and never really stopped until the weather got cooler at nights. Plants also showed good disease resistance, especially to early and late blight. Cosmic Eclipse is great for canning, salads, fresh eating, garnishing and so much more. It truly is an all purposed variety. Our market sales did well with these also. It's taste was also good for an antho. Will grow again! See it on YouTube!
  • Margaret Curtain tomato is among the tastiest, black varieties that we have grown. Shorter, indeterminate plants produce prolifically and showed a good resistance to early blight in our grow-outs.  Fruits were rich, sweeter and slightly earthy with other complimentary flavors. I especially loved it's texture. It wasn't mushy or mealy, just smooth. Margaret Curtain also have nice aroma that always made me feel like eating them all  each time I harvested. 4-8 ounces fruits began to ripen about 75 days after transplant. They continued coming until season's end. This variety can be a nice choice for smaller gardens, container or patio grown. Try em!
  • Eros Tomato

    If you are like canning, Eros tomato is certainly a nice selection for this purpose. Eros is a yellow elongated variety, that can reach 3 inches long. Determinate plants produce generous amounts of tomatoes that can be used for several purposes, including canning, sauce and paste. We dehydrated some of these and that worked out well also. I found Eros to be a good cooking tomato, imparting it's milder, tomatoey flavor in our meals, but without overwhelming it.  Plants are not big or sprawling. They produced and performed well in hotter and dryer weather too. Stake early. Vines are skinny and will to hold up for long, without it.
  • Among our favorites this year, Morado de Fitero tomato is an impressive variety. Similar in taste to Fleur de Reagir, I enjoyed growing these. My anticipation remained high just thinking about harvesting more each day. Morado de Fitero fruits can easily reach 1.5 pounds and plants are hardy. This tomato is deceptively great for sauce. If you love your tomato sandwiches, it is a superb choice. It's a stronger tasting tomato with really good old time flavor! So it wouldn't get lost behind your sour doe bread or louder cheeses. Fruits are weighty and have a nice trim feel to them. A nice selection for the market!  
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    Polish Linguisa Tomato

    I was in search of more sauce and past varieties and decided to try Polish Linguisa tomato. Needles to say, I was pleased with its performance. Our plants produced huge amounts of 2-3 inch, elongated fruits that kept coming all season long. I also like that they showed good disease resistance to early blight. I did spray them once as a preventative. Polish Linguisa made some first class sauce and salsa. It reminded me of Abbittista, another fine sauce tomato! I did not make paste but I suspect it will work well for that too! A nice choice for anyone wanting to make thick and rich sauce without much effort! 80 Days!
  • I have been wanting to grow Neves Azorean Red tomato for several years. This year, 2018, I finally grew out 4 plants. What I got was a very special tomato. Neves Azoran Red is not your average red tomato. It could hang with the best of them! I would classify this, first as a sandwich and slicing tomato. But it is a lot more than that. I really love its texture. It has a smooth, rich finish, accompanied by some after-tones that I only describe as pleasing! Neves is a good tomato for market sales and sliced on platter presentation. Hardy vines produce plenty 10-18 ounce fruits!

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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