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    KARMA Peach Tomato


    KARMA Peach Tomato

    The largest of the KARMA series, KARMA Peach surely is a peach! Another of the Karen Olivier and Marsha Eisenberg collaborative works, this is a potato leafed variety. Mildly sweet, with softer smooth texture when well ripened, it has a really nice fruity finish that is memorable. Peach was also the latest to ripen. Overall it was still an earlier variety, only trailing the others by about 8 days. Expect tall wispy, vines with good production! I enjoyed this one, especially right off the vine!
  • Dixiewine Tomato


    Dixiewine Tomato

    A really good tomato is how I would describe Dixiwine tomato. This gem has perfect texture and great old fashioned taste and balance! Short plants produce well for such large fruits, which can approach one pound. Honestly one of the better sandwich tomatoes I had in 2020. These are a bit later. Ours started to ripen about 85 days after transplant but the wait was well worth it. Fruits ripen deep red and have a really nice aroma. Try Dixiwine in your next garden!
  • White Sugar Tomato


    White Sugar Tomato

    A sweeter and juicy variety, White Sugar tomato is a pure gem to grow. Although I would consider this a slicing tomato, I think it would shine as a juice and cooking variety. These are really good right off the vine. Ripening to a pale yellow color, 4-8 ounce fruits have a wonderful aroma when fully done. Very beautiful for plating too! Wonderful market variety! Plants are prolific and around mid season. 80 days!
  • RW Cephei Tomato


    RW Cephei Tomato

    You may not believe it, but RW Cephei tomato is a fine sauce variety. Large fruits can reach 3 pounds. Ours average around 2.5.  Ruffled, flattened fruits are bright red when fully ripened. Plants are not too tall and produce moderately, yet plentiful for such a large variety. I made some awesome tomato sauce with these. I also like them for stews, canning and, when not over ripened for sandwiches. Sweet, flavorful old fashion tomato taste. 90 Days!
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    Reinhard Kraft's Purple Heart Tomato

    For several years I have been trying some varieties by this breeder. This year I hit another jackpot with three of his varieties. Reinhard Kraft's Purple Heart tomato was one of them. This beautiful chocolate/purple colored fruit seriously packs some great taste. I just ate so many of them. Now, that the season is over, I have serious withdrawal symptoms! These are rich and complex, have superb texture, not too many seeds and are great  for sandwiches, slicing, sauce and snacking. Indeterminate plants produce plenty 6-8 ounce fruits. Trust me, this one is good! 80 Days!
  • Zinnia Flower Possibilities Mix

    Zinnia Flower Possibilities Mix comprises of 20 colors or more, different sizes, varieties and flavors all mixed together. Colors were very complimentary and lit up every aspect of our summer! Visitors included honeybees, many types of butterflies, pollinators, hummingbirds and more! This flower garden was busy all season long! I decided to call it the Possibilities Mix because everyone's garden is going to be different and anything is possible. Light up your flower garden with this special mix! Blooms came 6 weeks after planting. A very beautiful mix!
  • Out of stock

    Creamsicle Grape Tomato

    Think salads and pickling. Creamsicle Grape tomato is excellent for salads with its mildly sweet and flavorful finish. 2 inch long fruits are subtly bi-colored and and pretty. This grape would also go well on a platter. Plants showed extreme disease resistance and were very prolific. Ours started ripening around 75 days from transplant and just produced hundreds of fruits all the way until frost killed them. A very reliable salad variety! Pickle them whole or sliced, they would work well in both applications.
  • Kardynal Tomato


    Kardynal Tomato

    Kardynal tomato is a very pleasing oxheart variety. Healthy plants produce a lot of 6-8 ounce oxhearts that are really versatile. They are so good for slicing too! I had two very good sandwiches with these and they were memorable. With very good texture and balance, these are neither sweet nor tart. What comes through for me, is its overall completeness that remains true to most oxhearts. Plants are not too tall. Great disease resistance! Another one that I will grow again!
  • LLarg Tomato


    LLarg Tomato

    LLarg Tomato is the perfect sauce variety! But if you want some serious stews too, try these. What a great cooking variety! They cooked down into a nice rich and thick end product with natural sweetness and high flavor! 3 inch elongated fruits are medium firm and ripen deep red. Plants produce plenty and fruits are not too seedy. Llarg started ripening about 80 days after transplant. They continued until first frost. Take this gem straight to your kitchen and make some of the best tomato products ever. Nice for canning too!
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    Siegel's Dark Striped Tomato

    Siegel's Dark Striped Tomato is a very rich tasting, 5-8 ounce, bi-colored fruit. I really like this one because of its complex taste and earthiness. Very nice for slicing, this variety looks beautiful on a platter and has an amazing aroma when fully ripened! These plants were prolific and hardy. They started ripening with their first fruits about 78 days from transplant. Prolific and hardy, these are also very good for cooking! Right off the vine they are amazing! We made out pretty good with this one!
  • Reinhard Kraft's White Heart Tomato

    I happen to think that Reinhard Kraft's White Heart tomato is one of the best tasting white/yellows around. I also like the variety's  production and good disease resistance. This is a very desirable tomato to me. 5-6 feet tall plants produce 6-8 ounce fruits that are sweet, slightly fruity and satisfying. It delivers the complete tomato experience! They started ripening about 80 days after transplant. When fully ripened you'll find a beautiful pink blushing on its blossom end. This marbling can also be found when sliced! Nice choice for plating/garnish, slicing, cooking, sauces and of course eating right out of the garden! Another great tomato from Mr. Kraft, another win for the tomato community!
  • Fish Pepper Seeds


    Fish Pepper

    Being a Caribbean man, I really appreciate this pepper. Its heat is perfect for cooking some of my favorite dishes. I love to use them in my stews and soups. Fish pepper is an old African American heirloom that predates 1870. Plants have variegated white and green leaves. Peppers also display a similar multi-colored pigment, then turn bright red when ripened. The Scoville scale measures them at 5,000–30,000 SHU, which is hotter than a Jalapeño but still perfect for cooking delicious meals! Our 2 foot tall plants are always prolific and hardy, producing in any weather. These are great for pickling, making flakes, powder and more!
  • Orange Centiflor Tomato

    Huge clusters of sweet orange/yellow cherry tomatoes is what you will get with this multi-flora variety. A pleasure to grow, Orange Centiflor tomato is a heavy producer. Our 5 feet tall plants produced so many clusters of 50 or more tomatoes, that we didn't know what to do with them. Perfect for snacking and early too! Critters and birds kept getting these on the vine, so you know they are really good! Exceptional aroma when fully ripened. Great disease resistance! A treat!
  • Giant Kalian Tomato


    Giant Kalian Tomato

    A very pleasing tomato, Giant Kalian tomato took me by surprise this year.  Our plants were really vibrant and disease-free. I really loved production also. These produced quite nicely until late in the season. Fruits were between 8 and 16 ounces, pink shinned and very, very good!  These even tasted good when not fully ripened. They remind me somewhat of Dester tomato, which, to me is one of the best beefsteaks ever! These are perfect for anything, really! Sandwiches will shine when you use this variety! Give it a shot!
  • Black Mammoth Tomato


    Black Mammoth Tomato

    Black Mammoth Tomato is a rich tasting beefsteak that ripens purple/black. These can reach 14 ounces and sometimes more. Vigorous plants produce plenty, relatively crack fruits, that are sandwich ready. This tomato delivers the complete tomato experience for those who like a forward tasting variety! Ours averaged between 8 and 12 ounces but some were a bit larger. Great for market sales, garnish and even some sweet dark sauce or stew. You'll love these!  80-85 Days! Delicious 80 Days!
  • Out of stock

    Serrano Pepper


    Serrano Pepper

    Although I had eaten it many times, I had never grown Serrano Pepper before 2020. I am happy that I did! Short plants produced abundantly and gave us copious amounts of  2-3 inch peppers that turned bright red when well ripened. I really love these for flakes, cooking whole in soups, fresh salsa, for sauces and even powder. Awesome when dried or dehydrated whole! I've heard that these are great when roasted! Truly a great all purpose chili! Give them a shot!!
  • Billy Goat Pepper


    Billy Goat Pepper

    Billy Goat Pepper is a hot pepper that reminds me of the Caribbean style peppers. If you like your peppers relatively hot, this Chinese variety would be the perfect for seasoning, cooking, sauces, flakes and powder. Plants are very productive, producing 1.5 inch peppers that turns from green to bright red when fully ripened. Nice pepper aroma. Plants are about 3 feet tall and peppers are about 30,000-40,000 Scoville Units.
  • Blue Ridge Mountain Tomato

    Blue Ridge Mountain tomato was a very nice find for us this year. Wonderful tasting, smooth, pink fruits weigh between 12 and 16 ounces. These are full flavored with good old fashioned taste. Potato leafed plants are prolific, grow to about 6 feet tall and demonstrated nice disease resistance for us.  These are perfect beefsteaks tomatoes that would also do well in many different settings. On sandwiches they are great! Although I only ate them fresh and had sandwiches with them. I could see this variety being  a very good cooking tomato. If you are a tomato addict, you will not regret growing these. Recommended!
  • Out of stock
    Our biggest surprise in 2021, Alleghany Sunset has earned its place in our forever garden. Prolific plants just kept pumping them out and we took all that we could get. This is a fruity and sweeter variety that will ripen a little later but is definitely worth the wait.  Bi-colored fruits of yellow and reds are produced on regular leafed plants that grow to about 6 feet tall. They demonstrated nice disease resistance and held on until season's end. A perfect choice for slicing, garnish/plating, markets, sweet sauce, sandwiches, dehydrating or just sinking your teeth into. Tomatoes weigh between 8 and 16 ounces and bursting with beauty! Try these, you'll love them!
  • Thorburn's Terra-Cotta Tomato is a very eye-catching variety. Ripened fruits have a Bronze/copper exterior, with insides being bronze and greenish. Taste is very solid, with a very pleasant earthy and fruity undertone.. First introduced in 1893 by  James Thorburn of New York, these awesome tasting slicers weighed between 3-8 ounces. Five feet tall plants  are extremely prolific. Our plants demonstrated really good disease resistance all season long and ripened their fruits relatively early. This will be a great garnish tomato, may also be a hit at farmers market. Cooking with these is a must. Make yourself some delicious stews! Of course, its delicious right off the vine too!
  • One of my top 10 for taste and flavor in 2021, Candy Sweet Icicle Tomato is a salad lover's dream. About 2 inch long fruits are elongated and so very tasty. Indeterminate plants are super producers and never, I mean never stop producing! For me in 2021, nothing was a better snack in the garden. Taste is fruity, sweet with acidic tones and complete. These are not overwhelming, just perfect. I never saw even one crack or split on any of these, so they are very clean and pretty fruits, making these bi-colored beauties perfect market tomatoes. My plants were bushy and vibrant, but never got higher than about 5 feet. Great tomato for snacking, plating/garnish, dehydrating, preserves, cooking and so much more. I'll be back next year for more!
  • Out of stock

    Kosovo Tomato

    Anyone who has ever grown Kosovo tomato knows how very useful it is. True to what oxhearts do, this very tasty variety is a keeper for me from now on. Let's first talk about its production, Kosovo is second to none! Our plants produced fruits that were 6-16 ounces but averaging about 8. Wispy, regular leafed vines were always loaded even as I picked every other day. Each time I visited my plants they seemed untouched and never picked from. As far as taste, these were very good. They were full flavored and tasty. I made some very good sauce with these. I also made stew, fried green tomatoes, sandwiches and ate quite a few in the garden. Wonderful experiences all around! In a nutshell, Kosovo tomato is a multi-use tomato that is second to none! Totally worth growing.
  • Since I hadn't really seen Georgia Green Cherry tomato anywhere online, I decided to give them a try. I was also very excited about them because I love growing potato leafed varieties. I also found it interesting because it was a green when ripened PL and cherry variety too. This large sized cherry has a very pretty exterior. On its inside, Georgia Green Cherry is lime green and aromatic. Fruits were sweeter but mild, yet its flavor was big. No blemishes! These came on a little later but was well worth the wait. One of the hardiest varieties for me in 2021. Not many seeds. Let's help to make this one popular. It's a true find!
  • Another nice surprise for me in 2021. I absolutely paid this variety no attention and almost didn't have enough time to harvest them. When I was almost done harvesting everything else, Sue's Little Red Heart was there, waiting for me to pick and enjoy. Forward tasting, slightly heart/plum shaped fruits are the perfect garden snack. Free of cracks, I have no doubt that this tomato would make great sauce. It would most definitely be great for dehydrating for powder of flakes, where I feel its flavor will really sparkle. Our plants were about 5 feet tall and seemed to be a little later to ripen, even though I am not sure. Taste was very good!
  • Georgia Streak Tomato

    I love this tomato so much. It has so much character and beauty. I really love its taste too. Georgia Streak tomato is a large bi-colored fruit of yellow and reds. It is sweeter and fruity, very complete in its taste and to me, desirable. Very good texture and slices like a dream. Plants are regular leafed and produce plenty of fruits or their large size. These begin to ripen about 80 days after transplant. Stake well because they can put some pressure on plants because of their size and production. Plants seemed to relish the hotter months, when their fruits really tasted excellent. A great choice if you love sweeter tomatoes!!
  • Oncle Remi Tomato

    I was gifted Oncle Remi tomato seeds by my friend Terry at Secret Seed Cartel in France. She was gifted these seeds by a friend of hers whos wife brought them back from Algeria some time in the early 1960's. I am happy to have tried these. Regular leafed plants one pound, red beefsteaks that had slicers that were mostly crack free. Perfect compliment for your sandwiches. May also do well as market tomato if you are a vendor. Really robust and rich flavor like the tomatoes back in the day!
  • Maple Syrup Tomato

  • Mrs Benson Tomato

    What a ride I had growing Mrs Benson tomato! Easily one of the most memorable varieties in 2021. Potato leafed plants were huge producers of one pound fruits, a few were larger. This gem could easily be a main crop for vendors. As far as taste, Mrs Benson didn't disappoint. We sliced many of ours, only to experience a full flavored tomato with very nice texture and aroma when fully ripened. This tomato left nothing to be desired. Balanced and inviting! Totally worth re-growing, and I will in 2022! A must try! Highly Recommended!

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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