• Hungarian Heart Tomato


    Hungarian Heart Tomato

    Hungarian Heart tomato is a beautiful oxheart variety that does what oxhearts usually do. Sweet, meaty, juicy and delicious, this perfect heart tomato is a great selection for sweet sauces and cooking. Tall wispy vines produce heavy crops of 8-16 ounce smooth oxhearts that are a sight to behold. Vines have nice disease resistance, are hardy and love hotter weather. Fruits ripen about 85 days after transplant. A nice variety for beginners to try!
  • 85 Days. In 2015 we first offered Grant's Trustee as a new variety. Seeds were given to me by a friend who actually grew with Grant. It's an awesome slicing tomato that can reach 1 pound. Taste it and you will find that it's balanced and sweetish with good meat. Whenever I grow these, ti always make sandwiches with the first few ripened ones. Great for sandwiches, salsa, sauces and market sales. Hardy, disease resistance vines!
  • Gold Medal Tomato


    Gold Medal Tomato

    My favorite large yellow bi-color tomato, I have grown Gold Medal for at least 18 years. Each year since then, I have saved seeds from to biggest. Today we consistently grow fruits that are above 2 pounds. The seeds we sell are from this same stock, so your fruits will be large! Gold Medal tomato is sweet, juicy, meaty and delicious. It grows on average sized vines that are not too bushy. Fruits begin to ripen about 90 days after transplant and continue all the way until frost. Do with this baby whatever you wish! Visit out Beefsteak Category for more delicious varieties. See it on YouTube!
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    Gold Berries Tomato


    Gold Berries Tomato

    A small cherry anthocyanin fruit that turns darker on top and yellow on the bottom end, Gold Berries tomato is a pleasure to grow and eat. Sweeter, slightly fruity and juicy fruits are perfect for salads. Chefs love to use these for garnishing. Try slicing them in half then drying them. Really nice! Plants are not to tall and produce clusters of 5 tomatoes that ripen after 65-70 days after transplant. This is a great market variety too!
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    German Pinks Tomato

    Coming in at about 1 pound, you could expect plenty of tasty tomatoes from German Pinks. Huge vibrant vines produce plenty of huge oblate tomatoes that are meaty with a sweet and balanced flavor. Plants have good disease resistance and begin to ripen fruits about 90 days after transplant. Perfect sandwich tomato. Great as a main crop or market variety!
  • Striped German Tomato


    Striped German Tomato

    Huge red and yellow beefsteaks that are true head turners. If you really want looks and taste, this all time classic is the one for you. A great selection for slicing, sandwiches, sauces, eating off the vine, cooking and even market sales. Vines are five or six feet tall keep pumping out beautiful fruits until frost. Sweet and slightly acidic with beautiful complimentary tones. Striped German tomato can easily be a main crop tomato such Pink Brandywine. These absolutely need to be well staked with regular revisions. A winner at the Farmers' Market. Click HERE for more large beefsteak tomatoes.
  • German Johnson Tomato


    German Johnson Tomato

    German Johnson is a big tomato that can border on huge! Smooth pink tomatoes are full flavored, balanced and delicious. Vines are tall and sprawling. They begin to ripen their fruits about 90 days after transplant. Almost all meat, German Johnson may eliminate the need for chicken on your sandwich. These are great market tomatoes too. Stake well!
  • Florentine Beauty Tomato

    Florentine Beauty tomato is a really pretty fruit that will turn heads. This medium sized, heavily ribbed variety, ripens to a nice canary yellow. Perfect for sauces, garnish and cooking, this beauty is a winner at the farmers market. It's mild and sweet with not so much juice. Seed count can also low. A perfect selection for those not wanting an acidic tomato. Vines are not tall(perhaps four feet) and begin to ripen their fruits about 85 days after transplant. Ours demonstrates very good disease resistance and willingness to produce in hotter weather. Try some mild yellow tomato sauce with these. Works excellently! if you are interested in more ribbed varieties, see Beauty Lottringa tomato. It's another good sauce variety!
  • Another wonderful variety, Dixie Golden Giant tomato is winner any way you look at it! First grown here in 2014, we have grown them every year since. Six foot tall vigorous vines are high producing and and relentless. Tomatoes are 10 to 20 ounces and have "do anything with me" written all over their faces! Really good beefsteaks are perfect sandwich makers. Make some really good yellow stewed tomatoes too. I have made some fantastic dried tomato powder with these. Excellent stuff!
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    75 Days. When you grow as many tomatoes as we do, you can often run across good tomatoes that are hardly ever mentioned. Djena Lee's Golden Girl tomato is, in my opinion, is one of them. I truly hope that more people will grow these in the future. Fruits are large, yellow cherries that grow on 5 feet tall, loaded vines. These are mostly sweet and fruity. Great for jams and jellies, fresh eating, salads and dehydrating. Perfect when snacked on, right off the vine!
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    Curtis Cheek Tomato


    Curtis Cheek Tomato

    Perhaps the best tomato that I have ever tasted. Beautiful, large beefsteaks that are so delicious your eyes would pop put.. Read the story below about how I got this awesome variety!!
  • Cuostralee Tomato

    Cuostralee may not often be listed as a great sauce tomato but it is. That may mostly be due to the fact that it's such an excellent beefsteak. Still on my top rated list, Cuostralee tomato will rock your world no matter how you decide to use it. Huge, weighty fruits can reach 1.5 pounds . Vines produce plenty of perfect, crack-free fruits. This is the classic "way back" tomato! Cuostrale is rich, balanced, sweeter, meaty, aromatic and much more. Everything about this tomato is all good! Make yourself a some really good tomato sandwiches and spaghetti sauce!
  • Black Zebra Tomato

    Black Zebra is another popular variety among the culinary community. Beautiful greenish brownish, striped tomatoes, are something to behold when ripened. They make the best salsa! 5 foot tall, hardy and prolific vines, begin to ripen fruits around the 75 day mark. They never quit until frost. Take these with you to the market, you'll sell tons!
  • Arkansas Traveler tomato is a very hardy and dependable varieties that exist. It's easily the easiest variety for me to describe. Our prolific vines have always displayed great disease resistance. Spotless fruits ripen to a nice rose pink color after about 75 days. It has a true old time rich flavor, which includes plenty of juice and aroma! These should be staked well and may do good in bigger containers! This has for a very long time been one of my most reliable varieties for me and farmers around the globe. Even in your very toughest years of too much heat, rain and humidity, these will produce for you. Don't let your garden fail you, try these!!
  • Hoy Tomato

    Hoy is one of my favorite selections for 2017. Hard working plants produce massive tomatoes that never stop coming until frost. Even the very last fruits in the Fall are HUGE. In 2017 we grew several 2 pounders, most were between 1.5 and 2 pounds. Fruits are sweet, excessively meaty, tasty and delicious. It's also very dense. If your mission it to grow huge, tasty tomatoes, Hoy is the way to go! Perfect for sandwiches!
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    Alices Dream Tomato


    Alice's Dream Tomato

    80 days. Alice's Dream tomato is one of the prettiest tomatoes that you will ever grow. Fruits of this antho variety even turn heads before they ripen. Beautiful yellow and orange, bi-color fruits turn darker on the top side with blushes of yellow, orange and reds on other parts of the fruit. Tomatoes are sweet and earthy with very upfront fruitiness. Vines are relatively hardy, prolific and tall. Stake well. See it on YouTube!

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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