• Barby Tomato


    Barby Tomato

    Another new and rare determinate variety here in 2019, Barby tomato is perhaps my favorite of them all. Short plants produce big crops of deep red, blemish-free and flavorful fruits. These are perfect little slicers too. Along with Birch, these two produced a bunch of early and tasty fruits. I especially love Barby because it showed no signs of diseases and held up very well, even in a tough season. Perfect for cooking, juicing, snacking, canning, stews and more. Good choice for early market tomatoes. I also suspect that they will perform admirably in containers of perhaps 4 gallons and larger. Try these you will like them.
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    If you are love growing fun and tasty varieties, Curly Kaley tomato would definitely be one to try. This variety is perfect for containers or patio growing.  Plants are about 15-20 inches tall. Very unique plants look like they have the stick gene with very thick, firm trunks and narrow width. They produce plenty, slightly elongated, red cherry tomatoes. These are very tasty and firm to the touch. This can be placed in the micro-dwarf or dwarf categories. Fruits are fleshy treats, have a low seed count, and they are sweet and tangy. Perfect salad and snacking tomato. Plants have a indeterminate habit and continue producing all season long. Best grown in a 1-2 gallon container.
  • Big beefsteak tomatoes are what you will get when you grow Granny Harriet's Heirloom Tomato. I was totally blown away by these! I acquired these seeds from my friend, who wanted me to let everyone know that his family had grown them for more than 80 years and that he is still growing them. Granny Harriet's easily surpasses 1 pound and most are between 1.5 and 2 pounds. They are very balanced and ready for any sandwich! I especially enjoyed mine with a little salt and pepper. Stake vines well for best results. Our first fruits ripened around 88 days after transplant!  
  • Madajar Tomato

    Madajar Tomato is a large meaty beefsteak variety. I love these for sandwiches and even diced up in salads. It's very meaty and is the perfect sandwich variety. On a sliced platter with other varieties, it stands out. These have very little seeds so save them well. Our biggest fruits reached 18 ounces and the smallest ones were about 10 ounces. It took about 83 days for us to realize our first ripened fruits but it was well worth it. Madajar is sweet, fleshy/meaty, full-flavored and has good old time feel. A winner at the market. Production is good but not prolific. A good beefsteak for anything beefsteak tomatoes can do!  
  • Valentina Doohova tomato is easily one of the best red oxhearts that we have grown. This super clean tomato is also very pretty. Reminiscent of Mayo's Delight, this cutie is pack full of flavor and ready for a sandwich. Bright red fruits are aromatic and a  perfect balance of sweet, acids, juice and flesh. Plants are wispy leafed and produce large crops of 6-12 ounce fruits that, when fully ripened, will blow you away! We harvest our first ripened ones around 75 days after transplant. This is a great market tomato because to its taste, looks and production. Cooking, canning, sauce, garnish and more!
  • In 2018 we grew quite a few exciting new varieties. Indische Fleisch tomato is one of them. Dark colored fruits are darker than most black varieties. They have green shoulders that fades as fruits become well ripened. Fruits average about 5-8 ounces and are born on vibrant, hard working vines! As far as taste, I loved, love, love these. They were perfectly balanced with earthy tones, some acidity and sweets too. Superb texture accompanied its taste, which assisted in making this tomato winner. Plants were about 5 feet tall and produce plenty! Perfect slicing tomato that will work well for sandwiches too. Try dehydrating some. Winner!
  • Egyptian Pink Tomato

    Egyptian Pink tomato is what I would consider a multi-purposed sauce tomato. Unlike many plum types, it is not necessarily a good keeper and has a softer feel. This tomato makes really balanced sauce, even when nothing I added to it. Plants are 5-6 feet tall, have wispy leaves and produce good crops of 2 inch long, tender pink fruits. This are not only great for tomato sauce, but they work well for cooking and canning too. Try eating some right off the vine, what a treat! Expect your first ripened fruits around day 75  after transplant. Must be staked well. Does well in hotter weather too!
  • Sekai Ichi Tomato

    In the last four years we have grown out several Chinese varieties and all of them have been a pleasure to grow. Sekai Ichi tomato is just another one that we are so happy that we grew out. Very clean, crack free fruits were beautiful and tasty. Plants were hardy and demonstrated nice disease resistance. Fruits were about 4-10 ounces and very tasty. Meaty, nice juice, a little fruity and satisfying is how I would describe them. Perfect sandwich, and main crop tomato for market sales. Great snacker and slicer too! This is a must-grow if you like delicious pink tomatoes!
  • Texwine Tomato

    Texwine tomato is perhaps the best beefsteak that we grew in 2018. Its flavor is fantastic! This is the kind of tomato that you don't need to use salt or pepper, cheese or oils, on. It's just great all on its own. Just pick them and start eating!  If you decide to make sandwiches with it though, watch out! It will rock your world! Texwine vines are not too tall (perhaps 4 feet).  They produce smooth fruits that can reach 1.5 pounds. Most of ours averaged about 12-20 ounces. First ripened fruits were about 80 days a continued till season's end. Sweeter, fruity, meaty, great texture balance. Recommended! See It on YouTube.
  • Port de Antuzi Tomato

    Last season, I received Port De Antuzi tomato seeds from a friend in California. He insisted that I had to grow it out because it was very rare and almost extinct. He explained that the seeds were given to his aunt by a relative from Latvia, around 1973. The seeds were spread around his family for years and eventually, some made their way to him. When I grew these out I was very pleased! Ripened fruits were sweeter and flavorful. They grew to about 4-8 0unces and ripened to a beautiful yellow, almost like Amish Gold Slicer or Dad's Sunset. Texture was amazing! These are perfect slicers. Great for fresh eating, cooking, canning and so much more. Grow these out!
  • African Vining Tomato

    2018 was the first year that we grew African Vining tomato. I was very pleased with the outcome! What we got was a very good sauce tomato that had nice stand-alone flavor.  It was softer and more aromatic than some other elongated varieties,  so it wasn't the best keeper. I especially loved sauce made from this variety, which was sweeter and thick. African Vining vines produce as many as most noted sauce and paste types ( Amish Paste, Abbittista, Jersey Devil). Vines are wispy and need early staking. Great too for canning, cooking and paste. Would be a great new addition to your sauce cultivars.
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    Crushed Heart Tomato

  • John Henry Tomato

    John Henry Tomato was introduced to me by a friend in PA. He talked highly about its taste. When we grew it out, we found that he was correct. It was a meaty and delicious fruit. A paler pink exterior sneakily hid what was on its interior. When well ripened, John Henry is like a tropical fruit, not in taste, but in texture. It has nice balance! Everything about it screams sandwich! That's the only way that I have tried it. Delicious to the very last bite. This tomato makes some very nice slices that will work great on a platter. Recommended
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    Original Italian tomato is a very meaty variety that will do great for sandwiches, sauces and fresh eating. It's a real old fashion heirloom variety for which I was gifted seeds by an acquaintance. I am so that I grew these out in 2018, because it was one of my favorite sandwiches tomatoes this year. Larger fruits are pleasantly pink on the outside and a very deep pink inside when fully ripened. I recommend this tomato for anyone's sandwiches. Meaty, dense, flavorful and well balanced, is how I will describe it. Vines are between 6 and 8 feet tall and produce many nice sized, beefsteak fruits. Expect first ripened fruits about 80 days after transplant. Stake well!
  • Chisai Cherry Tomato

    If you are in search of a very delicious, red cherry tomato, Chisai Cherry tomato would be the one. I first grew this gem out in 2014 and didn't really know what I was about to experience. After accidentally breaking the vine almost down to the base, it bounce back a few weeks later and produced more tomatoes than any other cherry variety in my garden. Chisai Cherry has an old fashioned, full flavored taste. It's sweet and tangy too, with plenty juice. this is the perfect salad and snacking tomato. Delicious, early and prolific. Perfect for kids and great for containers too!
  • South African Black Mystery is a complete tomato. Not only is it beautiful, it is a tomato that has many memorable qualities. Its vines are prolific, somewhat early, and hardy. They produce 6 to 10 ounce, beautiful, brownish fruits which coloration is slightly different than the average black. This is a wonderful tomato with sweetish juice and nicely textured meat. It has a complete finish. Plants performed well through the hotter months. This "Mystery" is definitely an above average tomato that I recommend.
  • Shuntuk Giant Tomato


    Shuntuk Giant Tomato

    Shuntuk Giant tomato is very deserving of it's name. Everything about this variety is gigantic. It has always been the biggest plants on the farm. Some of ours have averaged 9 -10 feet tall and much wider than the average plant. Shuntuk Giant tomatoes are deep red and weigh between 16 and 32 ounces.  So it totally makes sense why vines are that thick!
  • Shimblenk Tomato

    Shimblenk tomato is one of the top 10 varieties that I grew in 2017. This beautiful beefsteak is certainly a site to behold. Sprawling vines produce really heavy crops of deep red tomatoes that can reach 1.2 pounds. When it comes to taste, Shimblenk is perfect! It's in the company of Pink Brandywine and Dester, which are two fantastic varieties. I hold this tomato in high esteem. meaty, sweet, juicy , rich and well balanced are all descriptive of this awesome variety. Perfect sandwich tomato! Great for market vendors!
  • Sgt Pepper’s Tomato


    Sgt Pepper's Tomato

    Sgt Pepper's tomato is a member of the antho family. Plants produce the most beautiful oxhearts that are literally black on the top and deep red on the bottom end. The amount of anthology can vary depending on the level of exposure and time of year. Sgt Pepper's tomato vines are very skinny with wispy leaves.  They can be as tall as 6 feet. Plants produce a high quantity of 3-6 ounce fruits that begin to ripen about 80 days after transplant. Proper staking is required!  It is a sweet tomato with a hint of earthiness. There is plenty of meat too! These are perfect for fresh eating, garnishing, cooking, drying and a necessity for market sales. Its beauty and taste make it quite qualified to be in my future gardens.
  • Pepe's Gigante tomato is one of the most consistently large tomatoes that we have ever grown. All of the tomatoes were between 1.5 and 2.5 pounds. Even towards the end of the season, they were still more than one pound. This giant sized fruit bears on plants that are tall and lanky. They are meaty, balanced, sweet, and juicy. Plants ripen their fruits about 95 days after transplant. Stake well and often with regular revisions. These are perfect for sandwiches, sauces, market sales, cooking, and even salsa. Bring friends with you if you intend to eat them in the garden--you'll need help!
  • Michael's Portuguese Monster Tomato

    90 Days. Michael's Portuguese Monster tomato is one of the most consistently huge tomato that we have ever grown. So many of them approach the 2 pound mark, even when the season is winding down. Pink slicers are on the sweet side, delicious and full flavored.
  • This Kentucky heirloom is a good example of what a standard beefsteak should be. Bushy and taller plants produce huge pink fruits that can reach 1.5 pounds. They begin to ripen about 90 days after transplant. Sweet and meaty, there is a hint of acidity, after the fact. This just adds to the total experience, of what is already a very good tomato. Hello Sandwiches!
  • Huge meaty beefsteaks that can approach two pounds. They grow on vibrant, bushy vines that love to sprawl. A good producer for a large variety, Lil's will do your garden proud. I especially like these for their rich, full flavored, balanced taste. There is nothing complex about Lil's Favorite. You should experience your first ripened fruits about 90 days after transplant. After that, they will just keep coming so get ready. Good all purpose tomato!
  • Kansas Depression Tomato

    Kansas Depression tomato is a fat beefsteak that is sweet, with a little zing and balanced. In 2016 I was gifted seeds by my friend Terry Tassone at Secret Seed Cartel. She really wanted me to try these. Potato leaf vines produce huge pink tomatoes that are just wonderful. Fruits averaged about 1.5 pounds. These delicious fruits are delicious and predominantly sweet. They are full of dense flesh, and in many ways have a taste that is unique just to this tomato. Terry grew hers out in France and found hers to be sweet also. She had very high praises for this one. Definitely a  winner! Sandwiches need these! Thanks, Terry!

  • Jazz Tomato


    Jazz Tomato

    90 Days. There are so many great things that could be said about Jazz tomato. I will start by saying that it excites me just to think about it. Later ripening, this intensely beautiful, bi-color fruit can reach 1.5 pounds. loaded with tons of sweet meat, makes Jazz deceptively weighty. Fruits have great aroma and winning taste. Vines are thick, show great disease resistance and produce plenty of big fruits. Stake well and revise often. Perfect for sandwiches and sauces. Great for eating off the vine. It's only November and I miss them already!
  • Great Blue Tomato

    70 - 75 Days. Great Blue tomato was sent to my by my friend woh lives in France. I grew them out in 2017 and totally over them. They are fruity, with strong up-front balanced flavors. Very delicious. A member of the Anthocyanin family, Great Blue Tomato has darker tones on the top side that neatly fades into beautiful greens on the bottom. This tomato is four to six ounces of deliciousness! Hard working vines have good disease resistance! Salsa, green sauce, slicing for sandwiches, garnish and dried tomato flakes would be great using this one!
  • Giant Monster Tomato


    Giant Monster Tomato

    Oh my gosh! It's a giant! The average Giant Monster tomato can easily weigh 1.5 pounds, seriously! This huge red beefsteak is an all purpose variety. Among the meatiest fruits that we grow, it's sweet, fruity, rich and have good delicious balance! This is a very good tomato. Vines are perhaps six feet tall and produce plenty one to two pounders. Some are even larger! They begin to ripen about 85 days after transplant and remain huge all the way through Fall!

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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