• Earliest Of All Tomato


    Earliest Of All Tomato

    If you are looking for an early variety with good production and taste, try Earliest Of All tomato. Though not the earliest in our garden, these were still very early. Ours started ripening about 68 days from transplant. Short plants produced larger cherries that are tart and strong. Ours did get slightly sweeter as the season progressed. Texture is good. These are perfect for canning, cooking, juicing and fresh eating. Nice short-season variety!
  • Eagle’s Beak Tomato

    80 Days. Eagle's Beak is a uniquely colored oxheart that is a sight to see. Six to ten ounce tomatoes are perfectly heart shaped and grow on the signature wispy leaf, skinny vines. Fruits are a melting of reds and yellows but not striped. rather, it's a very smooth fading in, every here and there. True to the oxheart family, this is a very meaty and smooth tomato that is sweet and delicious. Bite in from the bottom end, mmmmmm, good!
  • Dynne Tomato

    Dynne tomato is a deep yellow beefsteak that can easily be a main crop. Sweet meaty and delicious, it is a perfect sandwich tomato. Prolific vines produce all season long and have great disease resistance. fruits begin to ripen about 85 days after transplant. Dynne is a perfect tomato for sandwiches, salads, sweet yellow spaghetti sauce and market sales. Eat some off the vine, you will be hooked!!
  • Dwarf Yantarnyi Tomato


    Dwarf Yantarnyi Tomato

    A nice little canner, Yantarnyi tomato also works well for cooking and and salsa. These are mild and more acidic than sweet. Rabbits in our garden kept attacking our plants so that that is a sign of approval. Tantarnyi has good shelf life. Some of ours lasted for a couple weeks after harvesting. Plants are very prolific and hardy. Ours never showed any signs of diseases. Determinate, plants are about 2.5- 3 get tall and start ripening their fruits about 75 days after transplant. Nice for containers and small garden spaces..
  • Producing a nice amount of fruits, Dwarf Wild Spudleaf tomato is a really great tomato. Its potato, rugose leaf plants are about four feet tall and begin ripening their fruits about 85 ays after transplant. Fruits are between 5-10 ounces, delicious and well balanced. Perfect for sandwiches, fresh salsa, garnishing, cooking and drying. Great for container growing!
  • Dwarf Wild Fred Tomato

    Dwarf Wild Fred tomato is one of my favorite dwarfs. I like its growing habits and tenacity. 3 foot plants never stop pumping out 6-10 ounce fruits all season long. Tomatoes are full flavored, a little smoky and balanced. They are juicy and aromatic when fully ripened. These seemed to love the hotter months and were still going strong in mid-September. Will perform well in containers. Staking may be necessary! We've had no issues with diseases.
  • Dwarf Whereokowhai Tomato

    One of my favorites for 2020 Dwarf Whereokowhai tomato was really surprising and satisfying. 2.5-3 feet tall plants, these produced so many fruits that I was eating every time I walked by the plants. Fruits were sweet and fruity with plenty richness. When sliced, Whereokowhai is a sight to behold! A beautiful marbling of yellows and pinks will really turn your head. Hardy, tree-like plants. 75-80 days from transplant.Good choice for container of small space growing!
  • In 2021, I grew three variegated leafed dwarf varieties. They were Pico's Pride, Elsie's Fancy and this, Walter's Fancy. All three were good producers, with Pico's Pride producing the smallest fruits of them all. Walter's Fancy and Elsie's Fancy I totally enjoyed. Pico's Pride I never got a chance to taste so I probably wouldn't offer them until I have a chance to do so. Walter's Fancy is a sweeter and mild fruit, this one was very pleasing to me and I often snacked on a few in the garden. Perfect slicing tomatoes that will work well in containers also. Plants are about 3 feet tall and have beautiful leaves of green and white. A true sight to see! Mid season ripening.
  • Perhaps the most prolific black dwarf variety, Dwarf Velvet Night tomato is a very formidable fruit. Softish, well balanced fruits are sweet and earthy with other great complimentary flavors. Borne in clusters of 5 or 6 , tomatoes are covered by the thick foliage.  Plants are "tree like" and begin producing pretty cherry fruits quite early after transplant. Fruits also ripen relatively early, coming in about 70 days after transplant. This can be a great tomato for snacking, fresh salsa and market sales. Try dehydrating some and making tomato jam. That may work well! If you are have limited garden space, it's a good variety for containers too. 4-5 gallon recommended. Give it a try! You will love it! See It On Youtube!
  • Dwarf Tennessee Suite is a purplish, 4-10 ounce fruits that have beautiful green stripes. This bi-color fruit begins to ripen in about 80 days from transplant. Plants are tree type and have rugose leaves. Oblate fruits have a sweet balanced and rich flavor .I have noticed that it's shape is not consistent, some are more oblate and others, more round. Nonetheless this is wonderful tomato! A great tomato for sandwiches, garnishing, salsa and eating fresh off the vine.
  • Dwarf Tasty Wine tomato is a deep pink tomato that is very tasty. Our rigs leaf vines were very vigorous and produce plenty (5-10 ounce) tomatoes that begin to ripen about 80 days after transplant. Fruits are right up the middle. They are neither too sweet or tart and very pleasing. An all around great tomato! good disease resistance! Great for larger containers!  
  • Dwarf Sweet Sue Tomato

    Dwarf Sweet Sue tomato is exactly what its name suggest. But there is more! A perfect variety for anyone with little space or doing container growing, this variety will out-produce almost any dwarf variety. Three  foot tall plants are tree type and have rugose leaves. They grow clusters of 4-5 tomatoes that begin to ripen 75 days after transplant. Tomatoes are sweet and juicy. This is a great variety for sauces, cooking, fresh eating , slicing and salsa. Not many of them have made it out of the garden. One of my favorites for snacking while I am working!
  • Dwarf Sweet Satsuma Tomato

    I thought that Dwarf Sweet Satsuma tomato would be just another regular tasting tomato. To my surprise, they were very good! Large cherry tomatoes turn bright yellow/orange when fully ripened. Compact plants are  about 2.5 plants produce plenty fruits. Ours started ripening about 75 days after transplant and continued until season's end. Great for canning and snacking. Awesome aroma!  Good for container gardening and small  garden spaces. A really nice little treasure!
  • Although it's great for any tomato garden, Dwarf Sweet Adelaide tomato is a good choice for the first-time grower to try. It's productive, has good sized fruits, beautiful, relative early and tasty! Because of it's consistency, this is also a very good selection for container growing too. "Tree Like" plants are about 3 feet tall with rugose leaves. They begin to hold fruits not long after being transplanted. Its sweetish flesh is soft and well textured. Not overwhelming, this can be a great choice for those not wanting a strong flavored but great tasting fruit. Good disease resistance and vibrant, bushy, dwarf plants!
  • Out of stock

    Dwarf Suzy's Beauty Tomato

    You will be hard-pressed to find a more beautiful fruit when sliced, than Dwarf Suzy's Beauty tomato. Big bi-colored fruits, can reach 14 ounces but average 10. They have plenty of exterior appeal too! Other than looks, these are very tasty, with rich, thick juice that drips from your fingers. Plenty fruitiness and sweets are also very evident. This is a very good tomato! Dwarf plants are 3 feet tall and produce a lot for such  large variety. Ours started ripening about 75 days after transplant. These may do well in 5 gallon containers or bigger. Perfect if you have a small garden space but wanting big fruits and production! Recommended!
  • Dwarf Surender's Indian Curry Tomato

    Dwarf Surender's Indian Curry tomato is a high producing determinate variety that is perfect for canning, cooking, juicing, fresh salsa. 2 feet tall plants start ripening their fruits around 70 days after transplant. Fruits are about 2 inches in diameter and slightly flattened. Taste is mildly acidic.  It is a great variety for container or tight-spaced garden growing.
  • Another of my favorites in 2018, Dwarf Striped Antho tomato kept my attention all season long. Short plants suitable for growing in containers also, produced round and slightly oblate fruits, that displayed nice antho on their top side. On the blossom end they were a beautiful red and yellowish striping. That combination certainly lit up our garden. Our plants were about 2-2.5 feet tall, had rugose, regular leaves, but not thick foliage. These started ripening around 72 days from transplant and continued until season's end. Dwarf Striped Antho is perfect for snacking, canning, garnish, market sales and so much more. Fruits are mildly sweet and fruity, with some beautiful earthy undertones.
  • Dwarf Stone Tomato

    75 Day. Dwarf Stone tomato is a deep red, rich and sweetish fruit that has a little tang and great balance. Prolific plants are no taller than 3 feet and have great disease resistance. These would even be around at the end of the season. Perfect little slicer, salad tomato. Good for salsas and sauces too!.
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    Dwarf Speckled Heart Tomato

    A high producer, you will be very pleased with Dwarf Speckled Heart tomato. Short 3 feet tall plants have regular and rugose leaves. They produce perfectly heart shaped, red and yellowish 3-6 ounce fruits. These need to be staked or tied up because plants get very heavy with fruits. Taste is on the sweet but milder side with good texture. Very beautiful head turners that would work well in containers, with care. 70 days to first ripened fruits.
  • Dwarf Solokah Tomato

    Dwarf Solokah Tomato is a pink plum variety that is a sauce specialist. It's great for snacking too! Try cooking, canning and fresh salsa with these, they work well. Two feet tall plants are loaded with plum shaped fruits that are soft to the touch and aromatic. Plants are also prolific, so you will have plenty fruits for making your dishes. Dwarf Solokah makes some mild thicker sauce when cooked down, so if you don't like strong tasting sauces, this is the one.  These will work excellently in containers. Good disease resistance, vibrant plants. Good selection for growing in the ground too!
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    Don't let the name fool you, there is nothing sneaky about what Dwarf Sneaky Sauce tomato does. When this gem cooks down, it makes some thick , balanced sauce. It needs very little seasoning to make great dishes. So if you are a bad cook, start with these. Sauce making is not all that good about this tomato. It also makes great salsa, stews and is a good canner too!  Shelf life is pretty good but not exceptional. As it pertains to taste, it is mild, sweeter and meaty. Production is good but not exceptional, so plant one or two extra plants and you will have a guaranteed awesome sauce tomato! 2-3 feet tall plants! As a side note, I made some great tomato bisque with these!
  • Dwarf Sibirskaya Troika tomato is perhaps the most unique looking dwarf variety we have ever grown. 2-3 feet tall, Tree-Like plants, produce a nice amount of fat, plump tomatoes that make excellent sauce. Fruits are sweeter and mild. They have soft flesh, nice aroma and good stand-alone flavor. Our plants displayed excellent disease resistance. They started ripening their fruits about 75 days after transplant. These will do well in containers, I recommend 5 gallons or larger. They will also do excellently in the ground! Some staking is required, as 2-3 inch elongated fruits can easily weigh plants down. Try these for your sauces. Great for small gardens or patio growing too.
  • Dwarf Siberian Kale

    Dwarf Sibearian Kale is a tasty, green leafed kale. I grow these every year in my garden and totally love them. This green, curly leafed variety is easy to harvest and will grow from Spring to late fall and even through warmer winters. A great source of vital A and C . Also contains trace amounts of calcium and Iron.  It  makes the best sautéed greens, and green juices. I also love them in kale salad.. 5 weeks to first harvest.
  • Easily one of my favorite dwarf varieties in 2018, Dwarf Shadow Boxing tomato thrilled me from start to finish. I really loved the foliage on these babies. Plants produced 2 inch long plum shaped fruits were a bit late to ripen. When they finally started to turn, the most beautiful tri-colored antho fruits emerged.  They were firm and plump with a good, sweet and balanced taste. I Made some really great salsa with them. These will work great for garnishing, cooking, dehydrating, canning and more. The best part of all, is that plants are prolific and indeterminate, so you will have plenty tomatoes until the end of the growing season. Must grow these!
  • Dwarf Saucy Mary tomato is a really unique, tasty and pretty tomato that I recommend for anyone growing dwarf varieties. If your aim is to make some tasty, green tomato sauce, give it a try. Elongated, green and yellow, bi-colored fruits measure about two inches long. They are born on determinate plants. Prolific plants are tree-like and grow to about 2.5 feet tall. Fruits begin to ripen about 75 days after transplant. Sweetish, not too juicy and medium mild, these have nice flavor and would definitely perk up your dish. Also nice for garnishing, pickling, canning, cooking and more. Good for container growing too!
  • One of my three favorite dwarf grow outs in 2018, Dwarf Sarah's Red tomato should be a part of everyone's garden. I did not know what to expect when I grew these out because I had heard conflicting things. When I took my first bite of a ripened fruit I knew I was home! It was so good that I instantly regretted not growing more than 3 plants. But this fine tomato is not just great for snaking, it makes great sauce too! Making a great sandwich? Sarah's Red can do that also. Plants are about 2.5 -3 feet and produce a good amount of deep red fruits that begin to ripen in about 74 days after transplant. A great choice for dwarf tomato growers!  
  • Don't be surprised if you decide to grow this beautiful tomato every year. Dwarf Russian Swirl tomato comes highly recommended by ME! I first tried these out in the winter of 2015, growing them in buckets and under light. They did so well that I once again tried it on the farm that summer. It was a smash it once more. Dwarf Russian Swirl vines are about 4 feet tall and bear some of the prettiest slicers that you would ever see. They begin to ripen about 75 days after transplant and continue all the way till frost. Fruits are fruity, sweet, juicy and delicious. Let them ripen well and you will be blessed with a beautiful treat! These are perfect for slicing, sandwiches, fresh eating, garnishing, cooking and salsas. Restraint is required while in the garden because they may never make t to the kitchen table. OSSI Pledge

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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