• Jersey Giant Tomato

    As a sauce tomato, Jersey Giant tomato absolutely shines. Don't take my word for it, try a few. Three inch elongated fruits are firm, sweeter and have few seeds. They make some of the thickest spaghetti sauce on the planet. Vines are not too tall and are determined to produce. They begin ripening fruits about 80 days after transplant. Also good for drying for tomato flakes! Great as fried green tomatoes!
  • Silver Queen Okra

    Silver Queen Okra is a highly desirable, heirloom okra that has quickly grown in popularity. Until about a few years ago, not many people grew this variety. Since then, this very flavorful heirloom has been highly sought after. Popular because of it's vigor and productivity, vibrant plants produce huge amounts of fruits. This variety is a massive producer, that starts seeing fruits really early too! When you cook with these, you will know that you are tasting a superior cultivar. Plant are also very pleasing to the eye.  Expect your plants to reach about 6 feet tall. See more okras here!
  • Copper River Tomato


    Copper River Tomato

    Copper River is a beautiful bi-color tomato that is splashed with greens and purples. When sliced, there is noting like the color experience that it presents! Disease resistant vines produce a good amount of 6-10 ounce tomatoes that begin to ripen about 80 days after transplant. Fruits are rich with other complex flavors. A great selection for salsas, garnishing, sandwiches, drying and market sales.
  • I planted these and did not pay them any attention until I saw the most beautiful, heart shaped fruits. Eager to know what they were, I quickly looked at to tags which read "Beauty Queen Heart tomato". This gem is definitely worth growing in any tomato garden. 6 ounce, red and yellow bi-color fruits, grow in clusters of 4 or 5 and keep coming all season long. Our vines grew about 6 feet tall in direct sunlight and produced plenty of fruits that will turn heads. Texture is very smooth and fruit-like. It's a great tomato for slicing in salads, garnishing, fresh eating, cooking and more. Very nice aroma too when well ripened!
  • Out of stock
  • Rose Quartz Multiflora Tomato

    Roze Quartz Multiflora tomato is a high producing, cherry variety. Clusters of rose pink fruits often exceed 50 and begin to ripen about 75 days after transplant. These indeterminate, regular leafed plants were about 5 feet tall in full sun. Fruits are sweeter and mild with a very good overall taste. Perfect for snacking, preserves, such as jams and jellies. These are also great for whole or even sliced in half pickling when green. Get your baskets ready, you are going to be harvesting millions!
  • Amber Keyes Tomato


    Amber Keyes Tomato

    A beautiful sight to see, Amber Keyes tomato plants produce huge clusters of the most beautifully colored, greenish/yellowish fruits! True to its multiflora genes, our plants produced many clusters of more than 50 fruits, that were sweet, inviting and juicy. I especially liked that they were relatively early producers. These were transplanted in early May and we got our first ripened fruits on July 7th. Get ready for tons and tons of pear shaped cherry sized fruits! You will be amazed! Plants were 5 feet tall and hard working. A great choice for snacking, preserves(I make jam), salads etc!  
  • African Beefsteak Tomato

    A true taster, African Beefsteak tomato is a full flavored variety that veers on the sweeter side. More mild than strong, this variety would be a great addition to any beefsteak garden. Fruits are 10-16 ounces. Plants produce plenty, but not prolifically. Disease resistance is very good and plants are about five to six feet tall.. These make great sandwiches and slicing tomatoes. A nice selection for market sales also. Stake well and early and you will be well rewarded!
  • Foxnose Tomato

    Foxnose tomato is a first time grow-out for us in 2018. We were very pleased who the results. True to the oxheart family, this variety produces very tasty, deep yellow oxhearts. They will keep you eating all season long. Many of our fruits are over 16 ounces but they averaged between 10-12. Vines are skinny and tall and loaded from bottom to top. This variety is very clean and crack-free, an advantage if you want to sell them. Foxnose tomatoes in your garden or on your tomato stand will turn heads. These are great for sandwiches, sauces, snacking and more. Tasty and memorable!
  • One of the greener slicers that we grow, I am so happy that it comes on a dwarf vine. Plants are about 4 feet tall and hardy and have rugose potato leaves. They begin to ripen their fruits about 85 days after transplant Boasting a balanced, full flavored taste, this is a tomato that you could do anything with. Our biggest fruits have been in the 10 ounce range!
  • Isis Candy Tomato

    Isis Candy tomato is a popular cherry variety that is totally worth growing. A regular member of my annual grow-outs, Isis is very willing to please. Beautiful, nickel to quarter sized fruits never stop coming until season's end. Vines are tall and productive. Fruits are sweet and juicy, with a little tang. Overall, it has a nice balance and is a fine tomato. You can expect your first ripened fruits about 75 days after transplant. Vines have good disease resistance..
  • Easily the most eye-catching variety that I grew in 2021, Marina's Praise tomato is a head-turner. Heart shaped/elongated fruits are not only captivating inside and out, but also very tasty! Ours had very nice fruity tones and were on the sweet side. Five feet tall plants produced quite nicely. This is an awesome variety for so many things! Whether you are cooking, garnishing/plating, making sauce, snacking, or indulging in some fresh salsa, or perhaps some market sales, dehydrating and so much more, this beauty is about to light up your life! Its beauty and Wide ranges of uses  makes this on worthy to be PRAISED. Try snacking on some right of of the vine. Yumm!!
  • Mendoza 44 Tomato

    75 Days. I present to you Mendoza 44 tomato. It is the best smaller slicing tomato that we grew in 2017. Nothing else was better! Mendoza is a perfect balance of sweet, tang, fruit and great juice. Bright red fruits weigh about 4-6 ounces and are not fancy, but they will blow you away. I think I ate more of these in the garden than I did any other variety. Great for sauces, slicing and salsa.
  • Burracker's Favorite Tomato

    Burracker's Favorite tomato is a large bi-color that can reach 2 pounds. Vines are tall vibrant and strong. They produce a good amount of fruits that begin to ripen around 85 days after transplant. This variety requires good staking! When sliced, all of its true colors come to life, tempting you to take a big bite. Fruits are very sweet with thick meat and plenty juice! Considering that it's such a large tomato, Burracker's Favorite is pretty early  to ripen. They are perfect for sandwich making. Make yourself some tomato stew, you'll thank me for it! Also a good candidate for market sales. get ready for a huge treat!
  • Amish Gold Slicer

    75 Days. One of our favorites in 2017, we definitely plan on growing Amish Gold Slicer from now on. Pretty 3-5 once tomatoes are so yellow that you could hardly Take your eyes off of them. Vines are prolific and hardy. Tomatoes are sweet and rich with a little tinge of acid. This is an excellent sauce tomato. I ate many right off the vine, mmm so good! Fantastic market variety!
  • Salsa Pomodoro Tomato


    Salsa Pomodoro Tomato.

    One of the best sauce tomatoes you will every find, Salsa Pomodoro tomato makes thick, rich and sweet sauce, that will blow you way! The end result reminds me of Amish Paste, but these were even better for me! You don't even have to try and your sauce will still taste great! I planted some Mushroom Basket tomatoes one year and this red variant came up. Nice sized, heavily ruffled tomatoes are eye-catching. A few more trial runs and here we are! These seem to be pretty stable. They never varied at any point. Sweet, with a medium-firm texture, they make great salsa, fresh and cooked, too! Plants have excellent disease resistance and are about 5 feet tall. Very nice production. Try these, you'll love them!
  • Old Kentucky Tomato

    Over the last 3 years I have grown out several varieties of Kentucky Heirloom tomatoes. All, including Old Kentucky tomato, were great! Taller vines produced plenty, canary yellow fruits that bordered 1 pound. Tops are greenish before turning to yellow at full ripeness. This was one of our favorite varieties in 2018. Fruits were sweet, juicy, a bit fruity and satisfying. Most had no blemishes! This makes Old Kentucky a great choice for market sales. Stake well and your rewards will be many. It is also a great selection for sandwiches, slicing, garnish and so much more. Our fruits began ripening around day 84 and continued until season's end! See It On YouTube.
  • Marina Doohov Tomato

    Need yellow flavorful meat? Try Marina Doohov tomato. From the same breeder who gave us Blue Pear Eugenia and a few others, this tomato is visually appealing with super taste. This Ukrainian variety has it all! An oxheart, you will not be disappointed when you grow these out. In addition, it will turn heads in your garden. When sliced, Marina Doohov is almost all meat with very few cavities and seeds. We had to work hard to preserve seeds for offering. Well ripened, fruits have a fine aroma that reminds me cherries or peaches. A bit of that aroma carries over to its taste. make yourself a great sandwich and some nice yellow sauce with these!  I recommend this tomato. 75 Days.
  • Maralinga Dwarf Tomato


    Maralinga Dwarf Tomato

    Maralinga Dwarf tomato is a very delicious fruit that is totally worth growing in your dwarf gardens. It produces medium to larger slicing tomatoes that are full flavored and desirable. Plants are "tree type" and grow to about 3.5 feet tall. They produce 6-8 ounce fruits that are balanced, which are earthy and satisfying. Maralinga Dwarf  plants can be grown in containers for patio growing, but they work well in small or large garden spaces too. Growing about two feet apart would do perfectly fine for most dwarf varieties. Container plants do require a little more attention. Maralinga Dwarf is perfect for sandwiches, drying, slicing, fresh eating and drying. But they are also very attractive on your table if you are a market vendor. You can expect more sales with these! 75-80 days to ripen.
  • Mushroom Basket Tomato


    Mushroom Basket Tomato

    One of the hits here for us in 2019, Mushroom Basket tomato is a really nice stuffing and sauce variety. For starters, it cooks down into some really nice sauce without much effort. But it also shines as stuffing tomato. Because of its size, it works as a good stuffer meal for two people, unless of course, if you have big appetite. These also work well as garnish tomatoes. Last is milder and sweet but very present. Our plants were perhaps 5 feet tall, but may have been shorter. Production is good. These deep ribbed tomatoes are head-turners for sure! Try them! Click Here to see it on YouTube!
  • Calabrese Green Sprouting Broccoli

    If you love greens, Calabrese Green Sprouting Broccoli would certainly become one of your favorites. This Italian variety has big heads that can average 5-8 inches. I also love it because its head produce a lot of side shoots, producing even more food. For market vendors, this variety is highly recommended.  For best results, start early in spring or fall.  Will do excellently in hotter climates when started in early fall or spring. Flowers and leaves can also be eaten. Head is very delicious eaten raw, lightly steamed or sauteed. Can also be eaten as a micro-green. Seeds are freshly packed just for your! Happy gardening! Visit Our Garden Greens category for more delicious greens!
  • Waratah Dwarf Tomato

    Waratah Dwarf Tomato is an outstanding variety the grows on very compact, tree-like plants. plants produce a nice amount of fruits and produce all season long. Fruits are very balanced and slightly sweeter than tart. This is a great selection for sandwiches, fresh salsa, cooking and eating right off of the vines. plants also do not exceed 3.5 feed and are not wide spreading! Perfect for container growing, small gardens and growing indoor under lights!
  • Genovese Basil


    Genovese Basil

    Looking for some awesome basil for cooking making pesto or drying? Genovese Basil will absolutely do the job! This fairly large leafed variety has a wonderful aroma and nice strong basil flavor. Plants are about 2 feet tall and perfect for containers or in-the-ground growing. These are best harvested when leave are young and before plants bolt. Dead-heading new blooms will allow you to harvest all season long. Plant after all threats of frost are gone and when weather is at least a constant 50 degrees outside. Will do good in window sill if there is sufficient light. Make yourself some great meals and send me some too!

  • Out of stock
    Easily one of the top dwarf varieties I grew in 2018, Dwarf Hannah's Prize tomato will be in our gardens again next year. Perfectly balanced and rich taste kept me eating all summer long. I even ate a lot of them during the seed saving process. They were that good! This tomato pack nice meat with excellent texture. Aroma isn't loud but it's very pleasing. Dwarf plants are "Tree Like" and produced a good amount of 4-8 ounce fruits that are definitely worth being in any tomato garden. Great sandwich tomato.! I did not make sauce with it so I can't say, but salsa, slicing and snacking, you must do!
  • Jing Orange Okra

    We grew Jing Orange okra for the first time in 2018. I was surprised with the vibrancy of this variety. Even in the hottest weather, these performed exceptionally. Our plants were between 4 and 6 feet and produced all season long. 6 inch long, lightly purple/pinkish okras, livened up our gardens. I also noticed that they seemed to stay softer for an extended period. These would make some great gumbo! I cooked them up with rice in coconut milk, added some onions and other seasonings and made some great rice and okra like we did back in the Caribbean days. I had some great fried okras with these too.
  • Purple Dragon Tomato

    75 Days. Purple Dragon is a slightly than larger cherry sized anthocyanin tomato that turns very dark on top where ever the sun hits it. Its bottom end is greenish/yellow and simply amazing to see! It has always been a head turner in our gardens but we grow it especially for its taste.. Some fruits tend to be blunt hearts while others are round. When sliced, a beautiful lime green reveals itself.  Purple Dragon tomato is on the sweet side rich and fruity with plenty juice. This is a perfect variety for slicing, garnishing, fresh eating and so much more. This is a beautiful fruit with equal taste! Item: S-Bi-38
  • Bull's Heart Orange Tomato

    80-85 Days. Bull's Heart Orange is a larger, yellow tomato, that every tomato grower should experience. Wispy, skinny vines, grow about 6 feet tall and bear plenty of perfectly heart shaped fruits. Like most oxhearts, this tomato has great taste appeal. It's smooth, milder, sweetish and rich. It's not oto be remembered! When sliced, you will experience the most beautiful yellow that just smells wonderfully! Stake well!
  • Hungarian Heart Tomato


    Hungarian Heart Tomato

    Hungarian Heart tomato is a beautiful oxheart variety that does what oxhearts usually do. Sweet, meaty, juicy and delicious, this perfect heart tomato is a great selection for sweet sauces and cooking. Tall wispy vines produce heavy crops of 8-16 ounce smooth oxhearts that are a sight to behold. Vines have nice disease resistance, are hardy and love hotter weather. Fruits ripen about 85 days after transplant. A nice variety for beginners to try!

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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