• Solar Flare Tomato

    80 Days. Solar Flare tomato is a medium sized bi-color slicer that has good taste appeal. Bursting with yellow and reds, it lightens up any garden when ripened. A great sandwich tomato, this gem makes really good sauce too! Looks beautiful on a tomato platter! Hardy and prolific vines produce a huge amount of 8-16 ounce fruits that begin to ripen around mid-season. Stake well because vines will be heavy with tomatoes. I have found that these are also great for market
  • Paw Paw Tomato

    Paw Paw tomato is a very fine beefsteak with excellent sweeter taste. It has the signature sweet taste of most red and yellow big tomatoes. Can grow to 1.5 pounds plus! Our biggest fruits have been closer to 2 pounds. Very productive variety that begins to ripen about 90 days after transplant. Very delicious!
  • Looking for a short, dwarf variety that produces like crazy? Try Nano Ciliegia Dwarf tomato! These can outproduce anything! Sweetish cherries are firm and delicious. They have fabulous texture and are perfect for snacking!  Plants are no taller than 2.5 feet, but are always loaded. Fruits are average cherry sized. Nano Ciliegia is a recomended variety for container growing. If you have a small garden, this dwarf variety could work well! Stake well, because plants easily get top heavy with fruits. We noticed our first ripened fruits around  day 75. Works for salads, canning, dehydrating and tons more. Try These!
  • Big beefsteak tomatoes are what you will get when you grow Granny Harriet's Heirloom Tomato. I was totally blown away by these! I acquired these seeds from my friend, who wanted me to let everyone know that his family had grown them for more than 80 years and that he is still growing them. Granny Harriet's easily surpasses 1 pound and most are between 1.5 and 2 pounds. They are very balanced and ready for any sandwich! I especially enjoyed mine with a little salt and pepper. Stake vines well for best results. Our first fruits ripened around 88 days after transplant!  
  • Purple Coneflower

    Also known as Echinacea, I first discovered Purple Cone Flower about 20 years ago when I moved to Indiana. Since then, it's been a part of my gardens. A hardy perennial, this beauty comes alive around mid June, just about two months after last frost. Apart from its burst of color in mid spring/early summer, parts of this plant also has very significant medicinal uses. Among the biggest uses is as a pain reliever. When started from seed, you can expect these to bloom in their second year, with a larger core of plants each year. This is not a heavy reseeding variety, but each you will notice a difference that your main plants are increasing in diameter and amount of blooms they put out. Very nice and effective cut flower. Beautiful in any garden!
  • White Beauty Tomato


    White Beauty Tomato

    75 Days. Perhaps one of the prettiest of the white tomatoes that we grow, White Beauty tomato is also one of the earliest to ripen. our first ripened ones come in at around the 70-75 days. White beauty tomato weighs about 6-10 ounces. It's vines are vibrant, bushy and prolific. ours have always shown good disease resistance and produced until frost. In 2017 we grew them especially for market sales and they were a hit! They are mildly sweet, juicy, balanced and delicious! Stake well!
  • Producing a nice amount of fruits, Dwarf Wild Spudleaf tomato is a really great tomato. Its potato, rugose leaf plants are about four feet tall and begin ripening their fruits about 85 ays after transplant. Fruits are between 5-10 ounces, delicious and well balanced. Perfect for sandwiches, fresh salsa, garnishing, cooking and drying. Great for container growing!
  • Zuckerklein Fruchti is a nickel sized red cherry that is sweet and fruity. There is a tinge of acidity that gives it a nice balance. Vines are between 5 to 6 feet tall and produce clusters of 5 to 7 fruits that ripen about 72 days after transplant. Good disease resistance. Great in salads, for cooking and canning, and fresh eating. A good choice for any cherry lover!
  • Green Doctors Tomato

    Having a bad day? the doctor can fix it! We grew Green Doctors tomato for the first time in 2018 and are so glad that we did! These perfect, greenish cherries, blessed us all season long. What's more, they have great flavor too. Green Doctors vines were vibrant, sprawling and prolific. We had to stay on top of tying/staking up them from start to finish. Regular sized cherries ripen green with yellowish undertones. Pop one in your mouth and you will experience some fruitiness and plenty richness that is milder but perfect. They are also relatively sweet. These are perfect for snacking, salsa, dehydrating, cooking and more. Take some to the market, they'll sell well and encourage return customers! Just what the doctor ordered!  
  • Oranzhevaya Zemlyanikia Tomato 

    Oranzhevaya Zemlyanikia tomato is a huge, deep yellow/orange variety that can weigh 1.3 pounds on the big side. On the smaller side they weigh about 8-10 ounces. Meaning orange strawberry in Russian, seeds for this variety were acquired from my Russian friend. Plants are thick and tall and produce plenty medium-firm fruits that are pretty and tasty when ripened. It is a mid to late season variety. As far as taste, these were fantastic for us. The reminded me of Yoder's German or Kellogg's Breakfast, two really good yellow varieties. Plenty meat on this beefsteak. Even though its name suggests heart shaped, it's not an oxheart. A really god tomato, especially for sandwiches!  
  • Amateur's Dream Tomato

    What a wonderful find for us this year! Amateur's Dream tomato, along with 200 rare types, were gifted to me by a tomato loving friend. Many of these came without real histories, and it was difficult to find information on most. This Siberia variety  produces hardy and prolific plants. Ours easily survived  in extreme weather conditions.  Four to eight ounce fruits have solid old fashioned flavor and make great slicing tomatoes. These are surprisingly tasty for an early variety. They began to ripen about 68 days after transplant. Very nice texture on these, not mild. Good balance! Early staking would be beneficial as they begin producing not long after transplant. Very nice and early slicer tomato! Good for short season climates.
  • West Virginia Penitentiary Tomato

    A true old fashioned heirloom, West Virginia Penitentiary tomato dates back to the 1940s -50's. It's is said to have been grown by prisoners in the State, then sold to local markets. This red tomato has a nice balanced taste of sweets and tarts and makes a wonderful tomato sandwich. Plants were about 6 feet tall and produced plenty of 8-14 ounce fruits. I especially appreciated its resistance to early and late blight. These hardy plants were still producing green tomatoes in October. On October 7th I pulled all of my plants and got plenty of greens from these to make pickles. Truly a blessing, especially for the heirloom enthusiast!
  • Out of stock
    Haley's Purple Comet Tomato is a very nice, bite sized cherry that is definitely worth growing. Taller plants produce huge amounts of flavorful fruits that make for excellent snacking, especially in the garden. Be ready to harvest a lot when they start ripening. Flavor is complex and satisfying. Some fruity undertones make these ideal for tomato preserves also. Good market crop, great for dehydrating, fresh salsa and more. I am proud to be able to share this one with you. Give it a try, I think you'll love it!
  • Varsovia Tomato

    Varsovia is a dark purple tomato that originates in Poland. Seeds were given to my friend Terry at Secret Seed Cartel in France, she then shared some with me. I grew them out in 2021. This variety has tremendous appeal and is a very beautiful fruit when fully ripened. You'll definitely be able to differentiate between other purples/blacks because it's one of the darkest fruits. Plants produce plentifully and fruits begin ripening around mid-season. Very eye pleasing variety that has a rich, earthy taste that is complete. Try these, you'll love them.  
  • Owen’s Purple Tomato

    Owens purple tomato is a very nice tasting, black variety. I especially love that plants are hardy and show great disease resistance in our gardens. Fruits are darker colored like Black Krim, and weigh between 6 and 16 ounces. Most of ours were around 10-14. Fruits are borne on clusters of 3-5 and begin to ripen about 75 days after transplant. Perfectly balanced, this gem will delight you with it's richness. It also has some earthiness and some acidity but it all evens out with other complimentary flavors. This is a very good tomato. Perfect for sandwiches, cooking, fresh salsa garnish and more. A great choice for any tomato garden
  • Mule Team Tomato

    There is so much that can be said about Mule Team tomato! So let's just clear the air. If you are a tomato vendor, grow this one! 5-8 ounce, crack-free fruits are tasty and come in relatively early. Six feet tall plants produce like no other. You'll have plenty for your  tomato stand or market sales. But that's not all! Plants are hardy, and vibrant. They are willing producers! As it pertains to taste, Mule Team has good old-time flavor and texture. It's a balanced tomato that's easy to like. Not too strong or mild. It's just right.
  • Earliest Of All Tomato


    Earliest Of All Tomato

    If you are looking for an early variety with good production and taste, try Earliest Of All tomato. Though not the earliest in our garden, these were still very early. Ours started ripening about 68 days from transplant. Short plants produced larger cherries that are tart and strong. Ours did get slightly sweeter as the season progressed. Texture is good. These are perfect for canning, cooking, juicing and fresh eating. Nice short-season variety!
  • Billy Goat Pepper


    Billy Goat Pepper

    Billy Goat Pepper is a hot pepper that reminds me of the Caribbean style peppers. If you like your peppers relatively hot, this Chinese variety would be the perfect for seasoning, cooking, sauces, flakes and powder. Plants are very productive, producing 1.5 inch peppers that turns from green to bright red when fully ripened. Nice pepper aroma. Plants are about 3 feet tall and peppers are about 30,000-40,000 Scoville Units.
  • Porter Tomato was by far the heaviest producing tomat0 for us in 2021. As if that wasn't enough, they taste pretty good too! Ours were sweeter and not too mild with a full flavored finish. I must have harvested what seemed like a million fruits from just 3 plants. I would definitely recommend this tomato to newbie tomato growers. This is version is the Charles Herring strain. Plants were between 5 and 6 feet tall and just kept producing right through the season. One of the first to ripen and one of the last to remain. Eventually, I just stopped harvesting them, I just couldn't, lol.  Perfect for salads, market, dehydrating, snacking, cooking. Nice multi-purposed variety. These may do well in larger containers also. You cant fail with these!
  • Joe’s Portuguese

    Joe's Portuguese Tomato is a large pink tomato with outstanding flavor. Fruits are often around one pound, but often more and have very good aroma. Our regular leafed plants were bushy, around 6 feet tall and stayed healthy throughout the season. Fruits are one pound or more and a pretty pink when fully ripened. They slice very nicely for sandwiches. Good production and old timey solid tomato flavor makes this a good candidate for a main crop or market vendors. Medium firm when ripened. 80 days after transplant to your first ripened fruits. Nice find for us this year!
  • Moses Tomato


    Moses Tomato

    Moses Tomato is an exceptionally nice variety. Boasting a full flavored, old fashioned and sweeter taste, I happen to think it's the perfect compliment for a tomato sandwich. Indeterminate, vibrant plants have potato leaves. They produce amply, so you will have plenty of fruits. Ours started ripening just after mid-season. Plants also demonstrated good disease resistance, which I liked. Expect fruits up to 0ne pound. This 60 year old variety is a Kentucky heirloom that was first introduced by Dr. Moses of Williamsburg Kentucky.
  • Dwarf Dainty Isabel Tomato

    Dwarf Dainty Isabel tomato is a beautifully colored fruit that grows on short and stocky plants. Plants did not grow taller than two feet tall. I was really astonished with Dainty Isabel's taste. It had excellent balance and was neither sweet or tart. Nice old time tomato flavor when fully ripened. These dwarf plants displayed excellent disease resistance. This and all the dwarf varieties that we offer will do excellently in larger containers of 5 gallons and larger!
  • CJ Russian Tomato

    CJ Russian is another new oxheart for us in 2021. I like these not only because of their good flavor but they proved to be a huge producer and very dependable variety for us. Plants were very prolific vibrant and hardy when some others were struggling. We got tons of these and I am grateful! Fruits are a pretty pink with little to no cracking, regardless of the weather. Taste is rich and mild. CJ Russian slices very nicely for sandwiches, plating etc. This tomato would shine as a sauce variety or even for canning when cut in halves or quarters. Great variety if you have a smaller garden and want bigger crops.
  • Julia Child Tomato

    A very delicious heirloom tomato named after French Chef Julia Child, this one is hard to beat! Potato leafed plants produce nicely and begin to ripen their fruits around mid-season. This tomato has s good old time, sweet and juicy flavor that fits perfectly on sandwiches or for slicing on a platter. Superb texture. Our plants displayed good disease resistance and were hard workers. A great choice for any tomato garden. Stake well!
  • Maglia Rosa Tomato

    70 Days. Maglia Rosa is another excellent production by Mr Fred Hempel. 2 feet tall, determinate plants are loaded with tomatoes early in the season. These were among the first to ripen for us in 2017. Two inch long fruits are rosy pink and very gorgeous! We never staked our plants but they could be lifted a little. Sweet, a bit fruity and good, is how I would describe Maglia Rosa. These are great for fresh eating, market sales, salads, jellies and jams. Absolutely perfect for drying!
  • Dwarf Golden Gypsy is another prolific tomato that grows on plants that are about 3 feet tall. This may well be the most prolific producer for the size of fruit that they produce. I literally harvested bushels full of these golden beauties from just 5 plants. The fruits are sweet, thin skinned, fruity, and excessively juicy. The entire experience is fulfilling! These too, would do well in larger containers but must be staked. Let them ripen well for the fullest experience. If you are intrigued by dwarf varieties, this is a present for you.
  • Get your salad bowl ready! Dwarf Bendigo Blush tomato is going to be perfect for salads! Smaller, plum shaped fruits ripen to a pretty pink. They bear in clusters of 5-7 and start ripening about 70 days after transplant in your garden. Plants have rugose leaves and reach about 2-2.5 feet tall. They produce plenty fruits for their short size. Fruits are plump and firm. They are sweet, juicy and sort of fruity with a little tang. Dwarf Bendigo Blush is perfect for container growing. I will be grown some indoors under T5 lights, this Fall. Great for snacking and more! See Dwarf Bendigo Dawn too!

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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