• Pink Bumblebee Tomato


    Pink Bumblebee Tomato

    70 Days. Without a doubt, Pink Bumblebee is one of my favorite cherry tomatoes. Firm bi-color cherries are un-apologetically fruity, sweet and juicy. There are very few cherries can stand up to Pink Bumblebee tomato. 5-6 feet tall vines are hardy, productive and have good disease resistance. A very prolific variety, this gem will produce until frost. It has worked wonders for us at our Farmers' Market, attracting tons of new and repeat customers. That's always the sign of a great tomato. Pink Bumblebee is perfect for snacking, salads. I have also used it  salsa, for drying and tons more! Feel free to check out our other cherries. Happy Gardening! See It On YouTube.
  • Pink Elephant Tomato

    Pink Elephant is a 10 - 16 ounce beefsteak that grows on potato leaf vines. Fruits are intense, with plenty sweetness and very juicy. It's a great sandwich and slicing tomato. Vines are great with diseases. First fruits ripen about 80 days after transplant. Grow a few of these, you will be happy that you did!!
  • Pink Furry Boar Tomato

    Pink Furry Boar is a fuzzy 4-6 ounce, pinkish, bi-color tomato. Vines are prolific and ripen fruits about 80 days after transplant. Fruits are mild, juicy and pleasant. Awesome tomato for slicing in salads and mild tomato juice. If you prefer a milder tomato with food overall flavor, this would be on your list.
  • Pink Oxheart Tomato

    Pink Oxheart tomato is the second oxheart variety that we ever grew. It was the one that confirmed to me that I should grow more varieties. Since that time I have grown more than 70 varieties. This gem is about 5-10 ounce, tender pink and perfectly heart shaped. Mildly sweet with really nice flavorful meat. It's an ideal sandwich tomato.
  • Pink Ping Pong Tomato

    A very nice, larger sized cherry, Pink Ping Pong tomato is certainly a great snack, especially or anyone wanting a milder variety with good flavor. These are milder, sweet and slightly fruity. Pretty light pink fruits are produced on 6 feet tall plants. Production is good to excellent. Perfect variety for snacking, salads, canning and cooking. Can be a good farmers marked variety. Certainly worth growing and I will grow them again!
  • Pink Vernissage Tomato

    Pink Vernissage tomato is a larger cherry sized fruit that is mild and juicy. A bi-color, this fruit is has good visual appeal and taste. It's a great selection for someone seeking a milder tomato that still has good taste. Great in salads and eaten of the vine!
  • Are you daring? Our Pink-Purple-Sunrise Bumblebee Mix is a blend of three popular cherry tomato varieties. All three varieties are individually fantastic. They noted as some of the best cherries on the planet. This is a perfect blend for market vendors and chefs, big time snackers and anyone wanting to experiment. Each of these cherry types is as versatile as they come. Make jams, dehydrate, fantastic salads, eat in the garden, cook or do anything that you want with these. All varieties have vibrant growth with great disease resistance. This blend is not even, but it's close.  Surprise yourself, plant a row!
  • Out of stock
    Pinocchio is the reason that I got into micro dwarf tomatoes. I could hardly believe that this short plant could produce tomatoes with such excellent flavor. Pinocchio micro dwarf is a great tomato for jams and jellies, providing that you could keep yourself from eating them off of the plant. They are sweet, juicy, soft and fruity with thin skin. Plants mature at about 7 inches and send out a few very useful suckers that are anxious to also produce fruits. Ours do excellently in 3/4 gallon containers. about 70 days to ripen after transplant!
  • Pinocchio Red micro dwarf tomato is a beautiful, nice sized cherry tomato that grows on miniature tomato plants. These tree like plants grow no taller than 9 inches and begin to ripen their fruits about 55 days after transplant. Fruits have very good balance of sweet and tang, accompanied by lots of  almost fruity juice. Tho diminutive, plants are prolific with a lengthy harvest. Plants should produce a smaller second crop if plants are well cared for. Pinocchio Red can easily be grown in a 3/4 to gallon sized container. A larger container may not be needed. Try  3-4 plants in a window box too, perfect!
  • Pixie Striped Dwarf tomato is a beautiful red and yellow fruit that grows on 2 feet tall plants. When you try these, you can expect good production on productive, very hardy plants. Ours did not have any diseases in 2018, even though it was a tough year! This is a perfect container variety that should do well in 4 or 5 gallon containers. Pixie Striped has hollow insides and may be good for some stuffing. Cavities are not too deep. These are sweeter and mild, not too much juice. I suspect they will work well for dehydrating too! This little dwarf tomato is a pleasure to grow!
  • Plisowany Różowy Tomato

    If you are daring and would like to try a variety that's different, tasty, hardy and prolific, then Plisowany Różowy tomato is one for you. I acquired these from my polish friend who has sent me many new and rare varieties. This variety is a little different from many of the ruffled ones that we have grown because of it's texture and smooth eating flesh. It's shelf life isn't too long so they have to be put to use once harvested. Fruits are sweet and medium-mild, but with excellent overall finish. Certainly a garnish tomato that works well for sauces too! Cooking with these is a blast! Hardy plants, very good production until late season!
  • Polaris Tomato


    Polaris Tomato

    Polaris Tomato is a fattened, delicious, black beefsteak that was bred by Karen Olivier in Canada. In 2020 I grew several excellent black varieties, including PPP X PP "C", and Gary'O Sena. Polaris held its own against the best! What I especially love, is that plants are potato leafed! Our vines grew to about 6 feet tall and produced nicely. The first ripened fruits appeared about 75 days after garden transplant. Taste is rich, complex and sweet. Excellent texture that's perfect for sandwiches. Not runny, so no bread wetting. Recommended for northern gardens!
  • Polish Dwarf Tomato

    Polish Dwarf tomato is a sweet and milder cherry sized fruit that grows on vert short plants. None of our plants have aver been more than 3 feet tall. This is a perfect container variety! Plants are very prolific show good disease resistance and begin to ripen their fruits around 72 days. This variety will benefit from early staking. Tomatoes are about the size of a ping pong ball and also have a fruity quality to them. It is a perfect selection for snacking, salsa and cooking. try drying some too, that works well!
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    Polish Linguisa Tomato

    I was in search of more sauce and past varieties and decided to try Polish Linguisa tomato. Needles to say, I was pleased with its performance. Our plants produced huge amounts of 2-3 inch, elongated fruits that kept coming all season long. I also like that they showed good disease resistance to early blight. I did spray them once as a preventative. Polish Linguisa made some first class sauce and salsa. It reminded me of Abbittista, another fine sauce tomato! I did not make paste but I suspect it will work well for that too! A nice choice for anyone wanting to make thick and rich sauce without much effort! 80 Days!
  • Polish Pastel Tomato

    Polish Pastel tomato is a 6-8 ounce, bi-color variety that has many uses. These make great sauce, tomato juice, fresh salsa and even stewed tomatoes. As far as flavor, this one is sweeter and mild with hardly any acidity. There is a fruity after-taste that is very pleasing. When sliced, these are juicy with inviting aroma. Texture is softer, but not too much. Very good snack too! Try a few off the vine, you will love them. Plants are tall and produce exceptionally well. You can expect your first ripened fruits around days 75-80. The wait will be worth it!
  • Polish Tomato

    Polish is a nice size tomato that is a must grow if you are a serious gardener. Huge pink fruits grow in clusters of 3 to 5 and begin to ripen about 85 days after transplant. They continue to decorate the garden until season's end. Fruits are sweet, meaty, juicy, and medium-mild. Vines are about 6 ft tall, perhaps taller, and demonstrate great disease resistance. This is a perfect tomato for sandwiches and slicing. I especially recommend this one for market sales because its taste is similar to Pink Brandywine. This, for sure, would encourage return customers!
  • Pomodor Pero Gigante Tomato

    It really doesn't mater that the tomato is not purple because it's excellent! Purple Dog Creek is a 1 pound slicer that works well for many applications. This well balanced fruit has flavor that will quickly get you hooked! It's not too sweet, acidic, juicy of mild. It's just perfect! Flesh has a really nice, smooth texture. Vines are hardy and seem to love hotter weather! Go for it!
  • Ponderosa Beefsteak Tomato

    Ponderosa Beefsteak is a prolific producer of 6 to 10 ounce fruits that can be used for many things. Vines are about 4.5 to 5 feet tall and begin to ripen their fruits about 75 days after transplant. Once fruits begin coming on, there will be many pounds per plant. Please stake well and harvest in a timely manner so that other fruits can begin to ripen. Ponderosa Beefsteak is balanced, mildly sweet, juicy and delicious. It is a perfect tomato for sandwiches, salsa, slicing, and cooking. I suspect that it will also be a good tomato for drying and making tomato powder. An excellent choice for market vendors!
  • Ponderosa Purpurviolette Tomato

    In 2018 I was gifted a package of hard to find and rare seeds. I grew out about 25 varieties. Ponderosa Purpurviolette Tomato is one of them. This fantastic taster with nice texture has really given me the drive to grow even more rare cultivars. It has a really good old-time tomato tart with  a. nice blend of sweetness, excellent overall taste! Perfect sandwich tomato. Hardy plants produce plenty, but they are not prolific. I got about 13 fruits from one plant and 15 from the other three. So a total of 58 fruits from 4 plants. I'll take it!  I forgot to take notes on leaf type, so forgive me. Indeterminate, 80 days! Gatersleben Seed Bank LYC 137.
  • Port de Antuzi Tomato

    Last season, I received Port De Antuzi tomato seeds from a friend in California. He insisted that I had to grow it out because it was very rare and almost extinct. He explained that the seeds were given to his aunt by a relative from Latvia, around 1973. The seeds were spread around his family for years and eventually, some made their way to him. When I grew these out I was very pleased! Ripened fruits were sweeter and flavorful. They grew to about 4-8 0unces and ripened to a beautiful yellow, almost like Amish Gold Slicer or Dad's Sunset. Texture was amazing! These are perfect slicers. Great for fresh eating, cooking, canning and so much more. Grow these out!
  • Porter Tomato was by far the heaviest producing tomat0 for us in 2021. As if that wasn't enough, they taste pretty good too! Ours were sweeter and not too mild with a full flavored finish. I must have harvested what seemed like a million fruits from just 3 plants. I would definitely recommend this tomato to newbie tomato growers. This is version is the Charles Herring strain. Plants were between 5 and 6 feet tall and just kept producing right through the season. One of the first to ripen and one of the last to remain. Eventually, I just stopped harvesting them, I just couldn't, lol.  Perfect for salads, market, dehydrating, snacking, cooking. Nice multi-purposed variety. These may do well in larger containers also. You cant fail with these!
  • Portuguese Bullheart Tomato is a very worthy tomato. I really enjoyed watching these grow. Even though  the images don't really show it, this variety produced some of the largest oxhearts that we grow in 2021.  I especially loved it's solid production and hardiness. Neither excessive heat or too much rain seemed to be an issue. Our biggest fruits were closer to 2 pounds, while on the smaller side were ones that weighed about 6 ounces. Tall plants with wispy, regular leaves started ripening their fruits bout 82 days from transplant. Perfect for saucing, cooking and more. A great all purpose variety!
  • PPP X PP”C” Tomato


    PPP X PP"C" Tomato

    PPP X PP"C" tomato is a mid-sized, wonderful black variety that averages 10 ounces. Flavor is very rich, with complex balanced taste of sweet and tart. A full flavored variety, you will like this one! Potato leafed plants produce a good amount of fruits, which, when transplanted in early May, begin to ripen in mid July. So it's about a 80 day fruition from transplant. Plants are about 6 feet tall and vibrant. I would say that this tomato is one of the better black varieties I have experienced in many years! I accidentally planted twice as many plants in 2020 and did not regret it. These plants produced so many tomatoes I could share a lot! Good disease resistance and they mind heat! Aroma is fantastic! Everyone should grow some of these!
  • President Garfield Tomato

    A wonderful variety ideal for slicing, sauces cooking and more. 5 foot tall plants produce bright red, slightly ruffled fruits that have a perfect balance of sweets and tart. Really nice, full-flavored variety. I really loved President Garfield tomato this year. Unfortunately only one plant made it because of sever flooding in June. Very nice texture that all tomato growers should experience. Limited Seeds.
  • Big fat beefsteaks are what you will harvest when you grow out Pridenstrovskiy Ukarainian tomato. Our plants just keep putting them out until Fall. Vines were vibrant from the strat and kept getting bushier by the day. Our biggest fruits weight 1.2 lbs but most were about 12-16 ounces. We harvested the first ripened ones about 88 days after transplant. This tomato is meaty, full-flavored on the sweet side, has excellent texture and aroma and thin skinned. Perfect for slicing for sandwiches, snacking in the garden, cooking and so much more. Stake well and get ready for a bountiful harvest. Good choice as a beefsteak for market vendors too!
  • Primary Colors Tomato

    A pretty antho variety, Primary Colors tomatoes are large cherries with dark top antho pigmentation and canary yellow blossom ends. A milder fruit hints of sweets and fruitiness, this can make the perfect tomato for someone not wanting a too strong tasting variety. Our 4.5 feet tall plants were very productive but late ripening. These would be perfect for garnish, drying/dehydrating, cooking, snacking and more. Try these in larger containers, they should also do well. Must be staked well.
  • Pruden's Purple tomato is still one of my favorite all purpose tomatoes. Slightly ribbed, 12-16 ounce fruits are flavorful, balanced and delicious. Some have said that it's a smaller version of Pink Brandywine, I think that it's better! Prolific potato leafed vines are hardy and show good disease resistance. Fruits begin to ripen around the 75 day mark.
  • Pumpkin Oxheart Tomato


    Pumpkin Oxheart Tomato

    This year, 2019, we were again fortunate to secure some really neat oxheart varieties. And Pumpkin Oxheart tomato is another fine member of the oxheart family! Medium sized fruits are nicely heart shaped and eye catching. Ripening to a nice rich pink, this selection has a mild and complete tomato taste. I would classify this as a sweeter tomato. I really like this tomato because it is not overwhelming and can fit into any scenario. Sandwiches, sauces, it has nice texture for salads, cooking, stews etc. It truly is a great tasting fruit. You can't go wrong with Pumpkin. Nice production and good disease resistance.  Stake early for best results.  

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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