Lime Green Salad Dwarf Tomato


If you are seeking a perfect container variety that will produce bigger crops, Dwarf Lime Green Salad  tomato is a great choice. They are perfect for salsa, salads, cooking and canning. Don’t forget to eat some right off the vine too! Lime Green Salad plants are rugose leafed and about 2.5 feet tall when mature. They produce big crops of 2.3 inch oblate fruits that are mostly green with a yellowish tint, when ripened. They have great disease resistance and are always determined to produce. Excellent choice for container and ground growing. Plant these 2 feet apart in your garden!


If you are seeking a perfect container variety that will produce bigger crops, Dwarf Lime Green Salad  tomato is a great choice. They are perfect for salsa, salads, cooking and canning. Don’t forget to eat some right off the vine too! Lime Green Salad plants are rugose leafed and about 2.5 feet tall when mature. They produce big crops of 2.3 inch oblate fruits that are mostly green with a yellowish tint, when ripened. They have great disease resistance and are always determined to produce. Excellent choice for ground growing also. Plant these 2 feet apart in your garden!

Additional information

Tomato Seeds


14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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