• Creamsicle Grape Tomato

    Think salads and pickling. Creamsicle Grape tomato is excellent for salads with its mildly sweet and flavorful finish. 2 inch long fruits are subtly bi-colored and and pretty. This grape would also go well on a platter. Plants showed extreme disease resistance and were very prolific. Ours started ripening around 75 days from transplant and just produced hundreds of fruits all the way until frost killed them. A very reliable salad variety! Pickle them whole or sliced, they would work well in both applications.
  • Out of stock

    Marzipan Gold Tomato


    Marzipan Gold Tomato

    It's amazing how beautiful this variety is. Marzipan Gold tomato is eye-catching inside and out. Close to one pound fruits shine in the sun, displaying colors of pinks, yellows and golds. When sliced, they totally come alive with aroma that makes you want to eat them all. Nice texture, sweet, juicy, fruity and satisfying. Very little tang. These look beautiful when sliced on a plate. Perfect for sandwiches and even sauces. Plants are hardy and produce plenty fruits that begin to ripen around day 82 from transplant. Really great variety for market sales because production is good, fruits are eye-catching and taste is great! If you need a new bi-colored variety in your garden, try these!
  • Dwarf Mahogany Tomato

    Dwarf Mahogany is another one that I first grew in buckets and later moved to the farm. I was totally pleased with both methods. This very unique, dark burgundy/brown tomato brings to mind intensity. It has exceptionally good flavor to the point where its a stand-out. A perfect selection for salsas, sauces, drying, fresh eating, garnishing, and sandwiches. In essence, this is a great tomato for almost any application. Vines ripen their fruits almost 80 days after transplant and you can expect tomatoes from that point until season's end. Be sure to stake well and check back often. Once they start ripening, they're persistent. A great selection to add a splash of color and encourage repeat customers at the market.
  • Berkley Tie Dye Heart Tomato

    A very pretty cultivar, Berkley Tie Dye Heart tomato is so much fun to grow. Our regular leafed plants were about 5 feet tall and produced perfect, bi-colored green and purple, perfect and blunt oxhearts. All of which were tasty! These remained prolific all season long. As far as taste, these were earthy, sweetish and satisfying. Awesome aroma! I loved the texture! Really good choice for sandwiches, garnish, cooking and snacking right off the plant. 75-80 days to first ripened fruits!
  • Not Purple Strawberry Tomato

    Perhaps one of the best black tomatoes around, Not Purple Strawberry tomato keeps me coming back for more. This 8-12 ounce variety is packed with flavor through and through. Fruits have smooth flavor with fantastic texture, that is forward, old fashioned and very pleasing. Not sweet or tart, just very good! Plants are productive and can tolerate some abuse. Ours made it through 3 weeks or non-stop rain and floods, followed by weeks of absolute drought. Yet, NPS kept on producing. Easily an 8 out of 10. So if you like black tomatoes, or you are wanting to try one for the first time, I highly recommend these. Great for sandwiches, cooking, garnish and so much more.
  • Polish Tomato

    Polish is a nice size tomato that is a must grow if you are a serious gardener. Huge pink fruits grow in clusters of 3 to 5 and begin to ripen about 85 days after transplant. They continue to decorate the garden until season's end. Fruits are sweet, meaty, juicy, and medium-mild. Vines are about 6 ft tall, perhaps taller, and demonstrate great disease resistance. This is a perfect tomato for sandwiches and slicing. I especially recommend this one for market sales because its taste is similar to Pink Brandywine. This, for sure, would encourage return customers!
  • White Currant Tomato

    White Currant is without a doubt the hardiest and the most stubborn tomato I have ever grown! It is so prolific and hardy that you will never be able to get rid of it in your garden. Plant it once, and it will always reappear. Dime sized, sweet, earthy fruits are light yellow and have a soft texture. They are not good candidates for market sales but perfect for snacking in the garden. Busy vines like sprawling everywhere and would rather not be staked. 70 Days.
  • Green Zebra Tomato

  • German Queen Tomato


    German Queen Tomato

    85 Days. German Queen is a potato leaf variety that serves well as a sandwich tomato. It has an excellent and balanced flavor that can also serve as an all purpose variety. Fruits are about 8-12 ounces and smooth. Disease resistant vines are five to six feet, hardy and produce heavily! Will work well for drying, sauces and salsas too! Ours have ripened as early as early as 8o days, but more consistently 85 days from transplant in the grow-out spot. Fruits grow in clusters of  three or four and ripens to a delicious mild pink. Certainly worth trying!!
  • Out of stock

    Tigerette Dwarf Tomato


    Tigerette Dwarf Tomato

    Thinking that it was  much shorter variety, I grow out 5 Tigerette Dwarf tomato plants in 2 gallon containers. They ware two and a half feet tall and needed bigger containers. I would advise 3-5 gallons if you are growing in containers. This beautiful fruit is a plump, red and yellow, slightly above average sized cherry. Taste is mildly sweet with overall mild taste. Dwarf plants have beautiful chartreuse foliage that serves as the perfect backdrop for their bright ripened fruits. Good production, but not prolific. Mid-season variety and perfect for indoor growing under lights.  Canning, cooking, snacking, garnish and more!
  • Although it's great for any tomato garden, Dwarf Sweet Adelaide tomato is a good choice for the first-time grower to try. It's productive, has good sized fruits, beautiful, relative early and tasty! Because of it's consistency, this is also a very good selection for container growing too. "Tree Like" plants are about 3 feet tall with rugose leaves. They begin to hold fruits not long after being transplanted. Its sweetish flesh is soft and well textured. Not overwhelming, this can be a great choice for those not wanting a strong flavored but great tasting fruit. Good disease resistance and vibrant, bushy, dwarf plants!
  • Boxcar Willie Tomato

    Here is a tomato that would work well in hotter conditions. Even my friends out in Texas reported to have better luck with these than many others! Boxcar Willie tomatoes are about 8-12 ounces and very clean. They have a great, old fashioned flavor that could stand up with any slicer! Vines are hard working and produce well all season long. Regular leaf vines are also great with diseases!! It's difficult to fine a better slicer tomato.
  • Out of stock

    Hillbilly Tomato

    85 Days. Hillbilly is a potato leaf variety that is as popular as Cherokee Purple and the Brandywines. Sturdy plants produce big crops of red and yellow bi-color tomatoes that can reach 1.5 pounds. Also known as Hillbilly Potato Leaf Tomato, these can easily be used as a main crop for sales. Plants have potato leaves and are hardy. Ours have always shown good disease resistance. These have also performed well in hotter conditions. Fruits are sweet, meaty and delicious. They are perfect sandwich tomatoes! If you are seeking a reliable bi-color fruit that would be perfect in most situations, Hillbilly tomato would do the job!
  • Dwarf Banana Toes Tomato

    Dwarf Banana Toes tomato is a product of the Dwarf Tomato Project. This collaborative team has produces some of the best dwarf tomatoes in the world. Banana Toes is a mild, classic sauce and paste variety. 2- 3 inch fruits are produced on plants that are not taller than 2 feet. Determinate plants start ripening their fruits about 70 days after transplant. When fully ripened, banana Toes turns a beautiful canary yellow. Very pretty fruits that can do well for cooking and canning also. Perfect for container and small space gardening!
  • Banana Legs Tomato

    Banana Legs tomato is a determinate variety that can out-produce anything. 2.5 feet tall plants produce elongated fruits that ripen to a beautiful canary yellow. Plants still need to be staked because they are prolific and quickly become top heavy. Fruits are milder and sweetish with a very satisfying finish. They are perfect for canning, cooking, garnish and even market sales. Banana Legs also keeps pretty well after harvest. Try some yellow, mild tomato sauce with these. It's so good. You can expect your first ripened fruits about 72 days after transplant. These grow well in containers also. I recommend 3 gallons and larger.  This is a good multipurpose tomato!
  • Lucky Cross Tomato

    We grew some really great varieties in 2017. Among the best, was Lucky Cross Tomato. Believe me when I tell you that this is a big, fine, bi-color tomato! Large sweet beefsteaks are marbled with red and yellow streaks, inside and out. Fruits can be as large as 1.5 pounds. Vines have potato leaves and are about 6-7 feet tall. You can expect your first ripened fruits about 85 days after transplant. A very unique fruit that has nice and firmer texture. Production is good. This may be a nice selection for market sales. Stake well and get ready!!
  • Kookaburra Cackle Dwarf tomato is a relatively early ripening variety. 4 feet tall plants are tree like and have rugose, regular leaves. They begin to ripen about 70 days after transplant. Oblate fruits are brownish and are delicious, rich and juicy. A bit on the tart side. Great for salsas, drying and sandwiches. Good Container variety!
  • Opalka Tomato


    Opalka Tomato

    Another one in our line of sauce makers, Opalka has to be close to the top of that list. If thick spaghetti sauce is what you are after, Opalka tomato will easily do that job for you. Thick and bushy vines produce a high quantity of 3 inch, red elongated tomatoes that are perfect for sauces.
  • Zore's Big Red Tomato is truly a sauce and paste specialist. Large red oxhearts have a delicious aroma when fully ripened. Fruits can reach two pounds although most of ours were between the 1-1.5 pound range. Tall wispy leafed plants are good producers of almost perfectly shaped oxhearts that will make you some excellent sauce. Not many seeds, nice and meaty. I tried one of these on a sandwich, very very good. I also made exceptional fresh salsa with these. A really nice selection for the farmers market too. You can't lose with Zore's
  • Hooked On Cherry Tomato 

    EXCLUSIVE 2020

    Hooked On Cherry is a sweet black fruit that is great for salads, snacking, preserves, market sales and so much more. Crack free fruits are stunningly beautiful and inviting. Seeds were first given to me by Bill Jeffers of Evansville Indiana and they seemed to be unstable. After growing it out for several years, it now is very stable! Its original name was T-Black Cherry, but Bill explained to me that that name was used from one of its parents. Given the permission to change its name, I have decided to call it Hooked On Cherry. You would love this fruit! So sweet and juicy, prolific plants, excellent disease resistance! So much upside! I am truly hooked! You'll be too!
  • GWR Wild Thyme Tomato

    GWR Wild Thyme is a unique and flavorful tomato that has surprising taste appeal. Ripening to a beautiful green-brownish color, its insides are beautifully marbled with red and light minty green. Its vines are perhaps 6 feet tall and hearty. This tomato comes in a little bit late at 85 days but it will reward you with the perfect complement to sandwiches and salsa, and a great companion in the garden on a hot day. Bite in and you'll discover rich, complex and earthy flavors that will have you hooked the minute you do!
  • Amurskiy Tiger Tomato

    5 Days. Amurskiy Tiger tomato is a ping pong ball sized bi-color cherry tomato that is milder, juicy and balanced. Hard working and vigorous vines produce plenty of beautiful, blemish-free tomatoes. These may do well in larger containers using cages. Perfect for fresh eating, garnish and of course, salsa. Freshly packed seeds!
  • Dwarf Peppermint Stripes Tomato

    If you are looking for an outstanding Dwarf tomato, try Dwarf Peppermint Stripes. I first grew these in 2020 as a trial and loved them. This year, 2021, I grew them out for seeds. Beautiful bi-colored fruits have complex but very balanced taste. Nice size for a good garden snack. Slices very nicely when fully ripened. Plants are 3 feet tall and prolific. Ours began ripening about 74 days after transplant and continued until frost. Good disease resistance.
  • Italo Tomato


    Italo Tomato

    Italo tomato is a huge oxheart that can reach 3.5 pounds. I have heard stories that some growers have harvested 5 pounders. I will have to see that to believe it! These averaged 2 pounds and got smaller as the season wound down. At the height of the season we were harvesting 2 pounders all day long! Italo is meaty, sweet, weighty and solid. Fine tomato taste. Ripens red. Plants are not necessarily tall, perhaps 4-5 feet but produce a good amount of fruits. These held up great against diseases! Perfect for sandwiches, cooking, or even making some superb sauce. Plants will need plenty of early support!
  • Red Zebra Tomato

    Red Zebra tomato is a popular, ping pong ball size, bi-color red and yellow fruit. I always have great success whenever I grow these. When well ripened, Red Zebra tomato is milder, on the sweet side, and very juicy. Overall, it has good balance and taste appeal. 5 foot tall vines have have done well when sprayed with copper sulfate. They are quick to ripen their fruits. You can expect your first blush around 70 days. This tomato remains popular.
  • Millefleur Tomato


    Millefleur Tomato

    Millefleur tomato is a sweet cherry that produces 50 and more sweet, yellow cherries per cluster! Our plants were about 5 feet tall in full sun and started ripening their fruits about 75 days after transplant into the garden. Once they started ripening they never stopped until season's end! Very hardy with good disease resistance! Awesome for snacking, salads, green pickles and especially preserves. These may work well in larger containers such as 5 gallons or so. You will love the taste and production on these!
  • Red Lithium Tomato


    Red Lithium Tomato

    Wow! Talk about pretty! Red Lithium tomato is a prolific producer of some of the prettiest bi-colored, red with yellow/gold striped tomatoes.  A bee cross from Lithium Sunset in Fred Hempel's garden, then stabilized by Marsha Eisenberg in Florida, ours averaged 5 -10 ounces. Plants were about 4-5 feet tall and showed really good disease resistance. These were forward mildly sweet, with good balance  and flavorful. Nice texture too! A juicy tomato, they were great snacks in the garden! Get your baskets ready, Red Lithium tomatoes are going to fill them up many times over! Plants will need some staking! Red Lithium tomatoes began ripening around day 76 after transplant.
  • Blue Fire Tomato

    Blue Fire tomato is a beautiful and unique antho slicer that is worth growing. 3-6 ounce oblate fruits are borne on skinny, productive vines. This variety can easily be identified by its intense speckling. As they begin to ripen, fruits begin to look more speckled, turning every head that sees them. Plants can be 6 feet tall and begin to ripen fruits about 75 days after transplant. Fruits are not fully ripened  until they have turned a delightful red and black with brownish speckles. These are great for garnishing, salads, fresh eating and excellent for market sales. Milder but balanced!

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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