Out of stockBoronia Dwarf tomato is a short growing, tree type variety. It produces chocolate colored fruits that remind me of Cherokee Purple in taste. It's texture is different from Cherokee thought, but there are some similarities. Boronia's plants are short, perhaps 3 feet tall when planted in full sunlight, and produce a nice amount of very tasty fruits. In our garden, fruits take about 75 days to ripen and are constantly ripening after that, so don't take your eyes off of them. Our plants have always displayed good resistance to diseases, but they may need a little help. Spray with copper sulfate or Serenade fungicide, those have always worked well for us. This is a variety that is determined to produce and will work hard to provide you with a good dinner of sandwiches, salsa, or sauces. Try them, you'll like them!
Boondocks Tomato
Boondocks tomato is a beautiful pink fruit that I totally enjoyed in 2017. A wonderful, full flavored tomato, one slice will pull you right in. Vines are tall and bushy. They produce a lot of 10016 ounce, pink fruits that have excellent aroma too! Fruits will begin to ripen about 80 days after transplant and will continue producing all the way to frost. Plants will benefit from strong staking. Good disease resistance and drought tolerance. Nice selection for market sales. Feel free to visit our Slicing Tomatoes category for more delicious varieties. Happy gardening to you and your loved ones!
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Bonsai Micro Dwarf Tomato
Another huge producer of nice fat cherries, Bonsai Micro Dwarf tomato has quickly become one of my favorites varieties. Approximately 8 inch plants, are bushy and create a nice cover for their fruits. Most of our Bonsai plants produced really plump fruits. Two plants out of ten, produced smaller(but not tiny) sized fruits. Taste was the same on all plants. These were juicy, medium firm, milder and on the sweet side. I am really happy that I grew these out. performed excellently in 3/4 gallon containers, but I would try one gallon next time, just for the experience. I'll report back. -
Bolivian Wild is a little yellow cherry that literally goes crazy with beautiful fruits. They are a little bigger than nickel sized and are sweet juicy and very good! These are perfect for snacking and salads. Great also for jams and jellies. Vines are not too tall and can easily be grown in containers. You can expect some ripened fruits at around 70 days!
Bobbie is a member of the oxheart family, which I totally love. This tomato is all about taste. A pretty little oxheart that I first grew in 2014, Bobby tomatoes grow on wispy vines and begin to ripen about 65 days after transplant. Plants need to be staked early because fines are skinny and produce plenty fruits! as seedlings, they tend to fall over, even with light drizzle or wind. plants have good disease resistance and will produce until frost. Tomato are very good. They are juicy, fleshy, aromatic, have great texture. This is a great all around tomato!
Harvest a bunch and make yourself some to the best purple sauce! Boars tooth is a Brad Gates tomato that, to me, is very interesting. This, 3-4 inch, elongated tomato is rich, sweeter and meaty. Vines are about 6 feet tall, have wispy leaves and are a bit late to ripen. Ours started to ripen about 85-90 days after transplant. This tomato was made for sauce and paste. Try cutting some lengthways down the middle and place them in your dehydrator. High, High flavor!
75 Days. Blushing Bride is a yellow and red bi-color slicing tomato that is a pleaser in every way. It has a sweeter and fruity finish with lots of juice. 6 foot tall vines are very productive, hardy and will produce until frost if well cared for. These are guaranteed to turn heads and generate lots of interest. Perfect for sandwiches, eating off the vine, sweet yellow sauce and more. A market vendor's dream!
Blush tomato is a Fred Hempel creation that we totally love. 1-2 inch long fruits are blushed with yellows and pinks. They are among the best tasting tomatoes that we grow each year! These are sweet, fruity and juicy, but with a very nice tangy balance. Perfect for so many things and excellent eaten right off the vine!
Blush 2.0 Tomato
Seeking a fantastic tomato experience? Try Blush 2.0 tomato by Fred Hempel. It has the same fantastic taste as Blush, but for me, these had a little bit more tartness. Still, it delivered a wonderful experience just as its predecessor. I found that plants were shorter than Blush, yet they produced tremendous amounts of 2 inch elongate fruits. I think the biggest improvement is that they tend to split less. If you love tomato preserves, Blush 2.0 will easily fill that role. Salads too! These may grow welly well in larger containers. Stake well as vines are wispy and skinny! If you are tired of being let down by your tomato choices, this is a great way to turn things around! -
Out of stockBlunt Sweetheart tomato is a pink, blunt heart tomato, that grows on short determinate, potato leafed vines. Fruits are nice and mild, with fruitiness and plenty juice. They are early to set fruit and begin to ripen about 72 days after transplant. Our vines did excessively well, producing plenty f fruits during the hotter months. These would do well in containers too. A very nice sandwich and sauce tomato.
Blue Sun tomato is another new antho variety that we have introduced in 2018. Smaller sized slicing tomatoes are a lovely lime green when fully ripened and sliced. On its exterior, fruits have some nice antho on the top side and a beautiful like green on its bottom end. Juicy and milder with some sweetness, Blue Sun has a very pleasing after-taste that is a bit difficult for me to describe. Indeterminate plants were prolific and hardy. From season's start to end, our plants had no issues. our first ripened fruits appeared around 75 days after transplant. From that point they kept coming!
Blue Ridge Mountain Tomato
Blue Ridge Mountain tomato was a very nice find for us this year. Wonderful tasting, smooth, pink fruits weigh between 12 and 16 ounces. These are full flavored with good old fashioned taste. Potato leafed plants are prolific, grow to about 6 feet tall and demonstrated nice disease resistance for us. These are perfect beefsteaks tomatoes that would also do well in many different settings. On sandwiches they are great! Although I only ate them fresh and had sandwiches with them. I could see this variety being a very good cooking tomato. If you are a tomato addict, you will not regret growing these. Recommended! -
Blue Pear Tomato
My absolute favorite of the 2017 season, Blue Pear Tomato was truly something to behold. Beautiful and mostly clean pear shaped fruits, are different shades of black and reds, with each color fading into each other. A member of the antho family, Blue Pear Tomato should be in everyone's garden. Bred by Ruslan Doohov, one of Europe's premier breeders, Blue pear fruits realize their richest colors colors when fully ripened. Vines were very disease resistant and prolific. In fact it took a second, heavier frost to take them out. Blue Pear is sweet, juicy, rich and very satisfying. It's a very pleasing tomato through and through. If you have never tried these, you deserve to! Check out our images. We are proud to have grown them right here at Renaissance Farms. -
I grew Blue Keyes tomato for the first time in 2018 and it's going to be on my list again for 2019. This time I will be taking them to the market. Tiny antho, cherry fruits, are so uniquely colored that they always turn heads. In addition, they are perfect little pear shaped things. Bottom ends are a mix of green, orange and some antho striping that is like a work of art. Blue Keyes taste good too! They are somewhat earthy, acidic with sweet undertones and on the mild side. These are perfect for canning, dehydrating, salads, garnish, fresh salsa and more. But the way I enjoy them best is right off the vine on a cool morning. These will also grow well in larger containers. Try a 4-5 gallon size or larger! Go for it!
Blue Fire tomato is a beautiful and unique antho slicer that is worth growing. 3-6 ounce oblate fruits are borne on skinny, productive vines. This variety can easily be identified by its intense speckling. As they begin to ripen, fruits begin to look more speckled, turning every head that sees them. Plants can be 6 feet tall and begin to ripen fruits about 75 days after transplant. Fruits are not fully ripened until they have turned a delightful red and black with brownish speckles. These are great for garnishing, salads, fresh eating and excellent for market sales. Milder but balanced!
Blue Chocolate tomato is a smaller slicing variety that is not only pretty, but has a good flavor. Its sweeter but bold with lots of juice. There are also hints of old time flavor but not strong. It's not a mild tomato so you will have plenty of pop! Another member of the anthocyanin family, Blue Chocolate vines are prolific and tall. Ours grow to about 7-8 feet and were loaded with chocolate colored fruits with darker tops. This is a great tomato for snacking in the garden, garnishing, salsa, drying for powder and salads when sliced. Try some, you'll like them!
Blue beauty is a chef's dream. It's pretty, tasty, relatively early and prolific. Vines are about 4-5 feet tall with darker leaves and stems. This antho variety gets darker wherever the sun hits it and mostly brownish/purple on the bottom end. I once saw a fruit that was turned upside down and it was totally black on the bottom end. When fully ripened, these are juicy, have a strong and earthy taste, with some sweetness that would work well for sandwiches.They work well other culinary purposes too. I especially like them with a little salt and pepper, right off the vine. Also a great tomato for the farmer's market!
Out of stockOUT OF STOCK, SORRY! To me, Blot pepper is one of the prettiest big fruits that I have seen. What's more, it's a very tasty sweet pepper. Peppers emerge with different shades of blotted purple, sometimes getting darker before ripening stage. As they begin to ripen, they turn light yellow, then yellowish orange, while keeping some to the purple blotting. This is a great stuffing pepper or it can be used as you would any sweet pepper. Plants produce a good amount of fruits that ripens from mid-season onwards. I real eye catcher for this multipurpose variety! Try them on a platter, mmmmm, delicious and pretty!
Bloody Butcher Tomato
75-Days. Bloody Butcher Tomato is a little ping pong ball sized fruit that ripens deep red and grows on potato leaf vines. Fruits are balanced, tasty and on the sweeter side. This one has a good amount of real tomato juice. I especially like the hardiness of this one. Vines just blow through any disease and continue producing clusters of 5-7 tomatoes until frost. Great little snacking and salsa tomato. Caning works well too! -
Blood Gulch tomato is a really neat little fruit that has a really interesting flavor! 2-4 ounce green and purple striped. Slightly elongated tomatoes are a thing of beauty when fully ripened. Boasting a mild and rich taste, Blood Gulch will make your salsa jump for joy! Vines are, fairly disease resistant, 5 feet tall and produce a good amount of fruits that bear in clusters of 5 or so. Vines begin to ripen their fruits about 75 days after transplant.
When it comes to production, Blondkopfchen tomato is in a league of it's own. This multiflora should be on everyone's annual list. 5 foot tall vines produce bunches of up to 50 yellow cherries. That's not all! These babies taste great. They are sweet, slightly fruity and have a little tang. My German friend told me that the name mean little blond girl! These love drought and mine have produced through anything!! Perfect for snacking. slicing in half and drying and salads. Kids love them!
Blanche de Prusse Dwarf tomato is a flavorful, slicing variety that grows on short, 2.5 feet tall vines. Plants have rugose leaves. They produce plenty, pale yellow fruits that grow in clusters of 4-6. Our first fruits started ripening around the 73 day mark and continued until season's end. I really love the taste of these, especially in fresh salsa and as snackers. They have a nice amount of fruity juice. Texture is also there! These are perfect for biting onto, especially on a hot garden's day. Try dehydrating some! Grow these in 5 gallon containers and you will be rewarded with tasty, yellow gems!
Blackberry Lilly Seeds
A real head-turner in any garden, Blackberry Lilly is a hardy perennial. Excellent for zones 5-10, it will return year after year in all of its glory. Plants grow to about 3 feet tall and blooms from mid to late summer. After a beautiful bloom, these produce blackberry sized and shaped seed heads that turn black when ripened. Though not edible, they make wonderful dried flower arrangements that can last for years. These will also make great additions to fresh cut bouquets. If you have full sun or part shade, these should do excellently. May bloom first year if set out early, but by second year they show themselves amply and beautifully. -
Black Zebra is another popular variety among the culinary community. Beautiful greenish brownish, striped tomatoes, are something to behold when ripened. They make the best salsa! 5 foot tall, hardy and prolific vines, begin to ripen fruits around the 75 day mark. They never quit until frost. Take these with you to the market, you'll sell tons!
Out of stockThese cherry sized fruits are perfect for salad, dehydrating and snacking, especially right off the vine. Our plants fought through weeks of rain to produce good sized crops until season's end. Prolific vines are about 5 feet tall and vibrant. These begin to bloom pretty early, with our first ripened fruits emerging in early July, about 72 days after transplant. Fruits are sweetish with good tomato flavor and very little antho taste. Great Aroma too! Black Strawberry tomato plants need to be staked well for the best results. May do well in larger sized containers.
Black Spanish Round Radish
Also known as 'Noir Gros Rond d'Hiver', this unique radish is easy to grow and has been cultivated in the USA since the 1800s. These can be 3-4 inches in diameter and can be a bit spicy. Dark bulbs have a milky white and pungent interior, with crisp feel. Usually matures about 60 days after planting. When cooked, it loses some heat and is very flavorful. Plant late spring to early summer! If you are a radish lover, try these! Enjoy! -
Black Sea Man Tomato
Black Sea Man is one of my favorite black tomatoes. Potato leaf vines are not to tall, perhaps 5 feet, and produce plenty of 8-12 ounce fruits. These are early to ripen coming in around 70 days after transplant. Fruits are very rich and sweeter with a nice juicy balance of tang. Nice full tomato flavor! I really love this tomato! It remains on my annual list. perfect for slicing, drying, sandwiches, salsa and delicious black tomato stew. Give it a shot! -
One of the first black varieties that I have grown, Black Prince tomato is still one that I like to turn to every once in a while. For me, growing these is a way to be sure that I have a good salad tomato to turn to. Fruits are about 3-6 ounces, rich with some sweetness and slightly earthy. Texture is superb. I love slicing these up with a little salt and pepper. What a treat! Five feet tall plants produce plenty fruits that can be used as a main crop for market sales. These also have good texture that works well in fresh salsa. Snack on some right in the garden, they are best that way!