• Paulina Tomato


    Paulina Tomato

    Paulina tomato is a family heirloom shared with me by a tomato loving friend. He said that a Mennonite family  shared seeds with him. He named it after his grandmother. I grew it out in 2016 for the first time. They made some great sauce and canned up pretty good too. This year, 2019, we grow out several plants. They all performed excellently, producing 3 inch long or more, fat, deep red fruits that were sweet meaty meaty. Plants were heavy producers. Paulina is along the lines of Kapia Red and  Polish Linguisa. Thick rich flesh, sweet and multipurpose. Make yourself some great sauce with these! Read more about raw history of this fine tomato, here!
  • Out of stock

    Siegel's Dark Striped Tomato

    Siegel's Dark Striped Tomato is a very rich tasting, 5-8 ounce, bi-colored fruit. I really like this one because of its complex taste and earthiness. Very nice for slicing, this variety looks beautiful on a platter and has an amazing aroma when fully ripened! These plants were prolific and hardy. They started ripening with their first fruits about 78 days from transplant. Prolific and hardy, these are also very good for cooking! Right off the vine they are amazing! We made out pretty good with this one!
  • Santa Domingo Pueblo Pepper

    Santa Domingo Pueblo Pepper is a great cooking pepper that has medium heat. 3-5 inch, these are also great for drying when ripened. Thin stemmed plants are short and grow to about about 2.5- 3 feet tall. These are early producing! Nice for fresh salsas, flakes and powder too. Nice size harvest and hardy plants. I actually planted my 2020 crop in soil that was less than desirable and they still did very well. Peppers have a slightly sweet taste and are very tasty! About 16,000 SHU.
  • In 2021, I grew three variegated leafed dwarf varieties. They were Pico's Pride, Elsie's Fancy and this, Walter's Fancy. All three were good producers, with Pico's Pride producing the smallest fruits of them all. Walter's Fancy and Elsie's Fancy I totally enjoyed. Pico's Pride I never got a chance to taste so I probably wouldn't offer them until I have a chance to do so. Walter's Fancy is a sweeter and mild fruit, this one was very pleasing to me and I often snacked on a few in the garden. Perfect slicing tomatoes that will work well in containers also. Plants are about 3 feet tall and have beautiful leaves of green and white. A true sight to see! Mid season ripening.
  • Trinidad 7 Pot Yellow pepper is another favorite of Caribbean cooks. As a Trinidad native, I have many stories I could tell about this one. For one thing, I cut my pepper teeth on 7 Pot. Once my uncle showed me how to bite tiny pieces of with each mouthful of food, there was no turning back. This pepper has good heat and even though back in the day I thought it was very hot, it's not the hottest thing out there, especially since my heat tolerance has increased . 7 Pot pepper has some fruitiness, is ideal for flavorful hot sauce, cooking, seasoning and more. Productive 3 feet tall plants light up with yellow fruits around late August. So about 85-90 days to begin ripening. Great for pickled hot peppers, flakes, powders...  
  • Violet Jasper Tomato

    Violet Jasper is a big cherry, bi-color tomato that is sort of violet. It is milder and juicy yet very delicious. Its vines are very prolific. These seem to do well in hotter weather and must be staked early. A perfect tomato for snacking, salsa, and garnish. They will ripen around the 75 day mark. A good prospect for container growing if staked or caged.
  • Cherokee Purple Heart Tomato

    Out Of Stock Until September 2020 75 Days. Oxhearts are unique in their own way. But Cherokee Purple Heart tomato goes to another level. This dark colored fruit grows on the signature oxheart wispy leaf plants. Indeterminate vines are skinny and about 5-6 feet tall. Fruits ripen to a shiny, light chocolate color and weigh between 4 pounds 10 ounces. Vines are especially productive. Milder with sweet undertones, Cherokee Purple Heart will be a great addition to any garden! See It On Youtube.
  • Donkey’s Ears Tomato

    75-80 Days. A wonderful tomato for sauces and paste, Donkey's ears grow on a wispy leafed plant with good disease resistance. Plants produce plenty of 3 inch long, sweeter, light pink fruits. I actually haven't grown any other tomato like it. It's also great for slicing and dehydrating, and super salsa. Vines are prolific and need early staking.
  • 65-70 days. Marmelaonye Krasnye is a red dwarf slicer that measures about 3 inches in diameter. It is milder tart and juicy. Prolific 2 feet tall, tree-type plants are Prolific and early. great for container growing or plant in rows about 2 feet apart. Plants need some staking! Good selection for tomato juice, drying and tart tomato juice.
  • This has to be among the best beefsteaks that I grew in 2017. Large red tomatoes with excellent taste, grow on 5 feet tall, bushy vines. Fruits are consistently close to 1.5 pounds and sometimes larger. A fantastic balance of sweets, fruits and acidity, complimented by the perfect amount of juice, makes Melissa a winner. If you are looking for an exciting new beefsteak to add to your catalog, Melissa The Caucasian Shepherd tomato is it!
  • Red Barn Tomato


    Red Barn Tomato

    When Joe Bratka found his father's old seeds in a an old tool shed, he found tomato gold! If you love great tasting BLT sandwiches, Red Barn tomato would be a great place to start. This was one of my favorite sandwich makers in 2020. I absolutely loved that they were perfect sandwich size, weighing in about 1 pound. Many were bigger but most averaged about one pound. Deep red tomatoes on good producing, regular leafed vines, start ripening about 80 days after transplant.  Fruits are mostly clean. Plants need to be properly staked. These can be a great market or main crop tomato. Taste is well balanced and old fashion without any complexities. Just a straight up, darn good, ole mater! Will be a regular for me from now on!  
  • Out of stock

    Serrano Pepper


    Serrano Pepper

    Although I had eaten it many times, I had never grown Serrano Pepper before 2020. I am happy that I did! Short plants produced abundantly and gave us copious amounts of  2-3 inch peppers that turned bright red when well ripened. I really love these for flakes, cooking whole in soups, fresh salsa, for sauces and even powder. Awesome when dried or dehydrated whole! I've heard that these are great when roasted! Truly a great all purpose chili! Give them a shot!!
  • Purple Cream Pepper


    Purple Cream Pepper.

    A beautiful and very hot variety, Purple Cream pepper is not for the novice chili eater. Although these are very hot, they taste and smell very fruity. Plants are prolific and have dark foliage. Our plants were about 3 feet tall and produced like crazy! Perfect for fiery flakes, powder and sauces. I just loved this heat and flavor in my Caribbean dishes. Mid to late season!
  • Mexico Tomato Seeds

    90 Days. I first tasted Mexico tomato at a local tomato tasting event. After that I was hooked. Huge dark-pink beefsteaks can easily reach 1.5 pounds. Some approach the 2 pound mark. Delicious and balanced with additional complimentary flavors, you would be hooked the minute you try one. Thick bushy vines produce nice crops of beefsteaks that will keep you growing them. Good disease resistance!
  • Mama Leone Tomato

    80 Days. Mama Leone is a tomato especially made for sauces, paste and catsup. If your pasta needs some thick sweet sauce, you should try these! Hardy plants produce plenty of 2 inch, fat elongated tomatoes, that turn bright re when ripened. These are in the mold of Amish Paste, but smaller. Great aroma too!
  • Hugh’s Tomato

    Hugh's tomato is one that I hope gains popularity. This fantastic, large beefsteak, can reach 1+ pounds. Borne on very vibrant vines, Hugh's fruits are in clusters of 3-4. They ripen to a nice pale yellow and have few or no cracking or splitting. These are sweeter with very good balance and superb texture. one of my new favorites! This is a perfect sandwich tomato that works well also as a market or main cop variety. Vines are tall, some of ours were more than 6 feet. Stake well! You can expect your first ripened fruits about 85 days after transplant. Recommended!
  • Caro Rich Tomato

    I was very pleased with Caro Rich tomato in 2018. Our 3.5 feet tall, determinate plants produce prolifically. Fruits were between 4 and 6 ounces and loaded with richness and fruitiness. It isn't a sweeter variety. Ours were mildly sweet, had good balanced and satisfying! Some were fruit-like! What I liked also, is that they had decent keep after harvest. Plants should still be staked. These are perfect for slicing, snacking, canning and even mild yellow tomato sauce. They will also work well if you are a market vendor or have a tomato stand. I will definitely be growing these again in 2019 and beyond! See it on Youtube! 
  • Looking for a very delicious dwarf variety that grows nice sized fruits? Willa's Cariboo Rose Dwarf tomato will get the job done. This beautiful beefsteak grows on tree-like plants that produce plenty, considering the size of tomatoes they produce. Our plants have shown good disease resistance, especially to early blight. Tomatoes are meaty, balanced, rich and tasty. They veer slightly on the milder side but not too much. Expect your first ripened fruits about 80 days after transplant. From that point, indeterminate plants continue producing until season's end. Some staking is necessary as plants topple with the big fruits they bear. Great choice for smaller gardens or container growing! More dwarf tomatoes Here!
  • Birch Tomato


    Birch Tomato

    Birch tomato is a determinate variety that is early and prolific. Deep red fruits have good texture, are mildly sweet and juicy. Three feet tall plants start producing early and are hardy and dependable. I especially loved the nice and tasty balance that the fruits had.  Plants have to be staked because of large production. 3-6 ounce fruits are deep red and begin to ripen about 70-75 days after transplant. They produce bunches of about 5-7 fruits that begin to ripen in quick succession. Perfect size tomatoes for munching on. These would also make great tomato juice. I made tomato stew with some too. Delicious!  
  • Goose Creek Tomato


    Goose Creek Tomato

    I have learned never to underestimate any tomato, yet I love the subtle and sometimes big surprises that the new varieties can bring. Goose Creek tomato brought us really nice gifts this year. Our plants produced plenty: 4-6 ounce, perfectly pink fruits that were crack free and tasty. A really nice multi-purposed tomato, this gem was sweeter, full flavored with a tiny bit of recognizable tang; a nice and memorable flavor. Plants are robust and hardy. This is a perfect variety for canning, slicing, cooking and so much more. Great choice for the first-time gardener wanting to experience he joys of growing heirloom tomatoes! You can't go wrong with this one!  
  • Reinhard Kraft's White Heart Tomato

    I happen to think that Reinhard Kraft's White Heart tomato is one of the best tasting white/yellows around. I also like the variety's  production and good disease resistance. This is a very desirable tomato to me. 5-6 feet tall plants produce 6-8 ounce fruits that are sweet, slightly fruity and satisfying. It delivers the complete tomato experience! They started ripening about 80 days after transplant. When fully ripened you'll find a beautiful pink blushing on its blossom end. This marbling can also be found when sliced! Nice choice for plating/garnish, slicing, cooking, sauces and of course eating right out of the garden! Another great tomato from Mr. Kraft, another win for the tomato community!
  • Michihili Chinese Cabbage is a strong flavored variety that is preferred by chefs worldwide. Texture is delicate and flavor is slightly sweet and very delicious. This is a semi-heading variety that has longer cylindrical heads. Cream colored base that changes from light to dark green towards the top side of leaves. Leaves are also ruffled. Truly a gourmet cabbage!
  • Chinese 5 Color Pepper

    Chinese 5 Color Pepper is a uniquely colored variety that literally changes to 4 different colors before fully ripening to its final 5th color, red. Have a look at my images and you will see the beauty of this pepper as it goes through its stages. A tasty variety, it packs medium heat and would be perfect for cooking in soups and stews. Would also make great pepper powder or flakes. Plants have dark /purple colored foliage and production is good. Be patient, as these are a little bit, with plants taking a little longer to mature. Once they start producing, they never stop. It's almost November here and these are literally loaded with peppers of all different
  • I accidentally purchased these a few years ago thinking they were Green Zebra. After checking my online order I realized that I ordered the wrong thing. Still I grew them out and waited to see... Production was excessive! Fruits were a bit larger than average cherries, green and yellow striped and delicious! They were early coming in at around 70 days. Green Zebra Cherry tomato vines are disease resistant, even in a difficult year. They produce until Fall takes them! Perfect snacking tomato. Also great for cooking, drying, salsa and garnishing.
  • Liz Birt Tomato

    Liz Birt tomato is a medium sized, pink beefsteak, that almost seems like it wants to ripen black. Plants produce fruits that ripen about 80 days after transplant and continue coming until frost.  Meaty with a rich balanced, sweetish flavor, Liz Birt vines are prolific and relatively disease resistant. We did spray these with copper sulfate, after which we had absolutely no issues. These beauties are great multi-purposed tomatoes that covers sauce to sandwiches and more.
  • Vinson Watts Tomato


    Vinson Watts Tomato

    Vinson Watts is not just another pink tomato--it's a very good one! A fleshy and medium sweet tomato with fruity undertones will surprise you because it is not a flashy fruit. Nonetheless, Vinson Watts can hold its own in any serious tomato arena. Hard-working vines produce a really nice quantity of 10 ounce to 1 pound beefsteaks that begin to ripen about 85 days after transplant. Stake well and get ready! Perfect for sandwiches, fresh eating, and cooking. Visit my YouTube Channel HERE

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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