• Mary Robinson's German Bicolor tomato is a large slicer tomato that has excellent taste. Fruits can reach one pound and ripens about 90 days after transplant. Vines are between 5-6 feet tall and produce good crops of these beauties. Perfect for sandwiches, tomato platters, tomato stews and just eating in the garden.
  • Marvel Striped Tomato

    90 Days. Marvel Striped is one of my favorites. Big one pound, yellow and red bi-color fruits, are later to ripen but very, very good! Fruits are meaty and balanced but leans towards the sweet side. Vines have regular leaves and are about six feet tall! Perfect Sandwich tomato!
  • Marmande Tomato

    75 Days. Marmande is a French slicer that has an excellent slightly tangy taste. Red, slightly flattened fruits weigh between 4-8 ounces. prolific vines have excellent disease resistance for us and begin to ripen fruits about 75 days after transplant.This is a great market tomato that is also perfect for canning, tomato juice and slicing.
  • Aurora Fire Marigold


    Aurora Fire Marigold

    Aurora Fire Marigold is among the prettiest of garden flowers. A great animal and insect repellant in the garden, Aurora Fire is short growing (perhaps 1-2 feet tall). Its blooms are about 2 inches wide. plant a row or intermingle them in your garden as a repellant to common critters. These will bloom all the way till frost.
  • 85 Days. Perhaps the best green tomato that I have ever tasted, Malakhitovaya Shkatulka "Malachite Box" tomato is very popular here at Renaissance Farms. Without a doubt, it is the first green when ripe variety that I think about when color matters. Emitting a bright color when sliced, this delicious, rich and delightful gem is packed with a combination of flavors that culminate into perfection! There are many close seconds in our catalog, but if color matters, you should choose this one first! Vines are very productive and show good disease resistance.
  • We have literally grown about 600 varieties in the last few years and Legenda Tarasenko easily sits on my top 20 list. This is not because it's in the best tasting category, or the biggest fruits. it's not even because it an early variety. I love this tomato because of all the to it's positives. So here it goes! Vines are indeterminate and multi-flora. They produce a very high amount of fruits that are great keepers. They make fantastic sauce, keep well, taste good and sell well at the market. Plants blow through diseases and just continue producing until frost. Additionally, they are great sauce tomatoes, dry well to an intense taste and are great when sliced in salads. Need I say more about Legenda tarasenko tomato? 75-80 days!
  • Out of stock

    Kapia Red Tomato

    If you are looking for a intense sauce tomato, Kapia red is the one for you. Intense, 2 inch elongated fruits, are deep red and flavorful. There probably isn't a better tomato for drying. Vines have wispy leaves and produce heavily. Tomatoes have few seeds and plenty flesh. It is not a dry tomato, rather it's has plenty of intense juice. You can expect your first ripened tomatoes around 80 days from transplant. Good disease resistance.
  • Jaune Flamme Tomato

    When I first grew these, I had to get my French dictionary out to see what the name Jaune Flamme meant. I found out that it means Yellow Flame. A name that is well deserved. Ping pong ball sized fruits are juicy, sweet and delicious. Vines are prolific and should be staked. Fruits begin to ripen about 70 days after transplant. Great selection for market sales. perfect for salads, snacking. Try drying some, they are very intense that way!!
  • Jersey Giant Tomato

    As a sauce tomato, Jersey Giant tomato absolutely shines. Don't take my word for it, try a few. Three inch elongated fruits are firm, sweeter and have few seeds. They make some of the thickest spaghetti sauce on the planet. Vines are not too tall and are determined to produce. They begin ripening fruits about 80 days after transplant. Also good for drying for tomato flakes! Great as fried green tomatoes!
  • Indian Zebra Tomato


    Indian Zebra Tomato

    Indian Zebra tomato is a tasty black fruit that you should try. Tasty 6 ounce fruits are truly perfect for sandwiches and sliced in salads. My experience with these is that they are determined to produce even in the most adverse conditions. Our vines are never affected with any diseases. It's sweet, rich , complexed and delicious. Try it and you will get hooked!
  • ILDI Tomato

    70 Days. Millions and millions of sweet, pear-like cherry tomatoes are what you are going to get from an  Ildi tomato plant. If it's taste and quantity that you are after, this multi-flora variety is famous for it's heavy production and fantastic taste. Vibrant vines refuse to drop blooms and basically produce more tomatoes than any variety that I know of. It has been one of my best selling plants at the farmers market for many years! it's also a favorite of mine for making salads and jams but you can really do whatever you want with this little gem. Eat as many as you wish in the garden, you can't get them done! Perfect for salads, snacking, sweet jams or jellies. Dehydrate some too!
  • Hohloma Khokhloma Tomato

    Don't be caught sleeping on this sauce and paste specialist. Hohloma Khokhloma is a perfect selection for drying and also for making sauces. One of the most prolific elongated varieties, 6 feet tall plants never stop producing until frost. Tomatoes are sweet, intense and dry with plenty flesh. Similar in shape to Opalka but consistently smaller. Great for salsa and slicing for salads, canning, dehydrating and especially, sauces. 75 days to ripen. Disease free vines!
  • Hercegovac Tomato

  • I accidentally purchased these a few years ago thinking they were Green Zebra. After checking my online order I realized that I ordered the wrong thing. Still I grew them out and waited to see... Production was excessive! Fruits were a bit larger than average cherries, green and yellow striped and delicious! They were early coming in at around 70 days. Green Zebra Cherry tomato vines are disease resistant, even in a difficult year. They produce until Fall takes them! Perfect snacking tomato. Also great for cooking, drying, salsa and garnishing.
  • Out of stock
    80 Days. Goldman's Italian American tomato is a very reliable sauce maker that could stand up with the best of them. Ribbed, pear shaped fruits, can grow to 12 ounces and ripen to a nice red color. Vines are tall, lanky and prolific so get your bushel baskets ready. Plants are also very hardy. In fact, ours have never shown any signs of diseases! They would definitely benefit form early staking.if you are serious about spaghetti sauce or tomato sauce try these! Try a few right off the vines too, you'll be amazed! Expect Goldman's to keep producing until fall.
  • Goatbag Tomato


    Goatbag Tomato

    Welcome to Renaissance Farms special strain of Goatbag tomato. Originally selected form smaller fruits, we have worked about 14 years, by intentionally selecting the absolute biggest fruits for saving seeds. The result is a fruit that is now consistently more than doubled it's original size but with the same huge flavor. We first got our original seeds from an old farmer at our local Farmers' Market. He promised a great tasting tomato and he was correct. Since then, all that we have done is select for size. Great taste! Perfect for sauces, sandwiches, cooking, paste and more! A must have!  
  • 85 Days. Gildo Pietroboni is a nice sized, red oxheart tomato with a nice flavor! Taller wispy leafed plants produce plenty 8-16 ounce tomatoes that begin to ripen in the middle of the season. I especially like this variety because it its high productivity. A perfect selection for sandwiches, tomato juice, fresh eating and salsa.
  • Giant Pear Tomato

    80-85 days. Giant Pear tomato is a fine sauce variety. Red pleated fruits grow on tall vines that are similar to Zapotec tomato. Fruits are sweet and not too juicy. They cook down into the sweetest, thickest spaghetti sauce. These work well as garnishing tomatoes also. Even when we had a wet coldish summer a few years ago, these were not affected with any diseases. hard working and hardy vines!
  • German Orange Strawberry Tomato

    This is a beautiful oxheart tomato that ripens to a deep yellow color. German Orange Strawberry tomato is a juicy and meaty fruit. Smooth blemish-free fruits are six to ten ounce fruits and perfectly heart shaped. They seem to light up their vines when ripened. Skinny vines are about 6 feet and prolific. You can expect ripened fruits about 80 days after transplant. make yourself some really great tomato sauce, salsa and thick tomato stew! Eat plenty in the garden too!
  • Out of stock

    German Gold Tomato

    German Gold tomato is a 1 pound, sweet fruit that is perfect for sandwiches and lots more. It's vines are about five to six feet tall and vibrant. In the mold of Pineapple tomato, bi-color fruits are beautiful and delicious. In addition to it's apparent sweetness, there is plenty of meat and some tartness. German Gold is a really good sauce tomato. Fruits start ripening around 80-85 days.
  • Garlic Chives Seeds


    Garlic Chives Seeds.

    If you have never used Garlic chives in your cuisines, I am here to tell you that this is one of the most versatile herbs ever! A favorite of the orients, these work well in almost situation where garlic is needed. I especially love them in soups (garnished or cooked in), oriental cooking such as curries and seafoods. I also make a mean butterfly shrimp using these as a base sautéed olive oil. Use like you would green onions or chives. What I like most about these is that they keep coming back year after year, so just cut yourself some sprigs and watch them come back. Awesome garlicy aroma, awesome flavor!
  • False Blue Indigo


    False Blue Indigo

    Baptisia australis. False Blue Indigo is a very beautiful perennial flower that flourishes in late spring early summer. 5 feet tall stalks produce clusters of eye opening bluish blooms that are perfect for cut flower bouquets. Easy to grow from seed, this hardy perennial will do ok even is difficult soils. Light up your gardens with False Blue Indigo! Try These!!
  • Emmy Tomato

    Emmy tomato is a smaller yellow fruit that packs great flavor. 70 Days. Years ago at my local farmers market, I noticed many people flocking a particular booth. I inquired and found out that they were there to purchase Emmy. the following year I grew out 5 plants. Big hit! These little gems are sweet, fruit, rich and delicious. They are perfect for snacking in the garden, sweet tomato stew, canning, salads and drying for tomato flakes or powder. Prolific vines have good disease resistance!
  • Dwarf Siberian Kale

    Dwarf Sibearian Kale is a tasty, green leafed kale. I grow these every year in my garden and totally love them. This green, curly leafed variety is easy to harvest and will grow from Spring to late fall and even through warmer winters. A great source of vital A and C . Also contains trace amounts of calcium and Iron.  It  makes the best sautéed greens, and green juices. I also love them in kale salad.. 5 weeks to first harvest.
  • Dvorcovij Tomato

  • Donkey’s Ears Tomato

    75-80 Days. A wonderful tomato for sauces and paste, Donkey's ears grow on a wispy leafed plant with good disease resistance. Plants produce plenty of 3 inch long, sweeter, light pink fruits. I actually haven't grown any other tomato like it. It's also great for slicing and dehydrating, and super salsa. Vines are prolific and need early staking.
  • Dolenjski Tomato


14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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