• Happy Jack Tomato

    Happy Jack tomato is my favorite new oxheart. I am really impressed! Clean, pretty fruits are borne on very productive, wispy leaved vines with skinny stems. Biggest fruits were 8-12 ounces. These have to be staked properly! No cracking or splitting, with nice, nice flavor and texture. I didn't make anything with these but I did eat quite a few off the vine. This would definitely be a good sandwich tomato. Slices are thick and meaty. Taste is full flavored, well balanced but not strong. Texture is smooth. A realty good tomato experience!  Let me know how these worked out for you!
  • Burgess Stuffing tomato is a firm stuffing tomato that ripens red. It's not as large as Yellow Stuffer or perhaps Striped Cavern, but, like those two, it has good stand alone flavor. vines are prolific and need early staking. Tomatoes begin to ripen about 75 days after transplant. Perfect for stuffing with anything!
  • Brin De Muguet Tomato

    72 Days. Brin De Muguet is a cherry tomato that grows on shorter but vigorous vines. It's a very prolific variety that is great in salads and also for munching. Kids love them! Sweet and juicy with a little tangy after-taste, this gem will keep your attention while in the garden. You'll munch many! Vines seem to love the hotter months and may do well in hotter climates.
  • Pruden's Purple tomato is still one of my favorite all purpose tomatoes. Slightly ribbed, 12-16 ounce fruits are flavorful, balanced and delicious. Some have said that it's a smaller version of Pink Brandywine, I think that it's better! Prolific potato leafed vines are hardy and show good disease resistance. Fruits begin to ripen around the 75 day mark.
  • Dwarf Solokah Tomato

    Dwarf Solokah Tomato is a pink plum variety that is a sauce specialist. It's great for snacking too! Try cooking, canning and fresh salsa with these, they work well. Two feet tall plants are loaded with plum shaped fruits that are soft to the touch and aromatic. Plants are also prolific, so you will have plenty fruits for making your dishes. Dwarf Solokah makes some mild thicker sauce when cooked down, so if you don't like strong tasting sauces, this is the one.  These will work excellently in containers. Good disease resistance, vibrant plants. Good selection for growing in the ground too!
  • I grew Dwarf Kangaroo Paw Yellow tomato for the first time in 2018. They were really good, especially for slicing and snacking. Our plants were about 2 feet high, had rugose leaves and produced 2-4 ounce fruits that ripened to a pretty, clean yellow color.  Plants also started ripen fruits around 72 days after transplant in the garden. What I liked about its flavor was that it was not too mild and had some really good fruitiness when fully ripened. Some sweetness with very little tang. These are great also for canning, making fresh salsa and more. Will work well when grown in containers or small gardens.
  • Krupnya Grozd Tomato


    Krupnya Grozd Tomato

    Krupnya Grozd tomato is a 10-14 ounce, red oxheart with deep flavor and nice texture! They have wispy vines that would need  early staking. Production is good to excellent! When fully ripened, these are are so beautiful that you will always have your eyes on them. Ripening to a nice red, Krupnya Grozd has nice thick, semi-firm flesh and awesome aroma too. Taste is sweeter with little acidity but complete. Perfect selection for oxheart lovers. Good market and sandwich tomato. Will also do well for cooking, sauce and canning. I truly like its balanced taste. Will definitely stay in my grow-list from now on! 80 days.
  • Russian 117 Tomato

  • Soldier 37 Tomato

    75 Days. Soldier 37 is one of my best finds in the last 10 years. It totally took me by surprise. not a fancy looking fruit, soldier 37 will light up your life once it's ripened. Fruits can reach 10 ounces. They are rich and delicious with perfect complimentary flavors that makes this tomato a winner! Hardy prolific vines!
  • Olga Pink Heart Tomato

    If you aren't impressed by many tomatoes or don't like tomatoes at all, I suggest you give Olga Pink Heart tomato a try. True to the oxheart family, Olga packs great taste and beauty appeal. Wispy leafed  vines produce huge quantities of perfect, pink heart-shaped tomatoes that are head turners. Although these are a bit late to ripen, they are absolute winners! Its sweet and dense flesh, great aroma, balanced juiciness, and thin skin, makes it a great candidate for many applications. My experience tells me that you should try them first in the garden. My experience also tells me, if you did, not many would make it to the kitchen table. These are great for sauces, salsa, sandwiches, cooking, and especially fresh eating off the vine. Staking is required because vines are skinny and tall. Try it, it's a winner!
  • Out of stock
    I first grew Orange Cream as an experiment in my basement in 5 gallon buckets under lights during the winter of 2015. The experience was fulfilling and rewarding. They produced a good quantity of 4 to about 8 ounce, yellowish tomatoes with pink stripes on the bottom end. Under T5 lights they produced their first ripened fruits in about 80 days. Later that spring, I planted some in the garden and they produced fruits at about 85 days. When fully ripened, Dwarf Orange Cream is sweet, full flavored, and juicy. It is not a very intense tomato, but it is very satisfying. A great selection for those seeking milder, sweet tomatoes. In the fields, the plants grew to about 3 feet and in containers they were 5 inches taller--make of it what you wish. Overall this is a really great tomato that has everything to like about it. I especially appreciate its good disease resistance.
  • Looking for a versatile tomato for your next garden? Marylin's Best tomato can be the one! It is a good selection for cooking, garnishing, fresh eating, sandwiches, sauces and lots more. This gem is truly a treasure. Nice sized fruits are pleated/ribbed and captivating. Our largest have been about 1.3 pounds, but most averaged about 12-14 ounces. Vines are taller and produce plenty fruits, but I wouldn't consider it to be a prolific variety. Our first ripened fruits in 2018 were harvested around day 84. Plants continued to put out until season's end. Plenty of meat for a ribbed variety. I recommend this variety for any tomato grower!
  • Stokes Alaska Tomato


    Stokes Alaska Tomato

    The very first variety to ripen for us in 2019 was Stokes Alaska Tomato. That made me very happy because in a very tough spring and early summer, I needed something to lift my spirits a little. My spirits got an even bigger boost when I found out that these had good taste. I wouldn't say that it's the best thing that I ever tasted, but they were quite good. Sweetish and had some tang, I loved the texture and production. Determinate plants produce prolifically! They averaged about 5 fruits to the pound, so not small cherries.  These are fantastic snackers, especially in mid-June. perfect for canning, early market tomatoes, cooking, juicing, fresh salsa and more. A wonderful way to start off the summer! 55 days. Seed Source: (Netherlands C.F.G.R 92, #CGN 14362)
  • Fred L Potato Top Tomato is a very good tomato. Tall potato leafed plants produce 1-1.5 pound and more beefsteaks with outstanding rich flavor. Original seeds were saved by Fred Limbaugh of from Robinson, P, his father and grandfather. These have some sweetness but with good balanced. Fred L reminds me, in some ways, of Pink Brandywine as far as taste. It's not quite as consistently large and texture certainly different. Our plants were hardy and demonstrated very good disease resistance. A great market crop, sandwich ready and very tasty. I really love this one! 80 Days.
  • Paul Robeson European tomato is a black plum that has that big flavor of some of the better blacks. Plants are prolific and ripen fruits relatively early. This, to me, was one of the better cherry/plum varieties that I grew in 2021. Deep chocolate fruits have rich flavor that is very satisfying and will encourage garden snacking. A little softer to the touch, this is definitely a great choice for saucing, but if caught before over ripened, would make a great addition to salads. Really good aroma that is consistently tempting.
  • 100 Pudov Tomato

    100 Pudov tomato is a very unique that is perfect, smaller slicer for many applications. Its name means 100 pounds. It's sweeter and mild. Vines are vigorous, produce a good amount, hardy and ripen their fruits in about 80 days after transplant. ours showed no signs of diseases at any time. This is a great market variety! I happen to think that this is a very under-rated tomato. Other than taste, another thing I like about is that is has a really good shelf life. I had some that easily lasted 3 weeks on my kitchen table. It's a great tomato for market sales, salsa, fresh eating, cooking and canning.  
  • In 2014 I purchased a packet of Big Rainbow tomato seeds from a well known company. I grew out six plants. Five of them produced perfect Big Rainbow fruits. The other one produced some pale yellow, juicy fruits, that were about twelve ounces to one pound. They did not have any striping, nor were they bi-color inside. but they were about the same size and shape of big rainbow. They were also very refreshing, mild and tasty. In 2015 I grew them out again in my kitchen garden. This time my crop was even better. They were more prolific but produced the same fruits. Since I really enjoyed this awesome fruit, I have named Big Yellow Fellow tomato. Vines are tall and bushy, kind of like Shuntuk Giant tomato. Big Yellow Fellow tomato begins to ripen about 80 days after transplant. Stake these well and you will be rewarded. Great for tomato juice, sauce and fresh eating.
  • Crankovic Yugoslavian tomato is mid-season, red variety that can be used as a main crop fruit. Shorter vines produce plenty of perfect, 6 ounce fruits that ripen after 75 days or so. Fruits are balanced and have good old time flavor. This is not a complexed or fancy tomato. it's just straight up, real tomato with great flavor. perfect slicer, for cooking, fresh eating!
  • Fresa Tomato

    Fresa is a pretty, pink oxheart tomato that will fit just perfectly in your garden. Weighing about 6 ounces, this flavorful fruit stays true to the oxheart family. Fresh tomato is sweeter, meaty, has great texture and delicious! Vines are skinny, about 6 feet tall and have wispy leaves. This is a great sandwich and sauce maker. has at it!
  • In this case, "Wonder" means wonderful! That's exactly what Chocolate Wonder tomato is. Not your average tomato, it a lot more. Think Caribbean flavors! This wonder child, has rich and complexed flavors that will impress you. Let it ripen you well and you will be tremendously rewarded. Vines produce heavy crops of 6-10 ounce, deep chocolate colored fruits, that works well as a sandwich tomato, in salsas, for garnishing, cooking and drying. How ever you choose to use it, Chocolate wonder will make you proud!
  • Mr Underwood Tomato

    85-90 Days. Mr Underwood Tomato is above par! I truly wish that more people would grow this awesome tomato! My aim is to bring more exposure, not just to this variety, but to all great, undiscovered heirlooms that need highlighting. This large and juicy beefsteak is so delicious that you will bite your fingers. Try a few and see for yourself. Fruits regularly approach 1.5 pounds, so stake plants well.
  • El Amar Tomato

  • Gurensey Island Tomato

    Gurensey Island tomato is a beautiful bi-color, larger cherry that grows on sprawling vines that are about 5 to 6 feet tall. It is delicious, full flavored, and rich. There is also some fruitiness, but not much. Plants are hardy and prolific and ripen their fruits about 75 days after transplant. I especially like these in salsa, sauces, for garnishing and cooking, and of course fresh off the vine. Gurensey Island needs to be staked because they quickly become loaded with fruits.
  • Church Tomato


    Church Tomato

    I really appreciate a well balanced red tomato. Church tomato is just that. About 1 pound beefsteaks are meaty and delicious. Tough plants are about 6 feet tall, eager to produce and hard workers. Ours showed no signs of diseases in 2019. Plants produce nice crops of deep red fruits, that are in clusters of 3 or 4. Ours began ripening about 80 days after transplant. Perfect sandwich tomato. Not to large or too juicy. Our largest was about 1.3 pounds. Great market tomato. Good also for cooking with. Made some great fried green tomatoes with these! Lovely choice for any tomato garden!
  • Alexander B Tomato


    Alexander B Tomato

    Another on of my 2020 surprises, Alexander B, a rarely grown variety, was a true standout in our garden this year. Four to eight ounce fruits are very clean, blemish-free, tasty and satisfying. Seeds for these were shared with me by a friend, and I am so happy that she did.  Indeterminate 5-6 feet tall plants are prolific, have many clusters of 4-6 fruits and keep producing all season long. These are sweeter and exceptionally smooth, with good balance. Texture is superb and they make perfect slicers. Great for sandwiches and fresh eating. For me, this variety is a new go-to for market sales and so much more. This is one to love!
  • Flathead Monster Pink Tomato

    I was surprised with the taste of Flathead Monster Pink tomato. Although I was expecting fruits above 2 pounds, most of mine were between 1-1.5. I was really happy that we decided to try this variety. Full flavored fruits begin to ripen about 85 days after transplant. This is a very, very good tomato. Regular leafed vines produce well, though not prolific. My three plants each produced between 10 and 14 fruits, with the later fruits being a bit smaller.  I will definitely be growing these again.
  • Dice's Mystery Black Tomato

    Dice's Mystery Black tomato is a sweeter black variety with low acidity. It is said that a stray plant grew out of a pack of seeds of another variety. Regular leafed plants are high producers of 5-8 ounce fruits. You can expect your fruits around Mid-season.

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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