• Ananas Noire Tomato


    Ananas Noire Tomato

    Also known as "Black Pineapple", I love everything about Ananas Noire. This bi -color fruits proudly wears it's bronze, green and purple colors outside and in. When sliced, Ananas is beautifully marbled and would totally blow you away. Vines are hard working and display good disease resistance. Its sweet, rich, fruity and juicy taste presents a great balance. You can expect ripened fruits in about 80-85 days.
  • Ananas Bleue Tomato

    A nicely colored antho tomato, Ananas Bleue is a real head turner! Regular leafed, five-six feet tall plants produce abundantly and showed good disease resistance for us. Fruits are mild with some sweetness and overall, have a good flavor. Our first ripened fruits were about 70 days after transplant. These may do good in containers too with regular feeding. Try dehydrating these or using them on a pretty platter. Try a few in the garden too!
  • Amurskiy Tiger Tomato

    5 Days. Amurskiy Tiger tomato is a ping pong ball sized bi-color cherry tomato that is milder, juicy and balanced. Hard working and vigorous vines produce plenty of beautiful, blemish-free tomatoes. These may do well in larger containers using cages. Perfect for fresh eating, garnish and of course, salsa. Freshly packed seeds!
  • Amos Coli Tomato

    All tomatoes are not made equally. Try as you may, not every tomato will make seamlessly great sauce. Amos Coli tomato, will stand up to the best of them when it comes to tomato sauce. Thick, 2-3 inch plums are ready to make some of the best accompaniment to your pasta, even for non-cooks. They have a naturally saucy feel, even when eaten fresh. I also made some great tomato stew with these, what a treat! Amos Coli vines are wispy leafed and produce plenty of fruits. Staking should be done early, as plants begin to hold fruits not long after transplant! For canning, snacking and more!
  • Amish Paste Tomato


    Amish Paste Tomato

    If you have never made great tomato sauce, Amish Paste tomato will take care of that problem. There is NO way that your sauce could go wrong with these. They are in my top 5 sauce tomatoes of all time. Plants produce 3-5 ounce elongated fruits ripen bright red. There are many great sauce and paste tomatoes but this is one of the best!  It has the natural consistency for great tomato paste, also. Amish paste is sweet and fleshy and is also a great market, salsa, and cooking tomato. make some ketchup too! Vines are prolific and hardy. They require early and good staking. Click Here if you are looking for more sauce tomatoes.
  • Amish Gold Slicer

    75 Days. One of our favorites in 2017, we definitely plan on growing Amish Gold Slicer from now on. Pretty 3-5 once tomatoes are so yellow that you could hardly Take your eyes off of them. Vines are prolific and hardy. Tomatoes are sweet and rich with a little tinge of acid. This is an excellent sauce tomato. I ate many right off the vine, mmm so good! Fantastic market variety!
  • Amish Canning Tomato


    Amish Canning Tomato

    Absolutely satisfied! That's how I would describe my experience with Amish Canning Tomato. Make no mistake, this is an all purpose variety that can be used for sauces, canning, cooking/stews and so much more. High producing plants come on strong around 78 days from transplant and just keep producing. We had so many of these that I was overwhelmed! A wonderful variety for taking to the Farmers Market!  Plants are around 5.5 feet tall and need staking. Taste is juicy, balanced with some sweetness too! Just a really nice tomato experience! I will definitely be growing these again. These remind me somewhat of  Amish Paste. It's a much larger fruit though!
  • American Ribbed Tomato

    85 days. Appropriately, American Ribbed tomato is named because of its ribbed appearance. For me, this tomato has some very specific purposes. It is slightly sweet with not too much juice. It is also a great sauce tomato because it's meaty and dense. Because of its unique ribbing, it is also great for garnish. Fruits can reach 14 ounces. A great market variety.
  • Amber Keyes Tomato


    Amber Keyes Tomato

    A beautiful sight to see, Amber Keyes tomato plants produce huge clusters of the most beautifully colored, greenish/yellowish fruits! True to its multiflora genes, our plants produced many clusters of more than 50 fruits, that were sweet, inviting and juicy. I especially liked that they were relatively early producers. These were transplanted in early May and we got our first ripened fruits on July 7th. Get ready for tons and tons of pear shaped cherry sized fruits! You will be amazed! Plants were 5 feet tall and hard working. A great choice for snacking, preserves(I make jam), salads etc!  
  • Out of stock
    If you are searching for a very good tasting variety that ripens early and produces plenty all season long, then Amazon Chocolate tomato is the one! This dark colored, beautiful and blemish-free fruit will blow you away with its production. Plant are not too tall (perhaps 4-5 feet) and produce many clusters of 4 or 5 8-16 ounce fruits. Most fruits average around 10-12 ounces. This is a great tomato for a main crop, greenhouse growing and market sales where it will excel. Amazon Chocolate is full flavored with great texture and taste. Perfect sandwich tomato. Eat a few right off the vine and you will not stop. A very nice all purpose tomato! See it on YouTube!
  • Amateur's Dream Tomato

    What a wonderful find for us this year! Amateur's Dream tomato, along with 200 rare types, were gifted to me by a tomato loving friend. Many of these came without real histories, and it was difficult to find information on most. This Siberia variety  produces hardy and prolific plants. Ours easily survived  in extreme weather conditions.  Four to eight ounce fruits have solid old fashioned flavor and make great slicing tomatoes. These are surprisingly tasty for an early variety. They began to ripen about 68 days after transplant. Very nice texture on these, not mild. Good balance! Early staking would be beneficial as they begin producing not long after transplant. Very nice and early slicer tomato! Good for short season climates.
  • Amana Orange Tomato


    Amana Orange Tomato

    75-80 days. Amana Orange tomato is a large beefsteak that turns bright orange when fully ripened. Discovered by Gary Staley of Florida, this fine tomato could take care of all of your tomato issues. It's meaty, sweet, rich and very balanced. A great sandwich tomato, this will also be good in nice yellow sauce, cooking, salsas and just eating off the vine. Vines are bushy and tall and would need good staking. Expect lots or nice beefsteaks from this heavy producer.  Good disease resistance!  Fruits can weigh as much as 1.5 pounds but the average for us is between 14 and 18 ounces! Fabulous market variety! Also see Barnes Mountain OrangeAmana Orange On YouTube!
  • Altai Orange Tomato

    Altai Orange Tomato has everything: taste, beauty, production and disease resistance are all there. This nice sized fruit can reach 1 pound. Most of ours were in the 10-16 ounce range. What I totally loved was that it was as early as many cherries. In fact, I can't remember anything, except Dwarf Lucky Leprechaun, ripening before this one. Our first ripened fruits came around 65-70 days after transplant. Fruits are the most beautiful, orange/yellow and grow in clusters of 3 to 5. Its texture is smooth, balanced and satisfying. Vines are around 6 feet tall and produce nonstop all season long. Altai Orange has easily moved up my list. It's one of my new favorites! See it on YouTube
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    Our biggest surprise in 2021, Alleghany Sunset has earned its place in our forever garden. Prolific plants just kept pumping them out and we took all that we could get. This is a fruity and sweeter variety that will ripen a little later but is definitely worth the wait.  Bi-colored fruits of yellow and reds are produced on regular leafed plants that grow to about 6 feet tall. They demonstrated nice disease resistance and held on until season's end. A perfect choice for slicing, garnish/plating, markets, sweet sauce, sandwiches, dehydrating or just sinking your teeth into. Tomatoes weigh between 8 and 16 ounces and bursting with beauty! Try these, you'll love them!
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    Alices Dream Tomato


    Alice's Dream Tomato

    80 days. Alice's Dream tomato is one of the prettiest tomatoes that you will ever grow. Fruits of this antho variety even turn heads before they ripen. Beautiful yellow and orange, bi-color fruits turn darker on the top side with blushes of yellow, orange and reds on other parts of the fruit. Tomatoes are sweet and earthy with very upfront fruitiness. Vines are relatively hardy, prolific and tall. Stake well. See it on YouTube!
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    In our garden, Alfonsi's Big Pink Beefsteak tomato was my favorite beefsteak and perhaps tomato in 2018. It really took me by surprise because of it's green shoulders, but that just helped to intensify things. Alfonsi's is so balanced and tasty, it has made its way on my top tomato list. This, along with Texwine, Green Giant and about 5 or 6  other big beefsteaks were really impressive in 2018. It also reminded me of Dester, one of my favorite beefsteaks! Alfonsi's is smooth, not too sweet or tart, sort of fruity and has just the right amount of everything. Simply impressive. Stake well and expect plenty fruits. Good disease resistance all through the season! Seeds from a European friend! Fruits can reach 1.5 lbs. Green shoulders turn pink eventually but fruits taste great even with them!
  • Alexander B Tomato


    Alexander B Tomato

    Another on of my 2020 surprises, Alexander B, a rarely grown variety, was a true standout in our garden this year. Four to eight ounce fruits are very clean, blemish-free, tasty and satisfying. Seeds for these were shared with me by a friend, and I am so happy that she did.  Indeterminate 5-6 feet tall plants are prolific, have many clusters of 4-6 fruits and keep producing all season long. These are sweeter and exceptionally smooth, with good balance. Texture is superb and they make perfect slicers. Great for sandwiches and fresh eating. For me, this variety is a new go-to for market sales and so much more. This is one to love!
  • Aladdin's Lamp Tomato

    Not only is Aladdin's Lamp tomato pretty, it's also very tasty. Sweet, smooth and aromatic, this tomato will blow you away with its beauty. Vines are very hardy and produce plenty of deep yellow, ruffled pear-shaped fruits that ripen in about 80 days after transplant. Think sauces and salsas. Try some right off of the vine too! Great for market sales.
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    Alabama Red Okra

    I was introduced to Alabama Red Okra in 2018. The gifter of my seeds had really high reviews for the variety, so I decided to grow them out. I started seeds late and directly in the ground, around mid-June. By Mid September I already had harvested several times. I harvested many times more, until frosts filled the plants. Alabama Red is a very flavorful okra. What I like also, is that they remain soft for a much longer time than many varieties. So you can get maximum use. These okras have a nutty flavor. I enjoyed them fried and in some okra soup. I did not make gumbo but my friends tell me that's where they really shine!
  • Al Kuffa Dwarf Tomato

    Al Kuffa Dwarf tomato is a mild fruit with plenty of good tomato taste. If you like red tomatoes but want less intensity this is a  good choice. Its plants are short (perhaps 2.5 to 3 feet tall), and are always loaded with golf ball sized fruits. You can expect your first ripened fruits about 75 days after transplant. Stake these well.
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    Aker's West Virginia Tomato

    A really nice beefsteak, Aker's West Virginia tomato has it all. Its flavor, size, disease resistance and production will make this an easy draw for tomato gardeners . If you like large beefsteak tomatoes with great flavor, this is definitely one for you to try.. Tall, regular leafed plants produce plenty 10-20 ounce fruits that begin to ripen around mid-season. Texture is smooth, rich and old timey. This one makes a great sandwich companion. On the sweeter side too!
  • Aji Pineapple Pepper


    Aji Pineapple Pepper

    20,000 Scoville Heat Units It's easy to see why Aji Pinapple pepper is a favorite of the Peruvian community. These 2.5 inch, light yellow things are bursting with tropical flavor. They are also not so hot that flavor is diminished in any way. For a spicy/hot pepper lover like me, frying and cooking are how I best utilize this pepper. It's delicious, fruity tones brings tremendous flavorings to my rice, soups and beans! A little spicier than a Jalapeno, flavor is what makes Aji Pineapple stand out. Short plants are prolific but a little later, so be patient! Great for drying for flakes and powder is highly recommended too!
  • Aji Limon Pepper


    Aji Limon Pepper

    Here is a pepper that you can use for so many things. It has a very fruity flavor and good heat but not overwhelming. Aji Limon is possibly the most prolific variety that I have ever grown. It's so productive that I actually made gallons of hot, seasoning sauce with just a few plants. These should do great in containers, where they may not do do well as in-the-ground, but because they are so prolific, there'll still be plenty to go around. Thin skinned, great for flakes, powder, cooking, fresh salsa and tons more. Medium heat. A favorite of mine.
  • Aji Guyana Pepper


    Aji Guyana Pepper

    Aji Guyana Pepper is a very flavorful pepper that originates in Guyana, a southern island in the Caribbean. Being from the Caribbean myself, I am totally familiar with this pepper and have used it many, many times before. I make flakes, cook with, and dry these for making powder. Sometimes I just nibble on them from one end to the other while I am eating my meal. I can handle some heat, though! Very flavorful and not necessarily too hot!  Very beautiful. Shorter plants that are prolific! Scoville Heat Units: 1,177 – 75,000 SHU (or hotter)
  • Aji Fantasy Pepper

    To me, Aji Fantasy pepper is one of the most useful peppers that I have grown in years. It's has perfect heat and flavor for a multiplicity of things.  I use these a lot for seasoning and cooking. This canary yellow fruit has an interesting shape which I have hardships describing, so I will leave that up to you. Plants are super productive so you will get many many fruits. Also a perfect variety for vendors. Nice mild to medium heat with sweetish flesh and super aroma. nice pickling variety. Great for mild sauces, flakes and powders. A real find if you are pepper lover!
  • Aji Dulce Pepper

    I love eating all kinds of peppers! Hots, extra-hots, ghosts, scorpions, cayennes,  just name them, I eat them! I grew up eating all kinds and flavors of peppers. But my favorite all is Aji Dulce pepper.  I just can't get enough of them. This no heat habanero- flavored pepper, is something to behold! It's perfect for any type of cooking except if you need heat. Makes perfect pepper flakes for sprinkling on your foods. Season your meats and enjoy the exquisite flavor that chefs love. Aji Dulce is similar in taste to Habanada Pepper but I a little sweeter. Both are fantastic for gourmet cooking!  To me, Aji Dulce taste like bubble gum, but that's just me. You must grow this one!
  • Aji Charapita Pepper

    Don't let the small size of  Aji Charapita Pepper fool you. This thing is pack full of heat, measuring about 30,000 to 50,000 Scoville heat units (SHU) ! The smallest pepper that I have ever grown, these are very nice for cooking and drying. When dried, they can be used as flakes, powder or whole. Just think that a Jalapeno pepper measures about 2,500-10,000 SHU. That means that one Charapita is almost 10-15 times hotter that one jalapeno. Ask me, I had to eat them to prove my point. They are hot! Great little pepper for garnish etc. It is said that they are very popular with chefs in South America. I am elated to have this variety on my website!

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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