• Tromboncino Squash

    A very interesting and unique squash that comes in a variety of shapes, Tromboncinos can weigh in excess of 10 pounds. They very often look like works of art because the shapes can be very abstract and curvy. Vines produce many squash which can be harvested at any time. They can also be left on the vine until Fall then over-wintered for many months for cooking. It's an Italian variety that is great for grilling or even sliced in salads. I like them sauteed. Finger lickin' good!
  • Vorlon Tomato


    Vorlon Tomato

    If you are a lover of black tomatoes or if you have never tasted one, Vorlon tomato would be a good one to try. We grew if for the first time in 2017 and plan on growing it again from now on! Vorlon is a well balanced tomato with softish flesh that melts in your mouth. It reminds me of Nairobi Nights just not as intense. I have seen some that were close to 1 pound but the average size is closer to 10 ounces. Vines have potato leaves, are a bit sprawling, and prolific. This is a great tomato for sandwiches, salsas, and fresh eating off of the vine. 80 days.
  • Vinson Watts Tomato


    Vinson Watts Tomato

    Vinson Watts is not just another pink tomato--it's a very good one! A fleshy and medium sweet tomato with fruity undertones will surprise you because it is not a flashy fruit. Nonetheless, Vinson Watts can hold its own in any serious tomato arena. Hard-working vines produce a really nice quantity of 10 ounce to 1 pound beefsteaks that begin to ripen about 85 days after transplant. Stake well and get ready! Perfect for sandwiches, fresh eating, and cooking. Visit my YouTube Channel HERE
  • South African Black Mystery is a complete tomato. Not only is it beautiful, it is a tomato that has many memorable qualities. Its vines are prolific, somewhat early, and hardy. They produce 6 to 10 ounce, beautiful, brownish fruits which coloration is slightly different than the average black. This is a wonderful tomato with sweetish juice and nicely textured meat. It has a complete finish. Plants performed well through the hotter months. This "Mystery" is definitely an above average tomato that I recommend.
  • GWR Wild Thyme Tomato

    GWR Wild Thyme is a unique and flavorful tomato that has surprising taste appeal. Ripening to a beautiful green-brownish color, its insides are beautifully marbled with red and light minty green. Its vines are perhaps 6 feet tall and hearty. This tomato comes in a little bit late at 85 days but it will reward you with the perfect complement to sandwiches and salsa, and a great companion in the garden on a hot day. Bite in and you'll discover rich, complex and earthy flavors that will have you hooked the minute you do!
  • Tasmanian Chocolate dwarf tomato is a full flavored and beautiful fruit. They grow on plants that are about 3.5 feet tall. These will perform well in buckets or in the ground. Plants produce plenty, light chocolate colored fruits that can reach 12 ounces. Take a bite and you will discover a really juicy fruit that has a bit of earthiness to it. Plants quickly become top heavy so some staking may be necessary. You can expect your first ripened fruits around the 80 day mark. Try some of these in your garden and get ready for a bountiful harvest!
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    Victorian Dwarf Tomato

  • Dwarf Wild Fred Tomato

    Dwarf Wild Fred tomato is one of my favorite dwarfs. I like its growing habits and tenacity. 3 foot plants never stop pumping out 6-10 ounce fruits all season long. Tomatoes are full flavored, a little smoky and balanced. They are juicy and aromatic when fully ripened. These seemed to love the hotter months and were still going strong in mid-September. Will perform well in containers. Staking may be necessary! We've had no issues with diseases.
  • Summertime Green Dwarf tomato is appropriately named in my opinion. For one thing, for me they begin to ripen right in the middle of the summer, around July 20th. The other thing about this bigger fruit, is that it stays quite green, never really changing colors much, even when it’s ripened. Rugose leaf plants  are tree type and grow to about 3.5 feet tall. They display good disease resistance and produce some nice sized tomatoes, with the larger ones weighing in about 10 ounces. Its flavor is certainly a thing to behold. this one is on the it’s sweet with plenty juice. I also like that it has a little fruity kickback. Summertime Green is a great tomato for salsas, sandwiches, cooking and eating right off of the plant. Go for it!
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    Aztek Micro Dwarf Tomato

    Out Of Stock! Aztek micro dwarf tomato is a sweet, juicy and kind of fruity. It's really a lot of fun to grow! Plants grow to about 8 inches tall. They are loaded with beautiful fruits that are whitish when green.  You can expect your first ripened fruits about 65- 70 days after transplant. Once the plant begins to ripen its tomatoes, you will be blessed with an abundance of very tasty fruits. Sweet and firmest with good balance, Aztek is perfect for snacking on or salads, jams, jellies and canning. Like some other dwarf varieties, you may also be blessed with a second, smaller crop if you feed and water often. Ours have always been grown in 3/4 gallon containers and do exceptionally well. We grow both outdoors and under lights indoors during the winter. Many more awesome micro dwarf varieties awaiting you, Here!
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    Flora Gold Micro Dwarf Tomato

    When I first saw a ripened Flora Gold micro dwarf tomato plant, I was very impressed. I couldn't believe how such a short plant could produce such beautiful and tasty fruits. When I tasted these little gems, I was hooked and became totally opened to trying micros on a bigger scale. Flora Gold plants are a little taller than most of the other micro varieties. Ours consistently reached 8-12 inches tall. What stood out to me is that they did not need any staking. Plants are firm, strong and are loaded with fruits from the very bottom shoots all the way up! Bite in and you would find a perfectly balanced tomato with very pleasing under-tones. This is a very good cherry that performs well in 3/4 to 1 gallon containers! 72 days to ripen.
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    Hahms Gelbe micro dwarf tomato is my favorite to look at when it's ripening its fruits. 8-10 inch plants produce regular sized, pale yellow tomatoes that are so beautiful that you just don't want to eat them. Fruits are sweeter and mild with a lot of good juice! Our plants begin to ripen their fruits about 70 days after we transplanted them. Like all of our micro dwarf varieties, we successfully grew these in 3/4 gallon containers. These had to be staked because they were so loaded and top-heavy. chopsticks worked excellently. Perfect for salads and snacking! Kids love them!
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    Lille Lise Micro Dwarf Tomato

    Lille Lise tomato is a truly decorative 8 inch plant that bears some tasty, red cherry tomatoes. What' s more, it's a pretty prolific variety for its small size. Have a look at our posted images and you would see that this little gem is just loaded with bright red tomatoes. When well ripened, Lille Lise micro dwarf tomato is full flavored and slightly fruity. It tends to be on the sweet side. The overall taste is great! Plants begin to ripen their fruits about 72 days after transplant. Use 3/4 to 1 gallon containers for optimum production. There are no benefits to using anything bigger. Try some of these, you'll love em!
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    Mohamed Micro Dwarf Tomato (Back In Stock)

    Without a doubt, Mohamed micro dwarf tomato is my favorite variety as far as production. This awesome variety is a workhorse. Before I continue, allow me to say that it is also a winner as it pertains to taste. Sweetish, juicy, forward and satisfying, would be the perfect description.  Ours grew to about 7 inches tall and were so loaded that they needed early staking. We use chopsticks for staking. They work excellently. You can expect ripened fruits about 72 days after transplant. 3/4 to 1 gallon containers work excellently!
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    Yukon Quest is a very nice slicing dwarf tomato that grows on 3 feet tree-like plants. Fruits grows in bunches of 3-5 and are about the size of a tennis ball. They are sweeter with a tinge of acidity and very juicy. These are perfect for containers. When growing in containers, I usually use 5 gallon containers and have great success. Our plants were sprayed with Coper Sulfate and stood up well to diseases. Fruits begin to ripen about 75 days after transplant. Some staking may be necessary.
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    Orange Hat Micro Dwarf Tomato

    Orange Hat micro dwarf tomato is very similar to Pinocchio Yellow, in taste, size and color. They are different as far as growing habit and production time. Unlike Pinocchio, Orange Hat has a more upright growing habit and does not send out as many suckers. For comparison purposes, I grew them both side by side and found that Pinocchio was six days earlier to ripen. Orange Hat is very tasty, mildly fruity and soft. It has a high aroma and tender skin. Plants are about 6-8 inches depending on your light source. This tomato is a fruit in the true sense. Perfect for snacking and salads. Jams and jellies would certainly shine with these, also. 3/4 to 1 gallon containers would work great!
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    Tiny Tom micro dwarf tomato is a very worthy variety. I love this one a lot because it has a very nice flavor and it produces quite a lot of fruits. For us, vines grew to about 8-10 inches tall and produced plenty of nickel sized fruits which begin to blush around the 70 day mark. I also like this one because it's eager to produce a smaller second crop. Keep it fed and it will go a long way for you! Like most of our other micro dwarf varieties, these do well in 3/4 gallon containers. Some support may be needed as a prop for fruit heavy tops!
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    Minibel Tomato


    Minibel Tomato

    Minibel tomato is a perfect container variety. Plants can grow to about 18 inches and produce some fire red fruits. They vary between dime and quarter size. Fruits are mild and sweeter with medium thick skin. If you are paying attention, you can expect your first wave of ripened tomatoes around the 70 day mark. Use 3/4 to 1 gallon containers for these. Perfect for snacking and salads. I haven't met a kid that didn't like them!
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    Micro Tom Tomato


    Micro Tom Tomato

    Micro Tom tomato is perhaps the shortest tomato plant around. This variety always surprises me with its growing habit and  production. Growing to about 3 inches tall, this puny thing is quick to bloom and fruit.  You can expect ripened tomatoes about 65 days after transplant. Tomatoes are deep red and tapers a bit on the bottom end. When you taste them, you will get a burst of tang and juice. They are firm and crunchy. These are also excellent keepers that perform admirably in salads. 1/2 to 3/4 gallon containers would work well! They are a lot of fun to grow..
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    Florida Petite produces the biggest sized cherries among all of the micro dwarfs. I have harvested many that were bigger than a ping pong ball. Plants are about 6-8 inches and produce a good amount of red, juicy fruits.  Staking is essential. You can expect to begin your harvest about 70 days after transplant. 3/4 to 1 gallon containers would be perfect for this gem!  Perfect for salads and fresh eating off the plant!
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    Tumbling Tom Tomato

    Tumbling Tom Yellow tomato is a basket variety that can also be grown in pots and staked. This variety has a red sister which we hope to carry in the future. Tom produces some of the most delicious cherries that just melts in your mouth. Fruits are fruity, juicy and sweet. These are perfect for snacking on. You may try them for making delicious jams and jellies but they really shine in salads. This is definitely one of the best basket cherry varieties! 72 days to ripen.
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    Yellow Micro Dwarf Tomato

    Back In Stock! Interestingly, Yellow micro dwarf tomato displays some anthocyanin. As you can see from our posted images, the fruits are darker on the top end. This beautiful fruit is full flavored and satisfying with good balance. I would say it's on the sweet side but there is a nice complimentary tinge of tang. Plants grow no taller than nine inches and begin to ripen their fruits around 72 days after transplant. 3/4 gallon containers work excellently.  Containers larger than 1 gallon are not necessary.
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    Pinocchio is the reason that I got into micro dwarf tomatoes. I could hardly believe that this short plant could produce tomatoes with such excellent flavor. Pinocchio micro dwarf is a great tomato for jams and jellies, providing that you could keep yourself from eating them off of the plant. They are sweet, juicy, soft and fruity with thin skin. Plants mature at about 7 inches and send out a few very useful suckers that are anxious to also produce fruits. Ours do excellently in 3/4 gallon containers. about 70 days to ripen after transplant!
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    If you are looking for a beautiful, micro dwarf cherry tomato, that ripens in 70 days, Yellow Canary is the one for you. Plants are about 8 inches tall! This variety produces some of the prettiest fruits in the micro dwarf world. Matching its beauty is its taste. For me, it's memorable! Firm, balanced and juicy cherries are perfect for salads and snacking right off the plants. You can expect ripened fruits about 70 days after transplant. These grow excellently in small containers of 3/4-1 gallon. Perfect for window sills, patio growing and under lights indoors. Get ready for a sweet and tasty treat!
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    Andrina micro dwarf tomato is a variety that produces larger red cherries that are similar in size to Florida Petite. Even though the fruits are larger, plants produce a nice amount of firm, sweet and juicy cherries. Plants are about 8-10 inches at maturity. But their production is good. They begin to ripen their fruits about 75 days after transplant. So get ready to eat! A little staking may be necessary. I use Chinese chopsticks and they work perfectly! We successfully grew them indoors and under lights. Using 3/4 gallon containers, we were able to fit about 12-15 plants under one 4 foot light fixture and all did exceptionally well. Andrina is my favorite red micro dwarf tomato!
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    Vilma mico dwarf tomato is one of my favorite micros. Eight inch plants produce nickel-sized, deep red cherry cherries that are fruity, sweeter and rich. Overall, Vilma is a very balanced tomato that kids would love. Plants produce clusters of 5-7 fruits that begin to ripen in about 65 days after transplant. 1/2 to 1 gallon containers work excellently for this wonderful little gem!  
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    Gold Pearl is a beautiful cherry tomato that performs well indoors or out. It also does very well in 3/4 to 1 gallon containers. Growing to about 1.5 feet at maturity, this gem is very prolific and hardy. Its fruits are sweet, earthy and soft. A little staking may be necessary. Fruits begin to ripen about 70 days after transplant. Expect plenty of little yellow tomatoes for an extended period! Great as a treat or in salads. May be good for jams and jellies!
  • Summertime Gold dwarf tomato is a very nice variety that can reach 10 ounces. In 2016 we grew quite a few plants and they all did excellently. Plants produce nice amounts of mildly sweet, juicy and fruity tomatoes that ripens around 85 days after transplant.  Our dwarf plants grew to about 3 feet tall and started setting blooms pretty early. Great tomato for salsa, sandwiches and cooking. I like them best sliced fresh in the garden. It certainly is a wonderful treat that way! Stake plants as soon as possible, they will quickly become top heavy from the weight of the tomatoes. Good for container growing!  

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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