• Indian Zebra Tomato


    Indian Zebra Tomato

    Indian Zebra tomato is a tasty black fruit that you should try. Tasty 6 ounce fruits are truly perfect for sandwiches and sliced in salads. My experience with these is that they are determined to produce even in the most adverse conditions. Our vines are never affected with any diseases. It's sweet, rich , complexed and delicious. Try it and you will get hooked!
  • Indiana Paw Paw

    WILL NOT SHIP OUTSIDE OF THE USA. As a Caribbean man, I appreciate a good fruit. Indiana Paw Paw certainly reminds me of the Caribbean. This very delicious 3-8 ounce and more fruit is creamy and smooth. Plants can reach 20 feet tall but always with skinny trunks. Recommended zones 5-9. My grove is 6 years old and started producing last year at 5 years old.  This year 2021, they really produced a lot and would have done so even more if a late frost hadn't destroyed many blooms. Indiana Paw Paw reminds me of a banana and mango mixed. Some say that it reminds them of banana and pineapple mix. I don't get the pineapple part. Nevertheless, this is an outstanding fruit that is best when eaten fresh or used in baked goods, breads, cakes, cookies and even puddings etc . My favorite is Paw Paw ice cream!! Shelf life of this fruit is poor, perhaps 3-days after harvest.  Seeds are stratified and ready to grow for you this spring. Start a grove like I did, you wouldn't regret it.
  • Out of stock

    Indiana Red Tomato

    Indiana Red tomato is a very, very nice tasting oxheart. Clean and crack-free fruits weigh about 8-16 ounces and are borne on tall wispy leafed plants. Our fruits began to ripen about 78 days from transplant into the garden. These have excellent texture, well balanced taste that reminds me of the tomatoes or yesteryear. I will definitely be growing these again. Additionally, our plants showed really god disease resistance. Plants produced nicely and fruits were consistent in shape. If you love oxhearts, or old timey tasting tomatoes, try this one and make yourself some fine sauces and sandwiches! Few Seeds!
  • Indigo Apple Tomato

    Indigo Apple tomato is one of the prettiest anthocyanin fruits in my opinion. Ping pong ball sized fruits have a really nice, intense and earthy flavor. They are also juicy with very nice texture. Vines are tall and produce plenty fruits with darkened tops and purple/brownish bottom ends. Fruits begin to ripen about 75 days after transplant. Perfect little slicers for garnishing, fresh eating off the vine! Great market tomato. I have found that kids are very attracted to these and are willing to try them. Then then ask for seconds!.
  • In 2018 we grew quite a few exciting new varieties. Indische Fleisch tomato is one of them. Dark colored fruits are darker than most black varieties. They have green shoulders that fades as fruits become well ripened. Fruits average about 5-8 ounces and are born on vibrant, hard working vines! As far as taste, I loved, love, love these. They were perfectly balanced with earthy tones, some acidity and sweets too. Superb texture accompanied its taste, which assisted in making this tomato winner. Plants were about 5 feet tall and produce plenty! Perfect slicing tomato that will work well for sandwiches too. Try dehydrating some. Winner!
  • Out of stock
    Inkspot Micro Dwarf Tomato is a pretty interesting micro cherry variety. Fruits are small like one of its parents Pinocchio Orange. This is possibly the best tasting micro to date. When reading up on some of Inkspot's plant description I found some that said their plants grew to about 12 inches, well none of my 10 plants were that short. In fact for me they were more like 15 inches, while still  producing nicely in 6 inch containers. Additionally, it was listed as a determinate variety. Well my plants seemed more like semi determinate. It's October 29th here and I still have one plant in my greenhouse that's producing, growing and getting taller. So for me these are not determinate at all. With that said, it does have many micro dwarf habits. Small plant, early producing and does well in just six inch pots and under light. As far as taste, this to me is very, very good! These are very dark and very beautiful. Check out my pictures. Definitely worth growing again and again. I would also recommend 1 gallon containers.
  • Isis Candy Tomato

    Isis Candy tomato is a popular cherry variety that is totally worth growing. A regular member of my annual grow-outs, Isis is very willing to please. Beautiful, nickel to quarter sized fruits never stop coming until season's end. Vines are tall and productive. Fruits are sweet and juicy, with a little tang. Overall, it has a nice balance and is a fine tomato. You can expect your first ripened fruits about 75 days after transplant. Vines have good disease resistance..
  • Ispolin Tomato

    I first grew Ispolin tomato in 2017. It blew me away with its consistency, fruit size, production and hardiness. I soon realized that it was a great to grow as a main crop. Fruits are sweetish, juicy and balanced. Our biggest fruits were close to 1.5 pounds but the average size was about fourteen to sixteen ounces. Ispolin is a very good sandwich tomato. You can expect your first ripened fruits about 85-90 days after transplant. Get ready for plenty awesome beefsteaks!
  • 80 Days. The most productive of all mid-size beefsteaks, this tomato is etched in my memory. Seriously, if you wanted to select a perfect variety as your main crop, plant a few rows of these. Italian Giant Beefsteak tomato averages about 1 pound. Plants are super hardy, blows through diseases and is prolific. Fruits are sweeter, fleshy, rich and balanced. You cannot go wrong with these. For a good size tomato, it's also quite early, coming in at 80 days.  Great for sandwiches, cooking, fresh eating right off the vine and so much more! Perfect for any tomato grower!
  • Italian Heirloom is a dense, red oxheart that is perfect for sauces and sandwiches. Vines are very skinny and have wispy leaves. Fruits are sweet and meaty. I have made lots of sauces with these and it always delivers the goods! 85 days. High producing vines show good disease resistance. Stake well and early!
  • Italian Sweet Beefsteak Tomato is a pink, 1 one pound fruit. They are on the sweeter side. I have actually had these seeds since 1999. They were given to me by Italian friend when I lived in the Bronx NYC. She usually grew about 40 plants on the side of her house each year and I would always walk by and admire. Eventually we became friends and seeds were shared. In 2020 I went through my very large seed stash and found about 100 seeds sitting there. They were in very bad shape, because I hadn't messed with them for more than 15 years and in those days didn't really take great care of my seeds. I eventually decided to try them in 2021. Germination was 4 seeds out of about 50, with only three plants eventually making it. These have good old time flavor and perfect for sandwiches. Our plants are usually about 6 feet tall, vibrant and productive. No serious diseases have bothered this one. Fruits are generally crack or blemish free. Some ripened fruits have slightly yellow shoulders that doesn't affect the taste of the tomato at all. These have no hard cores. Just a nice all round tomato that is such a pleasure to grow! Definitely worth it!
  • Italo Tomato


    Italo Tomato

    Italo tomato is a huge oxheart that can reach 3.5 pounds. I have heard stories that some growers have harvested 5 pounders. I will have to see that to believe it! These averaged 2 pounds and got smaller as the season wound down. At the height of the season we were harvesting 2 pounders all day long! Italo is meaty, sweet, weighty and solid. Fine tomato taste. Ripens red. Plants are not necessarily tall, perhaps 4-5 feet but produce a good amount of fruits. These held up great against diseases! Perfect for sandwiches, cooking, or even making some superb sauce. Plants will need plenty of early support!
  • Iva's Red Berry tomato is a small, delicious and early cherry. Ours began to ripen around 65 days after transplant much to our delight. This year, 2018, they were the very first tomatoes in the garden to ripen. Our vines are bushy and have shown good disease resistance. Just two plants provided enough tomatoes for us for the entire season.  Fruits are medium firm and packed with really good tomato flavor. They grow in long bunches of up to 15. Iva's Red Berry is a great choice for salads, snacking and market sales. These may work well also in containers.
  • Ivan Tomato


    Ivan Tomato

    Ivan tomato is a Missouri family heirloom that is not well known. As a result, not many people are currently growing it. During my research, I discovered that only one vendor was carrying it. I believe it is because of this vendor that this cultivar made it's way to me. This variety needs to be grown by more fanciers, in order for it to be preserved! Our Ivan plants were tall and vibrant. They produced high quantities of tennis ball sized, red fruits that were delicious and inviting. A mid to late season variety, these have really good old time, full flavored, balanced taste. Our plants showed good disease resistance and were among the last to go down. This is a great slicer and market tomato. Try some when you are making your next sandwich. It works!
  • Jackie Tomato

  • 85 Days. Janet's Jacinthe Jewel tomato is a large yellow fruit with delicate, vertical golden streaks from top to bottom. This sweet and juicy slicer makes some really good yellow spaghetti sauce. If this means anything, chefs that shop at our farmers market are fond of these. Thick and sprawling plants need staking early. They produce really nice crops of 1 pound, juicy tomato, that are as aromatic as you can find. Tomatoes are on the soft side and are always very tempting to bite into. Apply restraint!
  • Still one of my favorite black tomatoes, I always turn to Japanese Black Trifele whenever I want to be reminded of what a good tomato should taste like! This all time winner has been grown by almost all big tomato growers. A fine variety for snacking off the vine, salsa, drying, cooking and tons more, Japanese Black Trifele tomato will not disappoint you. It is sweeter, rich and fleshy with intense earthy flavors. potato leaf vines stand up to any weather! Chocolate, par shaped fruits ripen about 75 days after transplant! Plant a few!!
  • Japanese Oxheart Tomato

    The Japanese Oxheart tomato variety are large pink fruit with dense, mildly sweet meat. It is perfect for those not liking a strong tomato but want lots of flesh for their sandwiches. In our grow-outs, plants were bushier and sorter than most oxheart varieties. Ours barely made it to 5 feet tall. plants produced  huge, beautiful and perfectly shaped hearts, that were between 1o ounces and 1.5 pounds. Because to it's density, fruits are usually heavier than they look. Few seeds very pleasing taste. Eye pleasing! I am definitely growing these again!  Stake well and early.   88 Days to first ripened fruits!
  • Jaune Flamme Tomato

    When I first grew these, I had to get my French dictionary out to see what the name Jaune Flamme meant. I found out that it means Yellow Flame. A name that is well deserved. Ping pong ball sized fruits are juicy, sweet and delicious. Vines are prolific and should be staked. Fruits begin to ripen about 70 days after transplant. Great selection for market sales. perfect for salads, snacking. Try drying some, they are very intense that way!!
  • Jaune Ridée Dominique Tomato

    When my friend Terry from Secret Seed Cartel sent me these seeds, I was so excited. I know that everything she sends me grows and taste great, so I was looking forward to growing this out. When well ripened,  Jaune Ridée Dominique Tomato is canary yellow. These are blunt hearts. Plants never stopped producing until season's end. Our were about 6 feet tall and produced lots and lots. They were some of the last to quit production towards the end of the season. Slightly fruity and on the sweet side, it delivers a great tomato experience that is  certainly worth growing again in my gardens. Great selection for market sales! Perfect for sauces, garnish, fresh eating and more!  
  • Jazz Tomato


    Jazz Tomato

    90 Days. There are so many great things that could be said about Jazz tomato. I will start by saying that it excites me just to think about it. Later ripening, this intensely beautiful, bi-color fruit can reach 1.5 pounds. loaded with tons of sweet meat, makes Jazz deceptively weighty. Fruits have great aroma and winning taste. Vines are thick, show great disease resistance and produce plenty of big fruits. Stake well and revise often. Perfect for sandwiches and sauces. Great for eating off the vine. It's only November and I miss them already!
  • A very unique tomato that seems to be sandwich ready, JD'S Special C-Tex Tomato is packed full of flavor too! Productive plants seem to surprise with their production when the finally start. Ours were high producing and just south of mid-season. Fruits were between 6 and 10 ounces, with a few just bigger. Once they have started ripening, you'll have them until frost. A great selection for sandwiches and although n0t a sauce specialist, I did make some very fine sauce with this one. A pleasure to grow. If you haven't tried these, please do!
  • Out of stock

    Jersey Devil Tomato


    Jersey Devil Tomato

    OUT OF STOCK. Re-stocking In 2022 Jersey Devil tomato is a sauce and ketchup specialist! If you are wanting to make sauce that everyone will remember, this is a great place to start. 2-3 inch long fruits are born on prolific vines and begin to ripen around the 75 day mark. Vines have wispy leaves and are prolific. Fruits are sweetish, meaty and tasty. They make excellent snackers. Jersey Devil also works well for canning, ketchup, cooking and so much more! Stake vines early and well and your rewards will be bountiful! This variety does have some shelf life but not as good as some others. A definite must grow for sauce lovers!  
  • Jersey Giant Tomato

    As a sauce tomato, Jersey Giant tomato absolutely shines. Don't take my word for it, try a few. Three inch elongated fruits are firm, sweeter and have few seeds. They make some of the thickest spaghetti sauce on the planet. Vines are not too tall and are determined to produce. They begin ripening fruits about 80 days after transplant. Also good for drying for tomato flakes! Great as fried green tomatoes!
  • Jewish Tomato

    Jewish tomato is a smaller red oxheart that is rich, meaty and sweet. Shorter wispy leafed vines bear a lot of 6 ounce fruits that begin to ripen about 80 days after transplant. Everyone that have tasted these have loved them. Unfortunately, they have a very few seeds, so our supply is limited. A very rare oxheart. Fantastic sauce, ketchup and paste tomato. Great on sandwiches also. Recommended!
  • Out of stock

    Jing Orange Okra

    We grew Jing Orange okra for the first time in 2018. I was surprised with the vibrancy of this variety. Even in the hottest weather, these performed exceptionally. Our plants were between 4 and 6 feet and produced all season long. 6 inch long, lightly purple/pinkish okras, livened up our gardens. I also noticed that they seemed to stay softer for an extended period. These would make some great gumbo! I cooked them up with rice in coconut milk, added some onions and other seasonings and made some great rice and okra like we did back in the Caribbean days. I had some great fried okras with these too.
  • Out of stock

    Jochalos Micro Dwarf Tomato

    Jochalos Micro Dwarf tomato is a fabulous little cherry tomato that reminds me of Pinocchio Orange. it is, in my opinion a totally different tomato, though! This little gem produces deep yellow, small sized cherries with flavor that will astonish you. It's a great balance of intense sweets and tanginess that fits perfect for snacking or salads. If you are into jams, jellies or tomato delicacies, this would be the one for you. Very hardy and determined 4-8 inch plants like to sprawl and stay low. They begin to ripen their fruits about 55 days after transplant. Tomatoes are borne on clusters of 5-7. plants will also produce at least two crops. So after your first crop is done, feed and watch out! See Jochalos and other micro dwarfs on YouTube!
  • Joe's Pink Oxheart Tomato

    A really smooth oxheart tomato experience is how I would describe Joe's Pink tomato. This one slices really nicely and makes a really good compliment for tomato sandwiches. its taste is sweeter and mild with a really good texture. Nice for sauces too! I like this tomato a lot. Plants are tall and have regular leaves that are not too wispy. Production is heavy, but a little later in the season. Your wait will be well worth it! Fruits are between 8 and 20 ounces Really nice aroma when fully ripened. Stake well! I love.....

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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