• White Queen Tomato

    If your aim is to grow a high producing, white variety with mildly sweet, fruity flavor, then here it is!. White Queen tomato is a very pretty, blemish-free fruit that weighs about 3-6 ounces. These are also a bit early to ripen, but not the earliest. Ours produced their first ripened fruits about 70 days from transplant. White Queen may not be what you consider a sauce specialist, but it makes some darn good sauce. I also love its aroma and usability in different situations. It's imperative to stake these regular leafed plants.  You would like these, especially for production!
  • Hershey Boar Tomato

  • Eva Purple Ball Tomato

    Eva Purple Ball Tomato has long been one of my most reliable varieties. I thought I had them listed before but I didn't so I grew them out again in 2021 and here they are. If you are seeking a hard working, great tasting little slicer, I promise you, this is a good place to start. Additionally, its regular leafed vines are really disease resistant. That is also a draw for me. They are similar to Arkansas traveler as it pertains to reliability and size. These would make great sandwich tomatoes, excellent for market sales, awesome snacks and so much more. Really a solid  choice for a dependable variety. If you haven't grown these, I recommend them
  • Pink Ping Pong Tomato

    A very nice, larger sized cherry, Pink Ping Pong tomato is certainly a great snack, especially or anyone wanting a milder variety with good flavor. These are milder, sweet and slightly fruity. Pretty light pink fruits are produced on 6 feet tall plants. Production is good to excellent. Perfect variety for snacking, salads, canning and cooking. Can be a good farmers marked variety. Certainly worth growing and I will grow them again!
  • Longhorn Tomato

    How I wish I had grown more Longhorn tomato plants in 2021! These were sooo good! I am not sure what happened and how I only ended up with two plants, but I never grow two plants of anything! Nonetheless, I am happy that I experienced this delicious dark colored oxheart. Our plants were between 5 and 6 feet tall. Leaves were wispy but not excessively and plants produced plenty, though not prolific. Taste is well balanced, a bit earthy and satisfying. I especially love the texture of this tomato, just a smooth finish. Fruit size between 6 and 12 ounces. This is a perfect sandwich tomato. I didn't do anything else with it but I suspect it will make some good sauce. Without a doubt I will be growing this one in 2022.
  • Dwarf Perfect Harmony Tomato

    If you are looking for a dependable dwarf variety to grow in ground or in a container, try Dwarf Perfect Harmony tomato. This variety is very hard working and determined to produce. My 3 feet tall plants produced about 6 ounce, canary yellow tomatoes. Plants were always loaded and withstood diseases very well. Perfect Harmony's taste is sweet, not too mild with a hint of acidity. This is a nicely balanced tomato. It has a straight forward tomato taste with no complexities. You'd enjoy this one!
  • Ananas Bleue Tomato

    A nicely colored antho tomato, Ananas Bleue is a real head turner! Regular leafed, five-six feet tall plants produce abundantly and showed good disease resistance for us. Fruits are mild with some sweetness and overall, have a good flavor. Our first ripened fruits were about 70 days after transplant. These may do good in containers too with regular feeding. Try dehydrating these or using them on a pretty platter. Try a few in the garden too!
  • Out of stock

    Fat Frog Micro Dwarf Tomato

    I'll get straight to the point! Fat Frog micro dwarf tomato is really good. Ripening green, with mildly sweet flavor and some mild fruity undertones, this micro gem is a recommended grow. Plants are between 10 and 14 inches tall with thick stems and by micro standards, produce some of the largest fruits. These grow nicely in 6 inch-1 gallon pots. I did not see any difference in plant size or production using either of these sizes. Production is good but not prolific. It's definitely worth adding to your micro dwarf tomato collection. Check out my pictures, they are so beautiful.
  • Out of stock

    Tiny Totem Micro Dwarf Tomato

    Don't let its name fool you.!  To date, Tiny Totem micro dwarf plants actually produce the largest fruits of all the micros. 12-14 inch plants produce nice sized little slicers, far bigger than you would expect plants that size to produce. Fruits are sweet and delicious with few seeds. Not super prolific, these still produce a good amount of fruits that make great snacks. Ours grew well in 6 inch and one gallon sized pots, without much difference in size or production from one size pot to the other. These are bigger than Florida Petite. A joy to grow, especially indoors.
  • Out of stock

    Aker's West Virginia Tomato

    A really nice beefsteak, Aker's West Virginia tomato has it all. Its flavor, size, disease resistance and production will make this an easy draw for tomato gardeners . If you like large beefsteak tomatoes with great flavor, this is definitely one for you to try.. Tall, regular leafed plants produce plenty 10-20 ounce fruits that begin to ripen around mid-season. Texture is smooth, rich and old timey. This one makes a great sandwich companion. On the sweeter side too!
  • In 2021, I grew three variegated leafed dwarf varieties. They were Pico's Pride, Elsie's Fancy and this, Walter's Fancy. All three were good producers, with Pico's Pride producing the smallest fruits of them all. Walter's Fancy and Elsie's Fancy I totally enjoyed. Pico's Pride I never got a chance to taste so I probably wouldn't offer them until I have a chance to do so. Walter's Fancy is a sweeter and mild fruit, this one was very pleasing to me and I often snacked on a few in the garden. Perfect slicing tomatoes that will work well in containers also. Plants are about 3 feet tall and have beautiful leaves of green and white. A true sight to see! Mid season ripening.
  • One of the most prolific dwarf varieties that I have grown, Dwarf Amy's Ohio is a winner. 3 feet tall plants produce beautiful green when ripened fruits, some of which have pinkish blossom ends. When sliced, you will find a pretty and inviting lime green. These are perfect little slicers with sweet and complex flavors. Fruits up to 6 ounces.  Perfect for container gardening or raised beds.
  • Purira Pepper


    Purira Pepper

    Purira pepper is a hot pepper that has many superb uses. Plants for this ornamental variety can reach 2.5-3 feet and produce prolifically. It's a superb pepper for drying or canning. Makes great flakes and powder. Green peppers start of sort of purple before eventually turning turning bright red when ready. Heat is about 50,000 - 100,000 SHU, so it has some fire. Slightly fruity taste and smell. Great choice for containers!
  • Aji Limon Pepper


    Aji Limon Pepper

    Here is a pepper that you can use for so many things. It has a very fruity flavor and good heat but not overwhelming. Aji Limon is possibly the most prolific variety that I have ever grown. It's so productive that I actually made gallons of hot, seasoning sauce with just a few plants. These should do great in containers, where they may not do do well as in-the-ground, but because they are so prolific, there'll still be plenty to go around. Thin skinned, great for flakes, powder, cooking, fresh salsa and tons more. Medium heat. A favorite of mine.
  • Variegated rugose leaves of green and white is what you will experience when you grow out Dwarf Elsie's Fancy tomato plants. I never really got a chance to take pictures of plants but they are very beautiful and unique. Fruits are smooth and tasty, with hints of the tropics. I loved its production in 2021 and found it to be a very good little slicer. Taste is sweet, fruity with some acids in there too. For us, this wasn't a very mild tomato and it was very, very good. Our 3feet tall plants had an indeterminate growth habit and produced nicely all season long and until first frost. These will work wonderfully in containers too. NOTE: You must grow these and check out the beautiful green and white leaves!
  • Dice's Mystery Black Tomato

    Dice's Mystery Black tomato is a sweeter black variety with low acidity. It is said that a stray plant grew out of a pack of seeds of another variety. Regular leafed plants are high producers of 5-8 ounce fruits. You can expect your fruits around Mid-season.
  • Delicious Hunt Strain Tomato

    Delicious (Hunt Strain) tomato is a beefsteak lover's dream. This tomato is so large, meaty and good that you would need nothing more if these were the only beefsteaks you grew. Strong, disease resistant vines, produce plenty of huge beefsteaks that often cross 2 pounds. I have been saving seeds only from the biggest and everything is over 2 pounds. These are the same seeds that I offer on our website. Fruits are balanced and full flavored. Just the best! Check out our images. Do with these whatever you want!! PS: I have a difficult time selling these at the market because they are so large. They sell better towards the end of the season when they are smaller and around 1 pound.
  • Nairobi Nights Tomato

    0-Days. Nairobi Nights tomato seeds were sent to me by my African friend. This is a very rich, balanced and delicious tomato that everyone should grow. For me, this is a complete tomato and it will always have a regular spot in my garden. There is some similarities to Black Trim, which is a good tomato, but I feel that Nairobi Nights is a far superior fruit. It seems to love hotter weather and just flourishes during the height of the season here. Add this one to your rotation of black tomatoes.
  • Lucid Gem Tomato

    75 Days. Lucid Gem is quickly becoming one of the most popular anthocyanin tomatoes. This is so because they are excessively beautiful, unique in and out and pretty tasty too. Boasting very dark tops and yellowish bottoms, this gem is just as beautiful when sliced. Check out our images and see for yourself! Lucid Gem tomato is a great choice for market sales. Customers cannot take their eyes off of them. They are sweet, rich and earthy. If you like a juicy tomato, you will find it here. CHEFS LOVE THEM!! Vines are hardy and produce plenty!
  • Behemoth King Tomato


    Behemoth King Tomato

    85 Days. If you like plenty of solid meat in your beefsteaks, Behemoth king tomato will meet your expectations! Huge 1-3 pounds beefsteaks on tall, strong vines, are in clusters of about 3-4. Plants have good disease resistance and are determined to produce. Early staking is essential. At times fruit support may also be necessary! Ours relished the hotter, dryer months and did well in the wetter times too. As far as taste, Behemoth King tomato is sweet, really balanced and medium juicy. Sweets, tang and richness are all flavors you will experience when you bite into one! Get ready for a treat!
  • Barnes Mountain Orange Tomato

    85 Days. Without a doubt, Barnes Mountain Orange tomato is a beefsteak I will grow every year. This huge deep yellow fruits can easily each 1.5 pounds. Many or ours have been bigger. Taller vines produce a good amount of fruits that easily drag their vines down, so stake well. This delicious beefsteak is meaty, sweeter and rich with lower acidity. Perfect for sandwiches, sauces and market sales. Try some in the garden but take a friend with you. It'll be a task trying to get it done all alone! See it in YouTube
  • Big Orange Stripe tomato was among my favorites in 2017. in anticipation I waited to see if these were as good as advertised, they were! In fact, they were better than advertised. Big 1.5 pound fruits are delicately striped with reds. At a first glance, the fruit looks totally yellow, but upon further inspection, vertical skinny red streaks are perfectly placed. There is also some reds on the bottom end. Fruits are very clean, sweet, meaty and juicy. Perfect sandwich tomato. Great also for sauces, garnish and cooking. I love this one!!
  • Brunette Tomato

    Another new one for us here in 2017, Brunette was a big hit! This tomato has so much appeal and is good in every way. plants produce large fruits that can reach 1.5 pounds. They begin to ripen about 85 days after transplant. Brunette tomato is all about taste. Rich, juicy, meaty, great texture and aromatic ,are all descriptions that apply. Our plants had no diseases and blew through the season as healthy as can be. They produced until frost! Stake well, plants produce plenty!
  • Chinese Tomato

    75 Days. Chinese tomato was a brand new find for us in 2017. This is a very memorable tomato that will impress you with its uniqueness. Shorter prolific plants produce white tomatoes that can weigh up to 1 pound and go until frosts. For a white tomato, this one has a very forward taste. It's not mild! Fruits have a perfect balance of sweets, fruitiness and tarts. There is lots of juiced aroma too! This is a very good tomato that can be used for almost any application. It's also a great market tomato.One of my new favorites!
  • Eugenia Tomato


    Eugenia Tomato

    When it comes to taste, Eugenia tomato was at the top of the list of newbies that we grew in 2017. I am so excited to have these that I wanna shout! Huge, meaty oxhearts that can reach 1.5 pounds, grow on bushy, wispy leaf plants. A product of Ruslan Doohov of Poland, Eugenia is one of the best tomatoes that I have experienced. It's very balanced and fruity, packs a lot of meat with very smooth flesh. When to comes to aroma, nothing beats it! these even taste great at first blush! Please do with this tomato whatever you wish! FANTASTIC!!
  • Giant Monster Tomato


    Giant Monster Tomato

    Oh my gosh! It's a giant! The average Giant Monster tomato can easily weigh 1.5 pounds, seriously! This huge red beefsteak is an all purpose variety. Among the meatiest fruits that we grow, it's sweet, fruity, rich and have good delicious balance! This is a very good tomato. Vines are perhaps six feet tall and produce plenty one to two pounders. Some are even larger! They begin to ripen about 85 days after transplant and remain huge all the way through Fall!
  • Great Blue Tomato

    70 - 75 Days. Great Blue tomato was sent to my by my friend woh lives in France. I grew them out in 2017 and totally over them. They are fruity, with strong up-front balanced flavors. Very delicious. A member of the Anthocyanin family, Great Blue Tomato has darker tones on the top side that neatly fades into beautiful greens on the bottom. This tomato is four to six ounces of deliciousness! Hard working vines have good disease resistance! Salsa, green sauce, slicing for sandwiches, garnish and dried tomato flakes would be great using this one!
  • Jazz Tomato


    Jazz Tomato

    90 Days. There are so many great things that could be said about Jazz tomato. I will start by saying that it excites me just to think about it. Later ripening, this intensely beautiful, bi-color fruit can reach 1.5 pounds. loaded with tons of sweet meat, makes Jazz deceptively weighty. Fruits have great aroma and winning taste. Vines are thick, show great disease resistance and produce plenty of big fruits. Stake well and revise often. Perfect for sandwiches and sauces. Great for eating off the vine. It's only November and I miss them already!

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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