• Blue Keyes Tomato

    I grew Blue Keyes tomato for the first time in 2018 and it's going to be on my list again for 2019. This time I will be taking them to the market. Tiny antho, cherry fruits, are so uniquely colored that they always turn heads. In addition, they are perfect little pear shaped things. Bottom ends are a mix of green, orange and some antho striping that is like a work of art. Blue Keyes taste good too! They are somewhat earthy, acidic with sweet undertones and on the mild side. These are perfect for canning, dehydrating, salads, garnish, fresh salsa and more. But the way I enjoy them best is right off the vine on a cool morning. These will also grow well in larger containers. Try a 4-5 gallon size or larger! Go for it!  
  • Gary’O Sena Tomato


    Gary'O Sena Tomato

    Blessed with outstanding flavor and super production, Gary'O Sena is a beautifully blended combination of Brandywine and Cherokee Purple, its parents. It's actually one of the best black tomatoes that I have tasted in a long time. Ours ripened pretty early too! Its breeder, Keith Mueller, did a wonderful job with this one! Potato leafed plants are huge producers of 6-14 ounce fruits that are clean and blemish-free. Perfect market variety if you are a vendor, and even more perfect for sandwiches! Even I, as a big tomato grower, has found it difficult to think about a lot of better black tomatoes.  This is also an outstanding choice for sandwiches or just fresh eating. One of my top choices for 2020. If you haven't grown these, you must!
  • Mrs Schlaubaugh's Famous Strawberry

    If you want a meaty oxheart that will sit great on a tomato sandwich, yet make wonderful, rich sauce, then you should try Mrs Schlaburgh's Famous Strawberry tomato. With this variety what you see is what you get! And that is meat and more meat. This sweet, full-flavored oxheart will blow you away! Plants are taller and wispy, but very hardy. They produce a nice crop of uniformed oxhearts that can weigh up to one pound, but averages 8-12 ounces. Perfect size for a sandwiches, Mr's Schlaburgh's also works well as a slicing type, for cooking, canning and more. Great market variety. Try these if you haven't yet!
  • Hohloma Khokhloma Tomato

    Don't be caught sleeping on this sauce and paste specialist. Hohloma Khokhloma is a perfect selection for drying and also for making sauces. One of the most prolific elongated varieties, 6 feet tall plants never stop producing until frost. Tomatoes are sweet, intense and dry with plenty flesh. Similar in shape to Opalka but consistently smaller. Great for salsa and slicing for salads, canning, dehydrating and especially, sauces. 75 days to ripen. Disease free vines!
  • Big Ray's Argentinian Paste Tomato

    Here is yet another great paste and sauce variety. Big Ray's Argentinian Paste tomato should always be considered when wanting phenomenal sauce and paste. It cooks down into thick, sweet sauce. Pour some on your pasta, or use it as a base for soups and bisque, very delicious! Big Ray's Argentinian Paste plants produce a good amount of 2-3 inch fruits that begin to ripen about 85 days after transplant in the garden. Wispy leaved vines need early staking because they begin to hold fruit quite early. Disease resistance was good for us. Let me know how your tomato paste turned out!  
  • Cow’s Tit Tomato

    In 2018 one of our missions was to grow more varieties that were specific to certain applications. Cow's Tit tomato is one of them. If you are in search of varieties that will make great sauce and paste, this is one. I made some fantastic sauce with it! It also did excellently in fresh salsa and is equally tasty as a stand alone tomato. 2-3 inch elongated fruits are born on wispy leaved vines that produce prolifically! Ours started ripening around the 75th day after transplanting and kept up until late season. Also a great choice for canning, dehydrating and more!
  • 85 Days. Heart Of Ashgabat is one of the prettiest yellow tomatoes that I have ever seen. Perfect heart shaped tomatoes that can reach one pound, will captivate you, even when green on their wispy leafed vines. True to the oxheart family, Heart Of Ashgabat tomato is meaty, on the sweet side and delicious. It's skin is thin and flesh very smooth! Check out our images and you will melt! Great for sandwiches, sauces, eating off the vine and tons more. You cannot go wrong with this one!
  • BKX Tomato


    BKX Tomato

    BKX is the potato leafed version of Black Krim. They share many of the same qualities, except, in my observation, is a more prolific producer. BKX tomato is sweeter, meaty and full flavored. They can reach as much as 1.5 pounds but average around 1 pound. Plants have great disease resistance and begin to ripen their fruits around 85 days after transplant. This is a perfect variety for sandwich making and nice black sauces. These are also fantastic right off of the vines. When sliced and slightly salted, it's a tomato lover's dream! Stake vines well and harvest on a regular basis for best results.
  • Angelina's Heart is so good that it should be a lock for any serious tomato grower. We grew it in 2015, 16, and 17, and each time, it was one of the first tomatoes to ripen in the garden. It even ripened fruits more quickly than some cherry varieties. The two biggest qualities that I like about this fruit are that they are prolific, and of course, very tasty. Fruits are between 6 and 12 ounces. True to the oxheart family, vines are tall and have wispy leaves. Their skinny bases makes it imperative that they are staked early. They are just waiting for the first rain to topple over. Meaty, sweet, and smooth is how I would describe Angelina's Heart. It will give you a full flavored experience that is hard to forget. This is another oxheart winner.
  • Astro Arugula


    Astro Arugula

    Astro Arugula is a nutty and slightly spicy variety. It has leaves that are less lobed than other varieties and baby leaves can be clipped as earl as 3 weeks after sowing. One of my personal varieties, I have tried this Astro in salads and sandwiches more times that I can remember! It loves cooler weather so seeds can be sowed directly into the garden in early spring. A beautiful addition to any herb garden. Try some again in early fall by planting seeds towards the middle to end of August. A beautiful treat, even on pizzas etc!
  • German Johnson Tomato


    German Johnson Tomato

    German Johnson is a big tomato that can border on huge! Smooth pink tomatoes are full flavored, balanced and delicious. Vines are tall and sprawling. They begin to ripen their fruits about 90 days after transplant. Almost all meat, German Johnson may eliminate the need for chicken on your sandwich. These are great market tomatoes too. Stake well!
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    Marzano Fire Paste tomato is a 2-3 inch long, sauce and paste variety from the Fred Hempel's line. I have made some very nice tomato sauce with these. Plants are determinate and produce big crops. Tomatoes begin to ripen around the 75 day mark. also a very nice tomato for drying for tomato powder and flakes.
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    Stakeless Dwarf Tomato

    One of my favorite dwarf tomatoes, Stakeless is a deep red very flavorful fruit. Short tree-like plants have strong bases and produce 3 inch round tomatoes. They begin ripening about 70 days after transplant. . stateless tomatoes are very rich, juicy and tasty. This is a perfect small garden spaces or growing in containers. Try a 4 gallon and larger container. Definitely a dwarf variety that's worth growing.
  • Cote De Saint Andre is a big red tomato that can reach 2 pounds. This tomato is all meat! You will be hard pressed to find a more balanced tomato. Tall, vigorous vines produce plenty huge tomatoes that begin to ripen about 85 days after transplant. Ripened fruits are full of aroma and good old fashioned flavor. There is also plenty of rich juicy flesh. Great sauce and sandwich tomato!
  • 85 Days. I acquired Starburst Nebula tomato from my friend Yanny in Europe. It is a very beautifu bi-colorl fruit that can reach 1 pound. Fruits are a pretty canary yellow with very distinct pink sunburst vertical patterns. This is a very visually appealing tomato. What's more, it is very tasty! When sliced, pale yellows are marbled with tender pinks, encouraging you to bite in! Vines are 4-5 feet tall, like to sprawl and hardy. Good Production! You should see your first ripened fruits in 85 days from transplant.
  • Mortgage Lifter Tomato

    Mortgage Lifter Tomato is a large, perhaps one pound tomato, that is everyones favorite. They are on the sweet side, but well balanced with tang and other complimentary flavors. I have grown these for many years and they have never failed me. Delicious fruits begin to ripen about 85 days after transplant. Perfect for market sales! These ill never fail you!
  • Orange Jazz Tomato

    Orange Jazz is a meaty sweet beefsteak that was bred by Fred Hempel at Artisan Seeds. Fruits can regularly reach 1.5 pounds. I have grown a few that were larger! Thick radiant vines are anxious to produce and show good disease resistance. They begin to ripen their fruits about 85 days after transplant. Fruits are sweeter and meaty with good balance. These are perfect for sandwiches and really good yellow sauce. Excellent choice for market sales too!
  • Delta Dwarf Tomato

    I grew Delta Dwarf tomato for the first time in 2018 and it took me by surprise. For one thing, my plants did not look anything like I thought they would. They were very vibrant and sprawling. They never crossed 4 feet tall, but were very bushy! When they started ripening and I started snacking, I had another surprise. Bi-colored fruits were very tasty, with great balance and perfect for snacking. Their interiors, when fully ripened, were marbled and very aromatic. Plants kept producing all season long. They were about the last to show any signs of fading in our garden. Delta Dwarf is certainly one that I will grow each year. These are perfect for snacking, delicious fresh salsa, dehydrating, cooking, garnishing and more.  Try them!
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    I couldn't believe my eyes when my Dwarf Pepper Like Striped tomato plants stared ripening their fruits. They were loaded and looked like pinstriped decorations. Determinate plants were about 2 feet tall and had so many fruits on them that they had to be well staked from the start. 2 inch long fruits turned from green to a beautiful red and yellow pinstripe. they were, mildly sweet, flavorful with good overall flavor. not too much juice. These were great sauce makers too! A good keeper after harvest! Perfect for sauces, salsa, cooking, garnish, market sales and more.  Great for container growing!  
  • 75 Days. Berkley Tie Dye Pink tomato has totally different characteristics from its green sister. Nice sized bi-color fruits can reach 10-12 ounces. Vines are great with diseases and determined to produce. Tomatoes are flavorful, milder and juicy. Perfect for salsas,  sandwiches, garnish, market sales and sauces and more.
  • Mayo's Delight Tomato

    80-85 Days. Mayo's Delight tomato really impressed me in 2017. It has certainly made it's way in my regular grow list. This multi-purpose red oxheart is very impressive. Weighty fruits average about one pound, but can be larger. I especially love its rich sweet taste, and intense flavorful juice. Makes great pasta sauce. Serves well as a sandwich tomato too! Vines have good disease resistance and will produce until frost. This is a really, really good tomato! Try it! right off the vine.
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    Atomic Sunset Tomato

  • Clemson Spineless Okra

    Clemson Spineless Okra is a prolific and popular variety that was developed in 1939. Perhaps one of the more popular varieties, Clemson Spineless is also very early. In most cases first harvest could be done around 60 days after transplant. Seeds can be directly sowed once the soil is warm enough or started indoors and transplanted in the garden. Okras should be harvested when smaller for best use and taste. I break a few tips off. If they break right off then they are ready for harvest. If they don't, they could be past the point where they are totally edible. Plants can grow from 5 to 8 feet.
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    Polish Linguisa Tomato

    I was in search of more sauce and past varieties and decided to try Polish Linguisa tomato. Needles to say, I was pleased with its performance. Our plants produced huge amounts of 2-3 inch, elongated fruits that kept coming all season long. I also like that they showed good disease resistance to early blight. I did spray them once as a preventative. Polish Linguisa made some first class sauce and salsa. It reminded me of Abbittista, another fine sauce tomato! I did not make paste but I suspect it will work well for that too! A nice choice for anyone wanting to make thick and rich sauce without much effort! 80 Days!
  • Dwarf Lucky Leprechaun tomato was the biggest surprise for us in the 2018 season. It caught me totally off guard by being the earliest variety out of 215 to begin ripening.  We recorded its first ripened fruits in 62-64 days after transplant. I thought that this could be the case because there may have been some fruit setting when we transplanted it. But that was not the case,  because all of our Lucky Leprechaun plants were ripening fruits at the same time.  From that point they never stopped until the crop was done. Determinate plants are not taller than 2.5 feet and remain loaded. Fruits are mildly sweet and juicy. Nice flavor, not bland! A fantastic choice for early and container gardens.
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    Alabama Red Okra

    I was introduced to Alabama Red Okra in 2018. The gifter of my seeds had really high reviews for the variety, so I decided to grow them out. I started seeds late and directly in the ground, around mid-June. By Mid September I already had harvested several times. I harvested many times more, until frosts filled the plants. Alabama Red is a very flavorful okra. What I like also, is that they remain soft for a much longer time than many varieties. So you can get maximum use. These okras have a nutty flavor. I enjoyed them fried and in some okra soup. I did not make gumbo but my friends tell me that's where they really shine!
  • Rosella Tomato


    Rosella Tomato

    If you know of everyone who doesn't love Rosella tomato, I would like to have a serious talk with them. Purple cherries bear on trellises of 10-15 and are so good that they will never make it out of your garden. I ate many of these while working and I could never get enough. Plants are prolific, hardy and determined to produce their crops. Ours made it through a very tough summer without any issues. Plants remained healthy until  season's end. These are sweet, with some tang, very balanced, juicy with super overall flavor. Great cherry for canning, perfect for snacking, excellent for dehydrating, a treat in salads, almost perfect in every way. No splitting or cracking. Hardy plants too! 75 Days! Click Here to see it on YouTube!
  • Myriam Tomato


    Myriam Tomato

    Bunches and bunches of bright red cherries is what you will harvest over and over again. Mariam Cherry tomato is a prolific multiflora type that will produce so many great cherries for you that you head will spin. Indeterminate plants were between 5 and 6 feet tall and started ripening very early in the season. Most clusters had 40- more than 60 tomatoes on them. Disease resistance was very good and fruits were sweet over tart. Excellent snack, great for preserves and canning whole. I am really happy that I tried this one! Will definitely grow again!

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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