• Green Gables Tomato


    Green Gables Tomato

    Green Gables tomato is a very delicious green variety that every should try. This 5-10 ounce fruit is sweet, a little fruity and satisfying. Bred by Jason Haynes, this is truly a nice producer! Potato leaved plants are hardy and prolific. Ours were just under 6 feet tall. A perfect tomato for slicing, it also shines in green tomato sauce, on sandwiches, for cooking and garnish. I especially love its wonderful aroma when fully ripened. For those who have never tried a green when ripened tomato variety, this would be a great way to start. Stake and feed well and you should be well rewarded.  You cant go wrong with this beauty. Plant a few, get your baskets ready and get ready for the ride!
  • Perhaps the most unique green variety that we have ever grown, Spear's Tennessee Green tomato was definitely worth it! I heard great things about these before I tried them and was really excited to see how they produced. When they began to ripen, I was intrigued by their deep olive color, unlike most greens. Fruits were meaty, intense and delicious! Not too sweet, not too tart, but rich and satisfying, with some aftertaste that reminds me of some tropical fruits that I grew up with in the Caribbean. Put Spear's Tennessee Green on you list, you wouldn't regret it!
  • Dwarf Franklyn County tomato is a special little thing. It's highly recognizable for its ridges and oblate shape. Our plants didn't make it past 2.5 feet in full sunlight. They produced bunches of 2-3 ounce fruits that were mild, juicy and flavorful but with a little acidic aftertaste. I like these for canning, tomato juice, snacking and cooking. Our indeterminate plants produced all season long. They also displayed good disease resistance. Tomatoes were borne on bunches of 5 or 6. Our first fruits ripened fruits came in around 72 days. Recommended for container or patio growing. 3-5 gallon containers can work well!
  • Out of stock
    There is a special spot in my heart for Raspberry Oxheart tomato. It is one of the prettiest fruits that you would ever see. Smooth clean fruits weigh about 6-10 ounces and ripen to a nice raspberry color. It's just not pretty, it's exceptionally good! Juicy, fragrant, meaty, sweet and bold, is how I would describe Raspberry Oxheart! Fruits ripen about 75 days after transplant. Great sauce tomato too!
  • Red Pear Tomato

    75 Days. Red Pear is one of the first heirloom tomatoes that I ever grew. I still grow them today. They are a very useful little cherry that can be used in many different ways. I use them for snacking, green as pickle, for market sales, for salads, drying for flakes, cooking and so much more. They are sweetish and balanced with a good old time tomato taste. Ga few plants and let me know
  • Bali Tomato


    Bali Tomato

    Bali tomato is a heavy producing Indonesian cultivar. Indeterminate 3.5 - 5 feet tall plants have regular leaves. They produce large clusters of fruits all summer long. Fruits have heavy ribbing and are raspberry pink when fully ripened and have very nice aroma. On the acidic side. A pleasure!
  • Out of stock

    Blot Pepper

    OUT OF STOCK, SORRY! To me, Blot pepper is one of the prettiest big fruits that I have seen. What's more, it's a very tasty sweet pepper. Peppers emerge with different shades of blotted purple, sometimes getting darker before ripening stage. As they begin to ripen, they turn light yellow, then yellowish orange, while keeping some to the purple blotting. This is a great stuffing pepper or it can be used as you would any sweet pepper. Plants produce a good amount of fruits that ripens from mid-season onwards. I real eye catcher for this multipurpose variety! Try them on a platter, mmmmm, delicious and pretty!
  • Since I hadn't really seen Georgia Green Cherry tomato anywhere online, I decided to give them a try. I was also very excited about them because I love growing potato leafed varieties. I also found it interesting because it was a green when ripened PL and cherry variety too. This large sized cherry has a very pretty exterior. On its inside, Georgia Green Cherry is lime green and aromatic. Fruits were sweeter but mild, yet its flavor was big. No blemishes! These came on a little later but was well worth the wait. One of the hardiest varieties for me in 2021. Not many seeds. Let's help to make this one popular. It's a true find!
  • Minipop Tomato


    Minipop Tomato

    Just pop one in and you will be hooked. Minipop tomato is a smaller, medium firm and sweeter cherry tomato. It has a rich and full flavor. Not very common, in fact rare, this prolific producing variety will keep you very busy all season long. Tall plants are extremely hardy and disease resistant. They produce an lot, and early! Our 3 plants started ripening around 70 days from transplant. They sprawled and sprawled. Minipop's  texture is good, especially for snacking on the spot. Be one of the first to try this rare cultivar in your garden! Seed Source: Gatersleben, # LYC 1330
  • Jaune Ridée Dominique Tomato

    When my friend Terry from Secret Seed Cartel sent me these seeds, I was so excited. I know that everything she sends me grows and taste great, so I was looking forward to growing this out. When well ripened,  Jaune Ridée Dominique Tomato is canary yellow. These are blunt hearts. Plants never stopped producing until season's end. Our were about 6 feet tall and produced lots and lots. They were some of the last to quit production towards the end of the season. Slightly fruity and on the sweet side, it delivers a great tomato experience that is  certainly worth growing again in my gardens. Great selection for market sales! Perfect for sauces, garnish, fresh eating and more!  
  • Out of stock

    Madajar Tomato

    Madajar Tomato is a large meaty beefsteak variety. I love these for sandwiches and even diced up in salads. It's very meaty and is the perfect sandwich variety. On a sliced platter with other varieties, it stands out. These have very little seeds so save them well. Our biggest fruits reached 18 ounces and the smallest ones were about 10 ounces. It took about 83 days for us to realize our first ripened fruits but it was well worth it. Madajar is sweet, fleshy/meaty, full-flavored and has good old time feel. A winner at the market. Production is good but not prolific. A good beefsteak for anything beefsteak tomatoes can do!  
  • Among our favorites this year, Morado de Fitero tomato is an impressive variety. Similar in taste to Fleur de Reagir, I enjoyed growing these. My anticipation remained high just thinking about harvesting more each day. Morado de Fitero fruits can easily reach 1.5 pounds and plants are hardy. This tomato is deceptively great for sauce. If you love your tomato sandwiches, it is a superb choice. It's a stronger tasting tomato with really good old time flavor! So it wouldn't get lost behind your sour doe bread or louder cheeses. Fruits are weighty and have a nice trim feel to them. A nice selection for the market!  
  • German Head Tomato

    I first grew German Head tomato in 2008. Since then I have always wanted to grow it again. So I puled out my 2008 saved seeds and grew out a few. They again produced some of the meatiest tomatoes that you will find. old fashioned is how I would describe German Head. flavorful, balanced, lots of meat and even amounts of juice. This is a very safe tomato to grow if you want certainty. It will not disappoint. Vines produce big beefsteaks that can easily surpass one pound. Perfect sandwich tomato. Great for market sales, slicing and tons more. Recommended!
  • Out of stock
    Dwarf Artic Rose tomato is a perfect container variety. Its plants product plenty of tomatoes that seem happy together in bunches of 5 to 7. One of my observations of Arctic Rose is that it holds a lot of its blooms and set a lot of fruits. Although a few fruits may fall off the vine, this doesn't disqualify it from being a big producer. When fully ripened, fruits are tangy and juicy, with a sweetish undertone. Some staking support is necessary. You can expect fruits to ripen at about a 70 day mark and continue for quite awhile. This is a determinant variety, so they will be coming on fast and furious. Another good variety for containers or in the ground. I would try drying some because of the recognizable tang. Salsa would also shine when you use these.
  • De Barao Black Tomato

    72 Days. I grew these out in 2016 and again in 2017. They were consistent and great looking fruits. Honestly, I snacked on these so much that I totally did not save enough seeds. So 2018 here we come!! De Barao Black tomato is a flavorful pear type tomato. It's vines are prolific and relentless. They produce all season long until frost. Tomatoes are mildly sweet, juicy, rich and a bit earthy. These are great for snacking, salsa, salads, market sales and drying in your dehydrator. GO!!!
  • Pink Furry Boar Tomato

    Pink Furry Boar is a fuzzy 4-6 ounce, pinkish, bi-color tomato. Vines are prolific and ripen fruits about 80 days after transplant. Fruits are mild, juicy and pleasant. Awesome tomato for slicing in salads and mild tomato juice. If you prefer a milder tomato with food overall flavor, this would be on your list.
  • Yellow Plum

  • Mrs Benson Tomato

    What a ride I had growing Mrs Benson tomato! Easily one of the most memorable varieties in 2021. Potato leafed plants were huge producers of one pound fruits, a few were larger. This gem could easily be a main crop for vendors. As far as taste, Mrs Benson didn't disappoint. We sliced many of ours, only to experience a full flavored tomato with very nice texture and aroma when fully ripened. This tomato left nothing to be desired. Balanced and inviting! Totally worth re-growing, and I will in 2022! A must try! Highly Recommended!
  • Dwarf Numbat Tomato


    Dwarf Numbat Tomato

    Dwarf Numbat Tomato was a nice little find for us in 2020. Short plants produced heavy crops of large cherries that were great for canning, snacking and even slicing. Taste for us was mild and tart and tasty. Our plants were about 2-2.5 feet tall and started ripening fruits about 70 days after transplant. A beautiful marbling of greens and yellows, Numbat will work well in small garden spaces as well as in containers.
  • Old Wyandotte Tomato


    Old Wyandotte Tomato

    It's been a long tome since I experienced a yellow tomato with such full flavor! Don't get me wrong, I have grown some outstanding yellows, but there is something about Old Wyandotte tomato that aligns with my taste-buds. These have a very good sweet/acid balance. What I like a lot is how rich they are. Old Wyandotte is the perfect old fashioned yellow and works excellently for sandwiches. Not too juicy or over the top on anything, just perfect! Regular leafed plants produce plenty, though not prolific! Expect fruits from 10 ounces to 1 pound that begin to ripen around mid-season. Great choice for any tomato garden!
  • Out of stock
    Ask anyone who has tasted a Leadbetter's Lunker tomato and they would tell you that it's superb! People just keep asking for more whenever they taste it. Nice sized, red beefsteaks can reach 1.5 pounds but ours averaged about 14-16 ounces. Vines produce plenty of bright red fruits that are in clusters of 3-5 and have to be staked early.  If you are a seed-saver, Leadbetter's Lunker does not produce a lot of seeds, so you may have to compensate by growing a few extra plants. Perfect sandwich tomato that works well also as a cooking and slicing variety. Expect your first fruits around 85 days from transplant, then until frost! .
  • Donskoi Tomato

    Donskoi tomato is a very large beefsteak that could create your record breaking fruits. Our largest were well over two pounds and smallest about 1.5 pounds. But we did not grow it for size only. It was recommend to us because of its taste. I did like it a lot!  Donskoi is meaty, balanced, flavorful and surprisingly good for its large size. I never got around to making sandwiches with these, but there is no doubt they will shine in this application. Plants demonstrated good disease resistance and ripened their fruits around 87 days after transplant. A great choice if you love them large and delicious! See It On YouTube.
  • A prolific slicer, this is one you have to get ready for. Chalk's Early Jewel tomato is a wonderful little slicer that I absolutely love growing. When these start coming on, vines are so loaded that it's almost overwhelming. Tomatoes ripen about 70 days after transplant and have a milder, slightly fruity and sweet flavor. Perfect for slicing, sandwiches, tomato juice and tons more! Try a few plants in your garden.
  • Giant Pear Tomato

    80-85 days. Giant Pear tomato is a fine sauce variety. Red pleated fruits grow on tall vines that are similar to Zapotec tomato. Fruits are sweet and not too juicy. They cook down into the sweetest, thickest spaghetti sauce. These work well as garnishing tomatoes also. Even when we had a wet coldish summer a few years ago, these were not affected with any diseases. hard working and hardy vines!
  • 85 Days. In 2015 we first offered Grant's Trustee as a new variety. Seeds were given to me by a friend who actually grew with Grant. It's an awesome slicing tomato that can reach 1 pound. Taste it and you will find that it's balanced and sweetish with good meat. Whenever I grow these, ti always make sandwiches with the first few ripened ones. Great for sandwiches, salsa, sauces and market sales. Hardy, disease resistance vines!
  • RAF Tomato


    RAF Tomato

    Looking for a really nice all purpose variety? RAF tomato is is a great place to start. This variety is perfect for cooking, juicing, canning, slicing and more. Plants are semi determinate are regular leafed and produce prolifically. It's also an early producer. Our first fruits started ripening around 72 days from transplant. RAF has a great aroma and delicious sweet taste, that creates a nice overall experience. Good disease resistance.  Fusarium Resistance.
  • Church Tomato


    Church Tomato

    I really appreciate a well balanced red tomato. Church tomato is just that. About 1 pound beefsteaks are meaty and delicious. Tough plants are about 6 feet tall, eager to produce and hard workers. Ours showed no signs of diseases in 2019. Plants produce nice crops of deep red fruits, that are in clusters of 3 or 4. Ours began ripening about 80 days after transplant. Perfect sandwich tomato. Not to large or too juicy. Our largest was about 1.3 pounds. Great market tomato. Good also for cooking with. Made some great fried green tomatoes with these! Lovely choice for any tomato garden!

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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