• Red Zebra Tomato

    Red Zebra tomato is a popular, ping pong ball size, bi-color red and yellow fruit. I always have great success whenever I grow these. When well ripened, Red Zebra tomato is milder, on the sweet side, and very juicy. Overall, it has good balance and taste appeal. 5 foot tall vines have have done well when sprayed with copper sulfate. They are quick to ripen their fruits. You can expect your first blush around 70 days. This tomato remains popular.
  • Reif Red Heart

    If you really enjoy tomato sandwiches and great spaghetti sauce, Reif Red Heart tomato would do an excellent job for you! This versatile oxheart tomato can stand up with the best of them! Sweet, meaty and juicy, Wes tomatoes bear on plants that are about 6 feet tall. Vines are wispy leaved, skinny and produce plenty of 5-10 ounce, red heart shaped fruits. Expect your first ripened tomatoes around 75 days from transplant. Stake week and early for the best results!
  • Reinhard Kraft's Chocolate Heart Tomato

    The most beautiful chocolate oxhearts that you will ever see! Full flavored, intense taste and so beautiful! When you grow Reinhard Kraft's Chocolate Heart tomato you will immediately put it on your annual list. I couldn't eat many of these because 4 of my 6 plants died in the floods after 21 days of non-stop rain. I saved all of the seeds I could from most of the remaining fruits and only ate three smaller fruits. They were so good that I am growing  many more plants next year for seeds, market and personal use. Intensely colored brown fruits are meaty, wonderfully textured and aromatic. Great choice for almost anything, but you must eat a few right off of the vine. Plants produce plenty! Great disease resistance! Recommended!
  • Reinhard Kraft's Giant Astrakhansky Tomato

    When you grow out Reinhard Kraft's Giant Astrakhansky tomato, you will get beautiful pink fruits that weigh up to 14 ounces. Honestly, these among the best tomatoes that I grew in 2019. Texture as smooth as silk, with perfect balance. Perfect mix of sweets, acids and other complimenting flavors.  Plants are prolific and hardy. Ours reached about 5.5 feet. These are mid season tomatoes. Ours begin to ripen around day 80. Superb aroma when fully ripened. Perfect sandwich tomato. Also a great consideration for market sales, slicing, cooking and more. Truly a good all purpose variety.
  • I have been growing some of Reinhard's products for several years now and he always breeds some top of the line varieties. I especially like his cherry tomatoes! This year I grew Reinhard Kraft's Goldkirsche tomato, a light yellow, dime to nickel sized cherry, that will blow you away with its production. 4-5 feet tall, indeterminate plants are slow growing, but once they catch on, produced so many tomatoes that I was hardly able to keep up.  Fruits came in bunches of 10-15 and began to ripen about 70 days after transplant. Once they started coming in, it was off to the races every day picking all summer long! These are very sweet and juicy, with a semi firm to softish feel. Like good candy! Will do well in larger containers too!
  • Looking for a unique and rare tomato with plenty appeal? Reinhard Kraft's Green Heart tomato could be the one. As far as I know, it's only one of a few green oxheart beefsteaks. This gem is all meat and no bones. Very dense, 8-16 ounce oxhearts ripen green and just pop with flavor. A great place for anyone to start if they have never tasted a green when ripened tomato. True to the oxheart family, RKGH is flavorful and very tasty. This is a great choice for sandwiches, fresh eating, sauces, and more. They are a little bit late though. Our first ripened fruits came in around 85 days, but I promise you, the wait was well worth it! Recommended!
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    Reinhard Kraft's Purple Heart Tomato

    For several years I have been trying some varieties by this breeder. This year I hit another jackpot with three of his varieties. Reinhard Kraft's Purple Heart tomato was one of them. This beautiful chocolate/purple colored fruit seriously packs some great taste. I just ate so many of them. Now, that the season is over, I have serious withdrawal symptoms! These are rich and complex, have superb texture, not too many seeds and are great  for sandwiches, slicing, sauce and snacking. Indeterminate plants produce plenty 6-8 ounce fruits. Trust me, this one is good! 80 Days!
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    Reinhard Kraft's Purple Sugar Tomato

    Reinhard Kraft's Purple Sugar Tomato was my winner for best tasting cherry in 2019. These things are packed with flavor! I especially loved its production too! Intense and tasty, wet and tart fruits were missing nothing. Similar in looks to Chocolate Cherry and Rosella and Black Cherry, this one, for me, beset them all for taste. Large bunches of about 10-15 fruits just kept coming all summer long. Plants are hardy and tall. If you like a forward tasting tomato that has everything. Would make great tomato preserves, great market, salad, snacking, canning, dehydrating tomato. No hype here! Click Here to see it on YouTube!  
  • Reinhard Kraft's White Heart Tomato

    I happen to think that Reinhard Kraft's White Heart tomato is one of the best tasting white/yellows around. I also like the variety's  production and good disease resistance. This is a very desirable tomato to me. 5-6 feet tall plants produce 6-8 ounce fruits that are sweet, slightly fruity and satisfying. It delivers the complete tomato experience! They started ripening about 80 days after transplant. When fully ripened you'll find a beautiful pink blushing on its blossom end. This marbling can also be found when sliced! Nice choice for plating/garnish, slicing, cooking, sauces and of course eating right out of the garden! Another great tomato from Mr. Kraft, another win for the tomato community!
  • Reisentraube Tomato

    Reisentraube tomato is another popular variety with serious tomato growers. Short vines produce huge bunches of deep red tomatoes that grow in clusters of up to ten and are among the first to ripen in any garden. Ours come in at around the 70 day mark. Tomatoes are juicy, sweet, with a little tartness, and softish. They are perfect for jams and jellies, eaten fresh out of the garden, and of course, for salads and cooking. Stake well and eat often! Can be grown in containers.
  • Regina Red micro dwarf tomato is a really sturdy cherry variety that grows on 10 inch plants or shorter. This well balanced fruit is delicious and slightly tangy, with good sweetness too! One of the things that I love about this variety is that it produces plenty fruits for such a small plant. 50-55 Days!  
  • Rejina Yellow micro dwarf tomato is an average sized cherry tomato that are borne on 8-10 inch plants. They are sweeter and mild with good flavor and plenty of juice. Ripened fruits are softer and have a really nice tomato aroma. tomatoes ripen to a very beautiful angry yellow. Plants produces a lot of fruits for their diminutive sizes. You can expect ripened fruit around 50-55 days after transplant.
  • Relleno Pepper

    If you are a serious pepper grower you should never go without Relleno Peppers in your garden. This pepper has the perfect heat for anything cooking, flakes or powder. Vibrant and prolific plants are hard workers. Low heat fruits are perfect for frying, grilling, cooking, fresh salsa and more. Chop up and sprinkle fresh on your meals, delicious. Great stand alone pepper for any meal in which you desire low heat!
  • Rhode Island Early Tomato

    Rhode Island Early tomato is an variety that produces plenty 3-4 ounce, red fruits that have a mildly acidic taste. I really like this as an early producer, especially because they are not bland. These are useful for cooking, canning, nice tomato juice and early market sales. So a good all-purpose variety. Plants are determinate and stocky.  Our first fruits came in at around 67 days from transplant, even earlier than all of our cherry varieties. Get ready for a big harvest!
  • Riccio di Parma Tomato

    Great sauce tomatoes come in different shapes and colors. Rico Di Parma tomato is one of them. This pleated tomato makes awesome sauce. Huge fruits are visually beautiful and clean. It's not a very juicy variety and cooks down into thick, stronger flavored sauce, that works well on your pasta or a base for your bisque and soups. Plants produce plenty fruits for such a large fruit. They are a bit late though. Our first ripened fruits were harvested at 85 days after transplant.  We continued to harvest until cooler weather, in October. This variety is also beautiful on a platter. Great for sandwiches too!
  • Roquett Arugula


    Roquette Arugula

    Without a doubt, Roquette Arugula is my favorite to grow and eat. It's the very first arugula variety that I ever grew years ago and it's still my go-to variety. Also known as salad rocket, it's not only delicious, but  very nutritious too. Add some spicy zest to your salads, sandwiches, pizza and more. Loves cooler weather. Start directly in your garden in early spring, then again in late summer for fall crops.
  • Rose Quartz Multiflora Tomato

    Roze Quartz Multiflora tomato is a high producing, cherry variety. Clusters of rose pink fruits often exceed 50 and begin to ripen about 75 days after transplant. These indeterminate, regular leafed plants were about 5 feet tall in full sun. Fruits are sweeter and mild with a very good overall taste. Perfect for snacking, preserves, such as jams and jellies. These are also great for whole or even sliced in half pickling when green. Get your baskets ready, you are going to be harvesting millions!
  • Rose Quartz Tomato

    70 Days. Rose Quartz is a pretty cherry tomato that grows on short vines. They are a perfect snack while you are in the garden. Sweet and juicy, it is also perfect for jams and jellies. salsa, snacking and lots more. Our vines have shown good disease resistance and produce well into the late season. These can successfully be grown in containers!
  • Rose Queen Cleome


    Rose Queen Cleome

    A delightful view from any angle, Violet Queen Cleome will brighten your every summer's day. Also known s Spider Flowers, four to five feet tall plants are well known for their summer's long beauty. Easy to grow and germinate, these are great too in a wild flower setting with Coneflowers, Shasta Daisies, Coreopsis etc! Cleomes are hardy and do reseed. Easy to manage and always a talking piece!
  • Rose Tomato

    I never have to take notes whenever I grow Rose tomato. This is because it has etched in my mind its remarkable assets. It's aways in my top choices for beefsteak tomatoes. Rose is meaty, prolific, flavorful, almost blemish free and consistent. I could go on and on, but I would leave some of it's fine qualities for you to talk about when you grow it. Rose tomatoes have outstanding balance. They are sweet but not too much, rich with slight acidity. If your quest is to find an outstanding beefsteak, this is certainly one. I also highly recommend it as a main crop tomato. It has done wonderfully for me through the years. hardy plants. Customers love it! Recommended!
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    Rosella Crimson Dwarf Tomato

    Rosella Crimson Dwarf Tomato I not just a very pretty fruit, it has taste that compares with the best of them. This variety produces a swarm of 6-10 ounces fruits that never stop coming all season long. Ours are always the first to produce among our dwarf varieties. Rosella Crimson tomatoes are mildly sweet, juicy, with good complimentary flavors.
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    Rosella Purple dwarf tomato is the perfect variety if you are a tomato beginner. Plants are about 4 feet tall, bushy and produce a tremendous amount of 6-12 ounce fruits that will amaze you with their taste. One bite into it's sot flesh will reveal a sweet an intense tomato that delivers the total tomato experience. This tomato easily compares to some of the better blacks or purples. Rosella works well as a sandwich maker, sauce pleaser and salsa saver. in fact, Rosella Purple will function well in almost all tomato applications. Try it, you will be amazed! Great for bigger containers such as a 5  gallon or larger!
  • Rosella Tomato


    Rosella Tomato

    If you know of everyone who doesn't love Rosella tomato, I would like to have a serious talk with them. Purple cherries bear on trellises of 10-15 and are so good that they will never make it out of your garden. I ate many of these while working and I could never get enough. Plants are prolific, hardy and determined to produce their crops. Ours made it through a very tough summer without any issues. Plants remained healthy until  season's end. These are sweet, with some tang, very balanced, juicy with super overall flavor. Great cherry for canning, perfect for snacking, excellent for dehydrating, a treat in salads, almost perfect in every way. No splitting or cracking. Hardy plants too! 75 Days! Click Here to see it on YouTube!
  • Rosii Giant Tomato

    Rosii Giant is a nice sized, bright red beefsteak that is perfect for a beef sandwich! It grows in clusters of 3 to 4 and can reach 1.5 pounds with regularity. Vines are hardy, produce plenty, and are about 6 feet tall. They begin to ripen their fruits 85 days after transplant and refuse to stop until deep frost. This variety also seemed to like hot, dry weather. Rosii Giant tomatoes are meaty, juicy, well balanced, have great aroma, and are satisfying. One bite will reveal a lot of meat and sweet juice. These will be perfect for sandwiches, cooking, sauces, drying, and market sales.
  • Rosy Finch Micro Dwarf Tomato

    Looking for a new micro dwarf tomato for your collection? Try Rosy Finch Micro dwarf tomato. These can be grown in 3/4 to 1 gallon. The prettiest of pinks that you will ever see on a tomato, Rosy Finch is sweetish and milder with really good overall flavor. When well ripened, cherry sized fruits have the perfect texture and taste to make an excellent snack. Plants are about 8-10 inches tall and produce plenty. These are not very seedy.  Can be grown indoors under lights or outdoors in small containers, or perhaps in raised beds around plants of similar sizes. A great addition to any micro dwarf tomato collection!
  • Royal Hillbilly Tomato

    Royal Hillbilly is a 6 to 8 ounce size red tomato that is milder and juicy. Its vines are not excessively tall, but they produce quite a lot so early staking is necessary. I like this variety a lot for making tomato juice and salsa. Expect your fruits to ripen about 80 to 85 days after transplant.

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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