• White Queen Tomato

    If your aim is to grow a high producing, white variety with mildly sweet, fruity flavor, then here it is!. White Queen tomato is a very pretty, blemish-free fruit that weighs about 3-6 ounces. These are also a bit early to ripen, but not the earliest. Ours produced their first ripened fruits about 70 days from transplant. White Queen may not be what you consider a sauce specialist, but it makes some darn good sauce. I also love its aroma and usability in different situations. It's imperative to stake these regular leafed plants.  You would like these, especially for production!
  • Hershey Boar Tomato

  • Out of stock

    Kapia Red Tomato

    If you are looking for a intense sauce tomato, Kapia red is the one for you. Intense, 2 inch elongated fruits, are deep red and flavorful. There probably isn't a better tomato for drying. Vines have wispy leaves and produce heavily. Tomatoes have few seeds and plenty flesh. It is not a dry tomato, rather it's has plenty of intense juice. You can expect your first ripened tomatoes around 80 days from transplant. Good disease resistance.
  • Pink Elephant Tomato

    Pink Elephant is a 10 - 16 ounce beefsteak that grows on potato leaf vines. Fruits are intense, with plenty sweetness and very juicy. It's a great sandwich and slicing tomato. Vines are great with diseases. First fruits ripen about 80 days after transplant. Grow a few of these, you will be happy that you did!!
  • Deng Ta Fan Qie Tomato

    very Chinese tomato variety that I have grown, hangs on the sweet side. The same applies to this one. It's juicy and sweet with a late kick back of some kind of fruit. This is a very good tomato that is totally worth growing. Disease free vines are loaded and carry on through the summer and until frost. These are sold only here at Renaissance Farms.
  • Black Prince Tomato

    One of the first black varieties that I have grown, Black Prince tomato is still one that I like to turn to every once in a while. For me, growing these is a way to be sure that I have a good salad tomato to turn to. Fruits are about 3-6 ounces, rich with some sweetness and slightly earthy. Texture is superb. I love slicing these up with a little salt and pepper. What a treat!  Five feet tall plants produce plenty fruits that can be used as a main crop for market sales. These also have good texture that works well in fresh salsa. Snack on some right in the garden, they are best that way!
  • Dwarf Rosalinda Tomato


    Dwarf Rosalinda Tomato

    Dwarf Rosalinda tomato is the prettiest pink fruits that are ping pong ball sized. These are sweet, tasty, slightly fruity and inviting. Texture is very nice! Plants are 2.5 - 3 feet tall and would do good in containers. Production is very good but not excellent. Great for snacking, preserves, cooking and more. I look forward to growing Rosalinda again.
  • Van Wert Ohio Tomato


    Van Wert Ohio Tomato

    A very useful and delicious variety, Van Wert Ohio tomato is a heavy producer of mid sized red and blemished free fruits. The plants seemed to have held on to every bloom and began to ripen about 75 days after being transplant into the garden. What I really loved about this variety was its disease resistance. It was one of the very best this year. Taste is old fashion, balanced and very pleasing. A very nice all purpose variety for situations such as cooking, sandwiches, slicing, market sales and even sauces. Check these out and try a few plants in your next garden! 5-7 ounces
  • LLarg Tomato


    LLarg Tomato

    LLarg Tomato is the perfect sauce variety! But if you want some serious stews too, try these. What a great cooking variety! They cooked down into a nice rich and thick end product with natural sweetness and high flavor! 3 inch elongated fruits are medium firm and ripen deep red. Plants produce plenty and fruits are not too seedy. Llarg started ripening about 80 days after transplant. They continued until first frost. Take this gem straight to your kitchen and make some of the best tomato products ever. Nice for canning too!
  • Ruby Queen Beet

    Ruby Queen Beet I probably wouldn't be a beet lover had it not been for this variety. Ruby Queen Beet will grow well for you, even in poor soil. This fine variety has somewhat of a smooth texture when properly cooked. When cut, this beauty is dark red and very pleasing to the eye. A favorite with canners! Also a favorite of market vendors. Uniformed smooth exterior with globe shape. Baby leaves are also very edible and flavorful! 80 days to maturity! Ruby Queen Beet I probably wouldn't be a beet lover had it not been for this variety. Ruby Queen Beet will grow well for you, even in poor soil. This fine variety has somewhat of a smooth texture when properly cooked. When cut, this beauty is dark red and very pleasing to the eye. A favorite with canners! Also a favorite of market vendors. Uniformed smooth exterior with globe shape. Baby leaves are also very edible and flavorful! 80 days to maturity!
  • Sweet Cranberry Tomato

    Sweet Cranberry tomato is a little gem that everyone should grow. It is produced on vines that are determined to have huge crops despite rainy, hot, or cooler weather. It truly is a hard worker. Sweet Cranberry is sweet, but not too much so, and very balanced with a fruity after-taste. Mine have ripened at 65 to 70 days.
  • Huge meaty beefsteaks that can approach two pounds. They grow on vibrant, bushy vines that love to sprawl. A good producer for a large variety, Lil's will do your garden proud. I especially like these for their rich, full flavored, balanced taste. There is nothing complex about Lil's Favorite. You should experience your first ripened fruits about 90 days after transplant. After that, they will just keep coming so get ready. Good all purpose tomato!
  • Cherry Chunks Tomato

    Cherry Chunks is a spin-off of Sandy's Sweet Cherry. It is firm, meaty, and juicy, but not quite as intense as Sandy's Sweet. Tall vines produce huge crops of slightly elongated, pinkish tomatoes that are just a pleasure to eat in the garden. Kids love them. Fruits are firm, keep well, and have few seeds. Cherry Chunks is a perfect selection for jams, jellies, market sales, drying, and of course, fresh eating. Fruits will ripen in about 75 days after transplant. This one comes highly recommended by yours truly! We are the original U.S vendor.  
  • Reisentraube Tomato

    Reisentraube tomato is another popular variety with serious tomato growers. Short vines produce huge bunches of deep red tomatoes that grow in clusters of up to ten and are among the first to ripen in any garden. Ours come in at around the 70 day mark. Tomatoes are juicy, sweet, with a little tartness, and softish. They are perfect for jams and jellies, eaten fresh out of the garden, and of course, for salads and cooking. Stake well and eat often! Can be grown in containers.
  • Viva Le Bruno White Tomato

    There is so much I could say about Viva Le Bruno White Tomato! But I would just say that I feel very fortunate to have grown this variety this year. I'll start by saying that production is very high. Plants are hardy and never stop producing. This is a very tough variety that came through long spells of rain and even longer periods of drought. Nonetheless, they produced what seemed like millions of 4-8 ounce, pale yellow fruits. When t comes to taste, this tomato has a delicate fruity finish, nice sweetness with really good texture that results in a winning flavor that kept me eating and eating. In conclusion, this is a very good tomato that I would easily give seven stars. Sauce, cooking, garnish, sandwiches and more!
  • Hege German Pink Tomato

    Here German Pink tomato is an 8-18 ounce fruit. They are mild and delicious, perfect for those wanting a pink tomato with less of a acidic finish. Plants were tall and vibrant, producing big crops of oblate fruits that began to ripen around mid season. Vibrant plants demonstrated good disease resistance. This is another awesome sandwich/BLT variety that can also be great for market sales, slicing, cooking and more. Will be growing these again! 80 Days to first ripened fruits!
  • Indiana Paw Paw

    WILL NOT SHIP OUTSIDE OF THE USA. As a Caribbean man, I appreciate a good fruit. Indiana Paw Paw certainly reminds me of the Caribbean. This very delicious 3-8 ounce and more fruit is creamy and smooth. Plants can reach 20 feet tall but always with skinny trunks. Recommended zones 5-9. My grove is 6 years old and started producing last year at 5 years old.  This year 2021, they really produced a lot and would have done so even more if a late frost hadn't destroyed many blooms. Indiana Paw Paw reminds me of a banana and mango mixed. Some say that it reminds them of banana and pineapple mix. I don't get the pineapple part. Nevertheless, this is an outstanding fruit that is best when eaten fresh or used in baked goods, breads, cakes, cookies and even puddings etc . My favorite is Paw Paw ice cream!! Shelf life of this fruit is poor, perhaps 3-days after harvest.  Seeds are stratified and ready to grow for you this spring. Start a grove like I did, you wouldn't regret it.
  • Ozark Pink Tomato

    75 Days. Ozark Pink tomatoes are some of my favorites for making tomato stew. It's not the sweetest or juiciest variety but my sauces and stews come out just perfect whenever I use these. Delicate 4-6 ounce fruits are mildly sweet, aromatic and delicious. They grow on regular leaf, vibrant vines that are super prolific. this is another great market variety or if you just want to grow it as a main crop. Perfect for salads sauces, fresh eating off the vine and tomato stews.
  • Marmande Vert Tomato

    75 Days. Marmande Vert is a French slicer that has nice flavor. Oblate fruits are said to me a mutation of Marmande, and are on the sweet side and juicy with mild fruity undertones. Perfect selection for snacking of the vine. Regular vines are tall and prolific. Green when ripened oblate fruits begin to ripen about 75 days after transplant. Nice canning and slicing tomato!
  • Sylvan Gaume Tomato

    Sylvan Guame is a large, red, beefsteak tomato that grows on very productive vines. It is meaty and sweet with old-time tomato taste. Its vines are thick, sprawling, and strong, and need to be staked well. Even though this is a larger tomato, you can expect your first ripened fruits at around 75 days continuing through Fall. Perfect selection for sandwiches, but truly, you can do anything with a Sylvan Guame tomato.
  • Orange Truffles Tomato


    Orange Truffles Tomato

    Orange Truffles tomato is a unique looking fruit. Bell shaped, deep yellow fruits, have really nice flavor, texture and aroma. Not to be confused with Aladdin's  Lamp, Orange Truffles is a larger tomato with different flavor (sweeter) and shape. It also tends to ripen a bit later. Our first fruits started ripening around 82 days. Plants were not tall and produced a really nice crop of sweet tomatoes with good texture. These will turn heads in your garden when they start ripening. Great tomato for snacking, market sales, dehydrating, garnishing and more. Fun to grow! What a treat!
  • Gopak Tomato

    A very versatile variety, Gopak tomato is also very dependable. This awesome all purpose variety grows on shorter plants and produce plentifully! Our plants were no taller than 4.5 feet. They worked hard for us all season long. Clean, blemish-free, oxheart fruits, are about 6-18 ounces and the most beautiful pinks. A very nice type for sauces, cooking, canning, snacking and so much more. Early ripening, averaging about 75 days from transplant.
  • Zolotoi Vek Tomato

    Zolotoi Vek tomato is a very sweet yellow with beautiful outer glow. Regular leafed plants are about 6 feet tall and high producing for such large fruits. Ours produced up to one pound fruits. This is a very worthy slicer that will work perfect for sandwiches.  It stayed strong even during heavy rains, deep humidity and intense lengthy periods of heat. Our plants still have their tops and a few blooms, even in mid October. If you want a nice yellow for your sandwiches, try these!
  • Joe's Pink Oxheart Tomato

    A really smooth oxheart tomato experience is how I would describe Joe's Pink tomato. This one slices really nicely and makes a really good compliment for tomato sandwiches. its taste is sweeter and mild with a really good texture. Nice for sauces too! I like this tomato a lot. Plants are tall and have regular leaves that are not too wispy. Production is heavy, but a little later in the season. Your wait will be well worth it! Fruits are between 8 and 20 ounces Really nice aroma when fully ripened. Stake well! I love.....
  • Peach Blow Sutton tomato is a fuzzy, milder tomato that is fun to grow. 3 ounce pink slicers grow in indeterminate vines, have decent disease resistance and begin ripen their fruits about 75 days after being transplanted. Slightly fruity, milder with a sweetish after taste. Nice tomato for salsa, tomato juice, salads and cooking with!

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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