• Blood Gulch Tomato

    Blood Gulch tomato is a really neat little fruit that has a really interesting flavor! 2-4 ounce green and purple striped. Slightly elongated tomatoes are a thing of beauty when fully ripened. Boasting a mild and rich taste, Blood Gulch will make your salsa jump for joy! Vines are, fairly disease resistant, 5 feet tall and produce a good amount of fruits that bear in clusters of 5 or so. Vines begin to ripen their fruits about 75 days after transplant.
  • Bloody Butcher Tomato


    Bloody Butcher Tomato

    75-Days. Bloody Butcher Tomato is a little ping pong ball sized fruit that ripens deep red and grows on potato leaf vines. Fruits are balanced, tasty and on the sweeter side. This one has a good amount of real tomato juice. I especially like the hardiness of this one. Vines just blow through any disease and continue producing clusters of 5-7 tomatoes until frost. Great little snacking and salsa tomato. Caning works well too!
  • Blush Tomato

    Blush tomato is a Fred Hempel  creation that we totally love. 1-2 inch long fruits are blushed with yellows and pinks. They are among the best tasting tomatoes that we grow each year! These are sweet, fruity and juicy, but with a very nice tangy balance. Perfect for so many things and excellent eaten right off the vine!
  • Boxcar Willie Tomato

    Here is a tomato that would work well in hotter conditions. Even my friends out in Texas reported to have better luck with these than many others! Boxcar Willie tomatoes are about 8-12 ounces and very clean. They have a great, old fashioned flavor that could stand up with any slicer! Vines are hard working and produce well all season long. Regular leaf vines are also great with diseases!! It's difficult to fine a better slicer tomato.
  • Out of stock

    Bread And Salt Tomato

    Limited Supply... 1 pack per order only! Bread and Salt has gained tons of recognition in the last few years. This is because of its unique name, but mostly because it is a great tomato. True to the oxheart family, this tomato is perfect for almost anything. Vines have wispy leaves and skinny bases so stake well. Bread and sale is meaty, sweeter, dense and mild, but not too much so. A sandwich lover's dream! 80 days to ripen!
  • Burgess Stuffing tomato is a firm stuffing tomato that ripens red. It's not as large as Yellow Stuffer or perhaps Striped Cavern, but, like those two, it has good stand alone flavor. vines are prolific and need early staking. Tomatoes begin to ripen about 75 days after transplant. Perfect for stuffing with anything!
  • Captain Lucky Tomato


    Captain Lucky Tomato

    Captain Lucky tomato is a potato leaf variety. It produces 6-10 ounce, bi-colored, delicious slicers. Plants are robust and grow to about 5 feet tall and have shown good disease resistance for us. Tomatoes grow in clusters of about 5. They begin to ripen about 80 days after transplant. This bi-color beauty is rich, fruity and juicy. The interior of this gem is beautifully marbled with different shades of pinks on green. Perfect for garnishing, slicing, market sales, cooking and fresh eating off the vine. If you are looking for a consistent tomato that will not let you down, then this is the way to go. Also check out its sister tomato.
  • Captain lucky White is a cousin of Captain Lucky. In my opinion, they have very little in common. A potato leaf variety, Captain Lucky white produces some of the most beautiful, light yellow fruits that average about 4-6 ounces. Fruits are sweeter, fruity and very juicy. They begin to ripen around 75 days after transplant. This is a perfect variety for snacking in the garden, slicing, cooking, sauces and perhaps market sales.
  • Cherokee Lime Tomato

    75 Days. To me, this is still one of the best green tomatoes around. Let it ripen well and you will be immensely rewarded. Cherokee Lime is a 4-6 ounce tomato that is all about the taste factor. This is an excellent variety. Tomatoes ripen green with a small yellowish tinge. They are perfectly balanced, rich, juicy an satisfying. This is a great tomato for munching in the garden, salsas, salads, garnishing, cooking and market sales. Try drying some and making green tomato flakes or powder. You'd be surprised!
  • Cherokee Purple Heart Tomato

    Out Of Stock Until September 2020 75 Days. Oxhearts are unique in their own way. But Cherokee Purple Heart tomato goes to another level. This dark colored fruit grows on the signature oxheart wispy leaf plants. Indeterminate vines are skinny and about 5-6 feet tall. Fruits ripen to a shiny, light chocolate color and weigh between 4 pounds 10 ounces. Vines are especially productive. Milder with sweet undertones, Cherokee Purple Heart will be a great addition to any garden! See It On Youtube.
  • You will never be disappointed if you made sauce or salsa with these. Chuhloma Chukhloma tomatoes were made for these two applications and more! I dried many in the dehydrator and made yellow powder, that was excellent too! 6 foot tall indeterminate vines produce perfectly elongated fruits with green shoulders. Fruits are sweet and meaty with average juice. Expect your first ripened fruits around the 75 day mark. These do well in mist conditions and are determined to produce! Good Disease resistance. Stake well!
  • Clemson Spineless Okra

    Clemson Spineless Okra is a prolific and popular variety that was developed in 1939. Perhaps one of the more popular varieties, Clemson Spineless is also very early. In most cases first harvest could be done around 60 days after transplant. Seeds can be directly sowed once the soil is warm enough or started indoors and transplanted in the garden. Okras should be harvested when smaller for best use and taste. I break a few tips off. If they break right off then they are ready for harvest. If they don't, they could be past the point where they are totally edible. Plants can grow from 5 to 8 feet.
  • Copper River Tomato


    Copper River Tomato

    Copper River is a beautiful bi-color tomato that is splashed with greens and purples. When sliced, there is noting like the color experience that it presents! Disease resistant vines produce a good amount of 6-10 ounce tomatoes that begin to ripen about 80 days after transplant. Fruits are rich with other complex flavors. A great selection for salsas, garnishing, sandwiches, drying and market sales.
  • 80 Days. Cosmonaut Volkov is the perfect all purpose slicer. it will literally be great in most applications. Hardy vines are prolific, producing plenty of red, 6 ounce fruits, that have a great, balanced and old time feel! Vines will produce plenty until frost. Consider this for your market sales, it encouraged plenty return customers for us! Have Fun!
  • Crankovic Yugoslavian tomato is mid-season, red variety that can be used as a main crop fruit. Shorter vines produce plenty of perfect, 6 ounce fruits that ripen after 75 days or so. Fruits are balanced and have good old time flavor. This is not a complexed or fancy tomato. it's just straight up, real tomato with great flavor. perfect slicer, for cooking, fresh eating!
  • Dolenjski Tomato

  • Donkey’s Ears Tomato

    75-80 Days. A wonderful tomato for sauces and paste, Donkey's ears grow on a wispy leafed plant with good disease resistance. Plants produce plenty of 3 inch long, sweeter, light pink fruits. I actually haven't grown any other tomato like it. It's also great for slicing and dehydrating, and super salsa. Vines are prolific and need early staking.
  • Dvorcovij Tomato

  • Dwarf Siberian Kale

    Dwarf Sibearian Kale is a tasty, green leafed kale. I grow these every year in my garden and totally love them. This green, curly leafed variety is easy to harvest and will grow from Spring to late fall and even through warmer winters. A great source of vital A and C . Also contains trace amounts of calcium and Iron.  It  makes the best sautéed greens, and green juices. I also love them in kale salad.. 5 weeks to first harvest.
  • Emmy Tomato

    Emmy tomato is a smaller yellow fruit that packs great flavor. 70 Days. Years ago at my local farmers market, I noticed many people flocking a particular booth. I inquired and found out that they were there to purchase Emmy. the following year I grew out 5 plants. Big hit! These little gems are sweet, fruit, rich and delicious. They are perfect for snacking in the garden, sweet tomato stew, canning, salads and drying for tomato flakes or powder. Prolific vines have good disease resistance!
  • False Blue Indigo


    False Blue Indigo

    Baptisia australis. False Blue Indigo is a very beautiful perennial flower that flourishes in late spring early summer. 5 feet tall stalks produce clusters of eye opening bluish blooms that are perfect for cut flower bouquets. Easy to grow from seed, this hardy perennial will do ok even is difficult soils. Light up your gardens with False Blue Indigo! Try These!!
  • Garlic Chives Seeds


    Garlic Chives Seeds.

    If you have never used Garlic chives in your cuisines, I am here to tell you that this is one of the most versatile herbs ever! A favorite of the orients, these work well in almost situation where garlic is needed. I especially love them in soups (garnished or cooked in), oriental cooking such as curries and seafoods. I also make a mean butterfly shrimp using these as a base sautéed olive oil. Use like you would green onions or chives. What I like most about these is that they keep coming back year after year, so just cut yourself some sprigs and watch them come back. Awesome garlicy aroma, awesome flavor!
  • Out of stock

    German Gold Tomato

    German Gold tomato is a 1 pound, sweet fruit that is perfect for sandwiches and lots more. It's vines are about five to six feet tall and vibrant. In the mold of Pineapple tomato, bi-color fruits are beautiful and delicious. In addition to it's apparent sweetness, there is plenty of meat and some tartness. German Gold is a really good sauce tomato. Fruits start ripening around 80-85 days.
  • German Orange Strawberry Tomato

    This is a beautiful oxheart tomato that ripens to a deep yellow color. German Orange Strawberry tomato is a juicy and meaty fruit. Smooth blemish-free fruits are six to ten ounce fruits and perfectly heart shaped. They seem to light up their vines when ripened. Skinny vines are about 6 feet and prolific. You can expect ripened fruits about 80 days after transplant. make yourself some really great tomato sauce, salsa and thick tomato stew! Eat plenty in the garden too!
  • Giant Pear Tomato

    80-85 days. Giant Pear tomato is a fine sauce variety. Red pleated fruits grow on tall vines that are similar to Zapotec tomato. Fruits are sweet and not too juicy. They cook down into the sweetest, thickest spaghetti sauce. These work well as garnishing tomatoes also. Even when we had a wet coldish summer a few years ago, these were not affected with any diseases. hard working and hardy vines!
  • 85 Days. Gildo Pietroboni is a nice sized, red oxheart tomato with a nice flavor! Taller wispy leafed plants produce plenty 8-16 ounce tomatoes that begin to ripen in the middle of the season. I especially like this variety because it its high productivity. A perfect selection for sandwiches, tomato juice, fresh eating and salsa.

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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