• Hohloma Khokhloma Tomato

    Don't be caught sleeping on this sauce and paste specialist. Hohloma Khokhloma is a perfect selection for drying and also for making sauces. One of the most prolific elongated varieties, 6 feet tall plants never stop producing until frost. Tomatoes are sweet, intense and dry with plenty flesh. Similar in shape to Opalka but consistently smaller. Great for salsa and slicing for salads, canning, dehydrating and especially, sauces. 75 days to ripen. Disease free vines!
  • Hungarian Heart Tomato


    Hungarian Heart Tomato

    Hungarian Heart tomato is a beautiful oxheart variety that does what oxhearts usually do. Sweet, meaty, juicy and delicious, this perfect heart tomato is a great selection for sweet sauces and cooking. Tall wispy vines produce heavy crops of 8-16 ounce smooth oxhearts that are a sight to behold. Vines have nice disease resistance, are hardy and love hotter weather. Fruits ripen about 85 days after transplant. A nice variety for beginners to try!
  • Indigo Apple Tomato

    Indigo Apple tomato is one of the prettiest anthocyanin fruits in my opinion. Ping pong ball sized fruits have a really nice, intense and earthy flavor. They are also juicy with very nice texture. Vines are tall and produce plenty fruits with darkened tops and purple/brownish bottom ends. Fruits begin to ripen about 75 days after transplant. Perfect little slicers for garnishing, fresh eating off the vine! Great market tomato. I have found that kids are very attracted to these and are willing to try them. Then then ask for seconds!.
  • Blue Beauty Tomato

    Blue beauty is a chef's dream. It's pretty, tasty, relatively early and prolific. Vines are about 4-5 feet tall with darker leaves and stems. This antho variety gets darker wherever the sun hits it and mostly brownish/purple on the bottom end. I once saw a fruit that was turned upside down and it was totally black on the bottom end. When fully ripened, these are juicy, have a strong and earthy taste, with some sweetness that would work well for sandwiches.They work well other culinary purposes too. I especially like them with a little salt and pepper, right off the vine. Also a great tomato for the farmer's market!
  • Isis Candy Tomato

    Isis Candy tomato is a popular cherry variety that is totally worth growing. A regular member of my annual grow-outs, Isis is very willing to please. Beautiful, nickel to quarter sized fruits never stop coming until season's end. Vines are tall and productive. Fruits are sweet and juicy, with a little tang. Overall, it has a nice balance and is a fine tomato. You can expect your first ripened fruits about 75 days after transplant. Vines have good disease resistance..
  • Italian Heirloom is a dense, red oxheart that is perfect for sauces and sandwiches. Vines are very skinny and have wispy leaves. Fruits are sweet and meaty. I have made lots of sauces with these and it always delivers the goods! 85 days. High producing vines show good disease resistance. Stake well and early!
  • Still one of my favorite black tomatoes, I always turn to Japanese Black Trifele whenever I want to be reminded of what a good tomato should taste like! This all time winner has been grown by almost all big tomato growers. A fine variety for snacking off the vine, salsa, drying, cooking and tons more, Japanese Black Trifele tomato will not disappoint you. It is sweeter, rich and fleshy with intense earthy flavors. potato leaf vines stand up to any weather! Chocolate, par shaped fruits ripen about 75 days after transplant! Plant a few!!
  • Kellogg's Breakfast Tomato

    Like its potato leaf sister KBX tomato, Kellogg's Breakfast tomato just as good. Slightly less productive than KBX, Kellogg's Breakfast is still the more popular of the two. This is a perfect main crop selection for market sales or bulk growing. Vines are hard working and are bound to produce for you. Fruits are about 16 to 24 ounces, meaty and good. They lean towards the sweet side but is more balanced than you would expect from a yellow tomato. Expect ripened fruits around the 85 day mark. Sandwich ready!
  • Korean Long Tomato

    75 Days. Korean Long is another of our sauce specialist tomatoes. 3 inch long tomatoes with long nipples on the bottom end, are beautiful things to see. Sweet, mild and flavorful, Korean Long tomato is quite possibly everything you need for your sauces and salsa. Vines are tall and ripen their soft pink fruits after 75 days. Once they start ripening, you will have tomatoes until frost. Whether you decide to make some of the best spaghetti sauce or slice them for your delicious salads, you could never go wrong with these!
  • Golden King Of Siberia tomato is a very tasty oxheart variety. They ripen to a really soft yellow about 80 days after transplant. Plants have the signature wispy leaves and are really good with diseases. Tomatoes are about 6-16 ounces. Sweeter and mild with lots of flesh, this is the perfect choice for those wanting a milder tomato. Great for sandwiches, slicing and salsas. It's attractive and does well at the market too!  Plants should be staked well and early. Great selection if you are a vendor because it's prolific and tasty. This is one that I would recommend for any tomato garden!
  • Large Barred Boar is a tomato that we have consistently grown over the last 6 years. This is so because it's a great go-to tomato. It works well for many situations and continue to be one of our favorites for taking to the Farmers' Market. Medium sized bi-color fruits can reach 10 ounces but average about 8. They are mildly sweet, rich and delicious. Slice them for salads, sandwiches or try some dark sauce and you should be amply pleased. Vines are about 4-5 feet tall and productive. 75 days to ripen!
  • Mr Stripey Tomato

    85-90 days. A big yellow and red bi-color tomato tomato, Mr Stripey is truly something to see. When sliced, you will experience a beautiful tomato rainbow marbling of reds, pinks and yellows and even light greens. Mr Stripey tomatoes can grow to two pounds! They are sweeter and meaty with little acidity. They are great sandwich and good sauce tomatoes. Strong, determined plants are about six feet tall and produce plenty large fruits. A hit at the Farmers' Market.
  • Oaxacan Jewel Tomato

    75 Days. Oaxacan Jewel tomato is one I wish every tomato grower could experience. A truly delicious variety, this yellow and red gem is a great choice. I love everything about Oaxacan. Eight to twelve ounce fruits are so rich and juicy, they remind me of tropical fruits. Vines are about 5-6 feet tall and are very disease resistant. Fruits begin to ripen about 75 days after transplant. Try Oaxacan Jewel if you want to be sure that you have at least one delicious variety!
  • Old German Tomato

    85 Days. An old favorite of gardeners for many years, Old German tomato still stands up with the best of them! For as long as I have grown tomatoes, I always keep them in my rotation. Fruits average 1 pound and are beautifully bi-colored. Our vines have always displayed good disease resistance! Old German is on the meaty side, sweeter and delicious. nothing complexed about this one. It's just a straight up good tomato.
  • Out of stock
    The most beautiful of bi-color fruits, no other oxheart tomato has the presence of Orange Russian 117 tomato. it's not just beautiful looker, though. Orange Russian is a good tasting tomato. It's medium-mild, slightly fruity and sweetish. Overall it has a very pleasant finish. I have grown this one for about 10 years and have always ben pleased. Fruits average about 8 ounces but many can reach close to the one pound range. Harty, skinny vines begin to ripen fruits about 85 ays after transplant. Good for sandwiches, sweet sauce, garnishing and sweeter sewed tomatoes. Great at Farmers' market! Watch out!!
  • Paul Robeson Tomato

    75 Days. If you have never heard about Paul Robeson tomato, allow me to introduce it to you. Paul Robeson has long been one of the finest heirloom tomatoes around. It is highly coveted by chefs, serious growers, fun growers and everyone who love good black tomatoes. Five feet tall vines produce 5-10 ounce, chocolate colored fruits that have superb rich flavor. They begin to ripen about 80 days after transplant and continue until frost. The is the perfect selection for any garden!.
  • Peach Blow Sutton tomato is a fuzzy, milder tomato that is fun to grow. 3 ounce pink slicers grow in indeterminate vines, have decent disease resistance and begin ripen their fruits about 75 days after being transplanted. Slightly fruity, milder with a sweetish after taste. Nice tomato for salsa, tomato juice, salads and cooking with!
  • Persimmon Tomato

    80-85 Days. Persimmom is a nice sized, yellow tomato that I first grew in 2012. I have grown it every other year since then. Light yellow, juicy tomatoes can reach one pound. They are slightly sweet, juicy and milder. Plants are bushy and productive. Great selection for sandwiches, slicing in salads, salsa and nice yellow tomato juice!
  • Pineapple Tomato


    Pineapple Tomato

    85 Days. Another popular fruit that stays in my annual rotation. Pineapple tomato is a large red and yellow oblate tomato, that is sweet, fruity and packs plenty meat. Fruits average between 12 and 24 ounces and can sometimes be larger. This is a very good tomato that has gained it's popularity because of it's taste, beauty and consistency. Sandwich Ready!
  • Pink Brandywine Tomato

    85 Days. Pink Brandywine tomato can easily be the most popular heirloom tomato ever! Such a reputation was achieved by consistently getting the job done! Smooth and huge, pink beefsteak tomatoes average between 1 and 2 pounds. They are meaty aromatic and delicious and sandwich ready. Potato leafed vines produce a nice amount of fruits for such a large tomato! Vines are also hardy and always display a great resistance to diseases. Stake well and get ready for some of the best tomatoes that you have ever tasted. Expect harvests until frosts. Our seeds are freshly packed just for your garden.
  • Pink Bumblebee Tomato


    Pink Bumblebee Tomato

    70 Days. Without a doubt, Pink Bumblebee is one of my favorite cherry tomatoes. Firm bi-color cherries are un-apologetically fruity, sweet and juicy. There are very few cherries can stand up to Pink Bumblebee tomato. 5-6 feet tall vines are hardy, productive and have good disease resistance. A very prolific variety, this gem will produce until frost. It has worked wonders for us at our Farmers' Market, attracting tons of new and repeat customers. That's always the sign of a great tomato. Pink Bumblebee is perfect for snacking, salads. I have also used it  salsa, for drying and tons more! Feel free to check out our other cherries. Happy Gardening! See It On YouTube.
  • A favorite of gourmet chefs, farmers and casual tomato growers, Purple Bumblebee tomato is the perfect go-to variety. Small to medium purple and green bi-olor cherry tomatoes, are produced on very prolific vines. It's slightly tart, rich, flavorful and delicious. These are perfect for garden munching or snacking at any time.
  • Purple Russian Tomato

    70 Days. Purple Russian tomato is a variety that I have grown for the last 15 years and still do for my personal use. Delicious 2 inch elongated fruits, are purplish brown and have a delicious smokey flavor. Vines are wispy leaved and perhaps 4 feet tall. They produce until frost! You can expect your first ripened fruits around 70 days after transplant. Really good salsa tomato. Perfect for drying, sauce and slicing in salads too!
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    One of my favorite Oxhearts, German Red Strawberry tomato is a winner. 8-12 ounce oxhearts are smooth, aromatic, meaty and juicy. Its balanced taste is amazing. Disease resistant vines can be very tall and are high producing. This oxheart is a perfect main crop variety. Get ready for plenty fruits about 85 days after transplant. Stake well! Vines are skinny!
  • Red Zebra Tomato

    Red Zebra tomato is a popular, ping pong ball size, bi-color red and yellow fruit. I always have great success whenever I grow these. When well ripened, Red Zebra tomato is milder, on the sweet side, and very juicy. Overall, it has good balance and taste appeal. 5 foot tall vines have have done well when sprayed with copper sulfate. They are quick to ripen their fruits. You can expect your first blush around 70 days. This tomato remains popular.
  • Red Siberian Tomato

    65-70 Days. One of the earliest varieties to ripen, Red Siberian Tomato begins to blush about 68 days from transplant. As soon as they are planted in the ground, they get to work producing blooms and soon after fruits. This variety seems to do well in the cooler weeks of mid-spring. I always get early tomatoes with these. It is mild and juicy with food tomato flavor. A nice treat when everything else is yet to ripen.
  • Royal Hillbilly Tomato

    Royal Hillbilly is a 6 to 8 ounce size red tomato that is milder and juicy. Its vines are not excessively tall, but they produce quite a lot so early staking is necessary. I like this variety a lot for making tomato juice and salsa. Expect your fruits to ripen about 80 to 85 days after transplant.

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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