• Purira Pepper


    Purira Pepper

    Purira pepper is a hot pepper that has many superb uses. Plants for this ornamental variety can reach 2.5-3 feet and produce prolifically. It's a superb pepper for drying or canning. Makes great flakes and powder. Green peppers start of sort of purple before eventually turning turning bright red when ready. Heat is about 50,000 - 100,000 SHU, so it has some fire. Slightly fruity taste and smell. Great choice for containers!
  • A favorite of gourmet chefs, farmers and casual tomato growers, Purple Bumblebee tomato is the perfect go-to variety. Small to medium purple and green bi-olor cherry tomatoes, are produced on very prolific vines. It's slightly tart, rich, flavorful and delicious. These are perfect for garden munching or snacking at any time.
  • Purple Calabash Tomato

    Purple Calabash tomato is a flattened ribbed, dark purple fruit, that grows on prolific vines. fruits are milder and juicy. Especially demanded by gourmet chefs for their beautiful ribbed look and intense color, this variety is very useful in many culinary applications. it's even good when sliced for sandwiches. Make some mild purple sauce with these. It works great!
  • Purple Coneflower

    Also known as Echinacea, I first discovered Purple Cone Flower about 20 years ago when I moved to Indiana. Since then, it's been a part of my gardens. A hardy perennial, this beauty comes alive around mid June, just about two months after last frost. Apart from its burst of color in mid spring/early summer, parts of this plant also has very significant medicinal uses. Among the biggest uses is as a pain reliever. When started from seed, you can expect these to bloom in their second year, with a larger core of plants each year. This is not a heavy reseeding variety, but each you will notice a difference that your main plants are increasing in diameter and amount of blooms they put out. Very nice and effective cut flower. Beautiful in any garden!
  • Purple Cream Pepper


    Purple Cream Pepper.

    A beautiful and very hot variety, Purple Cream pepper is not for the novice chili eater. Although these are very hot, they taste and smell very fruity. Plants are prolific and have dark foliage. Our plants were about 3 feet tall and produced like crazy! Perfect for fiery flakes, powder and sauces. I just loved this heat and flavor in my Caribbean dishes. Mid to late season!
  • It really doesn't mater that the tomato is not purple because it's excellent! Purple Dog Creek is a 1 pound slicer that works well for many applications. This well balanced fruit has flavor that will quickly get you hooked! It's not too sweet, acidic, juicy of mild. It's just perfect! Flesh has a really nice, smooth texture. Vines are hardy and seem to love hotter weather! Go for it!
  • Purple Dragon Tomato

    75 Days. Purple Dragon is a slightly than larger cherry sized anthocyanin tomato that turns very dark on top where ever the sun hits it. Its bottom end is greenish/yellow and simply amazing to see! It has always been a head turner in our gardens but we grow it especially for its taste.. Some fruits tend to be blunt hearts while others are round. When sliced, a beautiful lime green reveals itself.  Purple Dragon tomato is on the sweet side rich and fruity with plenty juice. This is a perfect variety for slicing, garnishing, fresh eating and so much more. This is a beautiful fruit with equal taste! Item: S-Bi-38
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    Purple Light Tomato


    Purple Light Tomato

    Purple Light tomato is a rare heirloom with very good flavor. True to the black/purple family of tomatoes, this one has balanced flavors of sweets and acids. Plants are indeterminate and regular leafed. This one has a memorable taste that can keep you hooked. Expect heavy production and fruits that are between 10-16 ounces. If you love great tasting black tomatoes, try this one!
  • Purple Russian Tomato

    70 Days. Purple Russian tomato is a variety that I have grown for the last 15 years and still do for my personal use. Delicious 2 inch elongated fruits, are purplish brown and have a delicious smokey flavor. Vines are wispy leaved and perhaps 4 feet tall. They produce until frost! You can expect your first ripened fruits around 70 days after transplant. Really good salsa tomato. Perfect for drying, sauce and slicing in salads too!
  • Purple Vienna Kholrabi

    This purple skinned variety produces above-the-ground bulbs that are best when harvested around 3 inches in diameter. Flavor is sweet and turnip-like. Some say its flavor is more like broccoli. Can be eaten raw, pickled or cooked. I love baking them with a sprinkle of rosemary olive oil, black pepper and slightly salted.! Leaves can also be eaten and prepared, steamed, tossed etc, like you would any other greens. Easy to germinate and will reach maturity between 50-70 days. Can be direct sowed in early spring when chance of frost is gone.
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    Pusta Kolox Tomato

    There is so much that I could say about Pusta Kolox tomato. Since this is a short description, I will simply say that it's GREAT! Radiant vines just keep pumping out huge red beefsteaks that are oblate and about 1.5 pounds. Sweet and rich with a very nice finish, Pusta Kolox should be on your yearly grow-list. A great fit for making delicious sandwiches. A fine all-purpose variety.
  • Python Pepper

    By its name you would think that Python is a super hot pepper. If fact, it's not. Python (Piton) is a tasty sweet pepper that is most commonly used for drying, then making flakes or powder for incorporating with soups, pizza etc. It has a very strikingly intense flavor, especially when dehydrated. About 2.5 feet tall plants produce 6 inch or longer fruits that ripens from green to red and curl and twirl like a python. These are early and heavy producing. Real eye-catcher this one is. Use them whole when fresh for sprucing up your dishes, or chop them up for toppings in soups, meats etc, what a treat!
  • Until trying these, I never knew that tomatillos could taste so fruity. Queen Of Malinalco tomatillo is truly a gem to grow. Early ripening, elongated fruits remind me more of peppers than tomatillos. These are great for fresh salsa, which turns out very fruity, snacking, cooking, dehydrating and more. You can even can these and enjoy them later. Plants are about 4 feet tall and produce tons of fruits. These continue until frosts. If you are looking for a fruity, sweet, crunchy tomato with unique looks, try Queen Of Malinalco, you wouldn't regret.
  • RAF Tomato


    RAF Tomato

    Looking for a really nice all purpose variety? RAF tomato is is a great place to start. This variety is perfect for cooking, juicing, canning, slicing and more. Plants are semi determinate are regular leafed and produce prolifically. It's also an early producer. Our first fruits started ripening around 72 days from transplant. RAF has a great aroma and delicious sweet taste, that creates a nice overall experience. Good disease resistance.  Fusarium Resistance.
  • Rainbow Cherry Tomato


    Rainbow Cherry Tomato

    Rainbow Cherry tomato is exciting and refreshing. Nice sized cherry tomatoes are beautifully blushed with pinks and yellows and are sweet, mildly tangy and fruity. These are really perfect for snacking, canning, market sales, garnish and so much more! If you wish is to try a new and very flavorful cherry variety, try this one. Plants are prolific, hardy and determined to produce. Most of its tanginess is is evident when not fully ripened. But when well done, they are such a pleasant sweeter treat. Grow a few of these in your garden because you will be snacking a lot. To See It On YouTube Please Click Here!
  • Rainbow Dwarf Tomato

    75 Days. Rainbow Dwarf is that I am so happy I grew in 2017. Four feet indeterminate plants produce nice size bi-color fruits that ate absolutely delicious. They are fruity, have a very smooth texture, on the sweet side and have good meat. For me, this is one of the best dwarf varieties. These work well in containers too. Vines have good disease resistance.
  • When I first grew these, someone should have told me that I should only grow a few plants. Our plants produced so many delicious, light pink cherry tomatoes, that I couldn't harvest them all. Raspberry Colored Sugarplum tomato is the one to grow if you want huge harvests. They begin to ripen about 70 days from transplant. These are sweet and juicy!
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    There is a special spot in my heart for Raspberry Oxheart tomato. It is one of the prettiest fruits that you would ever see. Smooth clean fruits weigh about 6-10 ounces and ripen to a nice raspberry color. It's just not pretty, it's exceptionally good! Juicy, fragrant, meaty, sweet and bold, is how I would describe Raspberry Oxheart! Fruits ripen about 75 days after transplant. Great sauce tomato too!
  • 75 Days. Raspberry Vikrant is a determinate variety that produces heavily. Smooth 5 to 8 ounce fruits, ripen to a tender pinkish red. Fruits are clean and blemish free. This, along with its nice flavor, makes it a good candidate for market vendors. Fruits are mildly sweet, juicy, with a slight acidic under-tone. Good for container growing!
  • Red Barn Tomato


    Red Barn Tomato

    When Joe Bratka found his father's old seeds in a an old tool shed, he found tomato gold! If you love great tasting BLT sandwiches, Red Barn tomato would be a great place to start. This was one of my favorite sandwich makers in 2020. I absolutely loved that they were perfect sandwich size, weighing in about 1 pound. Many were bigger but most averaged about one pound. Deep red tomatoes on good producing, regular leafed vines, start ripening about 80 days after transplant.  Fruits are mostly clean. Plants need to be properly staked. These can be a great market or main crop tomato. Taste is well balanced and old fashion without any complexities. Just a straight up, darn good, ole mater! Will be a regular for me from now on!  
  • Red Beauty Tomato

    Red beauty tomato is perhaps the most beautiful antho variety there is. This stunningly red with black shoulder tomato is going to turn heads in your garden. Hardy plants produce clusters of 4-5 fruits that begin to ripen around 75 days after transplant. Vines are pretty tall so stake early. Fruits weigh between 4 and 10 ounces and turn even darker wherever the sun hits them. Fruits are not sweet or tart, but there is a very good balance, especially when well ripened. This is a fantastic tomato for garnishing, cooking, sandwiches and even tomato juice. Works great for market vendors too, where they have been a big hit for me.  
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    Red Brandywine Tomato

    Red Brandywine is a winner for almost everyone who has ever grown or tasted it. It's one of the most popular beefsteak tomatoes in the history of heirloom tomatoes. 5 to 6 ft tall sprawling vines produce huge crops of intense red tomatoes that can reach 1.5 pounds. Most of ours have been between 1 and 1.5 pounds. Potato leaf plants begin to ripen their fruits about 85 to 90 days after transplant. They continue to produce all the way until frost. These are among the most balanced flavored tomatoes that you can possibly find and work well in may instances for example: sandwiches, sauces, salsa, etc. An absolute winner in the farmers market.
  • Red Calabash Tomato

    Among the earliest to ripe in our gardens, Red Calabash tomato comes in right in time to hold you over for varieties that take a little longer to come on. Bright red, oblate fruits are sweetish, juicy and satisfying. They average 2 or 3 ounces and are literally everywhere. Vines are loaded with crack-free fruits and never stop coming until frosts gets them. These are perfect for canning, salads, juicing and even dehydrating. Great for market sales. Excellent when eaten right off the vine too!  These will do well in larger containers. I recommend 5 gallons or bigger. 70-75 days from transplant!
  • Red Lithium Tomato


    Red Lithium Tomato

    Wow! Talk about pretty! Red Lithium tomato is a prolific producer of some of the prettiest bi-colored, red with yellow/gold striped tomatoes.  A bee cross from Lithium Sunset in Fred Hempel's garden, then stabilized by Marsha Eisenberg in Florida, ours averaged 5 -10 ounces. Plants were about 4-5 feet tall and showed really good disease resistance. These were forward mildly sweet, with good balance  and flavorful. Nice texture too! A juicy tomato, they were great snacks in the garden! Get your baskets ready, Red Lithium tomatoes are going to fill them up many times over! Plants will need some staking! Red Lithium tomatoes began ripening around day 76 after transplant.
  • Red Pear Tomato

    75 Days. Red Pear is one of the first heirloom tomatoes that I ever grew. I still grow them today. They are a very useful little cherry that can be used in many different ways. I use them for snacking, green as pickle, for market sales, for salads, drying for flakes, cooking and so much more. They are sweetish and balanced with a good old time tomato taste. Ga few plants and let me know
  • Red Robin Micro Dwarf Tomato

    Red Robin is a popular little micro dwarf variety that only grows to about 8 inches in height. It's early to ripen, coming in at only 70 days from the time it's up-potted. Plants are bonsai like, blooms early and produce a big crop of nickel to quarter sized flavorful and sweetish fruits. This tomato is full of juice and a true crowd pleaser. Kids love them! Try growing some in 3/4 to 1 gallon containers, or perhaps 3 plants in a two foot long planter. I have used both methods, they work great! Micro dwarf tomatoes can easily be grown indoors  under lights or in a sunny window. Try some, you will be amazed!!
  • Red Russian Kale

  • Red Siberian Tomato

    65-70 Days. One of the earliest varieties to ripen, Red Siberian Tomato begins to blush about 68 days from transplant. As soon as they are planted in the ground, they get to work producing blooms and soon after fruits. This variety seems to do well in the cooler weeks of mid-spring. I always get early tomatoes with these. It is mild and juicy with food tomato flavor. A nice treat when everything else is yet to ripen.

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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