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    If you are searching for a very good tasting variety that ripens early and produces plenty all season long, then Amazon Chocolate tomato is the one! This dark colored, beautiful and blemish-free fruit will blow you away with its production. Plant are not too tall (perhaps 4-5 feet) and produce many clusters of 4 or 5 8-16 ounce fruits. Most fruits average around 10-12 ounces. This is a great tomato for a main crop, greenhouse growing and market sales where it will excel. Amazon Chocolate is full flavored with great texture and taste. Perfect sandwich tomato. Eat a few right off the vine and you will not stop. A very nice all purpose tomato! See it on YouTube!
  • 1884 Tomato


    1884 Tomato

    If you are looking for a really consistent, large variety, then 1884 is one that you should consider. When I grew these, I wasn't sure what to expect. But what I got was a tomato that deserves to be in any garden. If you love large tomatoes, try this one. 1884 is sweetish, with really good old and classic tomato taste. Texture is medium firm and perfect for sandwiches. Our biggest have been around 1.5 pounds. Vines produce well for such a large variety. Ours begin to ripen about 82 days after transplant. Good disease resistance. Strong vigorous vines. Great for slicing and fresh eating too.  
  • Black Krim Tomato

    Black Krim tomato is perhaps one of the 5 most popular heirloom varieties of all time. A feat such as this could only be accomplished by one thing, QUALITY! This wonderful slicer is an all purpose tomato that can do just about anything. Fruits average about 8-18 ounces and are brownish purple when fully ripened. Black Krim is rich, full flavored and tasty. Vines begin to ripen fruits about 75-80 days after transplant and will produce until frosts kills them. Great sandwich, salsa, drying, garnishing and cooking tomato. It also makes good sauce!
  • West Virginia Sweetmeat Tomato

    West Virginia Sweetmeat tomato is an Amish variety that can easily reach 2.5 pounds. In fact, about 10% of earlier fruits reached and surpassed that mark. A few were 3 pounds or more! Healthy, regular leafed plants, are hard working and produce quite nicely, though not prolific. Production was very pleasing and nonstop until season's end. The flavor is sweet, very rich and delicious. Texture was also very good. Plants MUST be staked properly, with some extra support for individual fruits where needed. Expect your first ripened fruit out 80 days after transplant. A great choice for sandwiches and so much more! If you love them huge with good flavor, this one's for you!  
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    Dwarf Purple Heartthrob Tomato

    Beautifully heart shaped tomatoes with very distinct stripes of purple. Dwarf Purple Heartthrob tomato is a keeper for us. 3 feet tall, rugose leafed plants produced plenty of 4-10 ounce fruits that are very eye-catching. In 2021, these always turned heads in our garden. Taste is forward and excellent, with some complexity to its overall flavor. I love these. Easily among one of the most interesting dwarfs that we have grown. Should do well in larger containers.  Limited seed supply!
  • Paul Robeson Tomato

    75 Days. If you have never heard about Paul Robeson tomato, allow me to introduce it to you. Paul Robeson has long been one of the finest heirloom tomatoes around. It is highly coveted by chefs, serious growers, fun growers and everyone who love good black tomatoes. Five feet tall vines produce 5-10 ounce, chocolate colored fruits that have superb rich flavor. They begin to ripen about 80 days after transplant and continue until frost. The is the perfect selection for any garden!.
  • Everett's Rusty Oxheart Tomato

    Easily one of the prettiest varieties that we grew in 2020, Everett's Rusty Oxheart tomato did very well for us! When fully ripened, rust colored, bi-colored fruits, are blushed with green and yellowish colors. You just have to see this for yourself. The real treat is when they are sliced. No matter how you slice them the results are the same. You will experience some of the most intense tomato colors. Even better, they are very tasty, fruity and sweet with a little tang. Everett's actually tastes more like a tropical fruit. Our indeterminate plants were prolific and produced blunt, to perfect hearts. What a treat! Give these a try!!
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    Auria Dwarf Tomato

    75 Days. Auria Dwarf tomato plant is a short tree type plant with rugose, regular leaves. 2.5 feet tall plants produce a big crop of 2-3 inch long, elongated fruits, that are bright red when ripened. Tomatoes are firm, dry and sweet with few seeds. Auria is perfect for sauces. In fact I have made some of the best spaghetti sauce with these. Perfect for 4-5 gallon containers.
  • Yoder's German Yellow Tomato

    Yoder's German Yellow tomato is perhaps the best yellow tomato that we have grown in many years. It certainly was a standout for us in 2017. A very good producer. This workhorse will produce up to 24 ounce tomatoes all season long. It is not bothered by extreme heat. Tomatoes begin to ripen about 85 days after transplant. It is sweet, rich, meaty, and balanced. Perfect for sandwiches! See it on YouTube!
  • Pink Brandywine Tomato

    85 Days. Pink Brandywine tomato can easily be the most popular heirloom tomato ever! Such a reputation was achieved by consistently getting the job done! Smooth and huge, pink beefsteak tomatoes average between 1 and 2 pounds. They are meaty aromatic and delicious and sandwich ready. Potato leafed vines produce a nice amount of fruits for such a large tomato! Vines are also hardy and always display a great resistance to diseases. Stake well and get ready for some of the best tomatoes that you have ever tasted. Expect harvests until frosts. Our seeds are freshly packed just for your garden.
  • Amos Coli Tomato

    All tomatoes are not made equally. Try as you may, not every tomato will make seamlessly great sauce. Amos Coli tomato, will stand up to the best of them when it comes to tomato sauce. Thick, 2-3 inch plums are ready to make some of the best accompaniment to your pasta, even for non-cooks. They have a naturally saucy feel, even when eaten fresh. I also made some great tomato stew with these, what a treat! Amos Coli vines are wispy leafed and produce plenty of fruits. Staking should be done early, as plants begin to hold fruits not long after transplant! For canning, snacking and more!
  • Snow White Cherry tomato is a beautiful white fruit that has really good flavor. These are wonderful for growing in containers too!Use cages for staking if growing this way. Vines are about 5 feet tall and prolific. I personally love these for munching and salads, but they work well for drying too! Expect ripened fruits around the 70 day mark! Try this one, you'll like it!
  • 85 Days. Perhaps the best green tomato that I have ever tasted, Malakhitovaya Shkatulka "Malachite Box" tomato is very popular here at Renaissance Farms. Without a doubt, it is the first green when ripe variety that I think about when color matters. Emitting a bright color when sliced, this delicious, rich and delightful gem is packed with a combination of flavors that culminate into perfection! There are many close seconds in our catalog, but if color matters, you should choose this one first! Vines are very productive and show good disease resistance.
  • Easily one of the more beautiful anthos, I was glad that Afternoon delight also had good flavor. 4-10 ounce fruits were borne on 5.5 feet plants that produced heavily. Ours began ripening around 75 days from transplant. Plants were hardy and tough. These were in a waterlogged spot in our garden and made it through with flying colors when others succumbed. Fruits have very dark antho on the top side, which fades into a beautiful canary yellow on the blossom end. When sliced, Afternoon Delight tomato is beautifully bi colored, demonstrating yellows and deep pink/purplish. Taste is sweet and mild with fruity tones. This is a real beauty. Nice for slicing, garnish/plating, market sales and so much more. Try this delight in your garden this season!
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    Rosella Purple dwarf tomato is the perfect variety if you are a tomato beginner. Plants are about 4 feet tall, bushy and produce a tremendous amount of 6-12 ounce fruits that will amaze you with their taste. One bite into it's sot flesh will reveal a sweet an intense tomato that delivers the total tomato experience. This tomato easily compares to some of the better blacks or purples. Rosella works well as a sandwich maker, sauce pleaser and salsa saver. in fact, Rosella Purple will function well in almost all tomato applications. Try it, you will be amazed! Great for bigger containers such as a 5  gallon or larger!
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    Abbittista Tomato

    Perhaps the biggest and fattest sauce tomato that I have grown, Abbittista tomato has  certainly won a place in my heart. Similar to Polish Linguisa, this beautiful, red fruit, is elongated and can reach 4 inches long. Plants for us were prolific and started ripening their fruits around 80 days after transplant. I especially loved that they displayed good disease resistance, even in a bad tomato year. I also liked that it taste very good when eaten fresh. When I made sauce with Abbittista, I was blown away. Rich, thick sauce, was naturally on the sweeter side. I did not have to do much with it to make it perfect for serving. This tomato will also work well for ketchup. See it on YouTube!
  • Riccio di Parma Tomato

    Great sauce tomatoes come in different shapes and colors. Rico Di Parma tomato is one of them. This pleated tomato makes awesome sauce. Huge fruits are visually beautiful and clean. It's not a very juicy variety and cooks down into thick, stronger flavored sauce, that works well on your pasta or a base for your bisque and soups. Plants produce plenty fruits for such a large fruit. They are a bit late though. Our first ripened fruits were harvested at 85 days after transplant.  We continued to harvest until cooler weather, in October. This variety is also beautiful on a platter. Great for sandwiches too!
  • Zinnia Flower Possibilities Mix

    Zinnia Flower Possibilities Mix comprises of 20 colors or more, different sizes, varieties and flavors all mixed together. Colors were very complimentary and lit up every aspect of our summer! Visitors included honeybees, many types of butterflies, pollinators, hummingbirds and more! This flower garden was busy all season long! I decided to call it the Possibilities Mix because everyone's garden is going to be different and anything is possible. Light up your flower garden with this special mix! Blooms came 6 weeks after planting. A very beautiful mix!
  • Sunrise Bumblebee has been on my best tasting list of cherries for a long time. These remind me of a tropical fruit. Shorter vines produce abundantly from early summer until frost. What's more, they have excellent disease resistance and refuse to be stopped. As a side note, the Bumblebee selection all work well as main crops, especially for vendors at the farmer's market. Perfect little cherry. 70 Days.
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    Dwarf Beauty King Tomato

    About 75 Days. There is so much that I can say about this variety. Dwarf Beauty King tomato is a pretty , red dominant, bi-color variety, that is streaked with yellow. Fruits can reach 1 pound but many of ours have been around the 10 ounce mark. Indeterminate vines have regular rugose leaves, are about 3.5-4 feet tall and produce until frost kills them. Sweet delicious and tasty! Check out Dwarf Firebird Sweet tomato.
  • Kiss The Sky Tomato


    Kiss The Sky Tomato

    In 2020 we grew about 120 new varieties, not as many as pervious years. But in my opinion, we selected some excellent varieties. Kiss The Sky tomato is one of those! Large cherries grow on tall vines of 6 feet or more. Other than its outstanding flavor, this variety is a massive producer of brownish purple fruits that are outstandingly sweet, rich and earthy. A very desirable tomato! Its heavy production and blemish-free fruits make it a perfect choice for market vendors. I am so happy that I grew these out!  I used these tomatoes for some of the best tomato jam. Grow these, you won't regret it!
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    These cherry sized fruits are perfect for salad, dehydrating and snacking, especially right off the vine. Our plants fought through weeks of rain to produce good sized crops until season's end. Prolific vines are about 5 feet tall and vibrant. These begin to bloom pretty early, with our first ripened fruits emerging in early July, about 72 days after transplant. Fruits are sweetish with good tomato flavor and very little antho taste. Great Aroma too! Black Strawberry tomato plants need to be staked well for the best results. May do well in larger sized containers.
  • Aurora Fire Marigold


    Aurora Fire Marigold

    Aurora Fire Marigold is among the prettiest of garden flowers. A great animal and insect repellant in the garden, Aurora Fire is short growing (perhaps 1-2 feet tall). Its blooms are about 2 inches wide. plant a row or intermingle them in your garden as a repellant to common critters. These will bloom all the way till frost.
  • Dwarf Wild Fred Tomato

    Dwarf Wild Fred tomato is one of my favorite dwarfs. I like its growing habits and tenacity. 3 foot plants never stop pumping out 6-10 ounce fruits all season long. Tomatoes are full flavored, a little smoky and balanced. They are juicy and aromatic when fully ripened. These seemed to love the hotter months and were still going strong in mid-September. Will perform well in containers. Staking may be necessary! We've had no issues with diseases.
  • Hatch Chili Pepper


    Hatch Chili Pepper

    If you are looking for a really nice roaster, Hatch chili pepper will lock it down for you. These are perfect for grilling if you like just a little heat. I happen to think it's a great choice for blending with Mexican foods. These ripen from green to red and can be used at any point, especially after reaching full size. You will totally enjoy these in cooking, especially since they are not too hot for the average chili lover. Great choice for cooking with your every day dishes!
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    Our biggest surprise in 2021, Alleghany Sunset has earned its place in our forever garden. Prolific plants just kept pumping them out and we took all that we could get. This is a fruity and sweeter variety that will ripen a little later but is definitely worth the wait.  Bi-colored fruits of yellow and reds are produced on regular leafed plants that grow to about 6 feet tall. They demonstrated nice disease resistance and held on until season's end. A perfect choice for slicing, garnish/plating, markets, sweet sauce, sandwiches, dehydrating or just sinking your teeth into. Tomatoes weigh between 8 and 16 ounces and bursting with beauty! Try these, you'll love them!
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    Gold Pearl is a beautiful cherry tomato that performs well indoors or out. It also does very well in 3/4 to 1 gallon containers. Growing to about 1.5 feet at maturity, this gem is very prolific and hardy. Its fruits are sweet, earthy and soft. A little staking may be necessary. Fruits begin to ripen about 70 days after transplant. Expect plenty of little yellow tomatoes for an extended period! Great as a treat or in salads. May be good for jams and jellies!

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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