• Out of stock
    Dwarf Artic Rose tomato is a perfect container variety. Its plants product plenty of tomatoes that seem happy together in bunches of 5 to 7. One of my observations of Arctic Rose is that it holds a lot of its blooms and set a lot of fruits. Although a few fruits may fall off the vine, this doesn't disqualify it from being a big producer. When fully ripened, fruits are tangy and juicy, with a sweetish undertone. Some staking support is necessary. You can expect fruits to ripen at about a 70 day mark and continue for quite awhile. This is a determinant variety, so they will be coming on fast and furious. Another good variety for containers or in the ground. I would try drying some because of the recognizable tang. Salsa would also shine when you use these.
  • Dwarf Audrey's Love Tomato

    Dwarf Audrey's Love tomato is a plump, bi-colored variety.  2.5 feet tall plants are prolific and relatively early. One of our favorites in 2020, these things never stopped producing. Although this variety will do excellently in the ground it can easily be grown in in containers too. Taste is mild, with sweet undertones and earthiness, which I like. Ripened fruits are about 2 inches long with purple and green blushing and striping! Really beautiful and easy to manage, especially in small garden spaces!
  • Dwarf Aussie Drop Tomato

    Dwarf Aussie Drop tomato is a heart shaped fruit that grows on rugose, regular leafed plants. Plants were about 2.5 feet tall and produced heavily. Minimal staking is required. This variety is perfect for dark, sweet sauces, canning, cooking and more. Also a very nice snack in the garden. If you grow in smaller gardens or containers, these will work excellently. A few fruits were more elongated than heart shaped. I recommend 4-5 gallon containers or larger! I really loved these for sauces and cooking with.
  • Out of stock

    Dwarf Awesome Tomato

    Dwarf Awesome tomato is now one of my favorite dwarf varieties. 3 feet tall plants have rugose leaves and bear 6-16 ounce fruits that are as flavorful as you will ever get them. Fruits are sweet, fruity, rich, smooth and delicious. Plants are hardy too. Ours never showed any signs of diseases, even in a difficult year. What's more, plants went on to produce until frosts. This is a great tomato for just snacking straight from the garden, sandwiches, garnishing and more. They should do well in containers also, because plants are compact and hardy. Try some, you'll love them!
  • Dwarf Banana Toes Tomato

    Dwarf Banana Toes tomato is a product of the Dwarf Tomato Project. This collaborative team has produces some of the best dwarf tomatoes in the world. Banana Toes is a mild, classic sauce and paste variety. 2- 3 inch fruits are produced on plants that are not taller than 2 feet. Determinate plants start ripening their fruits about 70 days after transplant. When fully ripened, banana Toes turns a beautiful canary yellow. Very pretty fruits that can do well for cooking and canning also. Perfect for container and small space gardening!
  • Here is another good flavored, dwarf cherry. Dwarf Barossa Moon tomato is canary yellow and slightly larger than the average size cherry tomato. When fully ripened they are sweet, not too mild and flavorful. These are perfect for snacking in the garden, salads, dehydrating and more. Just pop one in your mouth and experience a burst of fruitiness. I love these because they are relatively crack-free and begin to ripen pretty early. Ours came in around 70 days after transplant. Plants continued producing until season's end. Dwarf plants are around 2 feet tall and produce clusters of 5 -7 fruits, under thick foliage. Perfect for in-ground and container growing!
  • Out of stock

    Dwarf Beauty King Tomato

    About 75 Days. There is so much that I can say about this variety. Dwarf Beauty King tomato is a pretty , red dominant, bi-color variety, that is streaked with yellow. Fruits can reach 1 pound but many of ours have been around the 10 ounce mark. Indeterminate vines have regular rugose leaves, are about 3.5-4 feet tall and produce until frost kills them. Sweet delicious and tasty! Check out Dwarf Firebird Sweet tomato.
  • Get your salad bowl ready! Dwarf Bendigo Blush tomato is going to be perfect for salads! Smaller, plum shaped fruits ripen to a pretty pink. They bear in clusters of 5-7 and start ripening about 70 days after transplant in your garden. Plants have rugose leaves and reach about 2-2.5 feet tall. They produce plenty fruits for their short size. Fruits are plump and firm. They are sweet, juicy and sort of fruity with a little tang. Dwarf Bendigo Blush is perfect for container growing. I will be grown some indoors under T5 lights, this Fall. Great for snacking and more! See Dwarf Bendigo Dawn too!
  • In 2018 I grew about 50 varieties of dwarf tomatoes. Dwarf Bendigo Dawn tomato was one that I really enjoyed. Sweet, pink, plum shaped tomatoes, were mostly yellowish on their top ends. The blending of the two colors create a really interesting look. Fruits are sweet. For us much more so that Dwarf Bendigo Blush. Juice is rich, tasty and flavorful! These are great for snacking, salads, dehydrating, salsa and so much more. Plants produce plenty but they are not super prolific. I had about 2.5 quarts, over an extended period, from one plant. Great for container or in-ground growing.
  • Out of stock
    Whether you have grown dwarf varieties before or not,  you will appreciate them when you grow out Dwarf Black Angus Tomato. This very tasty variety did well for us in our 2018 grow-outs. 2.5 feet tall, indeterminate rugose leafed plants, produced 6-8 ounce tomatoes that had very nice flavor and texture. Plants have dense foliage, so it can sometimes be difficult to see fruits. Without hurting the suckers, we pruned some of the bottom leaves to better see fruits. That worked well! Our fruits reminded me of Black Krim, but with a firmer texture. Very good sandwich tomato and more! Expect first ripened fruits about 75 days after transplant.
  • Dwarf Blackfire Tomato

    75 Days. Dwarf Blackfire tomato is a 6-10 ounce, bi-color fruit that has an excellent full flavored taste. Fruits are produced in clusters of three to five and can weigh between 4 and 10 ounces. When ripened, fruits turn a beautiful chocolate color with green and purple stripes, that is very pleasing to the eye! Plants are about 3.5 to 4 feet tall, have regular rugose leaves and produce plenty of fruits. A great variety for slicing, garnishing and perhaps anything you wanna do, you will have enough production to pull it off. It is a winner in the Farmers' Market too! Try some in larger containers and have a blast! Stake these well.
  • Dwarf Blazing Beauty Tomato

    75 days. Blaze your way to some super sauces and sandwiches with Dwarf Blazing Beauty tomato. 3.5 feet tall plants have plenty of yellow tomatoes that are full flavored, sweetish and juicy with a little acidity. Plants have great disease resistant and need to be staked. Perfect for almost anything tomato! These are excellent for  containers 3 gallons and bigger. OSSI Pledge
  • Dwarf Bushy Chabarovsky tomato is in its own way, very unique.  Fruits are visually appealing and have good taste. This variety is a really good choice for anyone growing dwarf types. Plants are short(perhaps 2.5 fee5) and determinate. They produce prolifically! Fuzzy fruits are about 4-6 ounces each and are blemish free. These are perfect slicers, for salsa, salads, fresh eating, garnishing and cooking. Plants are tree-like but still need supporting. Our fruits began to ripen relatively early and continued a lengthy production process., Our first ones coming in around 72 days. Fruits are slightly sweet and milder. Plenty juice!
  • Dwarf Catydid Tomato

    If you are looking for an exciting and new dwarf variety, feel free to start here! Dwarf Catydid tomato is a winner! When we grew these out this year we were excited to find that they were prolific too! Tomatoes are about 6-12 ounces and fruity good! Thick meat make appealing slices that have a very desirable aroma. Our indeterminate plants were leaf dense, about 4 feet tall and produced a nice amount of fruits. We recorded our first ripening tomatoes at 74 days. These are perfect for sandwiches, garnish, market sales, fresh eating and cooking. I also made some really good fried green tomato with some. Catydid is a winner! See It On YouTube.
  • Dwarf CC McGee Tomato


    Dwarf CC McGee Tomato

    Dwarf CC McGee tomato was my dwarf  winner in 2019. Big fruits just kept on coming! Potato leaf, rugose leafed plants were as hardy as you could possibly get. Ours grew to about 3.5 feet tall. Most of our fruits were between six and eight ounces. A few were slightly bigger or smaller. Tomatoes were oblate and a light shade of yellow, or perhaps ivory. Taste was very good, sweet and tart, but in perfect balance, slightly fruity and satisfying. I am definitely growing these wonderful dwarf cultivar again! Great for small gardens or container growing!
  • 75 Days! I am so happy that I grew this variety in 2017. Dwarf Champion Improved tomato performed excellent on the farm. Whether the sun was out or we had lots of rain, this short one always looked great! Eventually they produce tons of 2-4 ounce, very pretty fruits that were delicious as they were beautiful. Fruits were sweet, rich and had a great texture! They were perfect for snacking, just ask ME! Vines never crossed 4 feet!
  • Here is a nice dwarf tomato for you to try. I expected these to be acidic, but they were not. They were mild and fruity with some sweet reflections. Dwarf Citron Compact tomato is truly a nice treat at any time, especially in the garden Fruits are about the size of a golf ball, perhaps a tad smaller. They have a softer feel with plenty of rich juice and good texture. These are great when sliced up in a salad. Great for snacking. Try canning some too! Plants are about 2.5 feet tall and produce plenty canary yellow fruits that will delight you! 72 days to ripen.
  • Dwarf Clare Valley Pink Tomato

    Don't be surprised if you grow these every year. Dwarf Clare Valley Pink tomato is a high producing, early variety. Ours produced their first ripened fruits around 72 days from transplant. 2.5 feet tall plants produced plenty round fruits that were about 4-6 ounces each. These are sweet and juicy with a very nice overall flavor. These would also do wonderfully in smaller gardens or in containers. Good disease resistance!
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    Dwarf Confetti Tomato

    Another beautiful dwarf variety with wonderful taste, Dwarf Confetti tomato belongs in every tomato garden. 4-10 ounce fruits are nicely bi-colored inside and out. Plants are less than 3 feet tall and have rugose leaves. Even though they are shorter, plants will benefit from staking. They produce an abundance of fruits and can easily become top heavy. Fruits are sweeter and fruity with nice texture! They have just enough juice to not make your sandwich soggy. Your first ripened fruits shows up about 80 days after transplant. Grow these in containers or small garden spaces. I recommend 5 gallons or larger. Try them, you'll love them.
  • Dwarf Dainty Isabel Tomato

    Dwarf Dainty Isabel tomato is a beautifully colored fruit that grows on short and stocky plants. Plants did not grow taller than two feet tall. I was really astonished with Dainty Isabel's taste. It had excellent balance and was neither sweet or tart. Nice old time tomato flavor when fully ripened. These dwarf plants displayed excellent disease resistance. This and all the dwarf varieties that we offer will do excellently in larger containers of 5 gallons and larger!
  • Dwarf Desert Star Tomato

    Dwarf Desert Star is a pretty little cherry variety that has sweeter and balanced flavor. These grow on 3.5 feet tall plants that have rugose potato leaves. Production is excellent and early. These will work well in containers too. Perfect for salads and snacking, especially in the garden. Fruits are clean, crack-free and round. nice for canning also!
  • I've grown some pretty dwarf varieties in my time, but dwarf Egypt Yellow tomato is among the prettiest. It's not fancy colored, just a very clean canary yellow, that will melt your heart. After your heart has been melted, your tastebuds will follow! This tomato is as delicious as it's pretty. Dwarf Egypt Yellow has superb texture and good balance. Milder and sweet with a hint of fruit is how I would describe it! Plants are "Tree like". Ours were about 3 feet tall in full sunlight and produced very well. Fruits were consistently around 12 ounces and were available until late in the season. Perfect for sandwiches, sauces, slicing, fresh eating, garnishing and more. Recommended!
  • Variegated rugose leaves of green and white is what you will experience when you grow out Dwarf Elsie's Fancy tomato plants. I never really got a chance to take pictures of plants but they are very beautiful and unique. Fruits are smooth and tasty, with hints of the tropics. I loved its production in 2021 and found it to be a very good little slicer. Taste is sweet, fruity with some acids in there too. For us, this wasn't a very mild tomato and it was very, very good. Our 3feet tall plants had an indeterminate growth habit and produced nicely all season long and until first frost. These will work wonderfully in containers too. NOTE: You must grow these and check out the beautiful green and white leaves!
  • One of the greener slicers that we grow, I am so happy that it comes on a dwarf vine. Plants are about 4 feet tall and hardy and have rugose potato leaves. They begin to ripen their fruits about 85 days after transplant Boasting a balanced, full flavored taste, this is a tomato that you could do anything with. Our biggest fruits have been in the 10 ounce range!
  • OUT OF STOCK. Re-stocking in 2022

    Dwarf Firebird Sweet Tomato

    No other variety excited me in 2017 like Dwarf Firebird Sweet tomato. I was anxious to start seeds, anxious to transplant, stake, harvest and eat! The anxiety was totally worth it. It truly is a very exciting tomato. 4-10 ounce bi-color fruits are sweet, juicy, full flavored and satisfying. Let them ripen well and you will be highly rewarded. Dwarf Firebird Sweet vines are not more than 4 feet(usually shorter). Ours made it to about 3.5 feet tall by the end of the season. They produced clusters of five tomatoes that begin to ripen after 75 days. It is a very good tomato that you must try! Feel free to visit our Dwarf Tomato categories OSSI Pledge
  • Dwarf Franklyn County tomato is a special little thing. It's highly recognizable for its ridges and oblate shape. Our plants didn't make it past 2.5 feet in full sunlight. They produced bunches of 2-3 ounce fruits that were mild, juicy and flavorful but with a little acidic aftertaste. I like these for canning, tomato juice, snacking and cooking. Our indeterminate plants produced all season long. They also displayed good disease resistance. Tomatoes were borne on bunches of 5 or 6. Our first fruits ripened fruits came in around 72 days. Recommended for container or patio growing. 3-5 gallon containers can work well!
  • Dwarf Golden Gypsy is another prolific tomato that grows on plants that are about 3 feet tall. This may well be the most prolific producer for the size of fruit that they produce. I literally harvested bushels full of these golden beauties from just 5 plants. The fruits are sweet, thin skinned, fruity, and excessively juicy. The entire experience is fulfilling! These too, would do well in larger containers but must be staked. Let them ripen well for the fullest experience. If you are intrigued by dwarf varieties, this is a present for you.
  • Without a doubt, Dwarf Golden Heart tomato is one of the most prolific dwarf varieties that you'll ever find. Additionally, the fruits are very tasty. Growing to about 3 feet tall, rugose leaf plants are early to set bloom and fruit. Perfectly heart shaped, canary yellow tomatoes begin to ripen about 72 days after transplant. Some staking is necessary because of the quantity of its production. Tomatoes are sweet but milder, very juicy, with nice texture. These will also do well in 5 gallon containers. Seeds are freshly packed just for you!

14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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