75 Days. Lucid Gem is quickly becoming one of the most popular anthocyanin tomatoes. This is so because they are excessively beautiful, unique in and out and pretty tasty too. Boasting very dark tops and yellowish bottoms, this gem is just as beautiful when sliced. Check out our images and see for yourself! Lucid Gem tomato is a great choice for market sales. Customers cannot take their eyes off of them. They are sweet, rich and earthy. If you like a juicy tomato, you will find it here. CHEFS LOVE THEM!! Vines are hardy and produce plenty!
Luchese Tomato is a serious beefsteak for serious tomato sandwich lovers. These are 1 pound and bigger fruits with intense tomato taste. That have a medium-firm texture and dense meat. Really nice aroma too. Ours began to ripen around 85 days after transplant and produced a good crop. Our largest was one pound and twelve ounces. Average weight was 12-16 ounces. Plants are tall and thick so much staking is required. One of our best beefsteaks in 2019, we will definitely be growing it again in 2020. If you are serious about tomato sandwiches, you must try this one!
75-80 days. Lover's Lunch is a four to six ounce, red and yellow bi-color fruit. Hardy vines are about 6 feet tall and bear a lot of delicious fruits. Like many red and yellows, this tomato is on the sweeter side. It's juicy but not too much so. It's a good little slicer that would work well as a sandwich tomato, but it's strengths are slicing, garnishing and especially salsa. I enjoy it best when well ripened and eaten right off the vine! Try Some!
Lopatinskie tomato is a really nice beefsteak that is productive and consistent. Taste is sweetish and full flavored and kind of old fashion. Perfect for slicing and sandwiches. Plants are tall heavy producers and regular leafed. Ours did quite well with diseases. The came through the intense summer weather with flying colors. Stake these well as production is heavy. Get you bushel baskets ready plenty tomatoes are coming!
How I wish I had grown more Longhorn tomato plants in 2021! These were sooo good! I am not sure what happened and how I only ended up with two plants, but I never grow two plants of anything! Nonetheless, I am happy that I experienced this delicious dark colored oxheart. Our plants were between 5 and 6 feet tall. Leaves were wispy but not excessively and plants produced plenty, though not prolific. Taste is well balanced, a bit earthy and satisfying. I especially love the texture of this tomato, just a smooth finish. Fruit size between 6 and 12 ounces. This is a perfect sandwich tomato. I didn't do anything else with it but I suspect it will make some good sauce. Without a doubt I will be growing this one in 2022.
Long Red Cayenne Pepper
A really effective flakes and powder variety, I also use these fresh in soups and chili etc. Long Red Cayenne Pepper has middle of the road heat. When it replaces Jalapeños and used fresh in fresh salsa, it really shines. Two and a half feet tall plants are prolific and produce ripened peppers that are about 3-4 inches long. Fruits are a mix of straight and curly. Nice choice for Caribbean or South American cuisine. -
Even though these prefer cooler temperatures, they perform very well over most regions in the USA. Long Island Brussels Sprouts is more of a compact variety that will yield between 50 and 100 sprouts over the season. These tiny cabbage-like sprouts are great for roasting, pickling or situation where you would normally use greens. Very versatile! Sweeter taste when harvested later in the season, but can be harvested at any time, even before full maturity. Easy to grow!!
LLarg Tomato
LLarg Tomato is the perfect sauce variety! But if you want some serious stews too, try these. What a great cooking variety! They cooked down into a nice rich and thick end product with natural sweetness and high flavor! 3 inch elongated fruits are medium firm and ripen deep red. Plants produce plenty and fruits are not too seedy. Llarg started ripening about 80 days after transplant. They continued until first frost. Take this gem straight to your kitchen and make some of the best tomato products ever. Nice for canning too! -
80 Days. Ljubitelskiy Rozovy tomato (Любительский Розовый) tomato is one of our personal favorites here on the farm. First grown in 2017, this is the perfect tomato. Seriously everything about this pink beauty is awesome! About 1 pound fruits are produced on regular leaf vines that refuse to stop producing. Fruits are so delicious I could not stop eating them. Juicy, rich and balanced, with nice old time tomato flavor, this is the all purpose tomato that you want to grow as a main crop. It's not a fancy looking tomato but it is certainly one of the best for us here! Don't have a sandwich without this one!
Liz Birt tomato is a medium sized, pink beefsteak, that almost seems like it wants to ripen black. Plants produce fruits that ripen about 80 days after transplant and continue coming until frost. Meaty with a rich balanced, sweetish flavor, Liz Birt vines are prolific and relatively disease resistant. We did spray these with copper sulfate, after which we had absolutely no issues. These beauties are great multi-purposed tomatoes that covers sauce to sandwiches and more.
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Little Red Riding Micro Dwarf
Little Red Riding Hood Micro Dwarf tomato is short micro plant that produces tons of bright red, average sized cherry tomatoes. One of the first to ripen, ours come in at 65 days after transplant. That's almost as early as some of the earliest micro varieties Micro Tom and Baby. These are sweeter with a tinge of tang, but overall milder. This, along with Vilma, Pinocchio, Yellow Canary and a few more, is one of my favorites. Production is good! Perfect for snacking and salads. Grows best in 3/4 to 1 gallon container! New for 2019/2020. Available From April 9th 2019. -
75-Days. Some of the most unique tomatoes that you would ever grow, Little Lucky Heart tomato is also one of the prettiest. Ping pong ball sized, heart shaped fruits are beautifully, bi-colored. They are so pretty and tasty that you will definitely grow them every year. I am especially fascinated by the fact that these beauties are grown on potato leafed, prolific vines. Fruits are very juicy and balanced with nice fruitiness. Eat a lot because they just keep coming all the way until Fall.! They are perfect for snacking in the garden, salsas, sliced salads, for market production, drying for flakes and so much more! Please visit our oxheart category for more beautiful tomatoes.
5 Days. Lithuanian tomato is another new one that we grew in 2017. I am so happy that we did! Big pink beefsteaks literally beg you for two slices of bread, some basil, mayo and cheese. Unfortunately many of ours never make it that far. I eat tons of these right there in the garden. They grow on sprawling vines that need to be staked well. Lithuanian is very balanced and rich. Think true old time tomatoes!
Lithuanian Crested Pink tomato was my favorite variety for looks in 2018. It was also high on the taste charts too! But that should be expected because it's an oxheart, which is my favorite tomato family. This beautiful, pink fruit, is perfectly heart shaped and a head turner! Wispy leaved plants produce a good amount of 4-10 ounce fruits that begin to ripen about 80 days after transplant. Some fruits are more pointed than others. It's is a meaty, sweeter fruit with smooth texture. Fruits do not have many seeds. A great choice for cooking, snacking, sandwiches and so much more!
Linda's Faux Tomato
I decided to try Linda's Faux tomato because I heard a lot of good things about it. My version was the potato leafed. Six feet tall plants produced heavy amounts of 6-10 ounce, bright red fruits. Disease resistance was excellent. Taste was wonderful and refreshing, with sweets but more acidic. I loved its smooth and easy texture. I did try them on sandwiches with mayo, cheese, salt, pepper, basil and a little olive oil. It made some delightful sammiches! Neither flooding nor excessive heat or drought affected these. I will be growing next year, 2020 in larger quantities for market! These are definitely worth a try! -
If you are seeking a perfect container variety that will produce bigger crops, Dwarf Lime Green Salad tomato is a great choice. They are perfect for salsa, salads, cooking and canning. Don't forget to eat some right off the vine too! Lime Green Salad plants are rugose leafed and about 2.5 feet tall when mature. They produce big crops of 2.3 inch oblate fruits that are mostly green with a yellowish tint, when ripened. They have great disease resistance and are always determined to produce. Excellent choice for container and ground growing. Plant these 2 feet apart in your garden!
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Lille Lise Micro Dwarf Tomato
Lille Lise tomato is a truly decorative 8 inch plant that bears some tasty, red cherry tomatoes. What' s more, it's a pretty prolific variety for its small size. Have a look at our posted images and you would see that this little gem is just loaded with bright red tomatoes. When well ripened, Lille Lise micro dwarf tomato is full flavored and slightly fruity. It tends to be on the sweet side. The overall taste is great! Plants begin to ripen their fruits about 72 days after transplant. Use 3/4 to 1 gallon containers for optimum production. There are no benefits to using anything bigger. Try some of these, you'll love em! -
Huge meaty beefsteaks that can approach two pounds. They grow on vibrant, bushy vines that love to sprawl. A good producer for a large variety, Lil's will do your garden proud. I especially like these for their rich, full flavored, balanced taste. There is nothing complex about Lil's Favorite. You should experience your first ripened fruits about 90 days after transplant. After that, they will just keep coming so get ready. Good all purpose tomato!
Lightning Tomato
Lightning tomato is a superb sauce and cooking variety. Determinate plants produce heavy crops of deep red, 3-4 ounce, slightly elongated fruits. I made some really great sauce with these. They should also make great canning tomatoes. Our three feet tall plants never showed any signs of diseases. They just produced their crops and expired. I especially loved that they were early producers. I picked the first ripened fruits about 72 days after transplant. Taste was mildly sweet with nice acidity. Balance as good for an early variety. It's a rare cultivar. Seed Source: Gatersleben Russia, LYC 3874 -
Out of stock85 Days. Liften Yellow is a sweet bi-color fruit that can approach 1.5 pounds. Most of ours were in the one pound range. Six feet tall vines seem to like sprawling. So early staking can help. Our plants did excellently in the hotter weather, and diseases were never a threat to them. Although it's primarily a sweet tomato, it has nice balance and texture. Perfect for sandwiches, good for bright colored sauces, great for cooking, stews and sweet yellow tomato stews! For chefs, this is a nice choice, as its beautiful exterior and eye-catching interior will light up any meal! Try some!
When I was first introduced to flowers, this was the one that really got my full attention. Never having seen anything like it, I was totally captivated. More than 3o years later, my love for the liatris family has never faded. Liatris-Blazing Star will fit well in any garden or pasture. They also do well in large containers. An attractor of many different pollinators, 3-4 feet tall stalks will be the centerpieces of your garden. It's literally impossible to look past them. Also a nice cut-flower, this perennial just keeps shining. Plants will develope bulbs after a few years. Bulbs can then be separated and transplanted for quicker growth of more mature plants.
Lenny's And Gracie's Kentucky Heirloom Tomato
As I have stated before, 2020 was a year when we grew some of the most wonderful varieties. Lenny's And Gracie's Kentucky Heirloom tomato is one of those. For me, this tomato was unforgettable for more than one reason. First, I was very pleased with the taste. Also, production was excellent! The plants just kept pumping them out! We harvested many, many of these! Plants were very hardy and produced all season long, with minimal signs of diseases. My favorite part was tasting them. These are very inviting! Taste is fruity, mild and sweet with good balance. Canary yellow fruits with pink blushed bottoms, are blemish free and regularly approach one pound. I would say average weight is 12 ounces to 1 pound. So these are nice and big. A really nice choice for sandwiches, slicing, market sales and more. So happy I was introduced to this one! Will be growing again next year! -
We have literally grown about 600 varieties in the last few years and Legenda Tarasenko easily sits on my top 20 list. This is not because it's in the best tasting category, or the biggest fruits. it's not even because it an early variety. I love this tomato because of all the to it's positives. So here it goes! Vines are indeterminate and multi-flora. They produce a very high amount of fruits that are great keepers. They make fantastic sauce, keep well, taste good and sell well at the market. Plants blow through diseases and just continue producing until frost. Additionally, they are great sauce tomatoes, dry well to an intense taste and are great when sliced in salads. Need I say more about Legenda tarasenko tomato? 75-80 days!
Out of stockAsk anyone who has tasted a Leadbetter's Lunker tomato and they would tell you that it's superb! People just keep asking for more whenever they taste it. Nice sized, red beefsteaks can reach 1.5 pounds but ours averaged about 14-16 ounces. Vines produce plenty of bright red fruits that are in clusters of 3-5 and have to be staked early. If you are a seed-saver, Leadbetter's Lunker does not produce a lot of seeds, so you may have to compensate by growing a few extra plants. Perfect sandwich tomato that works well also as a cooking and slicing variety. Expect your first fruits around 85 days from transplant, then until frost! .
Lava Flow Tomato
75 Days. A pretty 3 inch round tomato, Lava Flow taste as beautiful as it looks. Fruits are yellow and red bi-color and they are sweet, fruity and juicy with a little tinge of acidity. I think they are very good! Plants are prolific, hardy and not too tall. These are perfect for snacking and making fresh salads. Excellent when dried/dehydrated for tomato powder. -
Large Red Cherry Tomato
Large Red Cherry tomato is one of the workhorses of the cherry tomato world. Just one or two of this very hardy and disease resistant variety is all you would need to feed an average sized family all summer long. Bright red cherries are about the size of Black Cherry tomatoes, begin ripening around 70 days after transplant and continue until frost. Fruits are juicy and balanced with plenty old school tomato flavor. Perfect for snacking and salads. Great choice for Farmers' Market, too! I highly recommend these for first time or container gardening because they are so tough! -
Out of stockI was a true pleasure growing Large Red Antigua pepper this year. After saving seeds we had lots of fruits left to try several things with. So we dried some, cooked with some, ate some in salads and even enjoyed many by themselves, right in the garden. In every instance, this pepper performed remarkably. What's more, ours came in early and produced all the way until frost. By far, it was one of the most prolific, sweet varieties that we have grown in many years. Try making some flakes with these, you'll love them sprinkled on your foods. Very hardy plants, even in extremely hot and weather weather. Nice choice for sweet pepper lovers.