• Looking for a beautiful, high-producing variety, that makes surprisingly great sauce?  Try Marinade Garnier Rouge tomato. Vines produce bounties of  pretty red fruits, that are great for sandwich making, sauce. It works well as a stand alone snacker, slicing and even garnishing. Red, ribbed fruits can reach one pound, but most average around 10-14 ounces. ours came in a bit late, at 85 days, but they were well worth the wait. Once they started coming they never stopped. As far as taste, these have very good balance, nice rich flavor that borders on the sweet side. A must grow!
  • Lithuanian Crested Pink tomato was my favorite variety for looks in 2018. It was also high on the taste charts too! But that should be expected because it's an oxheart, which is my favorite tomato family. This beautiful, pink fruit, is perfectly heart shaped and a head turner! Wispy leaved plants produce a good amount of 4-10 ounce fruits that begin to ripen about 80 days after transplant. Some fruits are more pointed than others. It's is a meaty, sweeter fruit with smooth texture. Fruits do not have many seeds. A great choice for cooking, snacking, sandwiches and so much more!
  • Old Kentucky Tomato

    Over the last 3 years I have grown out several varieties of Kentucky Heirloom tomatoes. All, including Old Kentucky tomato, were great! Taller vines produced plenty, canary yellow fruits that bordered 1 pound. Tops are greenish before turning to yellow at full ripeness. This was one of our favorite varieties in 2018. Fruits were sweet, juicy, a bit fruity and satisfying. Most had no blemishes! This makes Old Kentucky a great choice for market sales. Stake well and your rewards will be many. It is also a great selection for sandwiches, slicing, garnish and so much more. Our fruits began ripening around day 84 and continued until season's end! See It On YouTube.
  • Olena Ukrainian Tomato

    Pretty pink beefsteaks are what you will get when you grow out Olena Ukranian tomato. One of the smoothest tasting tomatoes that you will ever experience, Olena is just right for sandwiches, fresh eating and or whatever you choose to do with it!  Fruits can easily reach one pound and begin ripening about 85 days after transplant in the garden. Rich, sweetish, with great balance, it's the right tomato for the right moment. Taller plants produce quite a lot for such a big tomato, so get ready to harvest!  This would also be a great market tomato, as very few have blemishes or cracks and taste is great.
  • The first thing that comes to mind about growing Orange Orangutan tomato is its productivity. For such a large variety it's high producing. Big, beautiful yellow and red, bi-colored fruits an weigh one pound. Our largest this year was 1.4 pounds. Plants are about 5-6 feet tall and vibrant. They begin to ripen their fruits about 85 days from transplant in the garden. Our plants particularly loved the hotter, drier weather when some other varieties were struggling. But early staking is essential for a fantastic harvest. Orange Orangutan is a good selection for sandwiches and garnishing but should sell well at the market also. Try cooking or stew with this one!  
  • A long time favorite of many tomato gardeners, Marianna's Peace tomato is a winner all around. Large beefsteaks can reach 1.5 pounds and packs plenty of flavor. Ours were balanced and delicious, with true old fashioned, sandwich tomato taste. I also liked t's texture. It isn't mushy or mealy.  Plants produced plenty fruits but were not prolific.  They produced until season's end and were still trying to hold on when everything else was gone.  I also used Marianna's Peace for making sauce and fresh salsa too, it worked perfectly in both cases. Take a whiff, its aroma is incredible when fully ripened!  See it on Youtube!
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    Moya Noire Tomato

    Moya Noire tomato is a large, black variety that has good flavor.  Said to be a cross between Moya and Paul Robeson, this was one of my favorites in 2018. The pictures below don't really do this tomato any justice, but I feel that this is one of the best tomatoes that I have grown out in the last two seasons. Even when it's not fully ripened it packs good flavor. Our largest fruits weighed around 1.3 lbs and the smaller ones were about 8-10. If you need a really nice sandwich tomato that makes good sauce too, this is it!, Very pretty on a platter
  • Giant Belgium Tomato

    Giant Belgium tomato is a favorite of mine. Even though we grow hundreds or varieties each year, I do have a go-to list when I want certainty. Giant Belgium is one of them. Some others such as Uncle E, Dester, Curtis Cheek and Gold Medal are also included. Giant Belgium is all meat, which makes it perfect for sandwiches. Our biggest fruits were about 1.4 lbs but they do get bigger. The seeds which we offer are always form the best specimen. Plants are vibrant! They start ripening their fruits about 85 days after transplant. Stake well and get ready!
  • Outstanding in every way, Black Mountain Pink tomato is a superb variety. Easily, this one has worked itself into my annual planting list. Rich, flavorful, tasty and satisfying, this sweeter fruit is really well balanced. If you love good old time flavor in your tomatoes, then Black Mountain Pink is one for you to try. Vines produce plenty fruits that can approach one pound, but most are around 10-14 ounces. Plants have also shown good disease resistance. This is a great variety for sandwiches, cooking, slicing and eating fresh and more. Stake well and your rewards will be bountiful! 82 days!
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    I wanted to try Accordion Orange tomato because of it's unique looks and also on a recommendation that it had good taste. Both were correct. It certainly was unique in it's look, but it also made some fantastic tomato sauce. I like that it is not too juicy, so dehydrating was easy. Dehydrated bits were so flavorful that it will be one of my go-to varieties for this purpose. Fruits have hollow cavities that may be perfect for stuffing. When eaten fresh, this variety is mild and sweetish. It also keeps well, much better than many varieties considered to be keepers. This is a great variety for a multiplicity of applications. Worth Growing!
  • We grew H34 Rot-Jolie Coeur tomato for the first time in 2018 and wee anxious to see what was produced. When they finally started ripening we were amazed with their color and shape. Sporting little nipples on their bottom ends, large cherry sized fruits showed nice top antho. they were a nice wine red on their bottom ends. This variety is milder and juicy with hints of sugars in the right place. It has a bit of fruity aftertaste. Vines are hardy, determined and prolific! Ours produced until late season. Perfect for fresh salsa, canning, snacking, market sales, dehydrating and so much more.  
  • German Head Tomato

    I first grew German Head tomato in 2008. Since then I have always wanted to grow it again. So I puled out my 2008 saved seeds and grew out a few. They again produced some of the meatiest tomatoes that you will find. old fashioned is how I would describe German Head. flavorful, balanced, lots of meat and even amounts of juice. This is a very safe tomato to grow if you want certainty. It will not disappoint. Vines produce big beefsteaks that can easily surpass one pound. Perfect sandwich tomato. Great for market sales, slicing and tons more. Recommended!
  • Gigant Doohov Tomato

    Some of the biggest tomatoes that we grew in 2018 Giant Doohov was a stand-out in our gardens. Easily and consistently crossing one pound, many approached the 1.5 pound range. But size wasn't its only attribute. Gigant Doohov also had great taste! It was really meaty, balanced and had awesome texture. Truly, this is a very good tomato that works wonderfully on a sandwich. I used some for cooking and those were great too! But after eating a few in the garden, I knew that I was going to include it in my annual plantings. Try this one, I Recommend It!
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    It was our mission to grow more sauce and paste varieties in 2018. So we decided to include Gilbertie Red Paste  tomato. I was very pleased with its performance. Wispy leaved vines produced huge, 2- 3 inch, elongated fruits that worked well for sauce. I also liked eating them fresh from the bottom side up, delicious! I did not make any paste with it, but it is a noted paste variety! Great too for fresh salsa, cooking, market sales and more! Not too much cracking for us. Gilbertie will be returning to our gardens in 2018 and beyond. 82-Days to ripen in our gardens! See It On YouTube.
  • Cow’s Tit Tomato

    In 2018 one of our missions was to grow more varieties that were specific to certain applications. Cow's Tit tomato is one of them. If you are in search of varieties that will make great sauce and paste, this is one. I made some fantastic sauce with it! It also did excellently in fresh salsa and is equally tasty as a stand alone tomato. 2-3 inch elongated fruits are born on wispy leaved vines that produce prolifically! Ours started ripening around the 75th day after transplanting and kept up until late season. Also a great choice for canning, dehydrating and more!
  • There is almost nothing like a sandwich with Granny Cantrell's German Pink tomato. It has the right size, perfect juice, great taste, enough meat and it's not excessively seedy. Our vines produced beefsteak fruits that were in the 1 pound range. They began ripening about 82 days after transplanting in our gardens. Granny Cantrell's tomatoes ripen to a dark pink color, that is aromatic when sliced open. production is plentiful but not excessively prolific. Also a good variety for cooking, slicing, fresh eating and more. Certainly a variety that's worth growing. Stake plants well and early!
  • Big Ray's Argentinian Paste Tomato

    Here is yet another great paste and sauce variety. Big Ray's Argentinian Paste tomato should always be considered when wanting phenomenal sauce and paste. It cooks down into thick, sweet sauce. Pour some on your pasta, or use it as a base for soups and bisque, very delicious! Big Ray's Argentinian Paste plants produce a good amount of 2-3 inch fruits that begin to ripen about 85 days after transplant in the garden. Wispy leaved vines need early staking because they begin to hold fruit quite early. Disease resistance was good for us. Let me know how your tomato paste turned out!  
  • Rose Tomato

    I never have to take notes whenever I grow Rose tomato. This is because it has etched in my mind its remarkable assets. It's aways in my top choices for beefsteak tomatoes. Rose is meaty, prolific, flavorful, almost blemish free and consistent. I could go on and on, but I would leave some of it's fine qualities for you to talk about when you grow it. Rose tomatoes have outstanding balance. They are sweet but not too much, rich with slight acidity. If your quest is to find an outstanding beefsteak, this is certainly one. I also highly recommend it as a main crop tomato. It has done wonderfully for me through the years. hardy plants. Customers love it! Recommended!
  • Russe Tomato

    Russe tomato was a standout for us in 2018. It is an excellent and meaty beefsteak variety. Plants produce a high number of 10-16 ounce fruits that keep coming all season long. fruits. That's not all, it has outstanding old fashioned flavor that will keep you coming back for more. We used it for almost anything we made, but it really shined when paired with two slices of bread. This is tomato just loved sandwiches.  Indeterminate plants were hardy, even in a tough tomato year. Our first ripened fruits appeared around the 80 day mark. Good old fashioned, balanced tomato flavor! Stake well and get ready!  
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    Black From Tula Tomato

    Black From Tula tomato is one of the varieties that got me hooked on the dark colored varieties. This full flavored fruit is rich, earthy and tasty. Our plants were never taller than 5 feet and produced big crops. We did have to spray them one time with Serenade for symptoms of early blight, but they  did excellently after that. Our plants produced all season long! This is a good choice for salads, slicing, sandwiches, garnishing and more. These can do well in containers with proper staking. Expect your first ripened tomatoes around the 80 day mark. Enjoy!
  • Creme Brûlée Tomato

    Creme Brûlée tomato is a great example of the qualities of most black tomatoes. It's one that I would recommend if someone to someone who has never tasted a dark variety. It's similar in taste to Grandma Oliver's Chocolate and Chyornyi Tarasenko. Most of all it has it's own delicious characteristics. Creme Brûlée is not a large fruit (perhaps 6-8 ounces) but it has large flavor.  5 foot tall plants begin to ripen fruits around 75 days after transplant. We had no disease issues with these in 2018. Plants produce plenty of pretty fruits. Cracking wasn't an issue for us with these. A great choice for any tomato garden! See it on YouTube
  • King Kong Tomato

    A delightful oxheart is how I would describe King Kong tomato. Pretty, red oxheart fruits are borne on wispy leaved plants that can reach 6 feet tall. Fruits are on the sweet side, have tons of meat, a bit fruity, have old fashioned appeal and are clean with few cracks. Our vines were prolific, producing many bunches of 5-7 fruits that averaged 4-12 ounces. Plants kept producing all season long! In fact, they were some of the last do wither! This a great sandwich and sauce tomato. Also good for market sales if you are a tomato vendor. Eat many off the vine, Yumm!
  • Foxnose Tomato

    Foxnose tomato is a first time grow-out for us in 2018. We were very pleased who the results. True to the oxheart family, this variety produces very tasty, deep yellow oxhearts. They will keep you eating all season long. Many of our fruits are over 16 ounces but they averaged between 10-12. Vines are skinny and tall and loaded from bottom to top. This variety is very clean and crack-free, an advantage if you want to sell them. Foxnose tomatoes in your garden or on your tomato stand will turn heads. These are great for sandwiches, sauces, snacking and more. Tasty and memorable!
  • Donskoi Tomato

    Donskoi tomato is a very large beefsteak that could create your record breaking fruits. Our largest were well over two pounds and smallest about 1.5 pounds. But we did not grow it for size only. It was recommend to us because of its taste. I did like it a lot!  Donskoi is meaty, balanced, flavorful and surprisingly good for its large size. I never got around to making sandwiches with these, but there is no doubt they will shine in this application. Plants demonstrated good disease resistance and ripened their fruits around 87 days after transplant. A great choice if you love them large and delicious! See It On YouTube.
  • Brutus Magnum Tomato

    In 2018 we did not grow many gigantic varieties. Of the ones we did grow(about 8 or so), Brutus Magnum was perhaps the most consistently large. Fruits averaged between 1.5 - 2.3 lbs. At times we really struggle with vine upkeep. A few tomatoes became too heavy for their plants and broke themselves off. That was offset by good production, so we still got plenty fruits from just 4 plants. Brutus Magnum is a clean variety. Most tomatoes did not have cracks. Very meaty and evenly balanced taste. This one need early, consistent and proper staking! Great sandwich tomato!  88 Days!
  • Marina Doohov Tomato

    Need yellow flavorful meat? Try Marina Doohov tomato. From the same breeder who gave us Blue Pear Eugenia and a few others, this tomato is visually appealing with super taste. This Ukrainian variety has it all! An oxheart, you will not be disappointed when you grow these out. In addition, it will turn heads in your garden. When sliced, Marina Doohov is almost all meat with very few cavities and seeds. We had to work hard to preserve seeds for offering. Well ripened, fruits have a fine aroma that reminds me cherries or peaches. A bit of that aroma carries over to its taste. make yourself a great sandwich and some nice yellow sauce with these!  I recommend this tomato. 75 Days.
  • Khlebosolyne Tomato

    First, I had to learn how to spell it. LOL. I kept trying because the thing was really good. I had many of these and Textwine right in the garden on hot days. They totally did the job of quenching and filling me. Khlebosolyne Tomato should be in your garden if you like them big and delicious. It has big heirloom old fashioned flavor. the aroma is what kept me slicing them. What a wonderful aroma when well ripened. This variety is juicy, sweet and tart with some other complimentary flavors. Nice texture too! Vibrant and hardy vines. About 80 days.
  • Blue Fire Tomato

    Blue Fire tomato is a beautiful and unique antho slicer that is worth growing. 3-6 ounce oblate fruits are borne on skinny, productive vines. This variety can easily be identified by its intense speckling. As they begin to ripen, fruits begin to look more speckled, turning every head that sees them. Plants can be 6 feet tall and begin to ripen fruits about 75 days after transplant. Fruits are not fully ripened  until they have turned a delightful red and black with brownish speckles. These are great for garnishing, salads, fresh eating and excellent for market sales. Milder but balanced!

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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