John Henry Tomato was introduced to me by a friend in PA. He talked highly about its taste. When we grew it out, we found that he was correct. It was a meaty and delicious fruit. A paler pink exterior sneakily hid what was on its interior. When well ripened, John Henry is like a tropical fruit, not in taste, but in texture. It has nice balance! Everything about it screams sandwich! That's the only way that I have tried it. Delicious to the very last bite. This tomato makes some very nice slices that will work great on a platter. Recommended
Last season, I received Port De Antuzi tomato seeds from a friend in California. He insisted that I had to grow it out because it was very rare and almost extinct. He explained that the seeds were given to his aunt by a relative from Latvia, around 1973. The seeds were spread around his family for years and eventually, some made their way to him. When I grew these out I was very pleased! Ripened fruits were sweeter and flavorful. They grew to about 4-8 0unces and ripened to a beautiful yellow, almost like Amish Gold Slicer or Dad's Sunset. Texture was amazing! These are perfect slicers. Great for fresh eating, cooking, canning and so much more. Grow these out!
Rhode Island Early Tomato
Rhode Island Early tomato is an variety that produces plenty 3-4 ounce, red fruits that have a mildly acidic taste. I really like this as an early producer, especially because they are not bland. These are useful for cooking, canning, nice tomato juice and early market sales. So a good all-purpose variety. Plants are determinate and stocky. Our first fruits came in at around 67 days from transplant, even earlier than all of our cherry varieties. Get ready for a big harvest! -
Summer Lightning Tomato
A sauce and paste type, Summer Lightning tomato is a rare variety. It is a high producer of 2-3 inch elongated fruits. A mid-season variety, this high producing gem fits perfectly if you like sweeter or low acidity sauces. These are nice tasting stand alone tomatoes. Also perfect for canning, cooking and fresh eating. Perfect for market sales because if its high production, taste and crack-free habit. I made some of the best tasting fresh salsa with Summer Lightning. Plants are tall, hardy and wispy leaved. Stake well and you will be rewarded. 75 days to ripen from transplant. Seed Source: Gatersleben Russia # LYC 3881 -
This purple skinned variety produces above-the-ground bulbs that are best when harvested around 3 inches in diameter. Flavor is sweet and turnip-like. Some say its flavor is more like broccoli. Can be eaten raw, pickled or cooked. I love baking them with a sprinkle of rosemary olive oil, black pepper and slightly salted.! Leaves can also be eaten and prepared, steamed, tossed etc, like you would any other greens. Easy to germinate and will reach maturity between 50-70 days. Can be direct sowed in early spring when chance of frost is gone.
Cosmos tomato is a fine antho variety that I attained from a friend who got them from a seed bank. These large-sized cherries are ideal for salads and snacking. The will also be great for garnish and canning while or halved. Productive plants start producing and ripening white early and never stop. Get your baskets ready because they never stop coming. Taste is mild, sweet and all-around good. This tomato goes a long way in avoiding the usual antho taste, so I like that a lot. Expect ripened fruits around 75 days from transplant and like I said, expect a lot!
Out of stock
Purple Light Tomato
Purple Light tomato is a rare heirloom with very good flavor. True to the black/purple family of tomatoes, this one has balanced flavors of sweets and acids. Plants are indeterminate and regular leafed. This one has a memorable taste that can keep you hooked. Expect heavy production and fruits that are between 10-16 ounces. If you love great tasting black tomatoes, try this one! -
Out of stockComing in at about 1 pound, you could expect plenty of tasty tomatoes from German Pinks. Huge vibrant vines produce plenty of huge oblate tomatoes that are meaty with a sweet and balanced flavor. Plants have good disease resistance and begin to ripen fruits about 90 days after transplant. Perfect sandwich tomato. Great as a main crop or market variety!
German Giant Tomato
German Giant tomato is a smooth fruit inside and out. It grows on bushy vines that can reach 6 feet tall. Vines produce plenty of (sixteen to twenty four) ounce tomatoes that are perfect for sandwiches. Fruits have great balance and are delicious. They begin to ripen about 85 days after transplant. Stake well with regular revisions! Good disease resistance. -
75 Days. Striped Cavern is a very capable stuffing tomato that's about the same size as Yellow Stuffer. It is firm enough to withstand a few minutes of oven cooking, yet soft and tasty enough to be used as a stand alone tomato. Bi-color fruits are about 4 inches in diameter and are mildly sweet. insides are hollow enough to accommodate plenty fillings. Vines are very productive and ripen their fruits around the 75 day mark. Perfect for stuffing with whatever!
75 Days! Argentina 1938 is a pretty pink slicer tomato that weighs about 2-4 ounces. Tall, hardy, vines produce a very high quantity of fruits that can be in clusters of up to seven. Tomatoes are slightly fruity, balanced and milder. I love this tomato and has grown it 3 years in a row. perfect for slicing, fresh eating, slicing and cooking.
Out of stock85 Days. Liften Yellow is a sweet bi-color fruit that can approach 1.5 pounds. Most of ours were in the one pound range. Six feet tall vines seem to like sprawling. So early staking can help. Our plants did excellently in the hotter weather, and diseases were never a threat to them. Although it's primarily a sweet tomato, it has nice balance and texture. Perfect for sandwiches, good for bright colored sauces, great for cooking, stews and sweet yellow tomato stews! For chefs, this is a nice choice, as its beautiful exterior and eye-catching interior will light up any meal! Try some!
Rosii Giant is a nice sized, bright red beefsteak that is perfect for a beef sandwich! It grows in clusters of 3 to 4 and can reach 1.5 pounds with regularity. Vines are hardy, produce plenty, and are about 6 feet tall. They begin to ripen their fruits 85 days after transplant and refuse to stop until deep frost. This variety also seemed to like hot, dry weather. Rosii Giant tomatoes are meaty, juicy, well balanced, have great aroma, and are satisfying. One bite will reveal a lot of meat and sweet juice. These will be perfect for sandwiches, cooking, sauces, drying, and market sales.
Scoresby Dwarf tomato is a 3-6 ounce, pink fruit with a delightful taste. Its vines 3.5 are vigorous and hardy. Ours have never been affected by any disease. Sweet, mild and slightly fruity tomatoes, grow in clusters of about 5. You should expect first blush around the 75 day mark. Be prepared for a really nice harvest! If you are working with limited space, these will do excellently in 5 gallon buckets. Perfect slicer for sandwiches! Great when eaten right off the plant!
In 2018 I grew about 50 varieties of dwarf tomatoes. Dwarf Bendigo Dawn tomato was one that I really enjoyed. Sweet, pink, plum shaped tomatoes, were mostly yellowish on their top ends. The blending of the two colors create a really interesting look. Fruits are sweet. For us much more so that Dwarf Bendigo Blush. Juice is rich, tasty and flavorful! These are great for snacking, salads, dehydrating, salsa and so much more. Plants produce plenty but they are not super prolific. I had about 2.5 quarts, over an extended period, from one plant. Great for container or in-ground growing.
Wrinkles and bumps are always a sign that a pepper is HOT! Well, Death Spiral is one of the hottest. This 2.5 inch long pepper is nothing to play with. If your pepper tolerance is moderate or low, this one is not for you. Despite is hotness, Death Spiral has nice flavor of what almost seems tropical. I couldn't quite place my finger on it, but that twist sure added some nice color to its already undeniable pull! In fact I used it to make some really great hot sauce this summer. It was the base for the many gallons that I made for my personal use. I love my sauces extremely hot, so this fireball was a gift for me. I also dehydrated many and made pepper flakes and powder.
Try our cherry Mix. This mix has an assortment of 6 varieties. Your purchase will include Chocolate Cherry, White Currant, Large Red, Green Zebra Cherry, Cherry, Raspberry Colored Vikrant and Dwarf Grinch Cherry. This assortment covers the tomato color spectrum with rich and tasty varieties. 5 seeds per packet!
Here is another fantastic variety from Fred Hempel. Yellow Taste tomato is a salad lover's dream. Like many of Fred's creations, Yellow Taste vines are not too tall, vibrant and prolific. Ours were about 4 feet. They produced 1-2 inch, elongated fruits, that were sweet, fruity and satisfying, all season long. Additionally, they performed very well in hotter, extended drought periods. The highlight for us was at the market, where they attracted many return customers week after week. These are perfect for salads, snacking, garnishing, cooking and more. Try dehydrating some, then you could experience the true intensity of this worthwhile little plum shaped fruit!
Some of the biggest tomatoes that we grew in 2018 Giant Doohov was a stand-out in our gardens. Easily and consistently crossing one pound, many approached the 1.5 pound range. But size wasn't its only attribute. Gigant Doohov also had great taste! It was really meaty, balanced and had awesome texture. Truly, this is a very good tomato that works wonderfully on a sandwich. I used some for cooking and those were great too! But after eating a few in the garden, I knew that I was going to include it in my annual plantings. Try this one, I Recommend It!
Martha Logan tomato is a larger variety that grows on tall, vibrant vines. Our largest fruits weighed about 1.2 pounds and were beautiful. Our plants did not display any signs of diseases. Fruits began to ripen a bit late, coming in about 82 days after transplanting them in out garden. But from that point, we harvested beautiful fruits until season's end. As it pertains to taste, it is very flavorful. It's juice is rich and flesh, perfectly textured and sweetish! This gem has a beautiful aroma when fully ripened. Great for sandwiches! Stake and feed well and your rewards will be awesome!
Byelorussian Tomato
Another rare variety shared with me by my friend Aud Zeneberg. If you are seeking a new and rare cultivar for your next grow-outs, try Byelorussian Tomato. Very tasty! These are blemish-free, almost perfect 6 ounce slicers! Very good balanced taste, nice aroma and again, not easily found. Our plants were prolific and relatively early, ripening their fruits about 72 days after transplant. Fruits are perfect slicers, great for cooking, canning, sauces and much more. Try a few right off the vine, mmmmmmm!! Seeds directly from Gatersleben Seed Bank. LYC 3687. -
Black Mammoth Tomato
Black Mammoth Tomato is a rich tasting beefsteak that ripens purple/black. These can reach 14 ounces and sometimes more. Vigorous plants produce plenty, relatively crack fruits, that are sandwich ready. This tomato delivers the complete tomato experience for those who like a forward tasting variety! Ours averaged between 8 and 12 ounces but some were a bit larger. Great for market sales, garnish and even some sweet dark sauce or stew. You'll love these! 80-85 Days! Delicious 80 Days! -
This is a delightful perennial wild flower will certainly beautify your home gardens or pastures. In the Coriopsis family, Golden Wave Thickseed will earn its keeps in your gardens. Very nice and hardy cutflower. Beautiful yellows, with brownish centers, these are big bloom producers and will show very nicely in flower arrangements. Stratify seeds for easier germination.
Spudatula Black Tomato is another great tasting variety. Its taste is earthy, with nice old tomato flavor. Slices very nice for sandwiches. My plants were potato leafed, about 5 feet tall and prolific. Our first fruits began to ripen about 75 days after transplant. As far s disease, potato leafed varieties always do better for me, so this one stood up well to the conditions, and even through weeks of heavy rain and even more weeks of intense heat and humidity. I am definitely growing this one again. Nice smooth texture for slicing. I love it!
(Torch) Mexican Sunflower is a fiery orange variety that booms heavily from early summer to fall. This annual works excellently as a cut flower and as a be, butterfly and humming bird attractor. Plants can reach 6 feet tall with several off-shot branches, each loaded with beautiful blooms. These light up the garden wherever they are planted. Full sun is its preference but will do ok in part shade. Beautiful green foliage and distinct growing habit. Every flower garden should have some!
Big Yellow Zebra Tomato
Big Yellow Zebra tomato is a bigger bi-color fruit that has great flavor. Weighing about 10-20 ounces this pretty beefsteak grows on taller vines that produce plenty of fruits. If you love sweeter but not too strong tomatoes, this would work well for you. This tomato has a rich finish and plenty of real tomato taste. Fruits begin to ripen around the 80 day mark. Perfect for sandwiches, nice yellow sauce, cooking and market sales. Stake well! -
75 Days. This smallish tomato has a very unique coloration. Perfectly striped with green and browns, Black And Brown Boar tomato will light up your salsa and sauces. Its flavor is very up-front, yet not to overwhelming. Sweetness, earthiness, richness and flavorful are all characteristics of this little gem.
A big tomato, a ripened Giant Belgium Yellow tomato is something to see. Our vines are always huge and sprawling. They produce 16-24 ounce, canary yellow fruits that are as tasty as the come. Sweet with plenty meat, it's also juicy and delicious. I don't mean to make it difficult for you to choose, but choose this one! Stake well! 85 Days!