Iditarod is a larger sized cherry tomato with good taste. It is sweet and softer, with juicy flesh that has some mild fruitiness on the back end. They grow to about three feet tall and produce tons of lighter red fruits. I especially like these in salsa and off the vine but they are superb when sliced and dried. Plants are hardy and begin to ripen their fruits about 72 days after transplant. Container growing is recommended also. Some staking is required. Our seeds are freshly packed just for you.
TC Jones tomato was definitely one of our surprised in 2018. I sometimes have a slight suspicion about light yellow or white tomatoes, but this one totally caught me off guard. It was so flavorful that it will certainly be grown next year, with market sales in mind too! 12-16 ounce fruits never kept coming all year and disease resistant plants just kept giving. Fruits were born on nice sized clusters of 4 or 5 and began to ripen about 82 days after transplant. These are sandwich perfect! But they also worked very well for some nice fresh tomato sauce. Try them and you will be amazed!
Dwarf Hazy's Dream Tomato
I have a lot of admiration and respect for the work that is done at the Dwarf Tomato Project. Some of the best dwarf tomatoes that I have grown were as a result of their hard work. This one has a rich flavor, masked by mild fruitiness. Overall, it's a sweet tomato that has a very nice balance. Juice is rich and delicious. Dwarf Hazy's Dream tomato plants are about 3 feet tall and produce a nice amount of 2-5 ounce fruits, though most are around 2-4. Ours came in a little late, starting to ripen fruits about 82 days after transplant. Definitely worth the wait! Perfect little slicer that you would enjoy. Note: Most dwarf varieties do well in containers and small gardens. -
100 Pudov tomato is a very unique that is perfect, smaller slicer for many applications. Its name means 100 pounds. It's sweeter and mild. Vines are vigorous, produce a good amount, hardy and ripen their fruits in about 80 days after transplant. ours showed no signs of diseases at any time. This is a great market variety! I happen to think that this is a very under-rated tomato. Other than taste, another thing I like about is that is has a really good shelf life. I had some that easily lasted 3 weeks on my kitchen table. It's a great tomato for market sales, salsa, fresh eating, cooking and canning.
Kiwi Tomato
If you like green when ripened tomatoes as much as I do, or if you have never had one, here is one for you! Kiwi tomato deserves a place in every tomato garden. This 6-10 ounce fruit is sweeter, pleasant and fruity, but not over the top. Texture is on medium firm, smooth and desirable. When fully ripened, they are a nice lime green on the inside and yellowish green on the outside. If this is your first time growing a green variety, check them well after about 75 days. Feel would be the best way to fist determine ripeness. After your first few, you should more easily be able to identify ripened ones by sight. This in is in the realm of Malakhitovaya Shkatulka. Plants have good resistance to early and late blights. A beautiful choice for sandwiches, fresh salsa and tasty green tomato sauce. -
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Dirty Curty Tomato
I was sent seeds for this tomato by my breeder friend from Europe. He said I could name it whatever I wanted to. When I grew it out it turned out to be it turned out to be a anthocyanin variety. Mild with sweet intonations, it is a very pleasant tomato that I will definitely grow again. With streaky dark tops that faded into blotches and blended into a light pink, sealed the deal for me. I called it Dirty Curty. Welcome! -
Egyptian Pink tomato is what I would consider a multi-purposed sauce tomato. Unlike many plum types, it is not necessarily a good keeper and has a softer feel. This tomato makes really balanced sauce, even when nothing I added to it. Plants are 5-6 feet tall, have wispy leaves and produce good crops of 2 inch long, tender pink fruits. This are not only great for tomato sauce, but they work well for cooking and canning too. Try eating some right off the vine, what a treat! Expect your first ripened fruits around day 75 after transplant. Must be staked well. Does well in hotter weather too!
Giant Of Siebenburgen tomato is a good sized, red oxheart tomato, that stays true to the oxheart family. 8-16 ounce beefsteaks are firmer and have very sweet meat. Plant, like all oxhearts, have wispy leaves and relatively skinny vines. Ours begin to ripen about 82-85 days after transplant. This as another prefect sandwich tomato that will also work well for cooking, snacking and even dehydrating. Fruits are sweet, full flavored and balanced. They have marvelous texture. Vines demonstrated good disease resistance and they produced plenty fruits until season's end. A nice choice for sandwich lovers.
Lightning Tomato
Lightning tomato is a superb sauce and cooking variety. Determinate plants produce heavy crops of deep red, 3-4 ounce, slightly elongated fruits. I made some really great sauce with these. They should also make great canning tomatoes. Our three feet tall plants never showed any signs of diseases. They just produced their crops and expired. I especially loved that they were early producers. I picked the first ripened fruits about 72 days after transplant. Taste was mildly sweet with nice acidity. Balance as good for an early variety. It's a rare cultivar. Seed Source: Gatersleben Russia, LYC 3874 -
Great Bear Tomato
This is another one of my favorites for 2019. Great Bear tomato is just what the doctor ordered. Delicious pink beefsteaks can weigh 1.5 pounds but most of ours were about 1 pound. I love the texture of this tomato. It's smooth and very inviting. When sliced, Great Bear delivers a very good experience. I like my tomatoes thinly sliced, but this one I like thick. When to comes to taste, it's simple. Old fashioned, full-flavored and well balanced. Plants are vibrant and about 6 feet tall. If you like really great tasting beefsteaks, try this one. You will not regret it! -
Flathead Monster Pink Tomato
I was surprised with the taste of Flathead Monster Pink tomato. Although I was expecting fruits above 2 pounds, most of mine were between 1-1.5. I was really happy that we decided to try this variety. Full flavored fruits begin to ripen about 85 days after transplant. This is a very, very good tomato. Regular leafed vines produce well, though not prolific. My three plants each produced between 10 and 14 fruits, with the later fruits being a bit smaller. I will definitely be growing these again. -
Celosia Flower Possibilities Mix
What awesome colors! We had much fun with these this summer. Our Celosia Flower Possibilities Mix comprises of 5 different flavors, together creating for you a wonderful rainbow of attractiveness that no pollinator can resist. In full sun, these can reach between 4-5 feet. We had everything from honeybees to monarch butterflies. We even saw humming birds visiting our patch. What's more, these will reseed and come again the following year. Planting Celosia is a beautiful way to brighten any flower garden. With our possibilities mix, you never know what colors or styles you will get. You don't have to be daring because you cant go wrong with these! Have Fun! -
Dwarf Desert Star Tomato
Dwarf Desert Star is a pretty little cherry variety that has sweeter and balanced flavor. These grow on 3.5 feet tall plants that have rugose potato leaves. Production is excellent and early. These will work well in containers too. Perfect for salads and snacking, especially in the garden. Fruits are clean, crack-free and round. nice for canning also! -
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Gold Berries Tomato
A small cherry anthocyanin fruit that turns darker on top and yellow on the bottom end, Gold Berries tomato is a pleasure to grow and eat. Sweeter, slightly fruity and juicy fruits are perfect for salads. Chefs love to use these for garnishing. Try slicing them in half then drying them. Really nice! Plants are not to tall and produce clusters of 5 tomatoes that ripen after 65-70 days after transplant. This is a great market variety too! -
80 Days. Cosmonaut Volkov is the perfect all purpose slicer. it will literally be great in most applications. Hardy vines are prolific, producing plenty of red, 6 ounce fruits, that have a great, balanced and old time feel! Vines will produce plenty until frost. Consider this for your market sales, it encouraged plenty return customers for us! Have Fun!
Girthmire's Pride Tomato
Girthmire's Pride tomato could easily become one of my favorite varieties. I like it's production, unique oxheart look, disease resistance and determination in tough weather conditions. Meaty and flavorful fruits will suck you right in! These tomatoes have superb texture and are ready-made for sandwiches. But they are perfect for sauces and cooking too. Great choice for canning! I like them best right off the vine. Try biting into one from the pointy blossom end, delicious!! Plants produce plenty 6-12 ounce fruits that are sweet, juicy, fleshy and may I say again, beautifully textured! 80 days to ripen but the wait is well worth it. No salt needed! -
Church Tomato
I really appreciate a well balanced red tomato. Church tomato is just that. About 1 pound beefsteaks are meaty and delicious. Tough plants are about 6 feet tall, eager to produce and hard workers. Ours showed no signs of diseases in 2019. Plants produce nice crops of deep red fruits, that are in clusters of 3 or 4. Ours began ripening about 80 days after transplant. Perfect sandwich tomato. Not to large or too juicy. Our largest was about 1.3 pounds. Great market tomato. Good also for cooking with. Made some great fried green tomatoes with these! Lovely choice for any tomato garden! -
RAF Tomato
Looking for a really nice all purpose variety? RAF tomato is is a great place to start. This variety is perfect for cooking, juicing, canning, slicing and more. Plants are semi determinate are regular leafed and produce prolifically. It's also an early producer. Our first fruits started ripening around 72 days from transplant. RAF has a great aroma and delicious sweet taste, that creates a nice overall experience. Good disease resistance. Fusarium Resistance. -
85 Days. In 2015 we first offered Grant's Trustee as a new variety. Seeds were given to me by a friend who actually grew with Grant. It's an awesome slicing tomato that can reach 1 pound. Taste it and you will find that it's balanced and sweetish with good meat. Whenever I grow these, ti always make sandwiches with the first few ripened ones. Great for sandwiches, salsa, sauces and market sales. Hardy, disease resistance vines!
80-85 days. Giant Pear tomato is a fine sauce variety. Red pleated fruits grow on tall vines that are similar to Zapotec tomato. Fruits are sweet and not too juicy. They cook down into the sweetest, thickest spaghetti sauce. These work well as garnishing tomatoes also. Even when we had a wet coldish summer a few years ago, these were not affected with any diseases. hard working and hardy vines!
A prolific slicer, this is one you have to get ready for. Chalk's Early Jewel tomato is a wonderful little slicer that I absolutely love growing. When these start coming on, vines are so loaded that it's almost overwhelming. Tomatoes ripen about 70 days after transplant and have a milder, slightly fruity and sweet flavor. Perfect for slicing, sandwiches, tomato juice and tons more! Try a few plants in your garden.
Donskoi tomato is a very large beefsteak that could create your record breaking fruits. Our largest were well over two pounds and smallest about 1.5 pounds. But we did not grow it for size only. It was recommend to us because of its taste. I did like it a lot! Donskoi is meaty, balanced, flavorful and surprisingly good for its large size. I never got around to making sandwiches with these, but there is no doubt they will shine in this application. Plants demonstrated good disease resistance and ripened their fruits around 87 days after transplant. A great choice if you love them large and delicious! See It On YouTube.
Out of stockAsk anyone who has tasted a Leadbetter's Lunker tomato and they would tell you that it's superb! People just keep asking for more whenever they taste it. Nice sized, red beefsteaks can reach 1.5 pounds but ours averaged about 14-16 ounces. Vines produce plenty of bright red fruits that are in clusters of 3-5 and have to be staked early. If you are a seed-saver, Leadbetter's Lunker does not produce a lot of seeds, so you may have to compensate by growing a few extra plants. Perfect sandwich tomato that works well also as a cooking and slicing variety. Expect your first fruits around 85 days from transplant, then until frost! .
Old Wyandotte Tomato
It's been a long tome since I experienced a yellow tomato with such full flavor! Don't get me wrong, I have grown some outstanding yellows, but there is something about Old Wyandotte tomato that aligns with my taste-buds. These have a very good sweet/acid balance. What I like a lot is how rich they are. Old Wyandotte is the perfect old fashioned yellow and works excellently for sandwiches. Not too juicy or over the top on anything, just perfect! Regular leafed plants produce plenty, though not prolific! Expect fruits from 10 ounces to 1 pound that begin to ripen around mid-season. Great choice for any tomato garden! -
Dwarf Numbat Tomato
Dwarf Numbat Tomato was a nice little find for us in 2020. Short plants produced heavy crops of large cherries that were great for canning, snacking and even slicing. Taste for us was mild and tart and tasty. Our plants were about 2-2.5 feet tall and started ripening fruits about 70 days after transplant. A beautiful marbling of greens and yellows, Numbat will work well in small garden spaces as well as in containers. -
What a ride I had growing Mrs Benson tomato! Easily one of the most memorable varieties in 2021. Potato leafed plants were huge producers of one pound fruits, a few were larger. This gem could easily be a main crop for vendors. As far as taste, Mrs Benson didn't disappoint. We sliced many of ours, only to experience a full flavored tomato with very nice texture and aroma when fully ripened. This tomato left nothing to be desired. Balanced and inviting! Totally worth re-growing, and I will in 2022! A must try! Highly Recommended!
Pink Furry Boar is a fuzzy 4-6 ounce, pinkish, bi-color tomato. Vines are prolific and ripen fruits about 80 days after transplant. Fruits are mild, juicy and pleasant. Awesome tomato for slicing in salads and mild tomato juice. If you prefer a milder tomato with food overall flavor, this would be on your list.