• Brutus Magnum Tomato

    In 2018 we did not grow many gigantic varieties. Of the ones we did grow(about 8 or so), Brutus Magnum was perhaps the most consistently large. Fruits averaged between 1.5 - 2.3 lbs. At times we really struggle with vine upkeep. A few tomatoes became too heavy for their plants and broke themselves off. That was offset by good production, so we still got plenty fruits from just 4 plants. Brutus Magnum is a clean variety. Most tomatoes did not have cracks. Very meaty and evenly balanced taste. This one need early, consistent and proper staking! Great sandwich tomato!  88 Days!
  • Out of stock
    Each year when I grow dwarf  tomatoes, I look for varieties that are good producers of nice sized fruits. Bubble Gum Dwarf tomato is one of them. One of the prettiest pink tomatoes that you would  find, Bubble Gum is not a fancy type. It's just a simple, clean pink slicer with great flavor. Indeterminate plants are "tree type" and produce all season long through frost. This is also a great variety for container growing. I suggest 4 gallon or larger containers. Our plants began to ripen their fruits around the 72 days after transplant. 4-8 ounce fruits have very good balance. They are sweeter but not overly so. There is also a slight tinge of acidity. Great sandwich tomato. Ours have kept very well after harvest. See It on YouTube
  • Buckeye State Tomato


    Buckeye State Tomato

    Buckeye State tomato is my very first listing for our 2019/2020 season because it's the first variety to come to mind. This tomato, for me, is a memorable one. A beautiful and blemish-free beefsteak, I really appreciate its reliability. In a very difficult growing season, our plants never quit. They blew by any diseases, producing tons and tons of sweet and meaty fruits  which reminded me of some of the top beefsteak varieties. These have very good texture, but not too juicy. Perfectly made for sandwiches or cooking. This is a really great choice for market vendors too. Fruits are about 8-14 ounces, plentiful and very desirable.  
  • Buckeye Yellow Tomato


    Buckeye Yellow Tomato

    What a wonderful treat in 2020. Buckeye Yellow tomato was one of the standouts in 2020. 8-14 oz fruits are very delicious and inviting. These, here in zone 5, begin ripening to a beautiful canary yellow with a pink blush after 75 days. This one is a definite keeper. Tall indeterminate plants produce prolifically and throughout the season until frost. Our plants remained healthy and did well without much tending to. This, without a doubt, is an excellent main crop variety, market variety and also awesome multi purpose use. Slice some up for a sandwich or just have one off of the vine. You will love it!
  • Buffalo Soldier Tomato

    My description of Buffalo Soldier Tomato would be that it's a very good representation of what a black tomato should taste like. 6-14 ounce fruits grow on 5 foot or taller vines that has shown good disease resistance in our gardens. Clusters of 3-5 begin to ripen about 80 days after transplant and continue until frost. As far as taste, these are sweetish, earthy, juicy with good texture. Its fast is no overwhelming it's just right. I like these especially eaten fresh and on sandwiches. Based on it's exterior feel and good taste, I also suspect that it will be good market variety also, but I didn't take any to my market. Definitely one to consider!
  • Bugai Rozovyi Tomato


    Bugai Rozovyi Tomato

    Bugai Rozovy tomato is the perfect companion for sandwiches. A large pink variety, this dense beefsteak is a balanced and very good tomato! Weighing about 12-20 ounces, it will impress you. We grew ours in full sun and they were very meaty, on the sweet side, smooth and delicious. They also tend to ripen pretty early for larger sized tomatoes. Our vines were about 6-7 feet tall and fruits began to ripen about 80-85 days after transplant. It reminds me of Pink Brandywine but a little denser and a bit sweeter. It's already on our grow list for 2018. We just had to grow them gain!
  • Bull's Heart Orange Tomato

    80-85 Days. Bull's Heart Orange is a larger, yellow tomato, that every tomato grower should experience. Wispy, skinny vines, grow about 6 feet tall and bear plenty of perfectly heart shaped fruits. Like most oxhearts, this tomato has great taste appeal. It's smooth, milder, sweetish and rich. It's not oto be remembered! When sliced, you will experience the most beautiful yellow that just smells wonderfully! Stake well!
  • Out of stock
    Bundaberg Rumball tomato is a beautiful little dwarf cherry that shouldn't be overlooked. I haven't heard much hype about it but I'm here to say, there should be! Short 3 foot plants produce plenty of greenish-brown tomatoes that are perfect for many applications. The one that first comes to my mind is salsa. They can also be as snacks and fresh eating right off the plant, canned when greener or almost ripened, and used for cooking. About 3 ft tall vines will produce early and a really good amount for the size of the plant. They will need some staking. If you're growing in containers, plant deep and feed in a timely manner.
  • Buratino Tomato


    Buratino Tomato

    This variety is one of the toughest that I have ever grown. Very wispy vines produce prolifically and refuse to stop. In 2019 we had very bad weather and almost 3 weeks of nonstop rain. We lost hundreds of plants, but Buratino tomato just kept growing and producing. Eventually we harvested plenty. These are very flavorful and make nice canning and salad tomatoes too. Great for snacking! Very attractive and appealing fruits are well balanced with a little tang. Juicy and succulent, delicious. Early staking is recommended. Seventy two days to ripen from transplant.  These may do well in larger containers. A real treat!
  • Burgess Stuffing tomato is a firm stuffing tomato that ripens red. It's not as large as Yellow Stuffer or perhaps Striped Cavern, but, like those two, it has good stand alone flavor. vines are prolific and need early staking. Tomatoes begin to ripen about 75 days after transplant. Perfect for stuffing with anything!
  • Out of stock

    Burgundy Okra

    One of the prettiest okras that you will find, Burgundy Okra plants produce dark purple, 6 inch long fruits. Burgundy plants can be quite tall. I really love this variety's nutty taste and have eaten many raw, right off the plant. It is best to harvest these within a week of appearing on the plant. Perfect for frying or anything okra.
  • Burgurland's Triumph Tomato

    Burgurland's Triumph tomato is an early variety that's perfect for canning, sauces, juicing and more. I am happy that I grew these out because they made some great juice and surprisingly nice sauce too. Short plants produce heavily and early enough to get me started snacking in the garden without haven to wait too long. Fruits are a little bigger than a ping pong ball and have a wonderful aroma. Good disease resistance and hardy too. Softish texture, sweeter, smooth and satisfying. Good experience for me!  
  • Burpees Matchless is a beautiful, clean tomato. Vines produce tons of 5-6 ounce, slicing tomatoes that can be used for a main crop. Fruits have a good old time tomato flavor with a little zing. Fruits begin to ripen about 75 days after transplant. perfect slicer, for sauces, fresh salsa and drying. Stake early and well!!
  • Burracker's Favorite Tomato

    Burracker's Favorite tomato is a large bi-color that can reach 2 pounds. Vines are tall vibrant and strong. They produce a good amount of fruits that begin to ripen around 85 days after transplant. This variety requires good staking! When sliced, all of its true colors come to life, tempting you to take a big bite. Fruits are very sweet with thick meat and plenty juice! Considering that it's such a large tomato, Burracker's Favorite is pretty early  to ripen. They are perfect for sandwich making. Make yourself some tomato stew, you'll thank me for it! Also a good candidate for market sales. get ready for a huge treat!
  • Butterfly Milkweed


    Butterfly Milkweed 

    (Asclepias tuberosa) One of the hardiest perennials you could possibly find, Butterfly Milkweed will light up your garden every year. plant it once and watch it come back for many years. My patch is about 11 years old. These grow to about 18-24 inches, have deep orange blooms that are highlighted by their pretty green back-drop foliage. Suitable for mostly any soil these will light up your garden from early June and continue for about 6-8 weeks. Expect plenty of butterflies especially Monarchs. Humming birds do buzz around from time to time too!
  • Butterworth's Potato Leaf Tomato

    Butterworth's Potato Leaf tomato produces big yields of 1 pound and bigger tomatoes. Plants are large and hardy. Our plants demonstrated really good disease resistance and seemed to love the hotter days! Fruits have the classic old-style beefsteak flavor, that is well balanced, rich and desirable. This tomato is a sandwich champion, all day every day! Great choice as a main crop because of its huge production, crack /split resistance and fine taste!  You cant go wrong with Butterworths's, it's like butter!
  • Byelorussian Tomato


    Byelorussian Tomato

    Another rare variety shared with me by my friend Aud Zeneberg. If you are seeking a new and rare cultivar for your next grow-outs, try Byelorussian Tomato.  Very tasty!  These are  blemish-free, almost perfect 6 ounce slicers! Very good balanced taste, nice aroma and again, not easily found.  Our plants were prolific and relatively early, ripening their fruits about 72 days after transplant. Fruits are perfect slicers, great for cooking, canning, sauces and much more. Try a few right off the vine, mmmmmmm!!  Seeds directly from Gatersleben Seed Bank. LYC 3687.
  • This is an early variety was developed in Denmark and is noted for it's resistance to splitting.  When ready, they can reach 3-4 pounds. This variety also has excellent fresh cabbage flavor. Copenhagen Market Cabbage is an early variety that matures around 65-75 days from transplant. Great for any cabbage dish, includine cloe slaw. Start seeds about 6 weeks before last frost and set them out early in spring when frost free! These can handle a little coldness.

  • Cabbage-Red Acre


    Cabbage-Red Acre

    Don't be surprised if this turns out to be one of the best cabbages that you ever had. This beauty has so many upsides that you may grow it each year. Not only is it very visually appealing, but it is also tasty, early, perfect for containers and has very good disease resistance. Red Looks and taste awesome in cole slaw! These can also get as large as 4 pounds!  Good in cooler climates and matures around 85 days. A perfect farmers market item. If you're a cabbage lover, try these, you'll be hooked!
  • Calabrese Green Sprouting Broccoli

    If you love greens, Calabrese Green Sprouting Broccoli would certainly become one of your favorites. This Italian variety has big heads that can average 5-8 inches. I also love it because its head produce a lot of side shoots, producing even more food. For market vendors, this variety is highly recommended.  For best results, start early in spring or fall.  Will do excellently in hotter climates when started in early fall or spring. Flowers and leaves can also be eaten. Head is very delicious eaten raw, lightly steamed or sauteed. Can also be eaten as a micro-green. Seeds are freshly packed just for your! Happy gardening! Visit Our Garden Greens category for more delicious greens!
  • Camp Joy Tomato

    Camp Joy (Chadwick's Cherry) is a bright red, nickel sized cherry tomato that is totally worth trying. Tall aggressive vines are prolific and produce all season long, ripening their first fruits in about 70 days. Plants like our hotter summers . They showed no signs of diseases and produced till frost! Tomatoes have a good balance of sweets and tang. These are perfect for canning, snacking, drying and market sales. These are also great for market sales. Ours usually begin ripening around 70 days from transplant. Expect sweet treats until frosts. Will do well in containers also. We recommend 5 gallons or larger!
  • Cancelmo Family Heirloom

    Anyone who knows me would tell you that oxhearts are my favorite family of tomatoes. There are very few that I don't like. I have had Cancelmo Family Heirloom tomato seeds in my thoughts for years but I never grew them out until 2019. What I discovered is that these have totally lived up to the good reputation of pink oxhearts. Very flavorful, tasty and mild, these have excellent texture and plenty meat. They are not as large as some of the others, but they are not too small either. Ours averaged 10-14 ounces., some were around 8 and we did have a few that were about 1 pound.  Skinny vines are prolific producers and will produce until frost.  A very nice canning, sandwich, market tomato.  Dont forget to stake well. Try these, you'll love them.
  • One of my top 10 for taste and flavor in 2021, Candy Sweet Icicle Tomato is a salad lover's dream. About 2 inch long fruits are elongated and so very tasty. Indeterminate plants are super producers and never, I mean never stop producing! For me in 2021, nothing was a better snack in the garden. Taste is fruity, sweet with acidic tones and complete. These are not overwhelming, just perfect. I never saw even one crack or split on any of these, so they are very clean and pretty fruits, making these bi-colored beauties perfect market tomatoes. My plants were bushy and vibrant, but never got higher than about 5 feet. Great tomato for snacking, plating/garnish, dehydrating, preserves, cooking and so much more. I'll be back next year for more!
  • Candy Tomato


    Candy Tomato

    I discovered Candy tomato this year at my local greenhouse and decided to try a few plants. They did not disappoint. Candy tomato is a bi colored cherry that's especially beautiful when sliced. Taste is very fruity with some sweetness and acids too! I think it's well balanced and a very good little cherry. Plants are about 6 feet tall and produce good amounts of  1-2 inch round fruits. Vines are very hardy and will work hard for you. Excellent disease resistance, one of the best this year for me. Great snack, great for tomato preserves, salads, canning whole and market sales. Recommended
  • Captain Lucky Tomato


    Captain Lucky Tomato

    Captain Lucky tomato is a potato leaf variety. It produces 6-10 ounce, bi-colored, delicious slicers. Plants are robust and grow to about 5 feet tall and have shown good disease resistance for us. Tomatoes grow in clusters of about 5. They begin to ripen about 80 days after transplant. This bi-color beauty is rich, fruity and juicy. The interior of this gem is beautifully marbled with different shades of pinks on green. Perfect for garnishing, slicing, market sales, cooking and fresh eating off the vine. If you are looking for a consistent tomato that will not let you down, then this is the way to go. Also check out its sister tomato.
  • Captain lucky White is a cousin of Captain Lucky. In my opinion, they have very little in common. A potato leaf variety, Captain Lucky white produces some of the most beautiful, light yellow fruits that average about 4-6 ounces. Fruits are sweeter, fruity and very juicy. They begin to ripen around 75 days after transplant. This is a perfect variety for snacking in the garden, slicing, cooking, sauces and perhaps market sales.
  • Carbon Tomato

    Some people say that Carbon tomato is perhaps the best black tomato there is. I say, it's pretty close. Certainly, it's one to be reckoned with! It's not often that I am blown away by the taste of a tomato. Carbon had that effect on me. Before I forget, let me say that some of the best sandwiches that I have had were with these. Carbon is a full flavored tomato that is rich, balanced and excessively good. Our plants were about 5 feet tall in full sunlight. They produced plenty 8-12 ounce fruits that are delightful. A MUST GROW for any garden!
  • Cardinal Climber white is among my favorite flowers. Tiny little tender things grow on beautiful vines that can reach 20-30 feet. Vines begin to bloom around mid-june and go ll the way until frost. This variety will reseed so it may help to grow it in a location where it can grow long term. One of the biggest bonuses when growing these is the regular hummingbird visits. They just love cardinal climber vines! These are perfect for banisters, gazebos, fences, or anywhere you want a flowering vine. We intertwine the red and white versions!

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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