• Tatura Dwarf Tomato

  • Taste Tomato

    Taste tomato is another winner by Fred Hempel of Artisan Seeds. Seriously, he is a top class breeder and I really respect that. I have grown mostly everything that he has created and they all have been excellent. Taste is a very beautiful red and yellow bicolor fruit that is elongated. It reminds me of Striped Roman, but with better overall taste. This is an excellent choice for any serious tomato grower. Vines are packed loaded with fruits and are also reasonably early. Our first ripened fruits came in around 65 days . Vines are aggressive producers. Try these for sauces, fresh eating, sliced in salads and drying. Great market choice too! See It On YouTube.
  • Taste Patio Tomato


    Taste Patio Tomato

    If you are looking for a very good tomato for slicing in salads or for garnish, Taste Patio tomato will easily do the job. One of my favorite varieties in 2o19, by one of my favorite breeders, Fred Hempel! Plants are determinate and produce so much, that you will never stop harvesting them. These are very delicious in every way. Sweet, tangy, fruity, semi crispy and are so tasty that I ate many at first blush! Intensely colored bi-color fruits are about 2 inches long. Hardy plants with good disease resistance.  A must try! Click Here to see it on YouTube!  
  • Tasmanian Chocolate dwarf tomato is a full flavored and beautiful fruit. They grow on plants that are about 3.5 feet tall. These will perform well in buckets or in the ground. Plants produce plenty, light chocolate colored fruits that can reach 12 ounces. Take a bite and you will discover a really juicy fruit that has a bit of earthiness to it. Plants quickly become top heavy so some staking may be necessary. You can expect your first ripened fruits around the 80 day mark. Try some of these in your garden and get ready for a bountiful harvest!
  • Tar Tops tomato is a member of the anthocyanin family. It was one of the most complimented tomatoes on the farm this year by visitors. Everyone who tasted it, had great things to say about it. Tar Tops has smooth flesh, is definitely fruity and juicy with good tomato balance. I am definitely growing this again. Its vines are tall and work hard to complete their jobs. No diseases were recorded for this one. A great little slicer, snacker, salsa tomato and an eye-catcher at the farmer's market! About 75 days.
  • Tapacheko 2 Tomato

    Get your canning jars ready! Pull out your sauce pans! We're about to get busy. Tapacheko 2 is a sauce and canning specialist that would perform very well as a paste tomato also. Its in the vein of San Marzano. Slightly juicier and larger. It is a determinant variety and its loaded vines do not grow perhaps more than 2.5 feet tall. It was surprisingly late for us coming in at about 90 days but it was totally worth it! Even though it is a short growing plant, it does need staking because it is a high yielding plant. Make yourself some of the best sauce ever.
  • Tunanda Red Dwarf tomato is a prolific variety that has really good taste appeal. Its plants have regular rugose leaves and are fairly disease resistant. Fruits are about 3 to 4 inches around, ripen to a deep red, and perhaps weigh 4 ounces. These nourish in a sunny spot, which only helps to intensify its already delicious flavor. A perfect slicer for anything.
  • Taiwan Goddess Tomato

    Taiwan Goddess tomato is a very unique variety. It's the perfect salad and snacking variety! Skinny vines reach about 5 feet tall and produce bunches of about 10-15, plum shaped cherry tomatoes. Nothing else looks like it in the garden, so you will always know where they are. These keep very well after harvest, so no rush to use them. Flavor is sweet and full, nothing missing. Fruits are not seedy. Our first fruits began to ripen about 70 days after transplant. It takes about 1.5 weeks for the entire cluster to ripen. Crunchy, tasty and prolific too! These should do well in containers!
  • Taiga Tomato


    Taiga Tomato

    Karen Olivier has done it again! Her Taiga tomato made big waves in our garden in 2020. I just can't believe how beautiful and tasty these are! 6-12 ounce oxhearts are produced on tall potato leafed plants that start ripening around mid season(75-80 days). Give them a chance to ripen well, then cut and taste. You will find that these are a little fruity, juicy, have lots of nicely textured meat and are delicious! Deceptively weighty, there aren't too many seeds in this gem. Plants are very hardy and are recommended for northern gardens too! Awesome selection for slicing, sandwiches, garnish, cooking or just eating right of the vine.
  • Sylvan Gaume Tomato

    Sylvan Guame is a large, red, beefsteak tomato that grows on very productive vines. It is meaty and sweet with old-time tomato taste. Its vines are thick, sprawling, and strong, and need to be staked well. Even though this is a larger tomato, you can expect your first ripened fruits at around 75 days continuing through Fall. Perfect selection for sandwiches, but truly, you can do anything with a Sylvan Guame tomato.
  • Out of stock

    Sweet Tooth Tomato

    Earthy, sweetish, rich and tasty is how I would describe Sweet Tooth Tomato. Indeterminate, wispy leafed plants need early staking. Sweet Tooth is a good producer of 2.5 inch long fruits that are multipurpose. I used some for fresh salsa, dehydrating, salads, sauce and fresh eating. In each situation it preformed very well. I especially loved them on a plate, when sliced up with other varieties. Their colors, in and out, really came through then!  Our plants showed good disease resistance all the way until season's end. Sweet tooth is also not a very seedy variety. I liked that too!
  • Sweet Pickle Pepper


    Sweet Pickle Pepper

    Perfect for Pickling, Sweet Pickle pepper exceeded all of our expectations in 2020. Compact plants of perhaps 2 feet tall, produced so many peppers that often they reminded me of a Christmas tree with decorations. When unripened, these can have a purple splotching, but they ripen to a bright red. Crisp and sweet, these are perfect for salads, canning, cooking and of course pickling. Would work well for market sales also. Get your canning jars ready, you'll have plenty uses for them!
  • Sweet Pea Currant tomato is perhaps the second smallest tomato that I have grown (see Filaris). Most fruits are smaller than a pea. Short vines that are perfect for container or basket growing produce thousands of cherries that have surprisingly big tomato flavor. Should be staked when in the ground or left to trail if in a container or basket. 65 Days. Perfect when whole in salads and also for snacking.
  • If you love pesto, or salad with basil, basil tea or anything basil, you will find much comfort in growing out some of these. Perhaps the most popular basil and still one of my favorites, Sweet Italian Basil is a staple in our household. Easy to grow, this very flavorful variety is ready for harvest form sprouts to maturity, which is when ever you wish throughout its growth cycle. Pluck some sprouts for your salads or garnish or harvest bigger leaves at any point for any dish that you choose. Here, we make almost any salad and tomato dish using basils of many kinds. Eggs, soup and many more dishes get their accompaniment what basil too! Get a few varieties and taste the delicious difference! You can't go wrong with this one. Germinates in just a few days!
  • Sweet Cream Tomato

    Sweet Cream Tomato is one of my new favorites. It is just what its name says. Sweet, slightly fruity and juicy. This elongated variety can reach 3 inches but 2 inches is more normal. I especially love its wispy, prolific vines that begin to ripen their fruits around 70 days from transplant. Once that has started, expect a lot of fruits until frost. Disease resistance is also good with this variety.  Fantastic variety for salads, snacking, garnishing, dehydrating, cooking and more. Perfect for market sales because there is little to no cracking. This tomato also reminds me of Blush, which is a fantastic tomato but tends to have cracking sometimes. All around a very good tomato!
  • Sweet Cranberry Tomato

    Sweet Cranberry tomato is a little gem that everyone should grow. It is produced on vines that are determined to have huge crops despite rainy, hot, or cooler weather. It truly is a hard worker. Sweet Cranberry is sweet, but not too much so, and very balanced with a fruity after-taste. Mine have ripened at 65 to 70 days.
  • Super Nova Tomato


    Super Nova Tomato

    Super Nova tomato is a one pound, yellow beefsteak. These are coming highly recommended because I like them a lot. Texture is smooth, taste is well balanced but on the sweet side. These are definitely sandwich and slicing tomatoes. Huge plants produce well, but they are not prolific, so production, I would have to describe, as good! The first ripened tomatoes were around the 80th day after transplant. A really great choice if you like your tomatoes yellows, large and well balanced!
  • Super Choice Tomato

    Super Choice tomato is a Kentucky heirloom beefsteak that did well for us in our 2018 grow-outs. Thick steamed, indeterminate and bushy plants, grew to about 7 feet tall and produced 12-20 ounce, red tomatoes with outstanding flavor. When well ripened, Super Choice is flavorful, meaty, smooth and a little tangy. there are some sweetish under-tones. I especially liked them sliced with a little salt and pepper. They were great on sandwiches too! Vines were not prolific but produced plenty for their fruit size.  I am placing this one in the balanced category with plenty of flavors to experience. Nice sandwich tomato. Made some great fried greens!
  • Sunrise Bumblebee has been on my best tasting list of cherries for a long time. These remind me of a tropical fruit. Shorter vines produce abundantly from early summer until frost. What's more, they have excellent disease resistance and refuse to be stopped. As a side note, the Bumblebee selection all work well as main crops, especially for vendors at the farmer's market. Perfect little cherry. 70 Days.
  • Sungella Tomato

    Sungella tomato is a pingpong ball size cherry that ripens to a nice yellow-orange color. Other than its obvious beautiful exterior, this fruit is delicious also! Fruits grow in clusters of 5 on a 5 to 6 foot vine and ripen pretty early in the season. Vines like to sprawl, so stake well. Great selection for salads, snacking, drying, and culinary purposes. 70 to 75 Days.
  • Sunflower Possibilities Mix

    USA SALES ONLY PLEASE! See Bottom Of Page For Full Gallery Of Images! Sunflower Possibilities Mix will be a blast for any flower garden. In this mix is included seven different colors and varieties. Everything from bright yellows, to brown blushes, to purple/brown. You will find larger blooms to smaller ones. Each variety and color has it's own characteristics and beauty. Some varieties bloom earlier and others later. One thing's for sure, at some point they will all be blooming at the same time, what a blast! Later on, if you are a bird lover, watch them come for their fill of sunflower seeds. They will be there all day every day, delighting you with natural wildlife beauty. They'll have plenty of songs to sing! There will be American Goldfinch, Cardinals, Blue Jays and more! Get this mix and enjoy a wonderful bright summer and fall!
  • Summertime Green Dwarf tomato is appropriately named in my opinion. For one thing, for me they begin to ripen right in the middle of the summer, around July 20th. The other thing about this bigger fruit, is that it stays quite green, never really changing colors much, even when it’s ripened. Rugose leaf plants  are tree type and grow to about 3.5 feet tall. They display good disease resistance and produce some nice sized tomatoes, with the larger ones weighing in about 10 ounces. Its flavor is certainly a thing to behold. this one is on the it’s sweet with plenty juice. I also like that it has a little fruity kickback. Summertime Green is a great tomato for salsas, sandwiches, cooking and eating right off of the plant. Go for it!
  • Summertime Gold dwarf tomato is a very nice variety that can reach 10 ounces. In 2016 we grew quite a few plants and they all did excellently. Plants produce nice amounts of mildly sweet, juicy and fruity tomatoes that ripens around 85 days after transplant.  Our dwarf plants grew to about 3 feet tall and started setting blooms pretty early. Great tomato for salsa, sandwiches and cooking. I like them best sliced fresh in the garden. It certainly is a wonderful treat that way! Stake plants as soon as possible, they will quickly become top heavy from the weight of the tomatoes. Good for container growing!  
  • Summer Sweet Gold Dwarf Tomato

    Summer Sweet Gold Dwarf tomato is  one of the larger varieties of dwarf tomatoes. Fruits average about 10 ounces and are packed with fruitiness. The best quality for me is it's that it's evenly balanced but not over the top. There are also tons of complimentary flavors that work well for this awesome variety. Delicious 80 Days.
  • Summer Sunrise Tomato


    Summer Sunrise Tomato

    Summer Sunrise tomato is a pleasant treat in any garden. Blemished free fruits are produced on short plants that produce plenty. This mid-season variety is sweeter, fruity and mild. Good keepers, these are perfect for slicing, salads, canning and tomato juice.  Plants are vibrant. and hardy. Ours survived a brutal spring and early summer. Fruits averaged four to six ounces. Rare and worth it.
  • Summer Sunrise Dwarf Tomato

    Summer Sunrise Dwarf tomato was one of my favorites of the 2017 growing season. It produced a lot of 6 to 12 ounce, canary yellow fruits with a pinkish blush at the bottom end. They were exceptionally delicious, especially when well ripened. 3.5 foot plants produced plenty fruits all the way until frost. If you love tomato sandwiches, Dummer Sunrise would work excellently. But that's not all. Sauces, salsa and more would love to have these! They are absolutely good fantastic when eaten right off the vine!  These are perfect in containers 5 gallons or larger. Great for patio growing and do excellently in the ground too. Try em, you'll like them! 80 Days. See it on YouTube! OSSI Pledge
  • Summer Lightning Tomato

    A sauce and paste type, Summer Lightning tomato is a rare variety. It is a high producer of 2-3 inch elongated fruits. A mid-season variety, this high producing gem fits perfectly if you like sweeter or low acidity sauces. These are  nice tasting stand alone tomatoes. Also perfect for canning, cooking and fresh eating. Perfect for market sales because if its high production, taste and crack-free habit. I made some of the best tasting fresh salsa with Summer Lightning. Plants are tall, hardy and wispy leaved. Stake well and you will be rewarded. 75 days to ripen from transplant. Seed Source: Gatersleben Russia # LYC 3881 
  • Summer Cider Tomato


    Summer Cider Tomato

    Summer Cider is a deep yellow, medium size fruit that is rich, creamy , sweeter and balanced. Its vines are about 5 to 6 feet tall and vibrant. These will produce all the way to first. Plants are prolific and hardy! Fruits weigh about 6 to 12 ounces and sometimes more. Vines also have good disease resistance and produce plenty of fruits. Great for yellow sauces, sandwiches, plating and lots more. 80 Days.

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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