• Ruby Queen Beet

    Ruby Queen Beet I probably wouldn't be a beet lover had it not been for this variety. Ruby Queen Beet will grow well for you, even in poor soil. This fine variety has somewhat of a smooth texture when properly cooked. When cut, this beauty is dark red and very pleasing to the eye. A favorite with canners! Also a favorite of market vendors. Uniformed smooth exterior with globe shape. Baby leaves are also very edible and flavorful! 80 days to maturity! Ruby Queen Beet I probably wouldn't be a beet lover had it not been for this variety. Ruby Queen Beet will grow well for you, even in poor soil. This fine variety has somewhat of a smooth texture when properly cooked. When cut, this beauty is dark red and very pleasing to the eye. A favorite with canners! Also a favorite of market vendors. Uniformed smooth exterior with globe shape. Baby leaves are also very edible and flavorful! 80 days to maturity!
  • Ruby Surprise Tomato

    Full-flavored, rich and earthy is how I will describe Ruby Surprise tomato. Sporting a look all of it's own, this bronze-colored tomato never turned darker, like some others. This gave them a very outstanding visual appeal! I knew just what they were when I walked by the vines. Ruby Surprise is a 8-12 ounce beefsteak tomato that also have good, smooth texture. These work well for sandwiches.  Slice some for a platter display, or eat them fresh right out of the garden. Either way you will have a grand experience! Production is good and plants are hardy. A nice addition for your tomato garden!
  • Rugters Tomato

    Rutgers is an old standard that everyone turns to whenever a reliable tomato is needed. Its hardy plants are prolific and tomatoes delicious, making it a good variety for a main crop. Extremely hardy vines are about 5 to 6 feet tall and produce medium size slicers that will be available until frost. This tomato has a nice old-time flavor that is very balanced. Recommended for beginners too. 80 Days.
  • Rumi Banjan Tomato

    Rumi Banjan is a unique little tomato that is very visually appealing, and also pleasing to the taste buds! Shorter, indeterminate vines produce plenty of yellowish-red, slightly ruffled and flattened tomatoes that are about 3 inches around. They are mildly sweet and juicy with pleasing undertones. A great tomato for garnish and salsas. 75 Days.
  • Russe Tomato

    Russe tomato was a standout for us in 2018. It is an excellent and meaty beefsteak variety. Plants produce a high number of 10-16 ounce fruits that keep coming all season long. fruits. That's not all, it has outstanding old fashioned flavor that will keep you coming back for more. We used it for almost anything we made, but it really shined when paired with two slices of bread. This is tomato just loved sandwiches.  Indeterminate plants were hardy, even in a tough tomato year. Our first ripened fruits appeared around the 80 day mark. Good old fashioned, balanced tomato flavor! Stake well and get ready!  
  • Russian 117 Tomato

  • Russian Queen Tomato

    The prettiest of small slicers, Russian Queen tomato is also one of the most prolific that I have ever grown. You can literally get a 5-gallon bucket full from just one plant! Ripened fruits are mild and juicy with fruity undertones. It is a great tomato for anyone wanting less acidity. It can be slightly bigger than a golf ball, perfect size for snacking! Tall vines must be staked well. 70 to 75 Days.
  • RW Cephei Tomato


    RW Cephei Tomato

    You may not believe it, but RW Cephei tomato is a fine sauce variety. Large fruits can reach 3 pounds. Ours average around 2.5.  Ruffled, flattened fruits are bright red when fully ripened. Plants are not too tall and produce moderately, yet plentiful for such a large variety. I made some awesome tomato sauce with these. I also like them for stews, canning and, when not over ripened for sandwiches. Sweet, flavorful old fashion tomato taste. 90 Days!
  • Sailor’s Luck Tomato

    We planted Sailor's Luck tomato in a place where it could be easily seen in our garden. It took about 75 days before fruits started to ripen. I liked that they were prolific and also appreciated that they had good disease resistance. Sailor's Luck is an oval/blunt heart shaped tomato, which is milder but tomatoey. Bi-colored purple and green striped fruits have visual appeal!  It's texture is not firm but not too soft either. It's not sweet or tart and its flavor is very good. It will be a good choice for cooking, fresh salsa, canning, sauce, and snacking.
  • Salsa Pomodoro Tomato


    Salsa Pomodoro Tomato.

    One of the best sauce tomatoes you will every find, Salsa Pomodoro tomato makes thick, rich and sweet sauce, that will blow you way! The end result reminds me of Amish Paste, but these were even better for me! You don't even have to try and your sauce will still taste great! I planted some Mushroom Basket tomatoes one year and this red variant came up. Nice sized, heavily ruffled tomatoes are eye-catching. A few more trial runs and here we are! These seem to be pretty stable. They never varied at any point. Sweet, with a medium-firm texture, they make great salsa, fresh and cooked, too! Plants have excellent disease resistance and are about 5 feet tall. Very nice production. Try these, you'll love them!
  • San Marzano 2 Tomato


    San Marzano 2 Tomato

    If you haven't grown San Marzano 2 tomatoes yet, I encourage you to do so. My plants were indeterminate, huge and bushy. They produced a lot until frost. This is a very prolific variety and fruits just keep ripening from mid summer until frost. These are a bit larger than San Marzano, the determinate variety. Fruits are firm but not as firm as San Marzano. It's a sweeter fruit that gets a deep red when ripened. Perfect sauce tomato, perfect for canning, paste, cooking and so much more. If you are a sauce lover, you won't be disappointed with San Marzano 2! A must grow for me from now on! Highly Recommended!
  • San Marzano Piccolo Tomato

    San Marzano Piccolo Tomato is an awesome variety for canning whole and for using in salads. They are sweet and delicious. Surprisingly, these began to ripen a little late, but when they did, we had a total blast. Our indeterminate plants were loaded from top to bottom and never stopped until frost. I found these to be a great snack because they were small and delivered a great tomato experience. Nice clusters of 7-10. Exceptional in salads sliced or whole, cooking or making stews etc. Try dehydrating some of these too, so good!
  • San Marzano Redorta Tomato

    Every year I make a lot of tomato sauce. Some of my main tomatoes for this task are, Goatbag, Kapia Red, Abbittista, Jersey Devil and a few more. This year, 2019, I grew out San Marzano Redorta for the first time. The sauce I made with this variety was fantastic! So from now on, these will be on my favorite list too. San Marzano Redorta have thick meat and sweet taste. They cook down into some fine tasting tomato sauce. Plants are hard workers and produce plenty 3 inch long fruits that keep coming until season's end. Also a nice canning and paste variety. Put these on your "favorite sauce tomato" list. You wouldn't regret it!
  • San Marzano Tomato


    San Marzano Tomato

    To mention the word San Marzano tomato without a mention of tomato sauce would be just wrong! If you ever need to make great tomato sauce without knowing how to make tomato sauce, you've come to the right place. 2 inch elongated tomatoes are sweet and meaty with not much juice. Determinate vines will ripen their fruits at about the 80 day mark.
  • Sandul Moldovan Tomato


    Sandul Moldovan Tomato

    A wonderful beefsteak with good balance is what you will get when you grow out Sandul Moldovan tomato. Ten ounce pink beauties will please you, especially when you try them between two slices of bread. These make wonderful sandwiches! Texture is smooth and inviting. Overall taste is sweet mild and slightly fruity. Really good tomato, that for me, is an easy 7 out of 10. Plants produce plenty and are a bit tall. Ours were about 6 feet. Sandul Moldovan is also a nice tomato for just biting into. Little to no cracking on ours. Recommended!
  • Out of stock
  • Santa Domingo Pueblo Pepper

    Santa Domingo Pueblo Pepper is a great cooking pepper that has medium heat. 3-5 inch, these are also great for drying when ripened. Thin stemmed plants are short and grow to about about 2.5- 3 feet tall. These are early producing! Nice for fresh salsas, flakes and powder too. Nice size harvest and hardy plants. I actually planted my 2020 crop in soil that was less than desirable and they still did very well. Peppers have a slightly sweet taste and are very tasty! About 16,000 SHU.
  • Santori Tomato


    Santori Tomato

    A wonderful little tomato that grows on a determinate bush. Plants are short and produce a lot of  large cherries/ping pong sized fruits that have many great uses. Very good taste but on the tart side. These are great canners, for cooking, snacking, market sales, very good for salsa and more. Ours started ripening around 70 days from transplant.
  • Out of stock

    Sarandipity Dwarf Tomato

    Sarandipity Dwarf tomato is a salsa lover's dream. It also is a great choice for snacking right off of the vine. Because of it's beautiful exterior, bi-color stripes, sweet and milder crimson flesh, it is a great choice for garnishing, drying, cooking and fresh eating off the vine! Plants are vigorous and hardy. Ours  grow to about 3 feet tall and are great producers.
  • Sarga Trophy 2008 Tomato

    Sarga Trophy 2008 tomato is a rare variety gifted to me my Aud Zenberg. It was one of many varieties I attained from her in 2018. Of these varieties, some are very rare and I feel the urgent need to make sure that they are available to the public, in order to make sure that they are conserved. My grow-outs came from pure seed! With Sarga Trophy you will gat a very flavorful tomato that's rich, juicy and tasty. Perfect yellow slicers with nice tang and some good sweetness too. This one has a bright taste for a yellow variety. Plants are short and produce plenty, though not prolific. Fruits are clean and blemish-free. Really pleasing taste. Seed Source: (Netherlands Centre For Genetic Resources, CGN 24203)
  • Sart Roloise Tomato


    Sart Roloise Tomato

    Sart Roloise tomato is a newer variety that has quickly gained popularity. It has a very unique and distinct coloration. A member of the anthocyanin family, this tomato proudly boasts its colors on its skin. It is one of the few varieties that is black on the top side and white on the bottom end. There may also be bluish blackish vertical streaks on parts of this beautiful tomato. Sart Roloise vines are tall and skinny. They produce clusters of 5, or so, tomatoes that are sweet and earthy with lots of juice. They turn dark purple wherever the sun touches them.  Fruits vary in weight from 4 to perhaps 8 ounces. Many of ours were in the 6 ounce range. They are among some of the most beautiful tomatoes that you will ever lay your eyes on! These are great for slicing, garnishing, and sandwiches. Market sales are excellent! Also check out Great White Blues tomato.
  • One of my favorite new varieties in 2018, Scarlett heirloom tomato has found a regular spot in annual rotation. This very memorable tomato is pretty, tasty and multi-purposed. I mainly used it for cooking and sauces. It also performed well when sliced, and on sandwiches, dehydrating and even market sales. .Four to five foot plants produce plenty, bright red, oblate tomatoes that weigh about 6-8 ounces. These are neither mild or loud, not sweet or  acidic! Great aroma and a perfect slicer! Try dehydrating some, you may love the results. I recommend this tomato for your garden. Expect your first ripened fruits around 75 days after transplant.
  • Scoresby Dwarf Tomato

    Scoresby Dwarf tomato is a 3-6 ounce, pink fruit with a delightful taste. Its vines 3.5 are vigorous and hardy. Ours have never been affected by any disease. Sweet, mild and slightly fruity tomatoes, grow in clusters of about 5. You should expect first blush around the 75 day mark. Be prepared for a really nice harvest! If you are working with limited space, these will do excellently in 5 gallon buckets. Perfect slicer for sandwiches! Great when eaten right off the plant!
  • Scotch Bonnet Pepper


    Scotch Bonnet Yellow Pepper

    When I want pepper sauce for seasoning my meats, soups and most foods, I use Scotch Bonnet Peppers. For me, this variety makes the best, middle of the heat chain sauce. I also use it to temp down some of the hotter varieties. By combining them with varieties such as, Trinidad Scorpion, Ghosts and Carolina Reaper, my sauces are just right for seasoning or spreading over foods.  When making these hot sauces I mix 3 Scotch Bonetts to 1 super hot. That makes the heat and flavor perfect for me! Scotch Bonnets have a Scoville unit rating of 80,000 to 400,000. So they do pack some heat. On that same scale, Jalapeño have a score of 5,000, with Ghost peppers 1,041,427 and Carolina Reaper 1,641,000. So if you dont like super hot heat, this variety may be a good choice. Prolific plants.  Caution. If you are not used to chili peppers this one can be out of your league, so please be careful.
  • Sekai Ichi Tomato

    In the last four years we have grown out several Chinese varieties and all of them have been a pleasure to grow. Sekai Ichi tomato is just another one that we are so happy that we grew out. Very clean, crack free fruits were beautiful and tasty. Plants were hardy and demonstrated nice disease resistance. Fruits were about 4-10 ounces and very tasty. Meaty, nice juice, a little fruity and satisfying is how I would describe them. Perfect sandwich, and main crop tomato for market sales. Great snacker and slicer too! This is a must-grow if you like delicious pink tomatoes!
  • Out of stock

    Serrano Pepper


    Serrano Pepper

    Although I had eaten it many times, I had never grown Serrano Pepper before 2020. I am happy that I did! Short plants produced abundantly and gave us copious amounts of  2-3 inch peppers that turned bright red when well ripened. I really love these for flakes, cooking whole in soups, fresh salsa, for sauces and even powder. Awesome when dried or dehydrated whole! I've heard that these are great when roasted! Truly a great all purpose chili! Give them a shot!!

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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