• South African Black Mystery is a complete tomato. Not only is it beautiful, it is a tomato that has many memorable qualities. Its vines are prolific, somewhat early, and hardy. They produce 6 to 10 ounce, beautiful, brownish fruits which coloration is slightly different than the average black. This is a wonderful tomato with sweetish juice and nicely textured meat. It has a complete finish. Plants performed well through the hotter months. This "Mystery" is definitely an above average tomato that I recommend.
  • The Richardson Tomato

    I was gifted seeds for The Richardson Tomato and decided to grow a few plants out. I was rewarded with what I consider a real tomato. The Richardson Tomato is really a good all-purpose fruit. I only made sandwiches and sauce with it but based upon its texture and taste, I assume it will be good for salsa, for cooking, and perhaps catsup. It surely would be worth a try. I especially enjoyed it on sandwiches and I also had quite a few right in the garden--they were perfect! This beautiful smooth fruit will draw you in with its aroma. Vines are 6 feet tall and produce well. Ours displayed good disease resistance. We did spray one time with copper sulfate. Vines produced until Fall.
  • Tuxhorn's Red And Yellow is perhaps the sweetest bi-color that we have grown. Tall vines produce a good quantity of big fruits that can reach 5 pounds. When sliced, a beautiful canvas of reds and yellows complimented with a rich tomatoey aroma easily stimulates the salivary glands. The proof, though, is in the eating! At first bite, there is a sugar rush that pulls you in and renders you hooked. Tuxhorn is mostly sweet and fruity with a good, meaty texture. 85 to 90 days. Stake well.
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    Upstate Oxheart Tomato

    There is so much I could say about this tomato. Upstate Oxheart is a very large, pretty, and satisfying tomato with very few seeds. True to the oxheart family, this variety knows not how to disappoint! Our biggest this year have been in the 2 pound range which obviously meant that we had to stake very well. Oxheart are noted for having skinny vines and can grow really tall. As far as taste, this tomato has sweet mellow meat and is moderately juicy. It is in the vein of Curtis Cheek. It is weighty, solid and perfect for sauces, fresh eating, sandwiches, paste, catsup, or perhaps anything you can imagine. A really good all around tomato that you MUST try! Bite into one at the bottom end when fully ripened and mmmmmm......it's over! See it on YouTube!
  • Vechnyi Zov Tomato

    Vechnyi Zov Tomato Vechnyi Zov is another excellent pink tomato that we grew in 2017. To be honest, this one surprised me. What I like most about it, is the tad bit of fruitiness that kicked in long after it was eaten. This is not a shy tomato--it tells you what it was made for. It is a sandwich specialist. Its vines are tall and excessively prolific. They seem to love the heat and never really got bothered by diseases. We had tomatoes until Fall.
  • Vinson Watts Tomato


    Vinson Watts Tomato

    Vinson Watts is not just another pink tomato--it's a very good one! A fleshy and medium sweet tomato with fruity undertones will surprise you because it is not a flashy fruit. Nonetheless, Vinson Watts can hold its own in any serious tomato arena. Hard-working vines produce a really nice quantity of 10 ounce to 1 pound beefsteaks that begin to ripen about 85 days after transplant. Stake well and get ready! Perfect for sandwiches, fresh eating, and cooking. Visit my YouTube Channel HERE
  • Yoder's German Yellow Tomato

    Yoder's German Yellow tomato is perhaps the best yellow tomato that we have grown in many years. It certainly was a standout for us in 2017. A very good producer. This workhorse will produce up to 24 ounce tomatoes all season long. It is not bothered by extreme heat. Tomatoes begin to ripen about 85 days after transplant. It is sweet, rich, meaty, and balanced. Perfect for sandwiches! See it on YouTube!
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    Dwarf Purple Heart Tomato

    Some of the most beautiful tomatoes that you would ever see, Dwarf Purple Heart tomato is a very exciting and tasty variety. True to the oxheart family, Dwarf Purple Heart plants have wispy leaves and skinny vines. they produce perfect hart shaped, deep brown/purple tomatoes that have olive shoulders. Fruits ripen about 85 days after transplant.
  • Don't be surprised if you decide to grow this beautiful tomato every year. Dwarf Russian Swirl tomato comes highly recommended by ME! I first tried these out in the winter of 2015, growing them in buckets and under light. They did so well that I once again tried it on the farm that summer. It was a smash it once more. Dwarf Russian Swirl vines are about 4 feet tall and bear some of the prettiest slicers that you would ever see. They begin to ripen about 75 days after transplant and continue all the way till frost. Fruits are fruity, sweet, juicy and delicious. Let them ripen well and you will be blessed with a beautiful treat! These are perfect for slicing, sandwiches, fresh eating, garnishing, cooking and salsas. Restraint is required while in the garden because they may never make t to the kitchen table. OSSI Pledge
  • Fred's Tie Dye dwarf tomato is a dwarf lover's dream. It's a smaller plant that produces big crops of beautiful and tasty fruits. Not only that, 3 foot tall plants are also very hardy and stand up well to diseases. Fruits are a beautiful reddish, purple and green combination and ripen about 80 days after transplant. If taste is high on your list, Fred's Tie Dye is a gift for you! Rich, juicy, balanced and full flavored, this gem can be used for almost anything. Sandwiches are happy when there are some slices of Fred's leading the cast. It's also a great salsa maker, beautiful for slicing, fresh eating, cooking or even garnishing. It is a very beautiful  tomato that comes highly recommended! Grow some in containers too!
  • New Big Dwarf Tomato


    New Big Dwarf Tomato

    New big Dwarf Tomato is among my favorite dwarf  tomato varieties. Rugose leaf plants produce big, pink slicers that can reach one pound are as tasty as they come. This is a great variety if you are gardening in smaller spaces and want bigger yields. Plants are hardy, prolific and produce excellently.  Our tallest plants were about 3.5 feet. this year we harvested our first ripened fruits about 85 days after transplant.  As usual, they were sweet, juicy and well balanced. Stake early and well. It's also a great variety for growing in larger containers!
  • Out of stock
    Rosella Purple dwarf tomato is the perfect variety if you are a tomato beginner. Plants are about 4 feet tall, bushy and produce a tremendous amount of 6-12 ounce fruits that will amaze you with their taste. One bite into it's sot flesh will reveal a sweet an intense tomato that delivers the total tomato experience. This tomato easily compares to some of the better blacks or purples. Rosella works well as a sandwich maker, sauce pleaser and salsa saver. in fact, Rosella Purple will function well in almost all tomato applications. Try it, you will be amazed! Great for bigger containers such as a 5  gallon or larger!
  • Scoresby Dwarf Tomato

    Scoresby Dwarf tomato is a 3-6 ounce, pink fruit with a delightful taste. Its vines 3.5 are vigorous and hardy. Ours have never been affected by any disease. Sweet, mild and slightly fruity tomatoes, grow in clusters of about 5. You should expect first blush around the 75 day mark. Be prepared for a really nice harvest! If you are working with limited space, these will do excellently in 5 gallon buckets. Perfect slicer for sandwiches! Great when eaten right off the plant!
  • Tasmanian Chocolate dwarf tomato is a full flavored and beautiful fruit. They grow on plants that are about 3.5 feet tall. These will perform well in buckets or in the ground. Plants produce plenty, light chocolate colored fruits that can reach 12 ounces. Take a bite and you will discover a really juicy fruit that has a bit of earthiness to it. Plants quickly become top heavy so some staking may be necessary. You can expect your first ripened fruits around the 80 day mark. Try some of these in your garden and get ready for a bountiful harvest!
  • Dwarf Wild Fred Tomato

    Dwarf Wild Fred tomato is one of my favorite dwarfs. I like its growing habits and tenacity. 3 foot plants never stop pumping out 6-10 ounce fruits all season long. Tomatoes are full flavored, a little smoky and balanced. They are juicy and aromatic when fully ripened. These seemed to love the hotter months and were still going strong in mid-September. Will perform well in containers. Staking may be necessary! We've had no issues with diseases.
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    Mohamed Micro Dwarf Tomato (Back In Stock)

    Without a doubt, Mohamed micro dwarf tomato is my favorite variety as far as production. This awesome variety is a workhorse. Before I continue, allow me to say that it is also a winner as it pertains to taste. Sweetish, juicy, forward and satisfying, would be the perfect description.  Ours grew to about 7 inches tall and were so loaded that they needed early staking. We use chopsticks for staking. They work excellently. You can expect ripened fruits about 72 days after transplant. 3/4 to 1 gallon containers work excellently!
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    Orange Hat Micro Dwarf Tomato

    Orange Hat micro dwarf tomato is very similar to Pinocchio Yellow, in taste, size and color. They are different as far as growing habit and production time. Unlike Pinocchio, Orange Hat has a more upright growing habit and does not send out as many suckers. For comparison purposes, I grew them both side by side and found that Pinocchio was six days earlier to ripen. Orange Hat is very tasty, mildly fruity and soft. It has a high aroma and tender skin. Plants are about 6-8 inches depending on your light source. This tomato is a fruit in the true sense. Perfect for snacking and salads. Jams and jellies would certainly shine with these, also. 3/4 to 1 gallon containers would work great!
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    Minibel Tomato


    Minibel Tomato

    Minibel tomato is a perfect container variety. Plants can grow to about 18 inches and produce some fire red fruits. They vary between dime and quarter size. Fruits are mild and sweeter with medium thick skin. If you are paying attention, you can expect your first wave of ripened tomatoes around the 70 day mark. Use 3/4 to 1 gallon containers for these. Perfect for snacking and salads. I haven't met a kid that didn't like them!
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    Florida Petite produces the biggest sized cherries among all of the micro dwarfs. I have harvested many that were bigger than a ping pong ball. Plants are about 6-8 inches and produce a good amount of red, juicy fruits.  Staking is essential. You can expect to begin your harvest about 70 days after transplant. 3/4 to 1 gallon containers would be perfect for this gem!  Perfect for salads and fresh eating off the plant!
  • Out of stock
    Pinocchio is the reason that I got into micro dwarf tomatoes. I could hardly believe that this short plant could produce tomatoes with such excellent flavor. Pinocchio micro dwarf is a great tomato for jams and jellies, providing that you could keep yourself from eating them off of the plant. They are sweet, juicy, soft and fruity with thin skin. Plants mature at about 7 inches and send out a few very useful suckers that are anxious to also produce fruits. Ours do excellently in 3/4 gallon containers. about 70 days to ripen after transplant!
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    If you are looking for a beautiful, micro dwarf cherry tomato, that ripens in 70 days, Yellow Canary is the one for you. Plants are about 8 inches tall! This variety produces some of the prettiest fruits in the micro dwarf world. Matching its beauty is its taste. For me, it's memorable! Firm, balanced and juicy cherries are perfect for salads and snacking right off the plants. You can expect ripened fruits about 70 days after transplant. These grow excellently in small containers of 3/4-1 gallon. Perfect for window sills, patio growing and under lights indoors. Get ready for a sweet and tasty treat!
  • Red Russian Kale

  • Regina Red micro dwarf tomato is a really sturdy cherry variety that grows on 10 inch plants or shorter. This well balanced fruit is delicious and slightly tangy, with good sweetness too! One of the things that I love about this variety is that it produces plenty fruits for such a small plant. 50-55 Days!  
  • Rejina Yellow micro dwarf tomato is an average sized cherry tomato that are borne on 8-10 inch plants. They are sweeter and mild with good flavor and plenty of juice. Ripened fruits are softer and have a really nice tomato aroma. tomatoes ripen to a very beautiful angry yellow. Plants produces a lot of fruits for their diminutive sizes. You can expect ripened fruit around 50-55 days after transplant.
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    Jochalos Micro Dwarf Tomato

    Jochalos Micro Dwarf tomato is a fabulous little cherry tomato that reminds me of Pinocchio Orange. it is, in my opinion a totally different tomato, though! This little gem produces deep yellow, small sized cherries with flavor that will astonish you. It's a great balance of intense sweets and tanginess that fits perfect for snacking or salads. If you are into jams, jellies or tomato delicacies, this would be the one for you. Very hardy and determined 4-8 inch plants like to sprawl and stay low. They begin to ripen their fruits about 55 days after transplant. Tomatoes are borne on clusters of 5-7. plants will also produce at least two crops. So after your first crop is done, feed and watch out! See Jochalos and other micro dwarfs on YouTube!
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    If you are searching for a very good tasting variety that ripens early and produces plenty all season long, then Amazon Chocolate tomato is the one! This dark colored, beautiful and blemish-free fruit will blow you away with its production. Plant are not too tall (perhaps 4-5 feet) and produce many clusters of 4 or 5 8-16 ounce fruits. Most fruits average around 10-12 ounces. This is a great tomato for a main crop, greenhouse growing and market sales where it will excel. Amazon Chocolate is full flavored with great texture and taste. Perfect sandwich tomato. Eat a few right off the vine and you will not stop. A very nice all purpose tomato! See it on YouTube!

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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