Goldman’s Italian American Tomato


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80 Days. Goldman’s Italian American tomato is a very reliable sauce maker that could stand up with the best of them. Ribbed, pear shaped fruits, can grow to 12 ounces and ripen to a nice red color. Vines are tall, lanky and prolific so get your bushel baskets ready. Plants are also very hardy. In fact, ours have never shown any signs of diseases! They would definitely benefit form early staking.if you are serious about spaghetti sauce or tomato sauce try these! Try a few right off the vines too, you’ll be amazed! Expect Goldman’s to keep producing until fall.


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Goldman’s Italian American Tomato

80 Days. Goldman’s Italian American tomato is a very reliable sauce maker that could stand up with the best of them. Ribbed, pear shaped fruits, can grow to 12 ounces and ripen to a nice red color. Vines are tall, lanky and prolific so get your bushel baskets ready. Plants are also very hardy. In fact, ours have never shown any signs of diseases! They would definitely benefit form early staking.if you are serious about spaghetti sauce or tomato sauce try these! Try a few right off the vines too, you’ll be amazed! Expect Goldman’s to keep producing until fall.

Additional information

Tomato Seeds

10 SEEDS, 25 Seeds

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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