• Aji Pineapple Pepper


    Aji Pineapple Pepper

    20,000 Scoville Heat Units It's easy to see why Aji Pinapple pepper is a favorite of the Peruvian community. These 2.5 inch, light yellow things are bursting with tropical flavor. They are also not so hot that flavor is diminished in any way. For a spicy/hot pepper lover like me, frying and cooking are how I best utilize this pepper. It's delicious, fruity tones brings tremendous flavorings to my rice, soups and beans! A little spicier than a Jalapeno, flavor is what makes Aji Pineapple stand out. Short plants are prolific but a little later, so be patient! Great for drying for flakes and powder is highly recommended too!
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    Feher Ozon Paprika Pepper

    I am very impressed with this pepper, it's production for such a short plant and especially its taste. Feher Ozon Paprika pepper is a Hungarian variety that is sweet, flavorful and delicious. Good for stuffing, cooking and even pepper flakes, this one has little to no heat. Plants are very short. Many of ours were between 12 and 18 inches tall. They produce semi heart shaped, 3-5 inch long peppers that go from green to cream colored, then finally ripen red. A very useful variety if you love cooking with sweet peppers. Really good for pickling too! Perfect for containers and small gardens with limited space!!
  • Until trying these, I never knew that tomatillos could taste so fruity. Queen Of Malinalco tomatillo is truly a gem to grow. Early ripening, elongated fruits remind me more of peppers than tomatillos. These are great for fresh salsa, which turns out very fruity, snacking, cooking, dehydrating and more. You can even can these and enjoy them later. Plants are about 4 feet tall and produce tons of fruits. These continue until frosts. If you are looking for a fruity, sweet, crunchy tomato with unique looks, try Queen Of Malinalco, you wouldn't regret.
  • KBX Tomato


    KBX Tomato

    85 Days. KBX  tomato is the potato leaf version of Kellogg's Breakfast. These two tomatoes are similar, except that I have found them to be a bit more prolific than the regular leafed version! KBX tomato is meaty, big and sweet. It is a great selection as a main crop for tomato vendors. Plants are about 6 feet tall and produce high quantities of deep yellow, (sixteen to twenty four ounce) fruits, that can really be used for many things. One of the the best for sandwiches. Great for tomato lovers who are seeking a lower acid fruit with great flavor and plenty meat! Click Here To See It On YouTube!
  • San Marzano Redorta Tomato

    Every year I make a lot of tomato sauce. Some of my main tomatoes for this task are, Goatbag, Kapia Red, Abbittista, Jersey Devil and a few more. This year, 2019, I grew out San Marzano Redorta for the first time. The sauce I made with this variety was fantastic! So from now on, these will be on my favorite list too. San Marzano Redorta have thick meat and sweet taste. They cook down into some fine tasting tomato sauce. Plants are hard workers and produce plenty 3 inch long fruits that keep coming until season's end. Also a nice canning and paste variety. Put these on your "favorite sauce tomato" list. You wouldn't regret it!
  • Monkey Ass Tomato

    Monkey Ass is a delicious, high producing oxheart variety with excellent taste. This tomato will never let you down! Fruits are about 6-10 ounces, very meaty and have few seeds. A perfect sandwich tomato, Monkey's Ass tomato also makes killer sauce that's sweet and milder. Vines are super hardy even in the worst growing conditions and will produce though 90 degree weather or extended periods of damp and rain. These have proven to to be a winner for us. Stake well because plenty tomatoes are coming!
  • Amish Canning Tomato


    Amish Canning Tomato

    Absolutely satisfied! That's how I would describe my experience with Amish Canning Tomato. Make no mistake, this is an all purpose variety that can be used for sauces, canning, cooking/stews and so much more. High producing plants come on strong around 78 days from transplant and just keep producing. We had so many of these that I was overwhelmed! A wonderful variety for taking to the Farmers Market!  Plants are around 5.5 feet tall and need staking. Taste is juicy, balanced with some sweetness too! Just a really nice tomato experience! I will definitely be growing these again. These remind me somewhat of  Amish Paste. It's a much larger fruit though!
  • Dwarf Sweet Sue Tomato

    Dwarf Sweet Sue tomato is exactly what its name suggest. But there is more! A perfect variety for anyone with little space or doing container growing, this variety will out-produce almost any dwarf variety. Three  foot tall plants are tree type and have rugose leaves. They grow clusters of 4-5 tomatoes that begin to ripen 75 days after transplant. Tomatoes are sweet and juicy. This is a great variety for sauces, cooking, fresh eating , slicing and salsa. Not many of them have made it out of the garden. One of my favorites for snacking while I am working!
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    Costoluto Fiorentino Tomato

    75 Days. One of the best sauce makers that I have grown in 20 years Costoluto Fiorentino tomato regularly remains in our rotation. Deep red, ribbed tomatoes just scream for the sauce-pan. Don't be fooled though, Fiorentino also taste great. It's a great balance of sweet and tangy with great texture! side. Also works well as a garnishing, sandwich and drying tomato. Great for market vendors!
  • Vorlon Tomato


    Vorlon Tomato

    If you are a lover of black tomatoes or if you have never tasted one, Vorlon tomato would be a good one to try. We grew if for the first time in 2017 and plan on growing it again from now on! Vorlon is a well balanced tomato with softish flesh that melts in your mouth. It reminds me of Nairobi Nights just not as intense. I have seen some that were close to 1 pound but the average size is closer to 10 ounces. Vines have potato leaves, are a bit sprawling, and prolific. This is a great tomato for sandwiches, salsas, and fresh eating off of the vine. 80 days.
  • Stripes Of Yore Tomato

    One of the most beautiful anthos that I have grown, Stripes Of Yore tomato also has good flavor, without the antho usual taste that many of us dislike. Displaying pretty yellow with random black clutches/stripes, this one will turn heads in your garden! On the milder side with some fruitiness, this saladette tomato also serves well as a garnish and cooking tomato. Chefs love it, so that says a lot! Skinny plants can grow to 6 feet tall and produce plenty fruits. It's also a good choice for market sales. Ours started ripening about 78 days after transplant and continued until season's end.
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    Fuego Rosa Tomato


    Fuego Rosa Tomato

    Fuego Rosa tomato is  an elongated variety that will blow you away with its beauty, size and beefsteak- like flavor. It does not have strong tomato flavor like some other elongated sorts, but it's still a winner! Bred by Fred Hempel of Artisan seeds, Fuego Rosa resembles one of it's parents(Striped Roman), except that it has clear skin. Fuego Rosa is pink. Vines are wispy, prolific and produce all season long. Early staking will be helpful. This is a perfect tomato for salads, snacking. Great in sauces, for cooking, garnishing and more. One of my favorites in 2018. Try Fuego Rosa, you'll have a blast! See it on YouTube!
  • New Big Dwarf Tomato


    New Big Dwarf Tomato

    New big Dwarf Tomato is among my favorite dwarf  tomato varieties. Rugose leaf plants produce big, pink slicers that can reach one pound are as tasty as they come. This is a great variety if you are gardening in smaller spaces and want bigger yields. Plants are hardy, prolific and produce excellently.  Our tallest plants were about 3.5 feet. this year we harvested our first ripened fruits about 85 days after transplant.  As usual, they were sweet, juicy and well balanced. Stake early and well. It's also a great variety for growing in larger containers!
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    Moment Micro Dwarf Tomato

    One of my favorites to grow, Moment Micro Dwarf Tomato is a high producing variety. I like these too because they are very nicely flavored. Round, red and delicious cherries, are produced on short plants of 10-12 inches. Ours did excellently in 3/4 gallon containers! My recommendation would be up to 1 gallon but nothing bigger! Moment started blooming just weeks after transplant and fruits were ripening about 65 days after transplant. They continued producing for many weeks afterwards. Production is really good for such small plants. These are sweet with a little tartness and overall a very good experience!
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    Upstate Oxheart Tomato

    There is so much I could say about this tomato. Upstate Oxheart is a very large, pretty, and satisfying tomato with very few seeds. True to the oxheart family, this variety knows not how to disappoint! Our biggest this year have been in the 2 pound range which obviously meant that we had to stake very well. Oxheart are noted for having skinny vines and can grow really tall. As far as taste, this tomato has sweet mellow meat and is moderately juicy. It is in the vein of Curtis Cheek. It is weighty, solid and perfect for sauces, fresh eating, sandwiches, paste, catsup, or perhaps anything you can imagine. A really good all around tomato that you MUST try! Bite into one at the bottom end when fully ripened and mmmmmm......it's over! See it on YouTube!
  • One of the most prolific and delicious tomatoes that we grew in 2018, Dwarf Andy's Forty tomato belongs in every tomato garden. Plants are about 3 feet tall and just keep pumping them out all season long. I also found that these were very disease resistant. Ours didn't not get early or late blight. Bi-color fruits are about 4-8 ounces. They bear in bunches of about 4-5 and begin to ripen about 75 days after transplant. Andy's Forty tomato is flavorful, mild and rich. It has very good texture and nice aroma when fully ripened. Overall a delicious tomato! A nice selection for garnish, cooking, snacking and so much more. Great for container growing or smaller gardens wanting good production. See It On YouTube.
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    Gold Pearl is a beautiful cherry tomato that performs well indoors or out. It also does very well in 3/4 to 1 gallon containers. Growing to about 1.5 feet at maturity, this gem is very prolific and hardy. Its fruits are sweet, earthy and soft. A little staking may be necessary. Fruits begin to ripen about 70 days after transplant. Expect plenty of little yellow tomatoes for an extended period! Great as a treat or in salads. May be good for jams and jellies!
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    Our biggest surprise in 2021, Alleghany Sunset has earned its place in our forever garden. Prolific plants just kept pumping them out and we took all that we could get. This is a fruity and sweeter variety that will ripen a little later but is definitely worth the wait.  Bi-colored fruits of yellow and reds are produced on regular leafed plants that grow to about 6 feet tall. They demonstrated nice disease resistance and held on until season's end. A perfect choice for slicing, garnish/plating, markets, sweet sauce, sandwiches, dehydrating or just sinking your teeth into. Tomatoes weigh between 8 and 16 ounces and bursting with beauty! Try these, you'll love them!
  • Hatch Chili Pepper


    Hatch Chili Pepper

    If you are looking for a really nice roaster, Hatch chili pepper will lock it down for you. These are perfect for grilling if you like just a little heat. I happen to think it's a great choice for blending with Mexican foods. These ripen from green to red and can be used at any point, especially after reaching full size. You will totally enjoy these in cooking, especially since they are not too hot for the average chili lover. Great choice for cooking with your every day dishes!
  • Dwarf Wild Fred Tomato

    Dwarf Wild Fred tomato is one of my favorite dwarfs. I like its growing habits and tenacity. 3 foot plants never stop pumping out 6-10 ounce fruits all season long. Tomatoes are full flavored, a little smoky and balanced. They are juicy and aromatic when fully ripened. These seemed to love the hotter months and were still going strong in mid-September. Will perform well in containers. Staking may be necessary! We've had no issues with diseases.
  • Aurora Fire Marigold


    Aurora Fire Marigold

    Aurora Fire Marigold is among the prettiest of garden flowers. A great animal and insect repellant in the garden, Aurora Fire is short growing (perhaps 1-2 feet tall). Its blooms are about 2 inches wide. plant a row or intermingle them in your garden as a repellant to common critters. These will bloom all the way till frost.
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    These cherry sized fruits are perfect for salad, dehydrating and snacking, especially right off the vine. Our plants fought through weeks of rain to produce good sized crops until season's end. Prolific vines are about 5 feet tall and vibrant. These begin to bloom pretty early, with our first ripened fruits emerging in early July, about 72 days after transplant. Fruits are sweetish with good tomato flavor and very little antho taste. Great Aroma too! Black Strawberry tomato plants need to be staked well for the best results. May do well in larger sized containers.
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  • Kiss The Sky Tomato


    Kiss The Sky Tomato

    In 2020 we grew about 120 new varieties, not as many as pervious years. But in my opinion, we selected some excellent varieties. Kiss The Sky tomato is one of those! Large cherries grow on tall vines of 6 feet or more. Other than its outstanding flavor, this variety is a massive producer of brownish purple fruits that are outstandingly sweet, rich and earthy. A very desirable tomato! Its heavy production and blemish-free fruits make it a perfect choice for market vendors. I am so happy that I grew these out!  I used these tomatoes for some of the best tomato jam. Grow these, you won't regret it!
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    Dwarf Beauty King Tomato

    About 75 Days. There is so much that I can say about this variety. Dwarf Beauty King tomato is a pretty , red dominant, bi-color variety, that is streaked with yellow. Fruits can reach 1 pound but many of ours have been around the 10 ounce mark. Indeterminate vines have regular rugose leaves, are about 3.5-4 feet tall and produce until frost kills them. Sweet delicious and tasty! Check out Dwarf Firebird Sweet tomato.
  • Sunrise Bumblebee has been on my best tasting list of cherries for a long time. These remind me of a tropical fruit. Shorter vines produce abundantly from early summer until frost. What's more, they have excellent disease resistance and refuse to be stopped. As a side note, the Bumblebee selection all work well as main crops, especially for vendors at the farmer's market. Perfect little cherry. 70 Days.
  • Zinnia Flower Possibilities Mix

    Zinnia Flower Possibilities Mix comprises of 20 colors or more, different sizes, varieties and flavors all mixed together. Colors were very complimentary and lit up every aspect of our summer! Visitors included honeybees, many types of butterflies, pollinators, hummingbirds and more! This flower garden was busy all season long! I decided to call it the Possibilities Mix because everyone's garden is going to be different and anything is possible. Light up your flower garden with this special mix! Blooms came 6 weeks after planting. A very beautiful mix!
  • Riccio di Parma Tomato

    Great sauce tomatoes come in different shapes and colors. Rico Di Parma tomato is one of them. This pleated tomato makes awesome sauce. Huge fruits are visually beautiful and clean. It's not a very juicy variety and cooks down into thick, stronger flavored sauce, that works well on your pasta or a base for your bisque and soups. Plants produce plenty fruits for such a large fruit. They are a bit late though. Our first ripened fruits were harvested at 85 days after transplant.  We continued to harvest until cooler weather, in October. This variety is also beautiful on a platter. Great for sandwiches too!

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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