• Dwarf Moliagul Moon Tomato

    Dwarf Moliagul Moon tomato was one of my favorites in 2019. Three feet tall plants produce plenty 2-4 ounce fruits that had sweet rich flavor with some fruitiness and nice texture. Plants were prolific until season's end. These are perfect for large container growing or in the ground. Great too, if you have a small garden spot and want high production and good taste. Moliagul Moon is a good choice for snacking, garnish, preserves(jams, jellies) etc.  Side Note: Most dwarf varieties will do well in smaller gardens.
  • Grandpa Grandpa Gary's Green Tomato

    I grew out two Dwarf Grandpa Gary's Green tomato plants in 2018 and literally forgot to harvest them. Towards the end of the season I managed to get about 5 fruits. I found them to be tasty but milder and on the sweet side. A very pleasant and timely experience for me! Fruits were about three, to six ounces, but average about four. These were among the latest dwarfs to ripen, but the wait was worth it. Plants are regular leaf and produce a nice amount, but not prolific. Nice selection for snacking, salads and fresh eating. Great for smaller gardens and containers as most dwarfs are!
  • Dwarf CC McGee Tomato


    Dwarf CC McGee Tomato

    Dwarf CC McGee tomato was my dwarf  winner in 2019. Big fruits just kept on coming! Potato leaf, rugose leafed plants were as hardy as you could possibly get. Ours grew to about 3.5 feet tall. Most of our fruits were between six and eight ounces. A few were slightly bigger or smaller. Tomatoes were oblate and a light shade of yellow, or perhaps ivory. Taste was very good, sweet and tart, but in perfect balance, slightly fruity and satisfying. I am definitely growing these wonderful dwarf cultivar again! Great for small gardens or container growing!
  • Thai Dragon Pepper.

    I use peppers in everything I cook at home. Flakes, sauces and powders are all in my daily culinary affairs. So I am constantly looking for new flavors and different levels of heat in my peppers. The one variety that I  always use is Thai Dragon. I make flakes and powder, which I use in all of my cooked dishes. I love dumping some dehydrated ones in my soups. Thai Dragon pepper has to be in my kitchen at all times. Perfect for traditional Chinese, hispanic and Caribbean cuisine, this is a very useful pepper. Not too hot, but hot enough to be recognized and appreciated.  Heavy producing plants. Caution. If you are not used to chili peppers this one can be out of your league, so please be careful.
  • Out of stock

    7 Pot Douglah Chocolate Pepper

    When I made my hot sauce this year, one of my best batches was made with 7 Pot Douglah chocolate pepper. Also known as Chocolate Lightning pepper, these lent themselves so well with my other ingredients, that my sauce came out perfect! A very hot variety, and originating in my home country (Trinidad), this baby measures about 923,889 – 1,853,986 on the Scoville heat scale. That's HOT! As a point of reference, Jalapeños measure about 5,000 on the same scale. Prolific plants will be loaded with ripened chocolate colored peppers late in the season, but they can be used at any point (green) for making sauce or flakes. These are not for the novice pepper eater so please be careful! 
  • Long Red Cayenne Pepper

    A really effective flakes and powder variety, I also use these fresh in soups  and chili etc. Long Red Cayenne Pepper has middle of the road heat. When it replaces Jalapeños and used fresh in fresh salsa, it really shines. Two and a half feet tall plants are prolific and produce ripened peppers that are about 3-4 inches long. Fruits are a mix of straight and curly. Nice choice for Caribbean or South American cuisine.
  • Dwarf Rosalinda Tomato


    Dwarf Rosalinda Tomato

    Dwarf Rosalinda tomato is the prettiest pink fruits that are ping pong ball sized. These are sweet, tasty, slightly fruity and inviting. Texture is very nice! Plants are 2.5 - 3 feet tall and would do good in containers. Production is very good but not excellent. Great for snacking, preserves, cooking and more. I look forward to growing Rosalinda again.
  • Dwarf Yantarnyi Tomato


    Dwarf Yantarnyi Tomato

    A nice little canner, Yantarnyi tomato also works well for cooking and and salsa. These are mild and more acidic than sweet. Rabbits in our garden kept attacking our plants so that that is a sign of approval. Tantarnyi has good shelf life. Some of ours lasted for a couple weeks after harvesting. Plants are very prolific and hardy. Ours never showed any signs of diseases. Determinate, plants are about 2.5- 3 get tall and start ripening their fruits about 75 days after transplant. Nice for containers and small garden spaces..
  • Dwarf Mystic Lady Tomato

    Easily in my top 3 dwarf varieties for 2019, Dwarf Mystic Lady tomato will remain a staple in our gardens. 6-10 ounce fruits are a very pretty shade of pink and are sweeter with some beautiful complimentary flavors. Texture is smooth! A nice tomato experience! Our plants were about 3 feet tall and produced plenty fruits. These are perfect snackers, for sandwiches, on a platter/garnish and things along that line. Expect you first ripened fruits around day 75! In smaller gardens or containers, Dwarf varieties tend to will do well.
  • Ondraszek Tomato


    Ondraszek Tomato

    Ondraszek tomato is a high producing determinate variety. 3 feet tall plants are bushy and prolific. Fruits are nice tasting and inviting. Our plants produced about 20 pounds each. These average about 5-7 fruits per pound. Clean red tomatoes are really nicely balanced but veer on the acidic side with nice texture. Ondraszek is a great choice for fresh salsas, juicing, cooking, canning and more. Ours started ripening around 75 days from transplant. May do well in bigger containers! Good market variety!
  • Salsa Pomodoro Tomato


    Salsa Pomodoro Tomato.

    One of the best sauce tomatoes you will every find, Salsa Pomodoro tomato makes thick, rich and sweet sauce, that will blow you way! The end result reminds me of Amish Paste, but these were even better for me! You don't even have to try and your sauce will still taste great! I planted some Mushroom Basket tomatoes one year and this red variant came up. Nice sized, heavily ruffled tomatoes are eye-catching. A few more trial runs and here we are! These seem to be pretty stable. They never varied at any point. Sweet, with a medium-firm texture, they make great salsa, fresh and cooked, too! Plants have excellent disease resistance and are about 5 feet tall. Very nice production. Try these, you'll love them!
  • Ancho Poblano Pepper


    Ancho Poblano Pepper

    This is one of my favorite peppers in the world. I love growing Ancho Poblano pepper because it is such a versatile variety. Like so many stuffing peppers, you can do anything with these them. A native of Mexico, it is an easy pepper to grow. I use these to make my  favorite pepper dish, which is Chiles Rellenos. But I also get fancy and stuff them with many other things, like tuna salad, seasoned rice, meats, mac and cheese and tons more. The bonus is always the built in, mild heat, that has its own personality. A very tasty pepper that cannot be compared when it comes to versatility. Need a little more heat? Let them ripen before using.
  • Common Purple Phlox Seeds

    The very first flower that ever drew me into flower gardening was Common Purple Phlox. Also known as Tall Garden Phlox or Phlox paniculate, this very attractive cultivar is not only beautiful, but vary hardy. They produce beautiful, big bunches of fragrant, deep pink blooms that last from June to August. Stalks can reach 3-4 feet tall depending on location. These love full sun but will flourish in part shade just as well. These are perfect for zones 4-8, but I have heard of instances where they have done well outside of these zones. Truly a wonderful, hardy addition, to your butterfly and humming bird garden.
  • Blackberry Lilly Seeds


    Blackberry Lilly Seeds

    A real head-turner in any garden, Blackberry Lilly is a hardy perennial. Excellent for zones 5-10, it will return year after year in all of its glory. Plants grow to about 3 feet tall and blooms from mid to late summer. After a beautiful bloom, these produce blackberry sized and shaped seed heads that turn black when ripened. Though not edible, they make wonderful dried flower arrangements that can last for years. These will also make great additions to fresh cut bouquets. If you have full sun or part shade, these should do excellently. May bloom first year if set out early, but by second year they show themselves amply and beautifully.
  • Cypress Vine Red


    Cypress Vine Red (Ipomoea quamoclit)

    One of my favorite flowers in the world, Cypress Vine Red is a stunning plant that has beautiful blooms and foliage. It produces tons of bright red, trumpet shaped flowers from mid-summer all the way to season's end. They will not stop producing until frost gets them. A big attraction for humming birds and butterflies, it's a great vine for growing on arbors, banisters or any decorative situation. Will grow well in containers too. These will reseed, so plant them some place where you wouldn't mind them coming back the following year. It's white sister is just as stunning and effective. Happy Bird watching.
  • Butterfly Milkweed


    Butterfly Milkweed 

    (Asclepias tuberosa) One of the hardiest perennials you could possibly find, Butterfly Milkweed will light up your garden every year. plant it once and watch it come back for many years. My patch is about 11 years old. These grow to about 18-24 inches, have deep orange blooms that are highlighted by their pretty green back-drop foliage. Suitable for mostly any soil these will light up your garden from early June and continue for about 6-8 weeks. Expect plenty of butterflies especially Monarchs. Humming birds do buzz around from time to time too!
  • Bright Lights Cosmos


    Bright Lights Cosmos

    Big patches of various shades of yellows and tons of butterflies are what you will get when you grow Bright Lights Cosmos in your flower garden. These very attractive flowers grow on plants that can reach 4 feet tall and will reseed if not too heavily mulched. Humming birds love them too. Expect blooms from early June. Very colorful and really easy to grow. Start indoors about 4 weeks before last frost, or directly in your garden when the weather is consistently warm enough to do so. Happy gardening!
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    Yellow Pigmy Micro Dwarf Tomato

    Yellow Pigmy Micro Dwarf tomato is a prolific producing variety that's great for small containers. 12-15 inch plants produce prolifically all summer long. These work well in 1-2 gallon containers. Ours are all grown in 1 gallon. Plants have firm skinny stalks and will need some support when it full season. Fruits are sweet, softish and very fruity. Perfect for salads, pickling, snacking and tomato treats such as jams and jellies. Perfect for small spaces or window sills. 65 days to begin ripening.
  • Early Pak Tomato


    Early Pak Tomato

    A determinate variety, Early Pack tomato is the perfect early variety. Smaller slicing tomatoes have good flavor and nice texture. Plants are prolific and very hardy. In 2019 ours were planted in low laying ground and were flooded for 3 weeks, yet they pulled through while other varieties crumbled. Bright red, 3-4 ounce fruits have nice balance, are on the tart side and are really good on a sandwich. I haven't tried these any other way than on sandwiches and eating off the vine. It is well worth it for me to grow these annually. 68-70 days to ripen from transplant. Seed Source: Plant Gene Resources Of Canada-CN 16426.
  • Earliest Of All Tomato


    Earliest Of All Tomato

    If you are looking for an early variety with good production and taste, try Earliest Of All tomato. Though not the earliest in our garden, these were still very early. Ours started ripening about 68 days from transplant. Short plants produced larger cherries that are tart and strong. Ours did get slightly sweeter as the season progressed. Texture is good. These are perfect for canning, cooking, juicing and fresh eating. Nice short-season variety!
  • Burgurland's Triumph Tomato

    Burgurland's Triumph tomato is an early variety that's perfect for canning, sauces, juicing and more. I am happy that I grew these out because they made some great juice and surprisingly nice sauce too. Short plants produce heavily and early enough to get me started snacking in the garden without haven to wait too long. Fruits are a little bigger than a ping pong ball and have a wonderful aroma. Good disease resistance and hardy too. Softish texture, sweeter, smooth and satisfying. Good experience for me!  
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    Tigerette Dwarf Tomato


    Tigerette Dwarf Tomato

    Thinking that it was  much shorter variety, I grow out 5 Tigerette Dwarf tomato plants in 2 gallon containers. They ware two and a half feet tall and needed bigger containers. I would advise 3-5 gallons if you are growing in containers. This beautiful fruit is a plump, red and yellow, slightly above average sized cherry. Taste is mildly sweet with overall mild taste. Dwarf plants have beautiful chartreuse foliage that serves as the perfect backdrop for their bright ripened fruits. Good production, but not prolific. Mid-season variety and perfect for indoor growing under lights.  Canning, cooking, snacking, garnish and more!
  • Dwarf Pink Flamingo Tomato

    Dwarf Pink Flamingo is a pretty tomato that grows on rugose leaved plants. Our plants grew to about 3 feet and produced plenty of fruits that began to ripen about 65 days after transplant. I really liked the full flavored mildness of these. Sweetish, Pink Flamingo has very subtle hints of fruits that will get you hooked. Smooth fruits without many blemishes. Great choice for snacking, slicing, cooking and more. Another wonderful selection from the Dwarf Tomato Project. Worth growing! Feel Free to check out and subscribe to our Youtube Channel
  • West Virginia Sweetmeat Tomato

    West Virginia Sweetmeat tomato is an Amish variety that can easily reach 2.5 pounds. In fact, about 10% of earlier fruits reached and surpassed that mark. A few were 3 pounds or more! Healthy, regular leafed plants, are hard working and produce quite nicely, though not prolific. Production was very pleasing and nonstop until season's end. The flavor is sweet, very rich and delicious. Texture was also very good. Plants MUST be staked properly, with some extra support for individual fruits where needed. Expect your first ripened fruit out 80 days after transplant. A great choice for sandwiches and so much more! If you love them huge with good flavor, this one's for you!  
  • Alexander B Tomato


    Alexander B Tomato

    Another on of my 2020 surprises, Alexander B, a rarely grown variety, was a true standout in our garden this year. Four to eight ounce fruits are very clean, blemish-free, tasty and satisfying. Seeds for these were shared with me by a friend, and I am so happy that she did.  Indeterminate 5-6 feet tall plants are prolific, have many clusters of 4-6 fruits and keep producing all season long. These are sweeter and exceptionally smooth, with good balance. Texture is superb and they make perfect slicers. Great for sandwiches and fresh eating. For me, this variety is a new go-to for market sales and so much more. This is one to love!
  • Kozula 136 Tomato


    Kozula 136 Tomato

    Kozula 136 tomato is always one of the first that comes to my mind when I recall the 2020 season. These took me totally by surprise! Very prolific plants produce up to 20 ounce fruits. These are clean, mostly crack free and a pleasure to grow. When fully ripened, they are the most beautiful bi-color shades of orange and yellows. A real treat for the eyes. But it's their production which is truly the treat. These just keep producing and producing all the way until frost. Perfect variety for plating, garnishing, excellent market choice, sandwich treat and so much more! Flavor profile is sweet and fruity with little tartness! Our plants were about 5.5 feet tall. I love this one and you will too!
  • Dark Stripe Sweetheart Tomato

    A beautifully bi-colored fruit, Dark Stripe Sweetheart tomato is packed with excellent flavor. This rich, sweet and complexed tasting fruit, is a great snacker! Our prolific potato leafed plants produced 4-6 ounce tomatoes that were a pleasure to see and eat. Vines were about 6 feet tall and produced bunches of 5-7. When fully ripened, these are purple with green striping. I also love it's aroma. Even thought Dark Stripe Sweetheart is on the smaller side, it is perfect for sandwiches. It would be a great choice for market sales, garnish, cooking and tons more. You can't go wrong with this one!
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    Hardin's Miniature Micro Dwarf Tomato

    Unique in its own right, Hardin's Miniature micro dwarf tomato is just a beautiful sight to behold. 10-12 inch plants produce a multiplicity of offshoots that all produce heavily. 1-1.5 inch elongated fruits can be found from the bottom to the top of each plant and begin to ripen around 65 days after transplant. Plants do excellently in 1 gallon containers, bigger containers are not needed or recommended. Hardins will also produce a second but smaller crop if cared for and pruned a little after the first. This is a great keeper tomato for canning, cooking, stews and snacking. Highly recommended!

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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