• Super Nova Tomato


    Super Nova Tomato

    Super Nova tomato is a one pound, yellow beefsteak. These are coming highly recommended because I like them a lot. Texture is smooth, taste is well balanced but on the sweet side. These are definitely sandwich and slicing tomatoes. Huge plants produce well, but they are not prolific, so production, I would have to describe, as good! The first ripened tomatoes were around the 80th day after transplant. A really great choice if you like your tomatoes yellows, large and well balanced!
  • Sweet Cream Tomato

    Sweet Cream Tomato is one of my new favorites. It is just what its name says. Sweet, slightly fruity and juicy. This elongated variety can reach 3 inches but 2 inches is more normal. I especially love its wispy, prolific vines that begin to ripen their fruits around 70 days from transplant. Once that has started, expect a lot of fruits until frost. Disease resistance is also good with this variety.  Fantastic variety for salads, snacking, garnishing, dehydrating, cooking and more. Perfect for market sales because there is little to no cracking. This tomato also reminds me of Blush, which is a fantastic tomato but tends to have cracking sometimes. All around a very good tomato!
  • Sweet Tooth Tomato

    Earthy, sweetish, rich and tasty is how I would describe Sweet Tooth Tomato. Indeterminate, wispy leafed plants need early staking. Sweet Tooth is a good producer of 2.5 inch long fruits that are multipurpose. I used some for fresh salsa, dehydrating, salads, sauce and fresh eating. In each situation it preformed very well. I especially loved them on a plate, when sliced up with other varieties. Their colors, in and out, really came through then!  Our plants showed good disease resistance all the way until season's end. Sweet tooth is also not a very seedy variety. I liked that too!
  • Sylvan Gaume Tomato

    Sylvan Guame is a large, red, beefsteak tomato that grows on very productive vines. It is meaty and sweet with old-time tomato taste. Its vines are thick, sprawling, and strong, and need to be staked well. Even though this is a larger tomato, you can expect your first ripened fruits at around 75 days continuing through Fall. Perfect selection for sandwiches, but truly, you can do anything with a Sylvan Guame tomato.
  • Taiga Tomato


    Taiga Tomato

    Karen Olivier has done it again! Her Taiga tomato made big waves in our garden in 2020. I just can't believe how beautiful and tasty these are! 6-12 ounce oxhearts are produced on tall potato leafed plants that start ripening around mid season(75-80 days). Give them a chance to ripen well, then cut and taste. You will find that these are a little fruity, juicy, have lots of nicely textured meat and are delicious! Deceptively weighty, there aren't too many seeds in this gem. Plants are very hardy and are recommended for northern gardens too! Awesome selection for slicing, sandwiches, garnish, cooking or just eating right of the vine.
  • Taiwan Goddess Tomato

    Taiwan Goddess tomato is a very unique variety. It's the perfect salad and snacking variety! Skinny vines reach about 5 feet tall and produce bunches of about 10-15, plum shaped cherry tomatoes. Nothing else looks like it in the garden, so you will always know where they are. These keep very well after harvest, so no rush to use them. Flavor is sweet and full, nothing missing. Fruits are not seedy. Our first fruits began to ripen about 70 days after transplant. It takes about 1.5 weeks for the entire cluster to ripen. Crunchy, tasty and prolific too! These should do well in containers!
  • Tar Tops tomato is a member of the anthocyanin family. It was one of the most complimented tomatoes on the farm this year by visitors. Everyone who tasted it, had great things to say about it. Tar Tops has smooth flesh, is definitely fruity and juicy with good tomato balance. I am definitely growing this again. Its vines are tall and work hard to complete their jobs. No diseases were recorded for this one. A great little slicer, snacker, salsa tomato and an eye-catcher at the farmer's market! About 75 days.
  • Taste Patio Tomato


    Taste Patio Tomato

    If you are looking for a very good tomato for slicing in salads or for garnish, Taste Patio tomato will easily do the job. One of my favorite varieties in 2o19, by one of my favorite breeders, Fred Hempel! Plants are determinate and produce so much, that you will never stop harvesting them. These are very delicious in every way. Sweet, tangy, fruity, semi crispy and are so tasty that I ate many at first blush! Intensely colored bi-color fruits are about 2 inches long. Hardy plants with good disease resistance.  A must try! Click Here to see it on YouTube!  
  • Taste Tomato

    Taste tomato is another winner by Fred Hempel of Artisan Seeds. Seriously, he is a top class breeder and I really respect that. I have grown mostly everything that he has created and they all have been excellent. Taste is a very beautiful red and yellow bicolor fruit that is elongated. It reminds me of Striped Roman, but with better overall taste. This is an excellent choice for any serious tomato grower. Vines are packed loaded with fruits and are also reasonably early. Our first ripened fruits came in around 65 days . Vines are aggressive producers. Try these for sauces, fresh eating, sliced in salads and drying. Great market choice too! See It On YouTube.
  • Tatura Dwarf Tomato

  • TC Jones Tomato

    TC Jones tomato was definitely one of our surprised in 2018. I sometimes have a slight suspicion about light yellow or white tomatoes, but  this one totally caught me off guard. It was so flavorful that it will certainly be grown next year, with market sales in mind too! 12-16 ounce fruits never kept coming all year and disease resistant plants just kept giving. Fruits were born on nice sized clusters of 4 or 5 and began to ripen about 82 days after transplant. These are sandwich perfect! But they also worked very well for some nice fresh tomato sauce. Try them and you will be amazed!
  • Tel Aviv Train Tomato

    Tel Aviv Train tomato was a new grow-out for us in 2018. Our plants produced small to medium sized cherries, that grow in medium to large clusters. These had nice texture and good fruity flavor. For us, this variety was one of the hardiest in the garden. They started producing early and ripened their first fruits around 72 days. Plants are about 5-6 feet tall. This is a good selection for canning, salads and snacking, especially in the garden! I also recommend these for sales at your tomato stand or farmer's market. A good choice for first time growers seeking an easy but rewarding experience!
  • Texas Star Tomato

    Texas Star tomato is a big beautiful bi-color variety with very pleasing taste. I especially like its fruity undertones. Large plants produce 1-2 pound, sweet fruits that remind me of the Caribbean. These were some of the last to remain in the garden as it got colder. Texture is superb! Great sandwich or garnish tomato. Great for fresh salsa. Add some chopped mango, cilantro, garlic, a pinch of lime juice, chopped onions and let it sit for about 20 minutes before you devour the entire thing in one minute. Whatever you choose to do with Texas Star tomato, it's certainly a worthy grow!
  • Texwine Tomato

    Texwine tomato is perhaps the best beefsteak that we grew in 2018. Its flavor is fantastic! This is the kind of tomato that you don't need to use salt or pepper, cheese or oils, on. It's just great all on its own. Just pick them and start eating!  If you decide to make sandwiches with it though, watch out! It will rock your world! Texwine vines are not too tall (perhaps 4 feet).  They produce smooth fruits that can reach 1.5 pounds. Most of ours averaged about 12-20 ounces. First ripened fruits were about 80 days a continued till season's end. Sweeter, fruity, meaty, great texture balance. Recommended! See It on YouTube.
  • The Dutchman Tomato

    Now this is one of my absolute favorites! The Dutchman tomato falls in the category of Dester, Mother's Love, and Mellisa The Caucasian Shepherd. That's how good this tomato is! This Beautiful beefsteak has wonderful aroma and good balance, and can be used for literally anything you can possibly think of. Be sure to have at least one BLT with it! 85 Days.
  • The Very Best Tomato


    The Very Best Tomato

    I happen to think that this is a great tomato name! I mean who wouldn't be interested in a variety named The Very Best. I grew these out expecting big things and I wasn't disappointed. My four plants produced plenty 10-14 ounce pink beefsteaks, that were sweet, meaty and delicious. Its taste isn't complicated, just a nice old fashioned, full-flavored one! When I tasted my first one, I immediately knew that this variety would be awesome for sandwiches. Our plants were big, tall and vibrant. They were really good with disease resistance and also weren't bothered with extreme weather. These are great, try them! Everyone would like The Very Best Tomato!
  • Thorburn's Terra-Cotta Tomato is a very eye-catching variety. Ripened fruits have a Bronze/copper exterior, with insides being bronze and greenish. Taste is very solid, with a very pleasant earthy and fruity undertone.. First introduced in 1893 by  James Thorburn of New York, these awesome tasting slicers weighed between 3-8 ounces. Five feet tall plants  are extremely prolific. Our plants demonstrated really good disease resistance all season long and ripened their fruits relatively early. This will be a great garnish tomato, may also be a hit at farmers market. Cooking with these is a must. Make yourself some delicious stews! Of course, its delicious right off the vine too!
  • Tigerella Tomato

    Tigerella is a mild, red and yellow tomato that is early and prolific. Its vines are no taller than 6 feet and work hard to ensure timely crops. I have found that these are not affected very much by our prolonged, hot summers here in Indiana. These are perfect salad tomatoes and great for making really tasty tomato juice. Eat some in the garden too....you'll like it! 70 to 75 Days.
  • Tigerette Dwarf Tomato


    Tigerette Dwarf Tomato

    Thinking that it was  much shorter variety, I grow out 5 Tigerette Dwarf tomato plants in 2 gallon containers. They ware two and a half feet tall and needed bigger containers. I would advise 3-5 gallons if you are growing in containers. This beautiful fruit is a plump, red and yellow, slightly above average sized cherry. Taste is mildly sweet with overall mild taste. Dwarf plants have beautiful chartreuse foliage that serves as the perfect backdrop for their bright ripened fruits. Good production, but not prolific. Mid-season variety and perfect for indoor growing under lights.  Canning, cooking, snacking, garnish and more!
  • Tlacolula Pink Tomato


    Tlacolula Pink Tomato

    Tlacolula Pink tomato plants are tall, and prolific producers of ruffled, bell-shaped tomatoes, that are about 2-4 ounces. Our plants showed good disease resistance and determination to produce in adverse conditions. Plants also like to spread so get ready for some continual tying up Stake early! These are perfect for sauces, garnish, cooking and fresh eating. Sweeter mild and pleasing with a medium-soft texture, it has a taste that can work well in any applications. Makes great salsa too! Expect your first ripened fruits around 75 days after transplant. A big hit at the farmers market! Try stuffing these with some flavored or Mexican rice, topped with cheese. Delicious!
  • Tlacolula Yellow Tomato

    Tlacolula Yellow tomato is a fun variety to grow. Sweet and mild, these ruffled fruits are perfect for garnish and stuffing.  I have personally made some very delicious sauce with this and its pink sister, Tlacolula Pink. Plants are tall, willing and tough. They produce plenty bell-shaped fruits that are around 4-6 ounces. Disease resistance is excellent! Stake early and you should have a blast growing these out. A real eye candy variety that will be the talking point of your summer tomato garden! Expect fruits until frost.  75 days to ripen after transplant.
  • Looking for a producer of big pink beefsteaks with superb flavor? Try Todd County Amish tomato. Large potato leafed plants produce big crops of desirable fruits. These are perfect sandwich makers. Taste is very old fashioned. Superb aroma when fully ripened. Not very seedy. You can expect your first ripened fruits about 80 days after transplant. I found my plants to be good with diseases, with no signs of early or late blight. One of my new favorites! Steak these well!
  • Tom’s Wonder Tomato

    Big meaty beefsteaks on tall vibrant vines are what you will get with Tom's Wonder tomato. These are a little late, coming in at 85 days. But if you can wait, you will be well rewarded. Production is also good, so you will have plenty for your sandwiches, yellow sauce, salsas and more! Our plants demonstrated good disease resistance. They were hardy, thick seemed and bushy. Fruits can weigh upwards of one pound. Our biggest was 1.2 pounds (18 ounces) but most averaged around 14 ounces. Stake well for best results. Tom's look great on a sliced platter. Good for cooking, stewing, sliced in salads and more! On the sweet side! See It on YouTube.
  • Tomate Cimarron Legendario

    One of the strangest tasting varieties I have ever grown, Tomate Cimarron Legendario is truly difficult for me to explain. It's not sweet or acidic. In fact, it doesn't even taste like a tomato. There is a lingering taste that's interesting and inviting, but to me, it's not very tomatoey. It's a Cuban cherry variety for which I was gifted seeds. What I do know is that it has perhaps the best resistance to disease than any variety I have ever grown. This variety is prolific, hardy and as solid as you could find. I am just not sure about the taste. Try some and give me some feedback. 65 days to ripen from transplant. (Gatersleben LYC 3468)
  • True Black Brandywine Tomato

    One of my new favorites, I first grew True Black Brandywine tomato in 2020. Because it carries the Brandywine name, I expect it to be excellent, and it was! The 5 feet tall, potato plants,  produced a nice amount of 10 ounce, deep brown fruits. They were pretty and mostly blemished free. Aroma on fully ripened fruits were fantastic. I made some awesome fresh salsa with these! I also made some super tomato sandwiches with True Black Brandywine.  If you are seeking a hardy, easy to handle, delicious variety, please check these out!
  • True Colors Tomato


    True Colors Tomato

    Again, another fascinating bi-colored oxheart from Karen Olivier. Like Midnight Sun, True Colors will blow you away with its taste and beauty. It's almost ironic that this variety is called True Colors when its colors almost seem unreal. Then on the other hand, perhaps that's exactly what Karen planned. These wispy, potato leafed plants, produced 8-14 ounce oxhearts that were always beautiful. Vines were skinny and lanky and would need early staking. Plants produced plenty, though not prolific. I was certainly pleased with production. These were bred by  in Canada by Karen and will be suitable for northern gardens. When fully ripened, these are sweeter, sort of fruity and medium mild. Balance and texture are superb! 70-75 days
  • Tsarskiy Podarok Dwarf tomato took me totally by surprise this year(2018). I planted it in a row with non dwarf plants and was wondering why it hadn't even grew to 4 feet tall. When I checked my notes, I noticed that it had a dwarf habit. Plants produced really nice beefsteaks that sometimes crossed one pound. most were between 10 and 14 ounces. Fruits were milder and sweetish with really good balance.  Plants produced prolifically, I liked that a lot. I think our first ripened fruits were about 80 days. This tomato is a growers treat. Plants need to be well staked. Perfect for sandwiches and tons more. Try eating some right in the garden. You'd love them.
  • A very nice and rare find for us in 2019, Tschechische Gelbe tomato was one of my personal favorites. Large sized cherry tomatoes have a medium-firm feel with lots of juiciness and wonderful aroma when fully ripened. These are sweeter and fruity, but must ripen well for the full experience. Plants are about 6 feet tall and produce plenty. Ours showed wonderful resistance to early blight. Great for snacking, canning, garnish, cooking and so much more. Try this rare and wonderful variety, you too may get hooked!


14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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