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  • Sandul Moldovan Tomato


    Sandul Moldovan Tomato

    A wonderful beefsteak with good balance is what you will get when you grow out Sandul Moldovan tomato. Ten ounce pink beauties will please you, especially when you try them between two slices of bread. These make wonderful sandwiches! Texture is smooth and inviting. Overall taste is sweet mild and slightly fruity. Really good tomato, that for me, is an easy 7 out of 10. Plants produce plenty and are a bit tall. Ours were about 6 feet. Sandul Moldovan is also a nice tomato for just biting into. Little to no cracking on ours. Recommended!
  • San Marzano Tomato


    San Marzano Tomato

    To mention the word San Marzano tomato without a mention of tomato sauce would be just wrong! If you ever need to make great tomato sauce without knowing how to make tomato sauce, you've come to the right place. 2 inch elongated tomatoes are sweet and meaty with not much juice. Determinate vines will ripen their fruits at about the 80 day mark.
  • San Marzano Redorta Tomato

    Every year I make a lot of tomato sauce. Some of my main tomatoes for this task are, Goatbag, Kapia Red, Abbittista, Jersey Devil and a few more. This year, 2019, I grew out San Marzano Redorta for the first time. The sauce I made with this variety was fantastic! So from now on, these will be on my favorite list too. San Marzano Redorta have thick meat and sweet taste. They cook down into some fine tasting tomato sauce. Plants are hard workers and produce plenty 3 inch long fruits that keep coming until season's end. Also a nice canning and paste variety. Put these on your "favorite sauce tomato" list. You wouldn't regret it!
  • San Marzano Piccolo Tomato

    San Marzano Piccolo Tomato is an awesome variety for canning whole and for using in salads. They are sweet and delicious. Surprisingly, these began to ripen a little late, but when they did, we had a total blast. Our indeterminate plants were loaded from top to bottom and never stopped until frost. I found these to be a great snack because they were small and delivered a great tomato experience. Nice clusters of 7-10. Exceptional in salads sliced or whole, cooking or making stews etc. Try dehydrating some of these too, so good!
  • San Marzano 2 Tomato


    San Marzano 2 Tomato

    If you haven't grown San Marzano 2 tomatoes yet, I encourage you to do so. My plants were indeterminate, huge and bushy. They produced a lot until frost. This is a very prolific variety and fruits just keep ripening from mid summer until frost. These are a bit larger than San Marzano, the determinate variety. Fruits are firm but not as firm as San Marzano. It's a sweeter fruit that gets a deep red when ripened. Perfect sauce tomato, perfect for canning, paste, cooking and so much more. If you are a sauce lover, you won't be disappointed with San Marzano 2! A must grow for me from now on! Highly Recommended!
  • Salsa Pomodoro Tomato


    Salsa Pomodoro Tomato.

    One of the best sauce tomatoes you will every find, Salsa Pomodoro tomato makes thick, rich and sweet sauce, that will blow you way! The end result reminds me of Amish Paste, but these were even better for me! You don't even have to try and your sauce will still taste great! I planted some Mushroom Basket tomatoes one year and this red variant came up. Nice sized, heavily ruffled tomatoes are eye-catching. A few more trial runs and here we are! These seem to be pretty stable. They never varied at any point. Sweet, with a medium-firm texture, they make great salsa, fresh and cooked, too! Plants have excellent disease resistance and are about 5 feet tall. Very nice production. Try these, you'll love them!
  • Sailor’s Luck Tomato

    We planted Sailor's Luck tomato in a place where it could be easily seen in our garden. It took about 75 days before fruits started to ripen. I liked that they were prolific and also appreciated that they had good disease resistance. Sailor's Luck is an oval/blunt heart shaped tomato, which is milder but tomatoey. Bi-colored purple and green striped fruits have visual appeal!  It's texture is not firm but not too soft either. It's not sweet or tart and its flavor is very good. It will be a good choice for cooking, fresh salsa, canning, sauce, and snacking.
  • RW Cephei Tomato


    RW Cephei Tomato

    You may not believe it, but RW Cephei tomato is a fine sauce variety. Large fruits can reach 3 pounds. Ours average around 2.5.  Ruffled, flattened fruits are bright red when fully ripened. Plants are not too tall and produce moderately, yet plentiful for such a large variety. I made some awesome tomato sauce with these. I also like them for stews, canning and, when not over ripened for sandwiches. Sweet, flavorful old fashion tomato taste. 90 Days!
  • Russian Queen Tomato

    The prettiest of small slicers, Russian Queen tomato is also one of the most prolific that I have ever grown. You can literally get a 5-gallon bucket full from just one plant! Ripened fruits are mild and juicy with fruity undertones. It is a great tomato for anyone wanting less acidity. It can be slightly bigger than a golf ball, perfect size for snacking! Tall vines must be staked well. 70 to 75 Days.
  • Russian 117 Tomato

  • Russe Tomato

    Russe tomato was a standout for us in 2018. It is an excellent and meaty beefsteak variety. Plants produce a high number of 10-16 ounce fruits that keep coming all season long. fruits. That's not all, it has outstanding old fashioned flavor that will keep you coming back for more. We used it for almost anything we made, but it really shined when paired with two slices of bread. This is tomato just loved sandwiches.  Indeterminate plants were hardy, even in a tough tomato year. Our first ripened fruits appeared around the 80 day mark. Good old fashioned, balanced tomato flavor! Stake well and get ready!  
  • Rumi Banjan Tomato

    Rumi Banjan is a unique little tomato that is very visually appealing, and also pleasing to the taste buds! Shorter, indeterminate vines produce plenty of yellowish-red, slightly ruffled and flattened tomatoes that are about 3 inches around. They are mildly sweet and juicy with pleasing undertones. A great tomato for garnish and salsas. 75 Days.
  • Rugters Tomato

    Rutgers is an old standard that everyone turns to whenever a reliable tomato is needed. Its hardy plants are prolific and tomatoes delicious, making it a good variety for a main crop. Extremely hardy vines are about 5 to 6 feet tall and produce medium size slicers that will be available until frost. This tomato has a nice old-time flavor that is very balanced. Recommended for beginners too. 80 Days.
  • Ruby Surprise Tomato

    Full-flavored, rich and earthy is how I will describe Ruby Surprise tomato. Sporting a look all of it's own, this bronze-colored tomato never turned darker, like some others. This gave them a very outstanding visual appeal! I knew just what they were when I walked by the vines. Ruby Surprise is a 8-12 ounce beefsteak tomato that also have good, smooth texture. These work well for sandwiches.  Slice some for a platter display, or eat them fresh right out of the garden. Either way you will have a grand experience! Production is good and plants are hardy. A nice addition for your tomato garden!
  • Ruby Queen Beet

    Ruby Queen Beet I probably wouldn't be a beet lover had it not been for this variety. Ruby Queen Beet will grow well for you, even in poor soil. This fine variety has somewhat of a smooth texture when properly cooked. When cut, this beauty is dark red and very pleasing to the eye. A favorite with canners! Also a favorite of market vendors. Uniformed smooth exterior with globe shape. Baby leaves are also very edible and flavorful! 80 days to maturity! Ruby Queen Beet I probably wouldn't be a beet lover had it not been for this variety. Ruby Queen Beet will grow well for you, even in poor soil. This fine variety has somewhat of a smooth texture when properly cooked. When cut, this beauty is dark red and very pleasing to the eye. A favorite with canners! Also a favorite of market vendors. Uniformed smooth exterior with globe shape. Baby leaves are also very edible and flavorful! 80 days to maturity!
  • Royal Hillbilly Tomato

    Royal Hillbilly is a 6 to 8 ounce size red tomato that is milder and juicy. Its vines are not excessively tall, but they produce quite a lot so early staking is necessary. I like this variety a lot for making tomato juice and salsa. Expect your fruits to ripen about 80 to 85 days after transplant.
  • Rosy Finch Micro Dwarf Tomato

    Looking for a new micro dwarf tomato for your collection? Try Rosy Finch Micro dwarf tomato. These can be grown in 3/4 to 1 gallon. The prettiest of pinks that you will ever see on a tomato, Rosy Finch is sweetish and milder with really good overall flavor. When well ripened, cherry sized fruits have the perfect texture and taste to make an excellent snack. Plants are about 8-10 inches tall and produce plenty. These are not very seedy.  Can be grown indoors under lights or outdoors in small containers, or perhaps in raised beds around plants of similar sizes. A great addition to any micro dwarf tomato collection!
  • Rosii Giant Tomato

    Rosii Giant is a nice sized, bright red beefsteak that is perfect for a beef sandwich! It grows in clusters of 3 to 4 and can reach 1.5 pounds with regularity. Vines are hardy, produce plenty, and are about 6 feet tall. They begin to ripen their fruits 85 days after transplant and refuse to stop until deep frost. This variety also seemed to like hot, dry weather. Rosii Giant tomatoes are meaty, juicy, well balanced, have great aroma, and are satisfying. One bite will reveal a lot of meat and sweet juice. These will be perfect for sandwiches, cooking, sauces, drying, and market sales.
  • Rosella Tomato


    Rosella Tomato

    If you know of everyone who doesn't love Rosella tomato, I would like to have a serious talk with them. Purple cherries bear on trellises of 10-15 and are so good that they will never make it out of your garden. I ate many of these while working and I could never get enough. Plants are prolific, hardy and determined to produce their crops. Ours made it through a very tough summer without any issues. Plants remained healthy until  season's end. These are sweet, with some tang, very balanced, juicy with super overall flavor. Great cherry for canning, perfect for snacking, excellent for dehydrating, a treat in salads, almost perfect in every way. No splitting or cracking. Hardy plants too! 75 Days! Click Here to see it on YouTube!
  • Out of stock
    Rosella Purple dwarf tomato is the perfect variety if you are a tomato beginner. Plants are about 4 feet tall, bushy and produce a tremendous amount of 6-12 ounce fruits that will amaze you with their taste. One bite into it's sot flesh will reveal a sweet an intense tomato that delivers the total tomato experience. This tomato easily compares to some of the better blacks or purples. Rosella works well as a sandwich maker, sauce pleaser and salsa saver. in fact, Rosella Purple will function well in almost all tomato applications. Try it, you will be amazed! Great for bigger containers such as a 5  gallon or larger!
  • Out of stock

    Rosella Crimson Dwarf Tomato

    Rosella Crimson Dwarf Tomato I not just a very pretty fruit, it has taste that compares with the best of them. This variety produces a swarm of 6-10 ounces fruits that never stop coming all season long. Ours are always the first to produce among our dwarf varieties. Rosella Crimson tomatoes are mildly sweet, juicy, with good complimentary flavors.
  • Rose Tomato

    I never have to take notes whenever I grow Rose tomato. This is because it has etched in my mind its remarkable assets. It's aways in my top choices for beefsteak tomatoes. Rose is meaty, prolific, flavorful, almost blemish free and consistent. I could go on and on, but I would leave some of it's fine qualities for you to talk about when you grow it. Rose tomatoes have outstanding balance. They are sweet but not too much, rich with slight acidity. If your quest is to find an outstanding beefsteak, this is certainly one. I also highly recommend it as a main crop tomato. It has done wonderfully for me through the years. hardy plants. Customers love it! Recommended!
  • Rose Queen Cleome


    Rose Queen Cleome

    A delightful view from any angle, Violet Queen Cleome will brighten your every summer's day. Also known s Spider Flowers, four to five feet tall plants are well known for their summer's long beauty. Easy to grow and germinate, these are great too in a wild flower setting with Coneflowers, Shasta Daisies, Coreopsis etc! Cleomes are hardy and do reseed. Easy to manage and always a talking piece!
  • Rose Quartz Tomato

    70 Days. Rose Quartz is a pretty cherry tomato that grows on short vines. They are a perfect snack while you are in the garden. Sweet and juicy, it is also perfect for jams and jellies. salsa, snacking and lots more. Our vines have shown good disease resistance and produce well into the late season. These can successfully be grown in containers!
  • Rose Quartz Multiflora Tomato

    Roze Quartz Multiflora tomato is a high producing, cherry variety. Clusters of rose pink fruits often exceed 50 and begin to ripen about 75 days after transplant. These indeterminate, regular leafed plants were about 5 feet tall in full sun. Fruits are sweeter and mild with a very good overall taste. Perfect for snacking, preserves, such as jams and jellies. These are also great for whole or even sliced in half pickling when green. Get your baskets ready, you are going to be harvesting millions!
  • Roquett Arugula


    Roquette Arugula

    Without a doubt, Roquette Arugula is my favorite to grow and eat. It's the very first arugula variety that I ever grew years ago and it's still my go-to variety. Also known as salad rocket, it's not only delicious, but  very nutritious too. Add some spicy zest to your salads, sandwiches, pizza and more. Loves cooler weather. Start directly in your garden in early spring, then again in late summer for fall crops.

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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