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    Tigerella Tomato

    Tigerella is a mild, red and yellow tomato that is early and prolific. Its vines are no taller than 6 feet and work hard to ensure timely crops. I have found that these are not affected very much by our prolonged, hot summers here in Indiana. These are perfect salad tomatoes and great for making really tasty tomato juice. Eat some in the garden too....you'll like it! 70 to 75 Days.
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    Tigerette Dwarf Tomato


    Tigerette Dwarf Tomato

    Thinking that it was  much shorter variety, I grow out 5 Tigerette Dwarf tomato plants in 2 gallon containers. They ware two and a half feet tall and needed bigger containers. I would advise 3-5 gallons if you are growing in containers. This beautiful fruit is a plump, red and yellow, slightly above average sized cherry. Taste is mildly sweet with overall mild taste. Dwarf plants have beautiful chartreuse foliage that serves as the perfect backdrop for their bright ripened fruits. Good production, but not prolific. Mid-season variety and perfect for indoor growing under lights.  Canning, cooking, snacking, garnish and more!
  • Tindindogo Tomato

    A yellow, super tomato that is no bigger than perhaps a nickel, Tindindogo was a huge hit for us in 2017. Hugh bushy plants produced what seems like millions of tender, yellow cherries that were good and memorable. They were the last recognizable fruits in our garden after the first true frost and I have no doubt that with a few warmer days afterwards they would have bounced back. Tindindogo is an African variety that loved the hot dry spells here. They are not very firm. They are flavorful and juicy and almost too much to harvest. Though they are flavorful and juicy, they weren't a good market tomato for us because of the softish texture. They were indeed perfect for eating out of the garden, salads, and sharing. Kids love them. Ripens 75 days after transplant.
  • A little firecracker is how I would describe Tiny Samoa Dwarf Pepper. 1.5 feet tall plants produce so many peppers that you wouldn't believe your eyes. These are medium to very hot and perfect for canning, pepper flakes, powder, cooking and more. Perfect for container growing. Plants ripen their first peppers , which turn from green to red, around mid season. From that point they just continue going. Also perfect for small garden spaces!
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    Tiny Tom micro dwarf tomato is a very worthy variety. I love this one a lot because it has a very nice flavor and it produces quite a lot of fruits. For us, vines grew to about 8-10 inches tall and produced plenty of nickel sized fruits which begin to blush around the 70 day mark. I also like this one because it's eager to produce a smaller second crop. Keep it fed and it will go a long way for you! Like most of our other micro dwarf varieties, these do well in 3/4 gallon containers. Some support may be needed as a prop for fruit heavy tops!
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    Tiny Totem Micro Dwarf Tomato

    Don't let its name fool you.!  To date, Tiny Totem micro dwarf plants actually produce the largest fruits of all the micros. 12-14 inch plants produce nice sized little slicers, far bigger than you would expect plants that size to produce. Fruits are sweet and delicious with few seeds. Not super prolific, these still produce a good amount of fruits that make great snacks. Ours grew well in 6 inch and one gallon sized pots, without much difference in size or production from one size pot to the other. These are bigger than Florida Petite. A joy to grow, especially indoors.
  • Tlacolula Pink Tomato


    Tlacolula Pink Tomato

    Tlacolula Pink tomato plants are tall, and prolific producers of ruffled, bell-shaped tomatoes, that are about 2-4 ounces. Our plants showed good disease resistance and determination to produce in adverse conditions. Plants also like to spread so get ready for some continual tying up Stake early! These are perfect for sauces, garnish, cooking and fresh eating. Sweeter mild and pleasing with a medium-soft texture, it has a taste that can work well in any applications. Makes great salsa too! Expect your first ripened fruits around 75 days after transplant. A big hit at the farmers market! Try stuffing these with some flavored or Mexican rice, topped with cheese. Delicious!
  • Tlacolula Yellow Tomato

    Tlacolula Yellow tomato is a fun variety to grow. Sweet and mild, these ruffled fruits are perfect for garnish and stuffing.  I have personally made some very delicious sauce with this and its pink sister, Tlacolula Pink. Plants are tall, willing and tough. They produce plenty bell-shaped fruits that are around 4-6 ounces. Disease resistance is excellent! Stake early and you should have a blast growing these out. A real eye candy variety that will be the talking point of your summer tomato garden! Expect fruits until frost.  75 days to ripen after transplant.
  • Looking for a producer of big pink beefsteaks with superb flavor? Try Todd County Amish tomato. Large potato leafed plants produce big crops of desirable fruits. These are perfect sandwich makers. Taste is very old fashioned. Superb aroma when fully ripened. Not very seedy. You can expect your first ripened fruits about 80 days after transplant. I found my plants to be good with diseases, with no signs of early or late blight. One of my new favorites! Steak these well!
  • Tom’s Wonder Tomato

    Big meaty beefsteaks on tall vibrant vines are what you will get with Tom's Wonder tomato. These are a little late, coming in at 85 days. But if you can wait, you will be well rewarded. Production is also good, so you will have plenty for your sandwiches, yellow sauce, salsas and more! Our plants demonstrated good disease resistance. They were hardy, thick seemed and bushy. Fruits can weigh upwards of one pound. Our biggest was 1.2 pounds (18 ounces) but most averaged around 14 ounces. Stake well for best results. Tom's look great on a sliced platter. Good for cooking, stewing, sliced in salads and more! On the sweet side! See It on YouTube.
  • Tomahawk Pepper


    Tomahawk Pepper

    Tomahawk pepper is a productive chili that's perfect for flakes, sauces, drying and cooking. Personally, these were some of my favorite peppers to grow in 2020. A very visually beautiful fruit, our plants were prolific and really lit up towards the middle of the growing season. Although I didn't make sauce with these, I have no doubt that these will make wonderful hot sauce and powder. Try making a hot sauce  mix with some other varieties, especially milder kinds and you will have a great experience. Plants are a little tall. Green peppers are purple before turning red when fully ripened. I will be growing again in 2022.
  • Tomate Cimarron Legendario

    One of the strangest tasting varieties I have ever grown, Tomate Cimarron Legendario is truly difficult for me to explain. It's not sweet or acidic. In fact, it doesn't even taste like a tomato. There is a lingering taste that's interesting and inviting, but to me, it's not very tomatoey. It's a Cuban cherry variety for which I was gifted seeds. What I do know is that it has perhaps the best resistance to disease than any variety I have ever grown. This variety is prolific, hardy and as solid as you could find. I am just not sure about the taste. Try some and give me some feedback. 65 days to ripen from transplant. (Gatersleben LYC 3468)
  • Trinidad 7 Pot Yellow pepper is another favorite of Caribbean cooks. As a Trinidad native, I have many stories I could tell about this one. For one thing, I cut my pepper teeth on 7 Pot. Once my uncle showed me how to bite tiny pieces of with each mouthful of food, there was no turning back. This pepper has good heat and even though back in the day I thought it was very hot, it's not the hottest thing out there, especially since my heat tolerance has increased . 7 Pot pepper has some fruitiness, is ideal for flavorful hot sauce, cooking, seasoning and more. Productive 3 feet tall plants light up with yellow fruits around late August. So about 85-90 days to begin ripening. Great for pickled hot peppers, flakes, powders...  
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  • Trip L Crop Tomato

    Trip L Crop Tomato is certainly a producer. Our plants produced so many, I thought they would never stop.  3-4 ounce fruits are sweetish with good tomato flavor and plenty character. Plants are tall, perhaps 6-7 feet, bushy and vibrant. This is certainly an all purpose variety and can easily be a main market crop. If you are seeking a huge producer with good flavor, plant these, then prepare yourself with a big basket.
  • Triumph Tomato


    Triumph Tomato

    Pretty 3-4 ounce fruits are fire-truck red when ripened. Triumph tomato is a determinate variety that produces excessively. Early ripening, these are perfect for salads, canning, fresh eating, cooking and more. So truly, it's an all purpose variety. Great selection for market sales. Mild, slightly acidic and forward taste. I enjoyed making fresh tomato salsa with these. Onions, jalapeños, cilantro, limes, salt and black pepper and tomatoes, of course. That's my simple and delicious recipe. Ours started ripening around 68 days from transplant. Seed Source: Gatersleben, #LYC 154 
  • Tromboncino Squash

    A very interesting and unique squash that comes in a variety of shapes, Tromboncinos can weigh in excess of 10 pounds. They very often look like works of art because the shapes can be very abstract and curvy. Vines produce many squash which can be harvested at any time. They can also be left on the vine until Fall then over-wintered for many months for cooking. It's an Italian variety that is great for grilling or even sliced in salads. I like them sauteed. Finger lickin' good!
  • True Black Brandywine Tomato

    One of my new favorites, I first grew True Black Brandywine tomato in 2020. Because it carries the Brandywine name, I expect it to be excellent, and it was! The 5 feet tall, potato plants,  produced a nice amount of 10 ounce, deep brown fruits. They were pretty and mostly blemished free. Aroma on fully ripened fruits were fantastic. I made some awesome fresh salsa with these! I also made some super tomato sandwiches with True Black Brandywine.  If you are seeking a hardy, easy to handle, delicious variety, please check these out!
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    True Colors Tomato


    True Colors Tomato

    Again, another fascinating bi-colored oxheart from Karen Olivier. Like Midnight Sun, True Colors will blow you away with its taste and beauty. It's almost ironic that this variety is called True Colors when its colors almost seem unreal. Then on the other hand, perhaps that's exactly what Karen planned. These wispy, potato leafed plants, produced 8-14 ounce oxhearts that were always beautiful. Vines were skinny and lanky and would need early staking. Plants produced plenty, though not prolific. I was certainly pleased with production. These were bred by  in Canada by Karen and will be suitable for northern gardens. When fully ripened, these are sweeter, sort of fruity and medium mild. Balance and texture are superb! 70-75 days
  • Take a look at the pictures we posted for Tsarskiy Ljubimec. They will tell a story. The first impressive thing that you will recognize is when it starts fruiting. It holds a lot of fruits for a nice size tomato. Another impressive thing that I have noticed is that it hardly drops its blooms. We have harvested many bushels of tomatoes from just 4 plants! The true prize, though, is when you've sliced it. It is rich, sweeter, and balanced. Be sure to have a nice slice of bread ready, garnish it with some basil, cheese, olive oil, salt and black pepper...we have a winner! I recommend this tomato for any serious tomato grower and I especially recommend it for farmers market growers looking for quantity and great quality.
  • Tsarskiy Podarok Dwarf tomato took me totally by surprise this year(2018). I planted it in a row with non dwarf plants and was wondering why it hadn't even grew to 4 feet tall. When I checked my notes, I noticed that it had a dwarf habit. Plants produced really nice beefsteaks that sometimes crossed one pound. most were between 10 and 14 ounces. Fruits were milder and sweetish with really good balance.  Plants produced prolifically, I liked that a lot. I think our first ripened fruits were about 80 days. This tomato is a growers treat. Plants need to be well staked. Perfect for sandwiches and tons more. Try eating some right in the garden. You'd love them.
  • A very nice and rare find for us in 2019, Tschechische Gelbe tomato was one of my personal favorites. Large sized cherry tomatoes have a medium-firm feel with lots of juiciness and wonderful aroma when fully ripened. These are sweeter and fruity, but must ripen well for the full experience. Plants are about 6 feet tall and produce plenty. Ours showed wonderful resistance to early blight. Great for snacking, canning, garnish, cooking and so much more. Try this rare and wonderful variety, you too may get hooked!
  • Welcome to Tuckwood Favorite Tomato. This one is not very common, but having grown it, I wish that more fanciers would. Actually, it has become one of Curtis' favorites. Tall, vibrant plants produce heavily from mid-season until frost. Tomatoes are bright red and delicious. Not sweet or tart, Tuckwood Favorite has excellent, balanced, old time flavor. It truly is a nice little slicing tomato. (Seed Source: Gatersleben, #LYC 156)
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    Tumbling Tom Tomato

    Tumbling Tom Yellow tomato is a basket variety that can also be grown in pots and staked. This variety has a red sister which we hope to carry in the future. Tom produces some of the most delicious cherries that just melts in your mouth. Fruits are fruity, juicy and sweet. These are perfect for snacking on. You may try them for making delicious jams and jellies but they really shine in salads. This is definitely one of the best basket cherry varieties! 72 days to ripen.
  • Turkish Cayenne Pepper


    Approx 100,000 SHU

    A medium hot variety, Turkish Cayenne Pepper is the perfect thing for sprinkling in your soups or adding a little extra heat on your meats. This beautiful pepper can grow to as long as 8 inches. These are perfect for making powder or flakes, when roasted dried or even fried. Sprinkle them in your meals when cooking or even make some delicious hot sauce. Plants are very productive, can grow to 3 feet tall. They never seems to stop producing.  If you are seeking a chilli with high production for a small area or container growing. Try this gem
  • Turnip-Purple Top White Globe is just as its name says. Round roots turn purple on top and white at the bottom. These can reach between 4-6 inches but are best when they are a bit smaller. Mildly sweet when baked boiled or roasted.  Great in soups and stews too!!
  • Tuxhorn's Red And Yellow is perhaps the sweetest bi-color that we have grown. Tall vines produce a good quantity of big fruits that can reach 5 pounds. When sliced, a beautiful canvas of reds and yellows complimented with a rich tomatoey aroma easily stimulates the salivary glands. The proof, though, is in the eating! At first bite, there is a sugar rush that pulls you in and renders you hooked. Tuxhorn is mostly sweet and fruity with a good, meaty texture. 85 to 90 days. Stake well.
  • UJ Uatokos Tomato

    UJ Uatokos is a perfect sized little slicer that is a multi-purpose tomato. When fully ripened, they are deep red, very aromatic, balanced, and desirable. Vines are aggressive and display good disease resistance. These have done well for us, even in extended, adverse conditions. I personally like these on sandwiches and eaten fresh on the vine, which are the only two ways I've ever had them. 75 Days.

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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