• Out of stock

    Jersey Devil Tomato


    Jersey Devil Tomato

    OUT OF STOCK. Re-stocking In 2022 Jersey Devil tomato is a sauce and ketchup specialist! If you are wanting to make sauce that everyone will remember, this is a great place to start. 2-3 inch long fruits are born on prolific vines and begin to ripen around the 75 day mark. Vines have wispy leaves and are prolific. Fruits are sweetish, meaty and tasty. They make excellent snackers. Jersey Devil also works well for canning, ketchup, cooking and so much more! Stake vines early and well and your rewards will be bountiful! This variety does have some shelf life but not as good as some others. A definite must grow for sauce lovers!  
  • Big Zarro Tomato


    Big Zarro Tomato

  • Kozula 136 Tomato


    Kozula 136 Tomato

    Kozula 136 tomato is always one of the first that comes to my mind when I recall the 2020 season. These took me totally by surprise! Very prolific plants produce up to 20 ounce fruits. These are clean, mostly crack free and a pleasure to grow. When fully ripened, they are the most beautiful bi-color shades of orange and yellows. A real treat for the eyes. But it's their production which is truly the treat. These just keep producing and producing all the way until frost. Perfect variety for plating, garnishing, excellent market choice, sandwich treat and so much more! Flavor profile is sweet and fruity with little tartness! Our plants were about 5.5 feet tall. I love this one and you will too!
  • Crimson Zebra Tomato


    Crimson Zebra Tomato

    A prolific variety, Crimson Zebra tomato is desirable and pretty! 5 feet tall, regular leafed plants, produce 2-6 0unce fruits that are sweeter, mildly fruity and delivers an overall good tomato experience. Ours showed nice disease resistance after one small initial treatment. Plants produced all season long. Wonderful tomato aroma. A really nice cooking, snacking and canning variety!
  • German Lunchbox Tomato


    German Lunchbox Tomato

    Looking for a nice, milder cherry with good balance? German Lunchbox tomato will fill that spot. I really liked these and was actually pleasantly pleased when I had my first taste. This tomato grows on taller vines that are prolific and just on time. Our regular leafed, indeterminate plants, produce big crops of plum shaped cherries that had good aroma too! First ripened fruits came in about 72 days after being transplanted. These are clean fruits that didn't crack too much. Along with production, that makes them great candidates for market sales. For me, these were the best in salads and as delicious snacks. I suspect they will make great preserves too! Really nifty little tomato!
  • Abraham Green Tomato

    Abraham Green Tomato is a very fine specimen. I believe it's the sister tomato to Abraham brown because they share almost every characteristic except for color. These are sweet and very smooth and very enjoyable!. A perfect tomato lovers tomato, if you are willing to try a green when ripened variety. These come in a little bit late, around 80-90 days from transplant, but they are absolutely worth. Plants are very vibrant and hard working. Production is good! Try these!
  • Cherokee Lime Tomato

    75 Days. To me, this is still one of the best green tomatoes around. Let it ripen well and you will be immensely rewarded. Cherokee Lime is a 4-6 ounce tomato that is all about the taste factor. This is an excellent variety. Tomatoes ripen green with a small yellowish tinge. They are perfectly balanced, rich, juicy an satisfying. This is a great tomato for munching in the garden, salsas, salads, garnishing, cooking and market sales. Try drying some and making green tomato flakes or powder. You'd be surprised!
  • Emmy Tomato

    Emmy tomato is a smaller yellow fruit that packs great flavor. 70 Days. Years ago at my local farmers market, I noticed many people flocking a particular booth. I inquired and found out that they were there to purchase Emmy. the following year I grew out 5 plants. Big hit! These little gems are sweet, fruit, rich and delicious. They are perfect for snacking in the garden, sweet tomato stew, canning, salads and drying for tomato flakes or powder. Prolific vines have good disease resistance!
  • Czech’s Bush Tomato

    70 Days. Czech's Bush tomato is a rugose, regular leaf, dwarf variety, that is loaded with ping pong ball sized cherry tomatoes. Foliage loaded plants are no taller than 2.5 feet and are early to ripen fruits. Tomatoes are milder and have a rich tomato flavor. These are great for salads and fresh eating. Also good for slicing and drying. Great for containers too!
  • 75 - 80 Days. Kitayskiy Velikan Tomato is a large beefsteak type that packs great taste. Tall, prolific vines are packed with many fruits that ripen about 78 days after transplant. it is excessively prolific for a large variety. It's not unusual to to have vines with everything over 1 pound. Our largest have been around one pound and fourteen ounces. Fruits are meaty, sweeter, aromatic and well balanced. Truly a nice all-purpose tomato.  Recommended!
  • Without a doubt, Dwarf Golden Heart tomato is one of the most prolific dwarf varieties that you'll ever find. Additionally, the fruits are very tasty. Growing to about 3 feet tall, rugose leaf plants are early to set bloom and fruit. Perfectly heart shaped, canary yellow tomatoes begin to ripen about 72 days after transplant. Some staking is necessary because of the quantity of its production. Tomatoes are sweet but milder, very juicy, with nice texture. These will also do well in 5 gallon containers. Seeds are freshly packed just for you!
  • Buffalo Soldier Tomato

    My description of Buffalo Soldier Tomato would be that it's a very good representation of what a black tomato should taste like. 6-14 ounce fruits grow on 5 foot or taller vines that has shown good disease resistance in our gardens. Clusters of 3-5 begin to ripen about 80 days after transplant and continue until frost. As far as taste, these are sweetish, earthy, juicy with good texture. Its fast is no overwhelming it's just right. I like these especially eaten fresh and on sandwiches. Based on it's exterior feel and good taste, I also suspect that it will be good market variety also, but I didn't take any to my market. Definitely one to consider!
  • If production, disease resistance and taste are what you are after, Yubileyny Tarasenko tomato is for you! I have grown a lot of tomatoes from the Tarasenko series and I love them all. But this one is perhaps the most prolific! Five feet tall vines produce huge clusters of pretty, red fruits, that are a bit larger than average cherry size. Fruits have nipples on their blossom end. That's pretty common with Mr Tarasenko's tomatoes. These are well balanced, juicy (but not too much), aromatic and really tasty. Great for snacking, salads, drying, sauces, cooking, canning and so much more! Nice shelf life!
  • Taiwan Goddess Tomato

    Taiwan Goddess tomato is a very unique variety. It's the perfect salad and snacking variety! Skinny vines reach about 5 feet tall and produce bunches of about 10-15, plum shaped cherry tomatoes. Nothing else looks like it in the garden, so you will always know where they are. These keep very well after harvest, so no rush to use them. Flavor is sweet and full, nothing missing. Fruits are not seedy. Our first fruits began to ripen about 70 days after transplant. It takes about 1.5 weeks for the entire cluster to ripen. Crunchy, tasty and prolific too! These should do well in containers!
  • Dwarf Surender's Indian Curry Tomato

    Dwarf Surender's Indian Curry tomato is a high producing determinate variety that is perfect for canning, cooking, juicing, fresh salsa. 2 feet tall plants start ripening their fruits around 70 days after transplant. Fruits are about 2 inches in diameter and slightly flattened. Taste is mildly acidic.  It is a great variety for container or tight-spaced garden growing.
  • Ondraszek Tomato


    Ondraszek Tomato

    Ondraszek tomato is a high producing determinate variety. 3 feet tall plants are bushy and prolific. Fruits are nice tasting and inviting. Our plants produced about 20 pounds each. These average about 5-7 fruits per pound. Clean red tomatoes are really nicely balanced but veer on the acidic side with nice texture. Ondraszek is a great choice for fresh salsas, juicing, cooking, canning and more. Ours started ripening around 75 days from transplant. May do well in bigger containers! Good market variety!
  • Kozula 72 Tomato


    Kozula 72 Tomato

    We have grown quite a few varieties in the Kozula series. Only a very few have made it to our seed store. Kozula 72 tomato is, to this point, one of my personal favorites. Good producing, regular leafed plants, give plenty, though not prolific. Bi-colored fruits are green with purple blushing when fully ripened. These are rich tasting, fruity and sweeter with good balance. Good choice for plating, snacking, sandwiches and even cooking. This tomato reminds me a bit of Ananas Noire. Will definitely be making regular returns to our lineup.  
  • Blue Ridge Mountain Tomato

    Blue Ridge Mountain tomato was a very nice find for us this year. Wonderful tasting, smooth, pink fruits weigh between 12 and 16 ounces. These are full flavored with good old fashioned taste. Potato leafed plants are prolific, grow to about 6 feet tall and demonstrated nice disease resistance for us.  These are perfect beefsteaks tomatoes that would also do well in many different settings. On sandwiches they are great! Although I only ate them fresh and had sandwiches with them. I could see this variety being  a very good cooking tomato. If you are a tomato addict, you will not regret growing these. Recommended!
  • It really doesn't mater that the tomato is not purple because it's excellent! Purple Dog Creek is a 1 pound slicer that works well for many applications. This well balanced fruit has flavor that will quickly get you hooked! It's not too sweet, acidic, juicy of mild. It's just perfect! Flesh has a really nice, smooth texture. Vines are hardy and seem to love hotter weather! Go for it!
  • Summer Sweet Gold Dwarf Tomato

    Summer Sweet Gold Dwarf tomato is  one of the larger varieties of dwarf tomatoes. Fruits average about 10 ounces and are packed with fruitiness. The best quality for me is it's that it's evenly balanced but not over the top. There are also tons of complimentary flavors that work well for this awesome variety. Delicious 80 Days.
  • This Kentucky heirloom is a good example of what a standard beefsteak should be. Bushy and taller plants produce huge pink fruits that can reach 1.5 pounds. They begin to ripen about 90 days after transplant. Sweet and meaty, there is a hint of acidity, after the fact. This just adds to the total experience, of what is already a very good tomato. Hello Sandwiches!
  • Out of stock

    Soldacki Tomato

    90 Days! One of my favorites, Soldacki Tomato always does excellently for us! A big beefsteak, this is the perfect sandwich tomato. But that's not all! This gem can also function as an all purpose tomato, for making sauce, salsa and fresh eating. Vines are bountiful and hardy. Fruits are very juicy and balanced with some additional complimentary flavors! Be sure to steak these properly or you will be mopping them off of the floor. If tasty beefsteaks is what you are after, Soldacki can easily fill that slot. You can also expect fruits until frosts. Our seeds are freshly packed!
  • Polish Pastel Tomato

    Polish Pastel tomato is a 6-8 ounce, bi-color variety that has many uses. These make great sauce, tomato juice, fresh salsa and even stewed tomatoes. As far as flavor, this one is sweeter and mild with hardly any acidity. There is a fruity after-taste that is very pleasing. When sliced, these are juicy with inviting aroma. Texture is softer, but not too much. Very good snack too! Try a few off the vine, you will love them. Plants are tall and produce exceptionally well. You can expect your first ripened fruits around days 75-80. The wait will be worth it!
  • Christmas Purple Grapes Tomato

    A plump, fat cherry, Christmas Purple Grapes tomato is definitely a keeper. Boasting full flavored goodness and texture that will pull you in, this variety is definitely worth growing. Plants are very hardy and showed nice disease resistance for us in 2020. These purple/brownish fruits are the perfect snacks that you will never get tired of. Prolific, relatively early, nice aroma too. Try these, you will want much more of them!
  • With great sadness and expectations for the future I am listing this awesome tomato. In 2021 we, the tomato growing community, lost one of our very best friends. Her name is Remy Rotella and she was an avid grower. Remy loved growing everything good, but among her biggest passions was tomatoes. I was fortunate to meet her on a few occasions at the Noblesville Indiana Seed Swapping event, for which she had traveled many hours from NY to attend here in Indiana. We had some conversations, but I often wished that I had talked to her some more. I remember swapping seeds with her and will hold those memories dear, always! Remy's favorite tomato was Stomp Of The World. So in 2021, a bunch of us, her friends and acquaintances in the tomato community, got together and decided to grow it in her memory. I wouldn't describe this tomato except to say that if Remy loved it, then it must have been a good one. I love it too! I am offering these seeds in remembrance of our friend Remy. We love you and may you always fly high and rest in peace, friend! ~Curtis T Maters~
  • Big Girl Tomato

    Try as you may, it'll be difficult to fine a variety as sauce ready as Big Girl tomato. Very willing plants produce nice quantities of 3 inch long, red fruits that have sweet and concentrated flavor. These naturally make some awesome sweet sauce. That's not all, they can very well and have good longevity after harvest. Our plants were about 5 feet tall and withstood everything weather-wise. Great choice for cooking too. Try these!
  • Blood Gulch Tomato

    Blood Gulch tomato is a really neat little fruit that has a really interesting flavor! 2-4 ounce green and purple striped. Slightly elongated tomatoes are a thing of beauty when fully ripened. Boasting a mild and rich taste, Blood Gulch will make your salsa jump for joy! Vines are, fairly disease resistant, 5 feet tall and produce a good amount of fruits that bear in clusters of 5 or so. Vines begin to ripen their fruits about 75 days after transplant.

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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