• Ponderosa Beefsteak Tomato

    Ponderosa Beefsteak is a prolific producer of 6 to 10 ounce fruits that can be used for many things. Vines are about 4.5 to 5 feet tall and begin to ripen their fruits about 75 days after transplant. Once fruits begin coming on, there will be many pounds per plant. Please stake well and harvest in a timely manner so that other fruits can begin to ripen. Ponderosa Beefsteak is balanced, mildly sweet, juicy and delicious. It is a perfect tomato for sandwiches, salsa, slicing, and cooking. I suspect that it will also be a good tomato for drying and making tomato powder. An excellent choice for market vendors!
  • Tomate Cimarron Legendario

    One of the strangest tasting varieties I have ever grown, Tomate Cimarron Legendario is truly difficult for me to explain. It's not sweet or acidic. In fact, it doesn't even taste like a tomato. There is a lingering taste that's interesting and inviting, but to me, it's not very tomatoey. It's a Cuban cherry variety for which I was gifted seeds. What I do know is that it has perhaps the best resistance to disease than any variety I have ever grown. This variety is prolific, hardy and as solid as you could find. I am just not sure about the taste. Try some and give me some feedback. 65 days to ripen from transplant. (Gatersleben LYC 3468)
  • Another nice surprise for me in 2021. I absolutely paid this variety no attention and almost didn't have enough time to harvest them. When I was almost done harvesting everything else, Sue's Little Red Heart was there, waiting for me to pick and enjoy. Forward tasting, slightly heart/plum shaped fruits are the perfect garden snack. Free of cracks, I have no doubt that this tomato would make great sauce. It would most definitely be great for dehydrating for powder of flakes, where I feel its flavor will really sparkle. Our plants were about 5 feet tall and seemed to be a little later to ripen, even though I am not sure. Taste was very good!
  • Trip L Crop Tomato

    Trip L Crop Tomato is certainly a producer. Our plants produced so many, I thought they would never stop.  3-4 ounce fruits are sweetish with good tomato flavor and plenty character. Plants are tall, perhaps 6-7 feet, bushy and vibrant. This is certainly an all purpose variety and can easily be a main market crop. If you are seeking a huge producer with good flavor, plant these, then prepare yourself with a big basket.
  • Valencia Tomato

  • Super Choice Tomato

    Super Choice tomato is a Kentucky heirloom beefsteak that did well for us in our 2018 grow-outs. Thick steamed, indeterminate and bushy plants, grew to about 7 feet tall and produced 12-20 ounce, red tomatoes with outstanding flavor. When well ripened, Super Choice is flavorful, meaty, smooth and a little tangy. there are some sweetish under-tones. I especially liked them sliced with a little salt and pepper. They were great on sandwiches too! Vines were not prolific but produced plenty for their fruit size.  I am placing this one in the balanced category with plenty of flavors to experience. Nice sandwich tomato. Made some great fried greens!
  • Pink Boar Tomato

    or the record, I like this tomato. I was really surprised with Pink Boar tomato in 2018. Honestly, it wasn't one that I had my eyes on. Even after they started ripening I wasn't anxious to taste them. Then one day, I harvested a bunch for seeding...  At first glance, 4-8 ounce bi-colored could easily be mistaken for some other varieties. But their distinct and flavorful taste distinguishes them form some others that look alike. This is a very good selection for first-time tomato growers because they have good production,  are pretty, tasty and relatively early too. Nice for slicing, snacking and sandwiches!
  • White Eyez Tomato


    White Eyez Tomato

    White Eyez tomato is a stable variant of Dragon's Eye. Light yellow tomates with speckles of green and gold are very tasty and refreshing. In 2015, when I first discovered these in my garden, I was baffled. I have grown them each year since then and they have always produced the same thing. Plants are about 6 feet tall and produce bunches of 5-6 golf ball sized fruits with wonderful flavor and texture. For me, taste is not similar to Dragon's Eye, which is a delicious variety also. White Eyez is fruitier and perhaps has a bit more balance. Both are great though! Expect your first ripened fruits around 70 days after transplant. Perfect for snacking, garnish.
  • French Breakfast Radish

    For me, french Breakfast Radish is one of the better ones for roasting. Although some could be roundish, most are oblong and about 2-4 inches long. Also known as Radis Demi-long Rose a Bout Blanc, these are early maturing and harvesting can begin as early as 25-30 days.  These are crisp and mild, with sort of pungency to it's flavor. This beauty is also  a top seller at farmers markets. Get ready for a very nice harvest!

  • Ideal Tomato

    Seeds gifted to me by a friend, Ideal tomato is a small slicing variety that is the perfect all purpose variety. The first things that comes to mind is tomato stew, market sales and cooking. Taste is kind of old fashioned, medium mild with good overall balance. This variety is not timid as far s production. Our plants just kept pumping them out. I just wished I had the time to harvest more. Regular leafed plants grew to about 6 feet tall and were always loaded. These were pretty early too, starting to ripen around 72 days from transplant. Honestly, I am not sure that I grew a more useful variety in 2021. If you need is for a tomato that's not too large, one that can cover many bases, this is a great choice!
  • Moya Jaune Tomato

    I love surprises! And Moya Jaune tomato has certainly been a surprise. I was gifted seeds for this variety by Terry from Secret Seed Cartel. Fruits were just as she described. Mine were slightly sweet, rich and mild but not too much. In fact I thought they were perfect. Moya Jaune plants produced plenty of 6-16 ounce fruits that began to ripen about 80 days after transplant. Pale yellow fruits were, for the most part, blemish free. Ours had a really nice aroma when fully ripened and sliced. Perfect for sandwiches, slicing, on a platter, cooking and more. Exceptional as a main crop market variety!  
  • Bejing Zao Shu Tomato

    I have been been concentrating on some Chinese varieties since 2015. What I have noticed is that they have some very distinct characteristics. Most of them veer on the sweet side. Bejing Zao Shu tomato is no different. This three ounce, bright red tomato, is sweet and rich. It also has faint after-taste of fruits, of which I can't really describe. All I can say is that it's very good. Plants are not tall but they are prolific. These will work well for snacking, canning, cooking, dehydrating and tons more. It's a good little all purpose tomato. Try'em!
  • Sarga Trophy 2008 Tomato

    Sarga Trophy 2008 tomato is a rare variety gifted to me my Aud Zenberg. It was one of many varieties I attained from her in 2018. Of these varieties, some are very rare and I feel the urgent need to make sure that they are available to the public, in order to make sure that they are conserved. My grow-outs came from pure seed! With Sarga Trophy you will gat a very flavorful tomato that's rich, juicy and tasty. Perfect yellow slicers with nice tang and some good sweetness too. This one has a bright taste for a yellow variety. Plants are short and produce plenty, though not prolific. Fruits are clean and blemish-free. Really pleasing taste. Seed Source: (Netherlands Centre For Genetic Resources, CGN 24203)
  • A very nice and rare find for us in 2019, Tschechische Gelbe tomato was one of my personal favorites. Large sized cherry tomatoes have a medium-firm feel with lots of juiciness and wonderful aroma when fully ripened. These are sweeter and fruity, but must ripen well for the full experience. Plants are about 6 feet tall and produce plenty. Ours showed wonderful resistance to early blight. Great for snacking, canning, garnish, cooking and so much more. Try this rare and wonderful variety, you too may get hooked!
  • Super Nova Tomato


    Super Nova Tomato

    Super Nova tomato is a one pound, yellow beefsteak. These are coming highly recommended because I like them a lot. Texture is smooth, taste is well balanced but on the sweet side. These are definitely sandwich and slicing tomatoes. Huge plants produce well, but they are not prolific, so production, I would have to describe, as good! The first ripened tomatoes were around the 80th day after transplant. A really great choice if you like your tomatoes yellows, large and well balanced!
  • Mc Murray #10 Tomato

    Mc Murray #10 Tomato is a Dan McMurray selection grown out of F2's, this indeterminate potato leaved plants plants are productive. A wonderful slicer for sandwiches etc, that my friend says it reminds him bacon, lol. Not a very popular variety, fruits can reach more than one pound and begins to ripen around mid-season. Old time flavor that always keeps me coming back! Try these!
  • Out of stock

    Tigerella Tomato

    Tigerella is a mild, red and yellow tomato that is early and prolific. Its vines are no taller than 6 feet and work hard to ensure timely crops. I have found that these are not affected very much by our prolonged, hot summers here in Indiana. These are perfect salad tomatoes and great for making really tasty tomato juice. Eat some in the garden too....you'll like it! 70 to 75 Days.
  • Olena Ukrainian Tomato

    Pretty pink beefsteaks are what you will get when you grow out Olena Ukranian tomato. One of the smoothest tasting tomatoes that you will ever experience, Olena is just right for sandwiches, fresh eating and or whatever you choose to do with it!  Fruits can easily reach one pound and begin ripening about 85 days after transplant in the garden. Rich, sweetish, with great balance, it's the right tomato for the right moment. Taller plants produce quite a lot for such a big tomato, so get ready to harvest!  This would also be a great market tomato, as very few have blemishes or cracks and taste is great.
  • A nice sized beefsteak, Phil's Fantastic tomato averages around 10-12 ounces. Some of ours reached the pound mark, but not very many. This beautiful fruit has nice aroma when fully ripened. As far as taste, it veers towards the sweet side but has a nice amount of tang too! So it's well balanced, with some other flavors that I can only describe as delicious. Nice amount of meat and smooth texture that is perfect for eating all by itself or on a sandwich. May make a good cooking tomato too. Try some stewed tomatoes, it may work great!
  • Grandpa Grandpa Gary's Green Tomato

    I grew out two Dwarf Grandpa Gary's Green tomato plants in 2018 and literally forgot to harvest them. Towards the end of the season I managed to get about 5 fruits. I found them to be tasty but milder and on the sweet side. A very pleasant and timely experience for me! Fruits were about three, to six ounces, but average about four. These were among the latest dwarfs to ripen, but the wait was worth it. Plants are regular leaf and produce a nice amount, but not prolific. Nice selection for snacking, salads and fresh eating. Great for smaller gardens and containers as most dwarfs are!
  • Royal Hillbilly Tomato

    Royal Hillbilly is a 6 to 8 ounce size red tomato that is milder and juicy. Its vines are not excessively tall, but they produce quite a lot so early staking is necessary. I like this variety a lot for making tomato juice and salsa. Expect your fruits to ripen about 80 to 85 days after transplant.
  • Pink Oxheart Tomato

    Pink Oxheart tomato is the second oxheart variety that we ever grew. It was the one that confirmed to me that I should grow more varieties. Since that time I have grown more than 70 varieties. This gem is about 5-10 ounce, tender pink and perfectly heart shaped. Mildly sweet with really nice flavorful meat. It's an ideal sandwich tomato.
  • Uncle Mark Bagby tomato is a large, red beefsteak, who's vines like to sprawl. When well ripened, they are softish to the touch and aromatic without even being sliced. They are excellent but tend to have a shorter shelf life. So, eat quickly! There are few beefsteaks that can compare to this one and I highly recommend it. 85 days to ripen. Stake well.
  • Wild Tomato Rot


    Wild Tomato Rot

    70 Days. Wild Tomato Rot seeds were passed on to me by Mr Dean Slater. He stated that the "Rot" may stand for Rotterdam. This ever vibrant red cherry is all you will ever need for snacking in your garden. they produce so many that two plants will ware you out! They are sweet and juicy with a very good finish. This is truly a good little tomato that I am always elated to grow. Fruits are dime sized and plants are vibrant and bushy!
  • Boondocks Tomato


    Boondocks Tomato

    Boondocks  tomato is a beautiful pink fruit that I totally enjoyed in 2017. A wonderful, full flavored tomato, one slice will pull you right in. Vines are tall and bushy. They produce a lot of 10016 ounce, pink fruits that have excellent aroma too! Fruits will begin to ripen about 80 days after transplant and will continue producing all the way to frost. Plants will benefit from strong staking.  Good disease resistance and drought tolerance. Nice selection for market sales. Feel free to visit our Slicing Tomatoes category for more delicious varieties. Happy gardening to you and your loved ones!

  • Red Calabash Tomato

    Among the earliest to ripe in our gardens, Red Calabash tomato comes in right in time to hold you over for varieties that take a little longer to come on. Bright red, oblate fruits are sweetish, juicy and satisfying. They average 2 or 3 ounces and are literally everywhere. Vines are loaded with crack-free fruits and never stop coming until frosts gets them. These are perfect for canning, salads, juicing and even dehydrating. Great for market sales. Excellent when eaten right off the vine too!  These will do well in larger containers. I recommend 5 gallons or bigger. 70-75 days from transplant!
  • Big fat beefsteaks are what you will harvest when you grow out Pridenstrovskiy Ukarainian tomato. Our plants just keep putting them out until Fall. Vines were vibrant from the strat and kept getting bushier by the day. Our biggest fruits weight 1.2 lbs but most were about 12-16 ounces. We harvested the first ripened ones about 88 days after transplant. This tomato is meaty, full-flavored on the sweet side, has excellent texture and aroma and thin skinned. Perfect for slicing for sandwiches, snacking in the garden, cooking and so much more. Stake well and get ready for a bountiful harvest. Good choice as a beefsteak for market vendors too!

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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