• Carmin Violet Tomato


    Carmin Violet Tomato

    Carmin Violet tomato is a cutie slicing variety with very good taste. Soft but not mushy, it has a wonderful aroma when fully ripened. I was surprise by its very nice, mild flavor that still delivered completeness. I really enjoyed this tomato but did not try it in any applications. The only way I had it was fresh off of the vine. Very good experience. Six to ten ounce, oblate fruits, grow on hardy 5 feet tall plants. Big production, mid-season ! Expect your first ripened fruits around 75 days from transplant.
  • Summer Lightning Tomato

    A sauce and paste type, Summer Lightning tomato is a rare variety. It is a high producer of 2-3 inch elongated fruits. A mid-season variety, this high producing gem fits perfectly if you like sweeter or low acidity sauces. These are  nice tasting stand alone tomatoes. Also perfect for canning, cooking and fresh eating. Perfect for market sales because if its high production, taste and crack-free habit. I made some of the best tasting fresh salsa with Summer Lightning. Plants are tall, hardy and wispy leaved. Stake well and you will be rewarded. 75 days to ripen from transplant. Seed Source: Gatersleben Russia # LYC 3881 
  • Triumph Tomato


    Triumph Tomato

    Pretty 3-4 ounce fruits are fire-truck red when ripened. Triumph tomato is a determinate variety that produces excessively. Early ripening, these are perfect for salads, canning, fresh eating, cooking and more. So truly, it's an all purpose variety. Great selection for market sales. Mild, slightly acidic and forward taste. I enjoyed making fresh tomato salsa with these. Onions, jalapeños, cilantro, limes, salt and black pepper and tomatoes, of course. That's my simple and delicious recipe. Ours started ripening around 68 days from transplant. Seed Source: Gatersleben, #LYC 154 
  • Summer Sunrise Tomato


    Summer Sunrise Tomato

    Summer Sunrise tomato is a pleasant treat in any garden. Blemished free fruits are produced on short plants that produce plenty. This mid-season variety is sweeter, fruity and mild. Good keepers, these are perfect for slicing, salads, canning and tomato juice.  Plants are vibrant. and hardy. Ours survived a brutal spring and early summer. Fruits averaged four to six ounces. Rare and worth it.
  • Belle Arlesienne Tomato

    Belle Arlesienne Tomato is a rare and tasty French variety. I am certainly happy that I grew these out! Nicely textured fruits are between 6 and 10 ounces, are sweet with forward taste and have very interesting secondary flavors. Only one of our plants made it because of severe flooding in 2o19, but I am so happy that it did, because I really like this one. Next year 2020, I will be growing out many more plants. Belle Arlesienne has a good texture and wonderful aroma. Nice slicing variety. Overall pleasing variety. I especially appreciate that in a rare sort! Seed Source: Gatersleben France, # LYC 93.
  • Biquinho Pepper Yellow


    Biquinho Pepper Yellow

    Just like its red sister, Biquinho Pepper Yellow packs super flavor! Very prolific plants produce small, elongated yellow peppers  with tapered ends. These are very fruity, even more so than the red, which is excellent too! Try dehydrating these for flakes, toppings, cooking etc. You will be amazed! Great for canning, pickling and fresh cooking too. Plants are short and produce all season long. Try bringing a few plants in for the winter and sit them on your window sill. Peppers all winter long! I highly recommend these if you love the gourmet pepper taste in your dishes.
  • Biquinho Pepper Red


    Biquinho Pepper Red

    In 2008 I became interested in gourmet peppers that had high flavor, very little to no heat and were prolific producers. As a culinary lover, I wanted varieties that I could cook with and include in almost anything I made. My very first love was Aji Dulce Orange. I graduated to other varieties with the passage of time. This year, 2019, I asked my the "Pepper Lady" at my local farmer market to recommend something to me. I wanted similar types. She suggested Biquinho Pepper Red and Yellow, the rest is history! These both have exceptional gourmet qualities. They are fruity, tasty and aromatic. Both appear to have heat at first bite, but that fizzles to nada! If you are seeking a wonderful varieties for pickling, flakes, powder, dehydrating, cooking, eating fresh, market or more, try the Biquinhos. Very Prolific!  
  • A very nice and rare find for us in 2019, Tschechische Gelbe tomato was one of my personal favorites. Large sized cherry tomatoes have a medium-firm feel with lots of juiciness and wonderful aroma when fully ripened. These are sweeter and fruity, but must ripen well for the full experience. Plants are about 6 feet tall and produce plenty. Ours showed wonderful resistance to early blight. Great for snacking, canning, garnish, cooking and so much more. Try this rare and wonderful variety, you too may get hooked!
  • Rhode Island Early Tomato

    Rhode Island Early tomato is an variety that produces plenty 3-4 ounce, red fruits that have a mildly acidic taste. I really like this as an early producer, especially because they are not bland. These are useful for cooking, canning, nice tomato juice and early market sales. So a good all-purpose variety. Plants are determinate and stocky.  Our first fruits came in at around 67 days from transplant, even earlier than all of our cherry varieties. Get ready for a big harvest!
  • Winsall Tomato


    Winsall Tomato

    Another workhorse on the farm in 2019, I wish that we had discovered these a long time ago. Do you want a nice sandwich? Try a Winsall tomato. Excellent texture, aroma and as a slicer. Ours displayed good disease resistance and had fantastic production.  A very balanced tasting variety, fruits are not too sweet or tart or sweet. Ours averaged about 1 pound, with many being around 12 ounces. Perfect blend of complimentary flavors too. The is a very good tomato that I am definitely growing again. Solid, solid tomato! 85 days!
  • Wisconsin 55 Tomato


    Wisconsin 55 Tomato

    One of the sturdiest producers that we grew in 2019, Wisconsin 55 tomato will be a repeat grow for sure. Clean, juicy fruits are not mushy, rather they have very nice texture. These are great for tomato juice, salads canning and more. A good all purpose tomato. I love cooking with them, they make really good stew. This is a hard-working variety that will do well in heat or wet conditions, workhorse! Crack resistant, with high disease resistance. Try some!
  • Zluta Kytice Tomato


    Zluta Kytice Tomato

    A multi-flora variety, Zluta Kytice tomato packs nice flavor. Four to five feet tall plants are so prolific that you will have a tough time harvesting them. Sweet and fruity, yellow cherries, are not more than one inch long. They are produced on bunches of sometimes more than 50. Plant are study and early ripening, coming in at around 70 days. Nice disease resistance, good hardiness. These will quickly become one of your favorites! Perfect market variety! Great too for deserts, salads, canning and so much more! Zluta Kyrice is a wonderful, never-ending snack!
  • Vineyard Wine Tomato


    Vineyard Wine Tomato

    I was gifted seeds for Vineyard Wine tomato by my friend form NYC. He also gifted me Alfonsi's Big Pink Beefsteak. Not sure what to expect, I planted two plants. What I were rose pink, very beautiful, slightly bigger than golf ball sized fruits that were rich and tasty. I have to admit, these do not taste like wine, but their colors is stunning. They are sweet, with nice tartness and not mild. Very consistent tomato taste! In a nutshell, they are delicious. Perfect for cooking, eating fresh, sauces and even sliced in salads. I like this tomato a lot. 6-8 averaged one pound. Prolific plants, very hardy variety!
  • Minipop Tomato


    Minipop Tomato

    Just pop one in and you will be hooked. Minipop tomato is a smaller, medium firm and sweeter cherry tomato. It has a rich and full flavor. Not very common, in fact rare, this prolific producing variety will keep you very busy all season long. Tall plants are extremely hardy and disease resistant. They produce an lot, and early! Our 3 plants started ripening around 70 days from transplant. They sprawled and sprawled. Minipop's  texture is good, especially for snacking on the spot. Be one of the first to try this rare cultivar in your garden! Seed Source: Gatersleben, # LYC 1330
  • African Beefsteak Tomato

    A true taster, African Beefsteak tomato is a full flavored variety that veers on the sweeter side. More mild than strong, this variety would be a great addition to any beefsteak garden. Fruits are 10-16 ounces. Plants produce plenty, but not prolifically. Disease resistance is very good and plants are about five to six feet tall.. These make great sandwiches and slicing tomatoes. A nice selection for market sales also. Stake well and early and you will be well rewarded!
  • Auranticum Tomato


    Auranticum Tomato

    Auranticum tomato was a standout for us in 2018. We are introducing seeds in 2019. Five feet tall, multiflora plants, produce more delicious cherry tomatoes than you could harvest. Fruits are produced in bunches of 20-50 or perhaps more. Taste is sweet and fruity with mild tang. These are perfect for salads, snacking, canning and so much more. A perfect treat for market vendors. Great if your need is less plants and more production!
  • Welcome to Tuckwood Favorite Tomato. This one is not very common, but having grown it, I wish that more fanciers would. Actually, it has become one of Curtis' favorites. Tall, vibrant plants produce heavily from mid-season until frost. Tomatoes are bright red and delicious. Not sweet or tart, Tuckwood Favorite has excellent, balanced, old time flavor. It truly is a nice little slicing tomato. (Seed Source: Gatersleben, #LYC 156)
  • Sierra Leone Tomato


    Sierra Leone Tomato

    Looking for an exceptional sauce variety? Try Sierra Leone tomato. Hardy vines produce heavily and relatively early. These have good disease resistance and need staking early. Taste is sweet, full flavored and satisfying. makes thick, sweet and rich sauce. Good too for tomato ketchup. Expect first ripened fruits around 70 days from transplant. May also do well for making tomato paste. Great too for stuffing with all kinds of goodies.  Definitely worth growing if you love sauce!
  • Dwarf Hazy's Dream Tomato

    I have a lot of admiration and respect for the work that is done at the Dwarf  Tomato Project. Some of the best dwarf tomatoes that I have grown were as a result of their hard work. This one has a rich flavor, masked by mild fruitiness. Overall, it's a sweet tomato that has a very nice balance. Juice is rich and delicious. Dwarf Hazy's Dream tomato plants are about 3 feet tall and produce a nice amount of 2-5 ounce fruits, though most are around 2-4. Ours came in a little late, starting to ripen fruits about 82 days after transplant. Definitely worth the wait! Perfect little slicer that you would enjoy. Note: Most dwarf varieties do well in containers and small gardens.
  • Dwarf Jasmine Yellow Tomato

    This year, 2019, my dwarf plants performed and produced excellently. Every one showed great disease resistance. We had big harvest here on the farm. Dwarf Jasmine Yellow tomato was one of the best. It has to be one of the prettiest exteriors on any tomato that I have ever seen. Deep yellow, shiny and clean fruits are really eye-catching. They turned heads in my garden every time. Taste was superb and fruity. Nothing was overwhelming with Jasmine Yellow. It has the perfect blend of delicious flavors. A keeper for me. Plants are about 3 feet tall and produce amply until frost. Great slicer tomato. Looks beautiful sliced on a platter. Really good eaten right off the vine. Note: Most dwarf varieties do well in containers and small gardens.
  • The Very Best Tomato


    The Very Best Tomato

    I happen to think that this is a great tomato name! I mean who wouldn't be interested in a variety named The Very Best. I grew these out expecting big things and I wasn't disappointed. My four plants produced plenty 10-14 ounce pink beefsteaks, that were sweet, meaty and delicious. Its taste isn't complicated, just a nice old fashioned, full-flavored one! When I tasted my first one, I immediately knew that this variety would be awesome for sandwiches. Our plants were big, tall and vibrant. They were really good with disease resistance and also weren't bothered with extreme weather. These are great, try them! Everyone would like The Very Best Tomato!
  • Dwarf Goldfinch Tomato


    Dwarf Goldfinch Tomato

    Mildly sweet, full flavored and delicious with nice undertones, is how I would describe Dwarf Goldfinch tomato. Big, canary yellow fruits, can weigh ten to twelve ounces, but ours averaged around 8-10. Our plants grew to three feet tall and produced a very nice crop which began to ripen about 78 days after transplant. Disease resistance was great for us and we harvested until season's end. These need to be staked early because of the quantity and size of fruits. Works excellently in smaller gardens or larger containers (5 gallons or larger). If you have never grown dwarf varieties before this variety would be a great way to start. Really nice taste on these!
  • Dwarf Laura's Bounty Tomato

    One of my favorite grow-outs in 2019, Dwarf Laura's Bounty tomato just kept producing and producing. I accidentally started too many plants, so I had plenty extras for beautiful, tasty tomato sauce. This variety is deep yellow outside and in. 2.5 feet tall plants produce tons of 3 inch, elongated tomatoes that are sweet and rich. I have used these in some of my favorite tomato sauces. Disease resistance is really good. All of our plants did excellently in extreme weather. These are good for smaller gardens, especially if pressed for space. Containers, YES! I recommend 5 gallons or more. You can't go wrong with Dwarf Laura's Bounty!
  • Dwarf Parfait Tomato


    Dwarf Parfait Tomato

    I love growing dwarf tomatoes because they always surprise me. After growing them for quit a few years, I still cant get over how much they can produce produce and how large some of the tomatoes can be. Dwarf Parfait tomato, is a beautiful and larger variety that, when ripened, is green on the outside and yellow on the inside. This combination makes for an interesting contrast that will turn any head! Three feet tall plants, produce 6-12 ounce fruits that have a deep, rich taste.  Texture is superb and aroma is very inviting. Our plants displayed excellent disease resistance, making these even more attractive to me. Parfait is a later variety but your wait wouldn't be in vain. Perfect for sandwiches, slicing, garnish and more! Dwarf varieties are perfect for smaller gardens! Recommended!
  • Out of stock

    Dwarf Suzy's Beauty Tomato

    You will be hard-pressed to find a more beautiful fruit when sliced, than Dwarf Suzy's Beauty tomato. Big bi-colored fruits, can reach 14 ounces but average 10. They have plenty of exterior appeal too! Other than looks, these are very tasty, with rich, thick juice that drips from your fingers. Plenty fruitiness and sweets are also very evident. This is a very good tomato! Dwarf plants are 3 feet tall and produce a lot for such  large variety. Ours started ripening about 75 days after transplant. These may do well in 5 gallon containers or bigger. Perfect if you have a small garden space but wanting big fruits and production! Recommended!
  • Ivan Tomato


    Ivan Tomato

    Ivan tomato is a Missouri family heirloom that is not well known. As a result, not many people are currently growing it. During my research, I discovered that only one vendor was carrying it. I believe it is because of this vendor that this cultivar made it's way to me. This variety needs to be grown by more fanciers, in order for it to be preserved! Our Ivan plants were tall and vibrant. They produced high quantities of tennis ball sized, red fruits that were delicious and inviting. A mid to late season variety, these have really good old time, full flavored, balanced taste. Our plants showed good disease resistance and were among the last to go down. This is a great slicer and market tomato. Try some when you are making your next sandwich. It works!
  • Marbon Tomato


    Marbon Tomato

    Marbon tomato is a canning and slicing variety. Bright red fruits weigh between 3-6 ounces and are relatively blemish-free. These are very uniformed and taste pretty good. Out grow-outs produced fruits that had mild acidity with more sweetness. Overall, this variety is on the mild side. Plants have a determinate habit and are between 2.5 and 3.5 feet. They begin to ripen their fruits about 65 days after transplant, so they're pretty early. Marbon is also a nice market variety because fruits are clean fruits and have good taste too. Try making some stewed tomatoes with these. I did, they were good! Seed Source: (Gaterslben USA, LYC 1219)
  • Chansky Early Tomato


    Chansky Early Tomato

    The second variety to ripen in our 2019 grow-outs, this basket variety is eye catching and tasty too! Short, determinate plants hold on to every bloom, making them very prolific. , These are pretty unique looking. I definitely had my eyes on them all summer long! Though perfect for baskets, we grew ours in the ground. Because of their short height and sprawling habit, that presented some challenges but we were able to make it work. Plants are not more than 18 inches tall. They produce plenty slightly egg shaped cherry fruits, that are whiteish when green. They turn into a mild red when fully ripened. Balanced flavor, great for an early tomato. Snacking, canning, salads and more. Worth my while! Get your baskets ready! Novelty!  

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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