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    Tumbling Tom Tomato

    Tumbling Tom Yellow tomato is a basket variety that can also be grown in pots and staked. This variety has a red sister which we hope to carry in the future. Tom produces some of the most delicious cherries that just melts in your mouth. Fruits are fruity, juicy and sweet. These are perfect for snacking on. You may try them for making delicious jams and jellies but they really shine in salads. This is definitely one of the best basket cherry varieties! 72 days to ripen.
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    Yellow Micro Dwarf Tomato

    Back In Stock! Interestingly, Yellow micro dwarf tomato displays some anthocyanin. As you can see from our posted images, the fruits are darker on the top end. This beautiful fruit is full flavored and satisfying with good balance. I would say it's on the sweet side but there is a nice complimentary tinge of tang. Plants grow no taller than nine inches and begin to ripen their fruits around 72 days after transplant. 3/4 gallon containers work excellently.  Containers larger than 1 gallon are not necessary.
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    Pinocchio is the reason that I got into micro dwarf tomatoes. I could hardly believe that this short plant could produce tomatoes with such excellent flavor. Pinocchio micro dwarf is a great tomato for jams and jellies, providing that you could keep yourself from eating them off of the plant. They are sweet, juicy, soft and fruity with thin skin. Plants mature at about 7 inches and send out a few very useful suckers that are anxious to also produce fruits. Ours do excellently in 3/4 gallon containers. about 70 days to ripen after transplant!
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    If you are looking for a beautiful, micro dwarf cherry tomato, that ripens in 70 days, Yellow Canary is the one for you. Plants are about 8 inches tall! This variety produces some of the prettiest fruits in the micro dwarf world. Matching its beauty is its taste. For me, it's memorable! Firm, balanced and juicy cherries are perfect for salads and snacking right off the plants. You can expect ripened fruits about 70 days after transplant. These grow excellently in small containers of 3/4-1 gallon. Perfect for window sills, patio growing and under lights indoors. Get ready for a sweet and tasty treat!
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    Andrina micro dwarf tomato is a variety that produces larger red cherries that are similar in size to Florida Petite. Even though the fruits are larger, plants produce a nice amount of firm, sweet and juicy cherries. Plants are about 8-10 inches at maturity. But their production is good. They begin to ripen their fruits about 75 days after transplant. So get ready to eat! A little staking may be necessary. I use Chinese chopsticks and they work perfectly! We successfully grew them indoors and under lights. Using 3/4 gallon containers, we were able to fit about 12-15 plants under one 4 foot light fixture and all did exceptionally well. Andrina is my favorite red micro dwarf tomato!
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    Venus Micro Dwarf Tomato

    Venus micro dwarf tomato is a very beautiful and tasty fruit that grows on a 5 inch plant. In some ways it reminds me about Pinocchio Orange (Pinokkio Oranzhevyj). It's sweet and juicy with a little tartness too. Very good for snacking and salads! Available From January 25th 2018
  • Chisai Cherry Tomato

    If you are in search of a very delicious, red cherry tomato, Chisai Cherry tomato would be the one. I first grew this gem out in 2014 and didn't really know what I was about to experience. After accidentally breaking the vine almost down to the base, it bounce back a few weeks later and produced more tomatoes than any other cherry variety in my garden. Chisai Cherry has an old fashioned, full flavored taste. It's sweet and tangy too, with plenty juice. this is the perfect salad and snacking tomato. Delicious, early and prolific. Perfect for kids and great for containers too!
  • Birdie Rouge Micro Dwarf tomato has become one of my favorite micros to grow. Here are the things that I like about it. Production, fruit size, early ripeness, hardiness and of course taste. This is not an intense taster like some pop the other micros, but pound for pound, its overall taste is what you would hope for in a cherry tomato, especially when grown in the middle of winter under lights. Birdie Rouge is mild, balanced and juicy, but still backs that true tomato flavor. Fruits begin to ripen to what seems like orange, then turns to a nice, rewarding red, that will make your tastebuds come alive. plants are about 8 inches tall and will easily grow in a 3/4 to 1 gallon container. 5o days!
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    Jochalos Micro Dwarf Tomato

    Jochalos Micro Dwarf tomato is a fabulous little cherry tomato that reminds me of Pinocchio Orange. it is, in my opinion a totally different tomato, though! This little gem produces deep yellow, small sized cherries with flavor that will astonish you. It's a great balance of intense sweets and tanginess that fits perfect for snacking or salads. If you are into jams, jellies or tomato delicacies, this would be the one for you. Very hardy and determined 4-8 inch plants like to sprawl and stay low. They begin to ripen their fruits about 55 days after transplant. Tomatoes are borne on clusters of 5-7. plants will also produce at least two crops. So after your first crop is done, feed and watch out! See Jochalos and other micro dwarfs on YouTube!
  • Pinocchio Red micro dwarf tomato is a beautiful, nice sized cherry tomato that grows on miniature tomato plants. These tree like plants grow no taller than 9 inches and begin to ripen their fruits about 55 days after transplant. Fruits have very good balance of sweet and tang, accompanied by lots of  almost fruity juice. Tho diminutive, plants are prolific with a lengthy harvest. Plants should produce a smaller second crop if plants are well cared for. Pinocchio Red can easily be grown in a 3/4 to gallon sized container. A larger container may not be needed. Try  3-4 plants in a window box too, perfect!
  • Jing Orange Okra

    We grew Jing Orange okra for the first time in 2018. I was surprised with the vibrancy of this variety. Even in the hottest weather, these performed exceptionally. Our plants were between 4 and 6 feet and produced all season long. 6 inch long, lightly purple/pinkish okras, livened up our gardens. I also noticed that they seemed to stay softer for an extended period. These would make some great gumbo! I cooked them up with rice in coconut milk, added some onions and other seasonings and made some great rice and okra like we did back in the Caribbean days. I had some great fried okras with these too.
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    Don't be surprised if you wind up growing Dwarf Mandurang Moon tomato in your garden each year. Little whitish/yellow cherries don't look like anything much at first glance, but they will surprise you when you bite into one. Fruity in mildish with very good balance, they are the perfect snack. 2-2,5 feet tall plants produce plenty slightly plum shaped fruits. Some fruits have pointed bottom ends. They begin to ripen about 72 days after transplant. These are perfect for salsa, snacking, canning, dehydrating and so much more. Nice texture rich juice. Perfect for container growing too! Pop on in and have a great day!
  • Out of stock

    Shishito Pepper

    Shishito pepper is a mild, 3 inch long pepper that ripens red. These have very little heat and are mainly used for culinary purposes. They have a nice flavor and a favorite of cooks and chefs. Our Shishito plants don't usually grow taller than 3 feet in full sunlight. It's a great pepper for pickling, drying for flakes or as a garnish on pizza etc. Try growing these in post too, they can do very well that way, if cared for.   plants are prolific and will produce all season long. Make some mildly spicy pepper sauce for flavoring your meals without excess heat! These ripen to a nice red color that is just tempting!
  • Looking for a short, dwarf variety that produces like crazy? Try Nano Ciliegia Dwarf tomato! These can outproduce anything! Sweetish cherries are firm and delicious. They have fabulous texture and are perfect for snacking!  Plants are no taller than 2.5 feet, but are always loaded. Fruits are average cherry sized. Nano Ciliegia is a recomended variety for container growing. If you have a small garden, this dwarf variety could work well! Stake well, because plants easily get top heavy with fruits. We noticed our first ripened fruits around  day 75. Works for salads, canning, dehydrating and tons more. Try These!
  • Biquinho Pepper Yellow


    Biquinho Pepper Yellow

    Just like its red sister, Biquinho Pepper Yellow packs super flavor! Very prolific plants produce small, elongated yellow peppers  with tapered ends. These are very fruity, even more so than the red, which is excellent too! Try dehydrating these for flakes, toppings, cooking etc. You will be amazed! Great for canning, pickling and fresh cooking too. Plants are short and produce all season long. Try bringing a few plants in for the winter and sit them on your window sill. Peppers all winter long! I highly recommend these if you love the gourmet pepper taste in your dishes.
  • Common Purple Phlox Seeds

    The very first flower that ever drew me into flower gardening was Common Purple Phlox. Also known as Tall Garden Phlox or Phlox paniculate, this very attractive cultivar is not only beautiful, but vary hardy. They produce beautiful, big bunches of fragrant, deep pink blooms that last from June to August. Stalks can reach 3-4 feet tall depending on location. These love full sun but will flourish in part shade just as well. These are perfect for zones 4-8, but I have heard of instances where they have done well outside of these zones. Truly a wonderful, hardy addition, to your butterfly and humming bird garden.
  • Even though these prefer cooler temperatures, they perform very well over most regions in the USA. Long Island Brussels Sprouts is more of a compact variety that will yield between 50 and 100 sprouts over the season. These tiny cabbage-like sprouts are great for roasting, pickling or situation where you would normally use greens. Very versatile! Sweeter taste when harvested later in the season, but can be harvested at any time, even before full maturity. Easy to grow!!
  • French Breakfast Radish

    For me, french Breakfast Radish is one of the better ones for roasting. Although some could be roundish, most are oblong and about 2-4 inches long. Also known as Radis Demi-long Rose a Bout Blanc, these are early maturing and harvesting can begin as early as 25-30 days.  These are crisp and mild, with sort of pungency to it's flavor. This beauty is also  a top seller at farmers markets. Get ready for a very nice harvest!

  • Florence Fennel

    Florence Fennel There are so many ways in which you can use fennel. Here we use it in pasta salad, in seafoods, as stuffing in fish in soups and more. Fennel is one of the most popular herbs used in cooking today. Its flavor is so distinct, that you cannot mistake it for anything else. My friend, a chef, wrapped Florence Fennel in foil with crab legs, then grilled it for a short while. The crab flavor was amazing!  My favorite ways to use it is in creamy type soups and middle East cuisine. Although most people use just the bulbs, the entire plant is edible. If you have never used fennel, try this most popular variety in your next dish!
  • Ruby Queen Beet

    Ruby Queen Beet I probably wouldn't be a beet lover had it not been for this variety. Ruby Queen Beet will grow well for you, even in poor soil. This fine variety has somewhat of a smooth texture when properly cooked. When cut, this beauty is dark red and very pleasing to the eye. A favorite with canners! Also a favorite of market vendors. Uniformed smooth exterior with globe shape. Baby leaves are also very edible and flavorful! 80 days to maturity! Ruby Queen Beet I probably wouldn't be a beet lover had it not been for this variety. Ruby Queen Beet will grow well for you, even in poor soil. This fine variety has somewhat of a smooth texture when properly cooked. When cut, this beauty is dark red and very pleasing to the eye. A favorite with canners! Also a favorite of market vendors. Uniformed smooth exterior with globe shape. Baby leaves are also very edible and flavorful! 80 days to maturity!
  • (Torch) Mexican Sunflower  is a fiery orange variety that booms heavily from early summer to fall. This annual works excellently as a cut flower and as a be, butterfly and humming bird attractor. Plants can reach 6 feet tall with several off-shot branches, each loaded with beautiful blooms. These light up the garden wherever they are planted. Full sun is its preference but will do ok in part shade. Beautiful green foliage and distinct growing habit. Every flower garden should have some!
  • Amana Orange Tomato


    Amana Orange Tomato

    75-80 days. Amana Orange tomato is a large beefsteak that turns bright orange when fully ripened. Discovered by Gary Staley of Florida, this fine tomato could take care of all of your tomato issues. It's meaty, sweet, rich and very balanced. A great sandwich tomato, this will also be good in nice yellow sauce, cooking, salsas and just eating off the vine. Vines are bushy and tall and would need good staking. Expect lots or nice beefsteaks from this heavy producer.  Good disease resistance!  Fruits can weigh as much as 1.5 pounds but the average for us is between 14 and 18 ounces! Fabulous market variety! Also see Barnes Mountain OrangeAmana Orange On YouTube!
  • Black Zebra Tomato

    Black Zebra is another popular variety among the culinary community. Beautiful greenish brownish, striped tomatoes, are something to behold when ripened. They make the best salsa! 5 foot tall, hardy and prolific vines, begin to ripen fruits around the 75 day mark. They never quit until frost. Take these with you to the market, you'll sell tons!
  • Green Zebra Tomato

  • 75 Days. Think yellow sauce, salsa, tomato flakes and right off the vine early in the morning for some of the best tomatoes. Orange Banana Paste tomato gives you all to these awesome options. Deep yellow fruits with greenish shoulders makes some of the best paste and sauce available to man. 2 inch elongated fruits grow on wispy leafed vines that must be staked early. Ripened fruits are sweet and juicy with a little zing. Vines are prolific!
  • Purple Calabash Tomato

    Purple Calabash tomato is a flattened ribbed, dark purple fruit, that grows on prolific vines. fruits are milder and juicy. Especially demanded by gourmet chefs for their beautiful ribbed look and intense color, this variety is very useful in many culinary applications. it's even good when sliced for sandwiches. Make some mild purple sauce with these. It works great!
  • Red Pear Tomato

    75 Days. Red Pear is one of the first heirloom tomatoes that I ever grew. I still grow them today. They are a very useful little cherry that can be used in many different ways. I use them for snacking, green as pickle, for market sales, for salads, drying for flakes, cooking and so much more. They are sweetish and balanced with a good old time tomato taste. Ga few plants and let me know
  • Russian Queen Tomato

    The prettiest of small slicers, Russian Queen tomato is also one of the most prolific that I have ever grown. You can literally get a 5-gallon bucket full from just one plant! Ripened fruits are mild and juicy with fruity undertones. It is a great tomato for anyone wanting less acidity. It can be slightly bigger than a golf ball, perfect size for snacking! Tall vines must be staked well. 70 to 75 Days.

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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