• Out of stock

    Dirty Curty Tomato


    Dirty Curty Tomato

    I was sent seeds for this tomato by my breeder friend from Europe. He said I could name it whatever I wanted to. When I grew it out it turned out to be it turned out to be a anthocyanin variety. Mild with sweet intonations, it is a very pleasant tomato that I will definitely grow again. With streaky dark tops that faded into blotches and blended into a light pink, sealed the deal for me. I called it Dirty Curty. Welcome!
  • Plisowany Różowy Tomato

    If you are daring and would like to try a variety that's different, tasty, hardy and prolific, then Plisowany Różowy tomato is one for you. I acquired these from my polish friend who has sent me many new and rare varieties. This variety is a little different from many of the ruffled ones that we have grown because of it's texture and smooth eating flesh. It's shelf life isn't too long so they have to be put to use once harvested. Fruits are sweet and medium-mild, but with excellent overall finish. Certainly a garnish tomato that works well for sauces too! Cooking with these is a blast! Hardy plants, very good production until late season!
  • Out of stock

    Alices Dream Tomato


    Alice's Dream Tomato

    80 days. Alice's Dream tomato is one of the prettiest tomatoes that you will ever grow. Fruits of this antho variety even turn heads before they ripen. Beautiful yellow and orange, bi-color fruits turn darker on the top side with blushes of yellow, orange and reds on other parts of the fruit. Tomatoes are sweet and earthy with very upfront fruitiness. Vines are relatively hardy, prolific and tall. Stake well. See it on YouTube!
  • Uncle E Tomato


    Uncle E Tomato

    Uncle E tomato seeds were given to me by my friend, Mrs. Holder. She explained to me that they had been in her family for over 100 years. I grew them out for the first time in 2008 and I have grown them every year since then. Huge beefsteaks that average 1 to 1.5 pounds of some of the most delicious tomatoes that you will ever taste. 6 foot vines produce plenty fruits that ripen around the 85 day mark and continue through frost. Please see below in the image section for Mrs. Holder's description. We are the original sellers of this cultivar
  • Beauty Lottringa Tomato

    80 Days. One of our huge scores for the 2017 season, Beauty Lottringa tomatoes turned every head that walked through our gardens. Huge, flattish, ruffled tomatoes  grew on shorter vines(perhaps 4 feet tall) and were awesome all season long. These had absolutely no signs of diseases. Fruits ripened to a deep red and the largest ones can reach 1.5 pounds. Our largest fruits in 2017 weighed 20 ounces and smallest around 8. If you love sweet spaghetti sauce, this will be one to look at. Seriously, this thing made some really great sauce! I also enjoyed them when dried. A winner at the farmers market! See it on YouTube! Due to the excessively high demand for this product, we have reduced the number of orders to one 10 or 20 pack per order. Thanks.
  • Out of stock

    Claude Brown's Yellow Giant Tomato

    Claude Brown's Yellow Giant tomato is perhaps the most consistently huge, yellow tomato that we have grown, ever! Many of our fruits have reached 2.5 pounds and most were between 1.5 to 2 pounds. It is a sweeter, meaty and very dense fruit that is tailor made for sandwiches! Vines are about 6 feet tall and display good disease resistance.. They need to be well staked, with regular revisions. If you are looking for a great tasting, huge yellow tomato, this is one that you must have!
  • Tar Tops tomato is a member of the anthocyanin family. It was one of the most complimented tomatoes on the farm this year by visitors. Everyone who tasted it, had great things to say about it. Tar Tops has smooth flesh, is definitely fruity and juicy with good tomato balance. I am definitely growing this again. Its vines are tall and work hard to complete their jobs. No diseases were recorded for this one. A great little slicer, snacker, salsa tomato and an eye-catcher at the farmer's market! About 75 days.
  • I am delighted to present to you, Great White Blues tomato! Absolutely stunning to look it, this unique looking fruit is about 6-10 ounces. It is fairly meaty, juicy sweet and fruity. This tomato is no slouch. In fact its surprisingly good. Fruits grow on five to six feet tall vines and begin to ripen about 80 days after transplant. An absolute pleasure to grow. When grown in full sunlight, they came alive. You will experience variations of colors form very dark to a vary pale yellow/white. this is a must grow! Great Sandwich, garnish, salsa and fresh eating tomato. Does exceptionally well at farmers market! For more delicious unique colored tomatoes, feel free to visit our Antho Category.
  • Whetstone Wonder tomato is a huge, sweeter beefsteak that you will fall in love with. Tomatoes can easily reach 2 pounds. I was given these seeds by a family in Indiana USA who stated that it had been grown for years by a great aunt. The way the story was told to me, it seemed that Whetstone had been in that family for more than 75 years. I'm supposed to get more info in this one soon. Whetstone Wonder is also very meaty and aromatic when fully ripened. Plants need early staking with regular revisions. One slice will cover your sandwich bread twice over! Recommended!
  • Turkish Cayenne Pepper


    Approx 100,000 SHU

    A medium hot variety, Turkish Cayenne Pepper is the perfect thing for sprinkling in your soups or adding a little extra heat on your meats. This beautiful pepper can grow to as long as 8 inches. These are perfect for making powder or flakes, when roasted dried or even fried. Sprinkle them in your meals when cooking or even make some delicious hot sauce. Plants are very productive, can grow to 3 feet tall. They never seems to stop producing.  If you are seeking a chilli with high production for a small area or container growing. Try this gem
  • Out of stock

    Habanada Pepper

    Habanada pepper will blow you away with its fruity flavor and fantastic aroma. It can be used for so many things. This gem can quickly become the pepper you turn to for all of your cooking needs. Make mild sauces, delicious pickles, the best pepper flakes, dehydrate them for powder. Try dehydrated pepper flakes, cook them whole in rice, soups, meats and more. No heat just big flavor.  They are fantastic in everything, including stews. Sliced or diced up raw to be eaten with your meals. Don't forget to make some mild pepper sauce! Plants are about 2 feet tall and very prolific.  This pepper is one of the best choices for gourmet purposes!
  • Out of stock
    If you are love growing fun and tasty varieties, Curly Kaley tomato would definitely be one to try. This variety is perfect for containers or patio growing.  Plants are about 15-20 inches tall. Very unique plants look like they have the stick gene with very thick, firm trunks and narrow width. They produce plenty, slightly elongated, red cherry tomatoes. These are very tasty and firm to the touch. This can be placed in the micro-dwarf or dwarf categories. Fruits are fleshy treats, have a low seed count, and they are sweet and tangy. Perfect salad and snacking tomato. Plants have a indeterminate habit and continue producing all season long. Best grown in a 1-2 gallon container.
  • Reinhard Kraft's Chocolate Heart Tomato

    The most beautiful chocolate oxhearts that you will ever see! Full flavored, intense taste and so beautiful! When you grow Reinhard Kraft's Chocolate Heart tomato you will immediately put it on your annual list. I couldn't eat many of these because 4 of my 6 plants died in the floods after 21 days of non-stop rain. I saved all of the seeds I could from most of the remaining fruits and only ate three smaller fruits. They were so good that I am growing  many more plants next year for seeds, market and personal use. Intensely colored brown fruits are meaty, wonderfully textured and aromatic. Great choice for almost anything, but you must eat a few right off of the vine. Plants produce plenty! Great disease resistance! Recommended!
  • Byelorussian Tomato


    Byelorussian Tomato

    Another rare variety shared with me by my friend Aud Zeneberg. If you are seeking a new and rare cultivar for your next grow-outs, try Byelorussian Tomato.  Very tasty!  These are  blemish-free, almost perfect 6 ounce slicers! Very good balanced taste, nice aroma and again, not easily found.  Our plants were prolific and relatively early, ripening their fruits about 72 days after transplant. Fruits are perfect slicers, great for cooking, canning, sauces and much more. Try a few right off the vine, mmmmmmm!!  Seeds directly from Gatersleben Seed Bank. LYC 3687.
  • Ponderosa Purpurviolette Tomato

    In 2018 I was gifted a package of hard to find and rare seeds. I grew out about 25 varieties. Ponderosa Purpurviolette Tomato is one of them. This fantastic taster with nice texture has really given me the drive to grow even more rare cultivars. It has a really good old-time tomato tart with  a. nice blend of sweetness, excellent overall taste! Perfect sandwich tomato. Hardy plants produce plenty, but they are not prolific. I got about 13 fruits from one plant and 15 from the other three. So a total of 58 fruits from 4 plants. I'll take it!  I forgot to take notes on leaf type, so forgive me. Indeterminate, 80 days! Gatersleben Seed Bank LYC 137.
  • Ghost Pepper Seeds


    Ghost Pepper Seeds (But Jolokia)

    Ghost Pepper seeds are now available at Renaissance Farms! Also known as Bhut Jolokia, this super hot chilli has a smoky, fruity taste, if you can get past the brutal heat. On the Scoville scale, it measures 1,041,427 SHU.  This baby is  HOTTT! I use these for making sauce but it can be used for smoked chili, chili flakes and even fresh in cooking. NOTE: Ghost peppers are not for the novice!  
  • Polaris Tomato


    Polaris Tomato

    Polaris Tomato is a fattened, delicious, black beefsteak that was bred by Karen Olivier in Canada. In 2020 I grew several excellent black varieties, including PPP X PP "C", and Gary'O Sena. Polaris held its own against the best! What I especially love, is that plants are potato leafed! Our vines grew to about 6 feet tall and produced nicely. The first ripened fruits appeared about 75 days after garden transplant. Taste is rich, complex and sweet. Excellent texture that's perfect for sandwiches. Not runny, so no bread wetting. Recommended for northern gardens!
  • Taiga Tomato


    Taiga Tomato

    Karen Olivier has done it again! Her Taiga tomato made big waves in our garden in 2020. I just can't believe how beautiful and tasty these are! 6-12 ounce oxhearts are produced on tall potato leafed plants that start ripening around mid season(75-80 days). Give them a chance to ripen well, then cut and taste. You will find that these are a little fruity, juicy, have lots of nicely textured meat and are delicious! Deceptively weighty, there aren't too many seeds in this gem. Plants are very hardy and are recommended for northern gardens too! Awesome selection for slicing, sandwiches, garnish, cooking or just eating right of the vine.
  • Hooked On Cherry Tomato 

    EXCLUSIVE 2020

    Hooked On Cherry is a sweet black fruit that is great for salads, snacking, preserves, market sales and so much more. Crack free fruits are stunningly beautiful and inviting. Seeds were first given to me by Bill Jeffers of Evansville Indiana and they seemed to be unstable. After growing it out for several years, it now is very stable! Its original name was T-Black Cherry, but Bill explained to me that that name was used from one of its parents. Given the permission to change its name, I have decided to call it Hooked On Cherry. You would love this fruit! So sweet and juicy, prolific plants, excellent disease resistance! So much upside! I am truly hooked! You'll be too!
  • Sunflower Possibilities Mix

    USA SALES ONLY PLEASE! See Bottom Of Page For Full Gallery Of Images! Sunflower Possibilities Mix will be a blast for any flower garden. In this mix is included seven different colors and varieties. Everything from bright yellows, to brown blushes, to purple/brown. You will find larger blooms to smaller ones. Each variety and color has it's own characteristics and beauty. Some varieties bloom earlier and others later. One thing's for sure, at some point they will all be blooming at the same time, what a blast! Later on, if you are a bird lover, watch them come for their fill of sunflower seeds. They will be there all day every day, delighting you with natural wildlife beauty. They'll have plenty of songs to sing! There will be American Goldfinch, Cardinals, Blue Jays and more! Get this mix and enjoy a wonderful bright summer and fall!
  • Baby Aji Amarillo Pepper

    One of my favorite peppers in 2020. Baby Aji Amarillo is a very tasty pepper with medium heat! Productive, short plants produce what seems like hundreds of 2 inch long, canary yellow fruits that are perfect for cooking, drying and fresh salsa. Ours were started ripening around the end of July. We planted them in early May. Make some great tomato powder and flakes too. Really nice flavor and not overwhelmingly hot! Try bring up a few, green or ripened. Nice!
  • Hatch Chili Pepper


    Hatch Chili Pepper

    If you are looking for a really nice roaster, Hatch chili pepper will lock it down for you. These are perfect for grilling if you like just a little heat. I happen to think it's a great choice for blending with Mexican foods. These ripen from green to red and can be used at any point, especially after reaching full size. You will totally enjoy these in cooking, especially since they are not too hot for the average chili lover. Great choice for cooking with your every day dishes!
  • Out of stock

    Farmers Market Jalapeno Pepper

    A unique looking pepper that has similar heat to your standard Jalapeno, I find that these pack way  more flavor, especially when ripened. Plants were about 3 feet for us and peppers ripened a little later in the season. Prolific and tasty, Farmers Market Jalapeno Pepper will be a delight in your dishes, especially for cooking Indian foods and with curry. Also great for pickling, salsas and seasoning meats etc. Nice choice for any chili pepper lover! It can be difficult to tell when these are ripening. I look at the blossom end for redness and give them a few days after that, before harvesting! I had many questions about these. Seeds are limited because I didn't make time to harvest, sorry!  
  • Brad's Atomic Grape tomato is, in my opinion, one of the best tasting antho varieties that there is. It has a good mixture of sweets and acids with very good balance. The perfect tomato for snacking in the garden  salads, dehydrating and tons more. It's also a very good candidate for market sales! About 2 inch elongated fruits are about one inch around. The perfect specimens have very dark, top antho, when well ripened are tri-colored black, orange and green. A truly pretty fruit!. Plants are hardy, about four feet tall and very productive. Expect first ripened fruits about 70 days after transplant.
  • Easily one of the more beautiful anthos, I was glad that Afternoon delight also had good flavor. 4-10 ounce fruits were borne on 5.5 feet plants that produced heavily. Ours began ripening around 75 days from transplant. Plants were hardy and tough. These were in a waterlogged spot in our garden and made it through with flying colors when others succumbed. Fruits have very dark antho on the top side, which fades into a beautiful canary yellow on the blossom end. When sliced, Afternoon Delight tomato is beautifully bi colored, demonstrating yellows and deep pink/purplish. Taste is sweet and mild with fruity tones. This is a real beauty. Nice for slicing, garnish/plating, market sales and so much more. Try this delight in your garden this season!
  • Fred L Potato Top Tomato is a very good tomato. Tall potato leafed plants produce 1-1.5 pound and more beefsteaks with outstanding rich flavor. Original seeds were saved by Fred Limbaugh of from Robinson, P, his father and grandfather. These have some sweetness but with good balanced. Fred L reminds me, in some ways, of Pink Brandywine as far as taste. It's not quite as consistently large and texture certainly different. Our plants were hardy and demonstrated very good disease resistance. A great market crop, sandwich ready and very tasty. I really love this one! 80 Days.
  • With great sadness and expectations for the future I am listing this awesome tomato. In 2021 we, the tomato growing community, lost one of our very best friends. Her name is Remy Rotella and she was an avid grower. Remy loved growing everything good, but among her biggest passions was tomatoes. I was fortunate to meet her on a few occasions at the Noblesville Indiana Seed Swapping event, for which she had traveled many hours from NY to attend here in Indiana. We had some conversations, but I often wished that I had talked to her some more. I remember swapping seeds with her and will hold those memories dear, always! Remy's favorite tomato was Stomp Of The World. So in 2021, a bunch of us, her friends and acquaintances in the tomato community, got together and decided to grow it in her memory. I wouldn't describe this tomato except to say that if Remy loved it, then it must have been a good one. I love it too! I am offering these seeds in remembrance of our friend Remy. We love you and may you always fly high and rest in peace, friend! ~Curtis T Maters~

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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