• Silver Tuckqueen Tomato

    Without any information other than seed source, I didn't know what to expect when growing out Silver Tuckqueen tomato. What I got were beautiful, red, large cherries with very nice and tangy taste. These were refreshing and immediately reminded me of stewed tomatoes. I tried it and it worked out wonderfully. These are clean and blemish-free tomatoes. They have nice texture and delivered an overall pleasing experience. I would definitely grow these again, especially for their earliness and market sales. Ours started ripening around 62 days from transplant. Perfect for canning, cooking, snacking and more! These are not too common so I hope more people would try them!
  • Stokes Alaska Tomato


    Stokes Alaska Tomato

    The very first variety to ripen for us in 2019 was Stokes Alaska Tomato. That made me very happy because in a very tough spring and early summer, I needed something to lift my spirits a little. My spirits got an even bigger boost when I found out that these had good taste. I wouldn't say that it's the best thing that I ever tasted, but they were quite good. Sweetish and had some tang, I loved the texture and production. Determinate plants produce prolifically! They averaged about 5 fruits to the pound, so not small cherries.  These are fantastic snackers, especially in mid-June. perfect for canning, early market tomatoes, cooking, juicing, fresh salsa and more. A wonderful way to start off the summer! 55 days. Seed Source: (Netherlands C.F.G.R 92, #CGN 14362)
  • San Marzano Redorta Tomato

    Every year I make a lot of tomato sauce. Some of my main tomatoes for this task are, Goatbag, Kapia Red, Abbittista, Jersey Devil and a few more. This year, 2019, I grew out San Marzano Redorta for the first time. The sauce I made with this variety was fantastic! So from now on, these will be on my favorite list too. San Marzano Redorta have thick meat and sweet taste. They cook down into some fine tasting tomato sauce. Plants are hard workers and produce plenty 3 inch long fruits that keep coming until season's end. Also a nice canning and paste variety. Put these on your "favorite sauce tomato" list. You wouldn't regret it!
  • Sandul Moldovan Tomato


    Sandul Moldovan Tomato

    A wonderful beefsteak with good balance is what you will get when you grow out Sandul Moldovan tomato. Ten ounce pink beauties will please you, especially when you try them between two slices of bread. These make wonderful sandwiches! Texture is smooth and inviting. Overall taste is sweet mild and slightly fruity. Really good tomato, that for me, is an easy 7 out of 10. Plants produce plenty and are a bit tall. Ours were about 6 feet. Sandul Moldovan is also a nice tomato for just biting into. Little to no cracking on ours. Recommended!
  • Sarga Trophy 2008 Tomato

    Sarga Trophy 2008 tomato is a rare variety gifted to me my Aud Zenberg. It was one of many varieties I attained from her in 2018. Of these varieties, some are very rare and I feel the urgent need to make sure that they are available to the public, in order to make sure that they are conserved. My grow-outs came from pure seed! With Sarga Trophy you will gat a very flavorful tomato that's rich, juicy and tasty. Perfect yellow slicers with nice tang and some good sweetness too. This one has a bright taste for a yellow variety. Plants are short and produce plenty, though not prolific. Fruits are clean and blemish-free. Really pleasing taste. Seed Source: (Netherlands Centre For Genetic Resources, CGN 24203)
  • Linda’s Faux Tomato


    Linda's Faux Tomato

    I decided to try Linda's Faux tomato because I heard a lot of good things about it. My version was the potato leafed. Six feet tall plants produced heavy amounts of 6-10 ounce, bright red fruits. Disease resistance was excellent. Taste was wonderful and refreshing, with sweets but more acidic. I loved its  smooth and easy texture. I did try them on sandwiches with mayo, cheese, salt, pepper, basil and a little olive oil. It made some delightful sammiches! Neither flooding nor excessive heat or drought affected these. I will be growing next year, 2020 in larger quantities for market! These are definitely worth a try!
  • Lightning Tomato


    Lightning Tomato

    Lightning tomato is a superb sauce and cooking variety. Determinate plants produce heavy crops of deep red, 3-4 ounce, slightly elongated fruits. I made some really great sauce with these. They should also make great canning tomatoes. Our three feet tall plants never showed any signs of diseases. They just produced their crops and expired.  I especially loved that they were early producers. I picked the first ripened fruits about 72 days after transplant. Taste was mildly sweet with nice acidity. Balance as good for an early variety. It's a rare cultivar. Seed Source: Gatersleben Russia, LYC 3874  
  • Krupnya Grozd Tomato


    Krupnya Grozd Tomato

    Krupnya Grozd tomato is a 10-14 ounce, red oxheart with deep flavor and nice texture! They have wispy vines that would need  early staking. Production is good to excellent! When fully ripened, these are are so beautiful that you will always have your eyes on them. Ripening to a nice red, Krupnya Grozd has nice thick, semi-firm flesh and awesome aroma too. Taste is sweeter with little acidity but complete. Perfect selection for oxheart lovers. Good market and sandwich tomato. Will also do well for cooking, sauce and canning. I truly like its balanced taste. Will definitely stay in my grow-list from now on! 80 days.
  • Out of stock

    Ananas Zebra Tomato


    Ananas Zebra Tomato

    Ananas Zebra tomato is a delicious variety. 6-10 ounce fruits are beautifully bi-colored inside and out. Our plants were prolific and showed nice disease resistance. We noticed our first ripened fruits around day 75 from transplant. They continued producing heavily throughout the season. These would be great as market tomatoes because the have nice flavor and texture and would hold up for market. Perfect choice for fresh salsa, garnish, cooking, slicing and fresh eating. Staking early would assist in a successful crop! Another nice addition to any bi-colored tomato garden!  
  • Paulina Tomato


    Paulina Tomato

    Paulina tomato is a family heirloom shared with me by a tomato loving friend. He said that a Mennonite family  shared seeds with him. He named it after his grandmother. I grew it out in 2016 for the first time. They made some great sauce and canned up pretty good too. This year, 2019, we grow out several plants. They all performed excellently, producing 3 inch long or more, fat, deep red fruits that were sweet meaty meaty. Plants were heavy producers. Paulina is along the lines of Kapia Red and  Polish Linguisa. Thick rich flesh, sweet and multipurpose. Make yourself some great sauce with these! Read more about raw history of this fine tomato, here!
  • Out of stock
  • Abe Lincoln Tomato


    Abe Lincoln Tomato

    Abe Lincoln tomato is a variety I have been grown for many years. It's one of my favorites because of its good taste, reliability, clean fruits and disease resistance. When I wand a nice looking and tasty fruit for market sales, this is one that I always turn to. Short plants produce 6-12 ounce fruits that are blemish free and aromatic. These are great slicers, especially for sandwiches and fresh eating. Ripening to a deep red, it has well balanced old fashion tomato taste. You can expect your first ripened fruits between 75 and 80 days. Indeterminate.
  • Tomate Cimarron Legendario

    One of the strangest tasting varieties I have ever grown, Tomate Cimarron Legendario is truly difficult for me to explain. It's not sweet or acidic. In fact, it doesn't even taste like a tomato. There is a lingering taste that's interesting and inviting, but to me, it's not very tomatoey. It's a Cuban cherry variety for which I was gifted seeds. What I do know is that it has perhaps the best resistance to disease than any variety I have ever grown. This variety is prolific, hardy and as solid as you could find. I am just not sure about the taste. Try some and give me some feedback. 65 days to ripen from transplant. (Gatersleben LYC 3468)
  • RAF Tomato


    RAF Tomato

    Looking for a really nice all purpose variety? RAF tomato is is a great place to start. This variety is perfect for cooking, juicing, canning, slicing and more. Plants are semi determinate are regular leafed and produce prolifically. It's also an early producer. Our first fruits started ripening around 72 days from transplant. RAF has a great aroma and delicious sweet taste, that creates a nice overall experience. Good disease resistance.  Fusarium Resistance.
  • Luchese Tomato

    Luchese Tomato is a serious beefsteak for serious tomato sandwich lovers. These are 1 pound and bigger fruits with intense tomato taste. That have a medium-firm texture and dense meat. Really nice aroma too. Ours began to ripen around 85 days after transplant and produced a good crop. Our largest was one pound and twelve ounces. Average weight was 12-16 ounces. Plants are tall and thick so much staking is required. One of our best beefsteaks in 2019, we will definitely be growing it again in 2020. If you are serious about tomato sandwiches, you must try this one!
  • Mushroom Basket Tomato


    Mushroom Basket Tomato

    One of the hits here for us in 2019, Mushroom Basket tomato is a really nice stuffing and sauce variety. For starters, it cooks down into some really nice sauce without much effort. But it also shines as stuffing tomato. Because of its size, it works as a good stuffer meal for two people, unless of course, if you have big appetite. These also work well as garnish tomatoes. Last is milder and sweet but very present. Our plants were perhaps 5 feet tall, but may have been shorter. Production is good. These deep ribbed tomatoes are head-turners for sure! Try them! Click Here to see it on YouTube!
  • Out of stock

    Marzipan Gold Tomato


    Marzipan Gold Tomato

    It's amazing how beautiful this variety is. Marzipan Gold tomato is eye-catching inside and out. Close to one pound fruits shine in the sun, displaying colors of pinks, yellows and golds. When sliced, they totally come alive with aroma that makes you want to eat them all. Nice texture, sweet, juicy, fruity and satisfying. Very little tang. These look beautiful when sliced on a plate. Perfect for sandwiches and even sauces. Plants are hardy and produce plenty fruits that begin to ripen around day 82 from transplant. Really great variety for market sales because production is good, fruits are eye-catching and taste is great! If you need a new bi-colored variety in your garden, try these!
  • Dujon Burr Tomato


    Dujon Burr Tomato

    I am so happy that I grew these out.  This rare variety is a great little slicer. They also do great as canners and juice tomatoes. A new addition to our rare variety list, Dujon Burr tomato plants are determinate and just do their thing.  Plants have very good production, with good disease resistance to back that up!  These started ripening about 72 days after transplant. When fully ripened, Dujon Burr is bright red, juicy and have overall good balance. Nice selection for such an early tomato. Nice texture too! (Seed Source Gatersleben, # LYC 3493.)
  • Byelorussian Tomato


    Byelorussian Tomato

    Another rare variety shared with me by my friend Aud Zeneberg. If you are seeking a new and rare cultivar for your next grow-outs, try Byelorussian Tomato.  Very tasty!  These are  blemish-free, almost perfect 6 ounce slicers! Very good balanced taste, nice aroma and again, not easily found.  Our plants were prolific and relatively early, ripening their fruits about 72 days after transplant. Fruits are perfect slicers, great for cooking, canning, sauces and much more. Try a few right off the vine, mmmmmmm!!  Seeds directly from Gatersleben Seed Bank. LYC 3687.
  • Out of stock

    Coeur de Surpriz Tomato

    One of my biggest regrets in 2019 is that I didn't grow enough Coeur de Surpriz tomato plants. I grew out 4 plants and 3 of them were drowned in the flood waters in mid-June. When the remaining plant finally started ripening its fruits, I was amazed at how beautiful they were. Not wanting to eat many, in order to maximize my seed count, I tried a few. Then a few more, and more. Eventually I only saved fruits from half of the plant. These were sweet and fruity with a little tang. Very good little tomato! Bi-colored outside and out. Good choice for fresh eating, salads, garnish, dehydrating, fresh salsa, canning and more. Nice all purpose variety. Might I say again, very, very good!
  • When I  first heard about someone sharing  Cherokee Purple Potato Leaf tomato seeds, I was very skeptical. Nonetheless, I decided to try them. What I got was prolific plants that produced dark colored, 8-12  ounce fruits that were tasty, sweeter and juicy. They had very good flavor but different texture to Cherokee Purple. Potato leafed plants were very disease resistant and never showed any signs of diseases. As evidence that this is a good tomato, it was one of the few varieties that raccoons attacked in our garden. Raccoons do not touch our tomatoes if they are not tasty. They kept returning these plants night after night. These are great for sandwiches, sauces, market sales and more.  
  • Ponderosa Purpurviolette Tomato

    In 2018 I was gifted a package of hard to find and rare seeds. I grew out about 25 varieties. Ponderosa Purpurviolette Tomato is one of them. This fantastic taster with nice texture has really given me the drive to grow even more rare cultivars. It has a really good old-time tomato tart with  a. nice blend of sweetness, excellent overall taste! Perfect sandwich tomato. Hardy plants produce plenty, but they are not prolific. I got about 13 fruits from one plant and 15 from the other three. So a total of 58 fruits from 4 plants. I'll take it!  I forgot to take notes on leaf type, so forgive me. Indeterminate, 80 days! Gatersleben Seed Bank LYC 137.
  • Church Tomato


    Church Tomato

    I really appreciate a well balanced red tomato. Church tomato is just that. About 1 pound beefsteaks are meaty and delicious. Tough plants are about 6 feet tall, eager to produce and hard workers. Ours showed no signs of diseases in 2019. Plants produce nice crops of deep red fruits, that are in clusters of 3 or 4. Ours began ripening about 80 days after transplant. Perfect sandwich tomato. Not to large or too juicy. Our largest was about 1.3 pounds. Great market tomato. Good also for cooking with. Made some great fried green tomatoes with these! Lovely choice for any tomato garden!
  • Myra’s Giant Tomato


    Myra's Giant Tomato

    Heavy producers of big red beefsteaks is what you will get when you plant Myra's Giant tomato vines. In 2019, these were among the biggest producers for us. We harvested so many that we literally made tons and tons of sauce after seeding them. Big beefsteaks can reach two pounds, have sweet and tangy flavor that creates a perfect balance. Very nice texture that seems custom made for sandwiches. These may make great market tomatoes too! They are blemish free and eye catching. Enough to bring customers back to your booth. Stake well and early! Click Here To See It On Youtube!
  • Green Gables Tomato


    Green Gables Tomato

    Green Gables tomato is a very delicious green variety that every should try. This 5-10 ounce fruit is sweet, a little fruity and satisfying. Bred by Jason Haynes, this is truly a nice producer! Potato leaved plants are hardy and prolific. Ours were just under 6 feet tall. A perfect tomato for slicing, it also shines in green tomato sauce, on sandwiches, for cooking and garnish. I especially love its wonderful aroma when fully ripened. For those who have never tried a green when ripened tomato variety, this would be a great way to start. Stake and feed well and you should be well rewarded.  You cant go wrong with this beauty. Plant a few, get your baskets ready and get ready for the ride!
  • Gezahnte Buhrer Keel Tomato

    From now on, whenever I want a stuffing variety, I will first consider Gezahnte Buhrer Keel Tomato. That's because I made some really delicious meals with it this year. I stuffed them withe everything! Tuna salad, Mexican rice, pasta, mushrooms and veggies, scrambled egg omelet and more. Each time, they performed admirably. In some cases, we placed them stuffed with foods in the oven for up to 10 minutes and they did excellently. This variety is thick-walled, sweet and mild. It's present in your stuffed meals, but not overwhelming. Shorter and prolific plants. Fruits are large enough to make a good meal when stuffed. Plants showed good disease resistance. Additionally, they make fantastic tomato sauce! A winner for me!
  • Fuego Verde Tomato


    Fuego Verde Tomato

    The ultimate salad variety, Fuego Verde tomato will not disappoint you! Another fantastic Fred Hempel production, this high producing and super tasty fruit will keep you wanting more. If you love fresh green salsa, these work wonderfully too! Our  five feet tall, wispy leaved plants started ripening their fruits about 72 days after transplant and continued until the end of the season. They produced tons of approximately 2.5 inch, elongated, bi-colored green and yellow tomatoes, that were juicy and desirable. A really nice mix of sweet and tang. Perfect for canning, salads, fresh eating, market sales, dehydrating and so much more. You must try these!
  • Golden Fang Tomato


    Golden Fang Tomato

    Golden Fang tomato is a fat, meaty variety that is perfect for sauce, cooking and paste. 3-5 ounce fruits have a wonderful aroma and sweet pleasing taste. This tomato reminds me of the yellow version of Donkey's Ears. Plants have wispy leaves and skinny vines and would benefit from early staking. They produce plenty for such skinny vines. Ripened fruits are bright yellow and very attractive. For me, these are sauce specialist, but I did make some really good salsa with then too. They are also very tasty eaten just in the garden right off the vine, no salt required! If you love yellow tomato sauce, these would work great with very little effor

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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