• Caspian Pink Tomato

    Caspian Pink tomato is a big pink tomato that can reach 1.5 pounds or larger. In 2017 we grew several that were larger than 1.5. Vigorous, hardy vines, can reach 6-7 feed and produce plenty fruits that begin to ripe about 85 days after transplant. This is a perfect sandwich tomato that's sweeter, meaty and balanced. It reminds me of the true old-time tomato. Staking early with regular revisions would benefit this variety. Heavy fruits often drag vines down. Florida weave worked well for us!
  • 75 Days. If you are wanting to try something different in your garden, Chestnut Chocolate tomato may be the way for you to go. Tall vines produce tons of anthocyanin tomatoes that are dark on the top and chocolate colored in their bottom end. When fruits are ripened their bottom ends changes to a chocolate color. Feel a few and soon you will be a pro. This tomato has a fresh, earthy taste with a sweet finish. Great of salsa, fresh eating, slicing and drying, cooking and garnishing.
  • Chianti Rose Tomato

    Chianti Rose tomato is a very desirable fruit. Big pink beefsteak tomatoes beg to be bitten into. These are dense, juicy, meaty and on the sweeter side. Slices are huge and literally covers the sandwich bread slices!  They are perfect for sandwiches! I especially love the huge tomato aroma that these present. Regular leafed vines are tall and produce good amount of 10-20 ounce fruits, all season long!  They ripen about 85 days after transplant and vines are very good with diseases!
  • Moonstone Tomato


    Moonstone Tomato

    75-Days. Moonstone tomato is a antho variety that grows on two feet short, determinate, very sturdy vines. Fruits are dark on top, and a nice mix of green and yellow stripes towards the bottom end. The combination of plant size and fruit colors has attracted a lot of interest by visitors to our farm. Fruits are sweeter and mildly fruity with softer meat. There is also a nice tangy after-taste. This is a fantastic container variety. S-Bi-36
  • Cleota Pink Tomato

    I am so excited to write about this tomato that I am all tingly inside. Cleota Pink tomato was one of our best 5 selections In 2017. Out of 200 varieties grown, Cleota Pink was one of the standouts! Extra large tomatoes, constantly cross 1.5 pounds and even produce plenty of 2 pound and bigger fruits. This big beauty is very meaty and balanced. I haven't really tasted a beefsteak quite like it. Vines are potato leaf and grow to about 6 feet tall in full sunlight. Fruits begin to ripen about 85 days after transplant and continue on until frost. Do with this beauty whatever you want! Please check out our 1-2 pound tomato category for more interesting varieties.
  • Cote De Saint Andre is a big red tomato that can reach 2 pounds. This tomato is all meat! You will be hard pressed to find a more balanced tomato. Tall, vigorous vines produce plenty huge tomatoes that begin to ripen about 85 days after transplant. Ripened fruits are full of aroma and good old fashioned flavor. There is also plenty of rich juicy flesh. Great sauce and sandwich tomato!
  • Out of stock
    85 Days. I am a huge tomato sauce maker and I love this tomato! It makes the most delicious deep brown, sweet sauce that is perfect on spaghetti. 3 to 4inch long, deep brown tomatoes, are late to ripen and early to the sauce-pan. They have few seeds and sweet flesh. Note: I have noticed that a few do get cracks, but it really doesn't matter because sauce is what I am after. They all go right in da pan!
  • Dad’s Sunset Tomato

    Another winner for us in 2017, Dad's Sunset tomato is going to be a staple for us from now on. 3 to 6 ounce, deep yellow, clean fruits, are sweet, juicy and slightly fruity. Vines are around 6 feet tall and prolific. I was totally surprised by these! If you like yellow tomatoes that have high flavor but low acidity, here is one for you. Great slicer for sandwiches, sauces, salsa and as garnish. Please try them straight from the vine. Great ,market tomato too!
  • Dark Queen Tomato

    Dark Queen is a purple bi-color tomato that can reach 10 ounces. I especially like its rich and complexed taste. Its vines are not too tall, perhaps 5 feet, and produce a later crop of really good slicers. Fruits begin to ripen about 85 days after transplant and go all the way till frost. Our vines are usually disease free. This is a great slicer that works well on sandwiches and interesting dark tomato stewed tomato. Freshly packed Seeds!
  • Duggin White Tomato

    Duggin White tomato is a prolific white variety, that I had the pleasure of growing in 2017. Three to six ounce, flattened, white tomatoes, are perhaps the whitest that I have ever grown. Vines have good resistance to early blight and are 5 feet tall and never stop producing. Plant a row of these and it will be something to see! Fruits are mild sweetish and juicy.
  • BrandyFred Dwarf Tomato

    Limited Seeds. One order per customer Please! BrandyFred Dwarf tomato is a rugose leafed variety. Tree type plants grow to about 4 feet tall and produce big crops of 10-16 ounce fruits that ripen about 80 days after transplant. This variety is proof that large sized fruits do grow on dwarf plants. Stake well! One taste and you will experience the richness of a true old fashioned tomato. It's on the sweet side and well balanced. This is a perfect sandwich tomato. BrandyFred tomato would also do well in containers. Try them 3 gallons or larger!  Consider growing white a few plant if you are a market vendor. They are big hits with our customers! Feel free to visit our other dwarf tomato varieties HERE!    See it on YouTube!
  • OUT OF STOCK. Re-stocking in 2022

    Dwarf Firebird Sweet Tomato

    No other variety excited me in 2017 like Dwarf Firebird Sweet tomato. I was anxious to start seeds, anxious to transplant, stake, harvest and eat! The anxiety was totally worth it. It truly is a very exciting tomato. 4-10 ounce bi-color fruits are sweet, juicy, full flavored and satisfying. Let them ripen well and you will be highly rewarded. Dwarf Firebird Sweet vines are not more than 4 feet(usually shorter). Ours made it to about 3.5 feet tall by the end of the season. They produced clusters of five tomatoes that begin to ripen after 75 days. It is a very good tomato that you must try! Feel free to visit our Dwarf Tomato categories OSSI Pledge
  • 75 Days. Dwarf Orange Pixie tomato plants are perhaps 2.5 feet tall and produce deep yellow fruits that are about 2-3 inches around. Fruits are juicy, milder and on the tart side. A perfect selection for Salsa and tomato juice, this one will do excellently too when dried. Excellent choice for container growing. Plants are determinate and prolific!
  • El Amar Tomato

  • The prettiest of pink tomatoes, this Chinese slicer is perfect inside and out. Five to six feet tall vines produce 4-6 ounce, very clean tomatoes that would work perfectly for market sales and as a main crop. Plants are especially disease free and are hard workers. Tomatoes have a nice smooth balance but, true to the Chinese varieties that we have grown, are still on the sweet side. This is not a fancy tomato, just a straight up good one!
  • Filaris Tomato

  • Flathead Monster Tomato

    90 Days. A huge, outstanding, yellow beefsteak, Flathead Monster tomato is a sight to behold. Sturdy, tall vines produce a nice amount of 1-2 pound, meaty beefsteaks that are sandwich ready. This monster has thick, sweet meat that works excellently on a BLT. Vines have good disease resistance and need to be staked well with regular revisions. Hide your sandwich bread with these!
  • Fleur de Reagir Tomato

    Fleur de Regair tomato is another one that I absolute love. Without a doubt, this flattened tomato will perform well for making sandwiches an also in sweet dark spaghetti sauce. Big, dark red, deceptive tomatoes can reach 1.5 pounds and are grown on tall thick vines. These seemed to like hotter weather, which is surprising for a French variety. Fleur de Regair is very rich, sweet and very meaty. Vines have good resistance. Great for market vendors!
  • This tomato is not weird, it's delicious! Girls Girl's Weird thing tomato is ready for anything! beautiful, oblate fruits can reach 14 ounces. They ripen to a beautiful brown with green vertical stripes that fit perfectly together. Flavor is rich, complex and sweeter with good balance. This is a surprisingly good tomato! Perfect for sauces, sandwiches, market sales, garnishing and as a slicing tomato. Vines are six feet tall and produce tons!
  • GWR Wild Thyme Tomato

    GWR Wild Thyme is a unique and flavorful tomato that has surprising taste appeal. Ripening to a beautiful green-brownish color, its insides are beautifully marbled with red and light minty green. Its vines are perhaps 6 feet tall and hearty. This tomato comes in a little bit late at 85 days but it will reward you with the perfect complement to sandwiches and salsa, and a great companion in the garden on a hot day. Bite in and you'll discover rich, complex and earthy flavors that will have you hooked the minute you do!
  • Ispolin Tomato

    I first grew Ispolin tomato in 2017. It blew me away with its consistency, fruit size, production and hardiness. I soon realized that it was a great to grow as a main crop. Fruits are sweetish, juicy and balanced. Our biggest fruits were close to 1.5 pounds but the average size was about fourteen to sixteen ounces. Ispolin is a very good sandwich tomato. You can expect your first ripened fruits about 85-90 days after transplant. Get ready for plenty awesome beefsteaks!
  • KBX Tomato


    KBX Tomato

    85 Days. KBX  tomato is the potato leaf version of Kellogg's Breakfast. These two tomatoes are similar, except that I have found them to be a bit more prolific than the regular leafed version! KBX tomato is meaty, big and sweet. It is a great selection as a main crop for tomato vendors. Plants are about 6 feet tall and produce high quantities of deep yellow, (sixteen to twenty four ounce) fruits, that can really be used for many things. One of the the best for sandwiches. Great for tomato lovers who are seeking a lower acid fruit with great flavor and plenty meat! Click Here To See It On YouTube!
  • King Tomato

    If your desire is to have fine slicing variety, King tomato will fill that space. Perfectly balanced, this juicy slicing tomato is loved by everyone at our farm. Fruits average 10-16 ounces but some can reach 1.5 lbs. We have had many! Displaying good disease resistance, King vines are vibrant and sprawling . They produce plenty of deep pink fruits that begin to ripen about 80 days after transplant. This variety is perfect for market sales because they almost always blemish-free and beautiful fruits. Stake early, perhaps at time of transplant. When they begin to ripen, try eating some in the garden. You will always go back for more!
  • 75 - 80 Days. Kitayskiy Velikan Tomato is a large beefsteak type that packs great taste. Tall, prolific vines are packed with many fruits that ripen about 78 days after transplant. it is excessively prolific for a large variety. It's not unusual to to have vines with everything over 1 pound. Our largest have been around one pound and fourteen ounces. Fruits are meaty, sweeter, aromatic and well balanced. Truly a nice all-purpose tomato.  Recommended!
  • Kuum Tomato

  • Lava Flow Tomato


    Lava Flow Tomato

    75 Days. A pretty 3 inch round tomato, Lava Flow taste as beautiful as it looks. Fruits are yellow and red bi-color and they are sweet, fruity and juicy with a little tinge of acidity. I think they are very good! Plants are prolific, hardy and not too tall. These are perfect for snacking and making fresh salads. Excellent when  dried/dehydrated for tomato powder.
  • Out of stock

    Liften Yellow Tomato

    85 Days. Liften Yellow is a sweet bi-color fruit that can approach 1.5 pounds. Most of ours were in the one pound range. Six feet tall vines seem to like sprawling. So early staking can help. Our plants did excellently in the hotter weather, and diseases were never a threat to them. Although it's primarily a sweet tomato, it has nice balance and texture. Perfect for sandwiches, good for bright colored sauces, great for cooking, stews and sweet yellow tomato stews! For chefs, this is a nice choice, as its beautiful exterior and eye-catching interior will light up any meal! Try some!

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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