• 75 Days. If you ever wanted a cherry tomato variety that produces heavily, Gardener's Delight would be one for you. Big bushy vines produce what seems like millions of regular sized, deep red cherries. Gardener's tomatoes are sweeter and full flavored. Great old time tomato feel n a cherry tomato. Great for snacking, salads and dehydrating. BTW, kids love them!
  • Giant Monster Tomato


    Giant Monster Tomato

    Oh my gosh! It's a giant! The average Giant Monster tomato can easily weigh 1.5 pounds, seriously! This huge red beefsteak is an all purpose variety. Among the meatiest fruits that we grow, it's sweet, fruity, rich and have good delicious balance! This is a very good tomato. Vines are perhaps six feet tall and produce plenty one to two pounders. Some are even larger! They begin to ripen about 85 days after transplant and remain huge all the way through Fall!
  • Great Blue Tomato

    70 - 75 Days. Great Blue tomato was sent to my by my friend woh lives in France. I grew them out in 2017 and totally over them. They are fruity, with strong up-front balanced flavors. Very delicious. A member of the Anthocyanin family, Great Blue Tomato has darker tones on the top side that neatly fades into beautiful greens on the bottom. This tomato is four to six ounces of deliciousness! Hard working vines have good disease resistance! Salsa, green sauce, slicing for sandwiches, garnish and dried tomato flakes would be great using this one!
  • Tar Tops tomato is a member of the anthocyanin family. It was one of the most complimented tomatoes on the farm this year by visitors. Everyone who tasted it, had great things to say about it. Tar Tops has smooth flesh, is definitely fruity and juicy with good tomato balance. I am definitely growing this again. Its vines are tall and work hard to complete their jobs. No diseases were recorded for this one. A great little slicer, snacker, salsa tomato and an eye-catcher at the farmer's market! About 75 days.
  • Out of stock

    Dirty Curty Tomato


    Dirty Curty Tomato

    I was sent seeds for this tomato by my breeder friend from Europe. He said I could name it whatever I wanted to. When I grew it out it turned out to be it turned out to be a anthocyanin variety. Mild with sweet intonations, it is a very pleasant tomato that I will definitely grow again. With streaky dark tops that faded into blotches and blended into a light pink, sealed the deal for me. I called it Dirty Curty. Welcome!
  • Kansas Depression Tomato

    Kansas Depression tomato is a fat beefsteak that is sweet, with a little zing and balanced. In 2016 I was gifted seeds by my friend Terry Tassone at Secret Seed Cartel. She really wanted me to try these. Potato leaf vines produce huge pink tomatoes that are just wonderful. Fruits averaged about 1.5 pounds. These delicious fruits are delicious and predominantly sweet. They are full of dense flesh, and in many ways have a taste that is unique just to this tomato. Terry grew hers out in France and found hers to be sweet also. She had very high praises for this one. Definitely a  winner! Sandwiches need these! Thanks, Terry!

  • Out of stock
  • KBX Tomato


    KBX Tomato

    85 Days. KBX  tomato is the potato leaf version of Kellogg's Breakfast. These two tomatoes are similar, except that I have found them to be a bit more prolific than the regular leafed version! KBX tomato is meaty, big and sweet. It is a great selection as a main crop for tomato vendors. Plants are about 6 feet tall and produce high quantities of deep yellow, (sixteen to twenty four ounce) fruits, that can really be used for many things. One of the the best for sandwiches. Great for tomato lovers who are seeking a lower acid fruit with great flavor and plenty meat! Click Here To See It On YouTube!
  • King Tomato

    If your desire is to have fine slicing variety, King tomato will fill that space. Perfectly balanced, this juicy slicing tomato is loved by everyone at our farm. Fruits average 10-16 ounces but some can reach 1.5 lbs. We have had many! Displaying good disease resistance, King vines are vibrant and sprawling . They produce plenty of deep pink fruits that begin to ripen about 80 days after transplant. This variety is perfect for market sales because they almost always blemish-free and beautiful fruits. Stake early, perhaps at time of transplant. When they begin to ripen, try eating some in the garden. You will always go back for more!
  • 75 - 80 Days. Kitayskiy Velikan Tomato is a large beefsteak type that packs great taste. Tall, prolific vines are packed with many fruits that ripen about 78 days after transplant. it is excessively prolific for a large variety. It's not unusual to to have vines with everything over 1 pound. Our largest have been around one pound and fourteen ounces. Fruits are meaty, sweeter, aromatic and well balanced. Truly a nice all-purpose tomato.  Recommended!
  • Kuum Tomato

  • Lava Flow Tomato


    Lava Flow Tomato

    75 Days. A pretty 3 inch round tomato, Lava Flow taste as beautiful as it looks. Fruits are yellow and red bi-color and they are sweet, fruity and juicy with a little tinge of acidity. I think they are very good! Plants are prolific, hardy and not too tall. These are perfect for snacking and making fresh salads. Excellent when  dried/dehydrated for tomato powder.
  • Out of stock

    Liften Yellow Tomato

    85 Days. Liften Yellow is a sweet bi-color fruit that can approach 1.5 pounds. Most of ours were in the one pound range. Six feet tall vines seem to like sprawling. So early staking can help. Our plants did excellently in the hotter weather, and diseases were never a threat to them. Although it's primarily a sweet tomato, it has nice balance and texture. Perfect for sandwiches, good for bright colored sauces, great for cooking, stews and sweet yellow tomato stews! For chefs, this is a nice choice, as its beautiful exterior and eye-catching interior will light up any meal! Try some!
  • Huge meaty beefsteaks that can approach two pounds. They grow on vibrant, bushy vines that love to sprawl. A good producer for a large variety, Lil's will do your garden proud. I especially like these for their rich, full flavored, balanced taste. There is nothing complex about Lil's Favorite. You should experience your first ripened fruits about 90 days after transplant. After that, they will just keep coming so get ready. Good all purpose tomato!
  • Lithuanian Tomato

    5 Days. Lithuanian tomato is another new one that we grew in 2017. I am so happy that we did! Big pink beefsteaks literally beg you for two slices of bread, some basil, mayo and cheese. Unfortunately many of ours never make it that far. I eat tons of these right there in the garden. They grow on sprawling vines that need to be staked well. Lithuanian is very balanced and rich. Think true old time tomatoes!
  • Liz Birt Tomato

    Liz Birt tomato is a medium sized, pink beefsteak, that almost seems like it wants to ripen black. Plants produce fruits that ripen about 80 days after transplant and continue coming until frost.  Meaty with a rich balanced, sweetish flavor, Liz Birt vines are prolific and relatively disease resistant. We did spray these with copper sulfate, after which we had absolutely no issues. These beauties are great multi-purposed tomatoes that covers sauce to sandwiches and more.
  • Lover’s Lunch Tomato

    75-80 days. Lover's Lunch is a four to six ounce, red and yellow bi-color fruit. Hardy vines are about 6 feet tall and bear a lot of delicious fruits. Like many red and yellows, this tomato is on the sweeter side. It's juicy but not too much so. It's a good little slicer that would work well as a sandwich tomato, but it's strengths are slicing, garnishing and especially salsa. I enjoy it best when well ripened and eaten right off the vine! Try Some!
  • This Kentucky heirloom is a good example of what a standard beefsteak should be. Bushy and taller plants produce huge pink fruits that can reach 1.5 pounds. They begin to ripen about 90 days after transplant. Sweet and meaty, there is a hint of acidity, after the fact. This just adds to the total experience, of what is already a very good tomato. Hello Sandwiches!
  • Maglia Rosa Tomato

    70 Days. Maglia Rosa is another excellent production by Mr Fred Hempel. 2 feet tall, determinate plants are loaded with tomatoes early in the season. These were among the first to ripen for us in 2017. Two inch long fruits are rosy pink and very gorgeous! We never staked our plants but they could be lifted a little. Sweet, a bit fruity and good, is how I would describe Maglia Rosa. These are great for fresh eating, market sales, salads, jellies and jams. Absolutely perfect for drying!
  • Mama Leone Tomato

    80 Days. Mama Leone is a tomato especially made for sauces, paste and catsup. If your pasta needs some thick sweet sauce, you should try these! Hardy plants produce plenty of 2 inch, fat elongated tomatoes, that turn bright re when ripened. These are in the mold of Amish Paste, but smaller. Great aroma too!
  • 85 Days. Marazini Oxheart tomato is one of my favorites. Like most of the other oxhearts that we grow, it has huge taste appeal! Fruits are very balanced and delicious with plenty meat. Sizes vary but most are between 5 and 10 ounces. Vines are skinny and tall. They are very productive and are usually the last plants left standing! Stake early and well.
  • 75 Days. Mariglobe Supreme is a red salad or slicing tomato that is as sturdy as they come. If you have a hard time growing tomatoes, try these. Extremely hardy vines produce high quantities of delicious fruits. Sweeter, with some acidic undertones, this tomato still has wonderful balance.
  • This has to be among the best beefsteaks that I grew in 2017. Large red tomatoes with excellent taste, grow on 5 feet tall, bushy vines. Fruits are consistently close to 1.5 pounds and sometimes larger. A fantastic balance of sweets, fruits and acidity, complimented by the perfect amount of juice, makes Melissa a winner. If you are looking for an exciting new beefsteak to add to your catalog, Melissa The Caucasian Shepherd tomato is it!
  • Michael Pollan Tomato

    80 Days. Michael Pollan tomato is a green and yellow bi-color, pear shaped fruit. A multiflora, you can expect tons and tons of tomatoes once these start ripening. They are a nice blend of fruitiness, sweets and tarts. Vibrant vines are about six feet and show good disease resistance. When ripened fruits turn. yellowish green, so watch out for them. Great choice for salsa, snacking, cooking canning and garnish! Very tasty and satisfying!
  • Michael's Portuguese Monster Tomato

    90 Days. Michael's Portuguese Monster tomato is one of the most consistently huge tomato that we have ever grown. So many of them approach the 2 pound mark, even when the season is winding down. Pink slicers are on the sweet side, delicious and full flavored.
  • Minnie's Pinstripe tomato is a 1 pound red and yellow bi-color. It's sweet mildly fruity and juicy with some interesting complimentary flavors. Vines are 6 feet tall and produce plenty of really good eye turners until frost. A perfect sandwich tomato, you can use Minnie's for almost anything that a tomato can do! Vines are hardy and seem to like our hotter summer weather here in Indiana USA. 85 Days!
  • Olga Pink Heart Tomato

    If you aren't impressed by many tomatoes or don't like tomatoes at all, I suggest you give Olga Pink Heart tomato a try. True to the oxheart family, Olga packs great taste and beauty appeal. Wispy leafed  vines produce huge quantities of perfect, pink heart-shaped tomatoes that are head turners. Although these are a bit late to ripen, they are absolute winners! Its sweet and dense flesh, great aroma, balanced juiciness, and thin skin, makes it a great candidate for many applications. My experience tells me that you should try them first in the garden. My experience also tells me, if you did, not many would make it to the kitchen table. These are great for sauces, salsa, sandwiches, cooking, and especially fresh eating off the vine. Staking is required because vines are skinny and tall. Try it, it's a winner!

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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