Death Spiral Pepper


Wrinkles and bumps are always a sign that a pepper is HOT! Well, Death Spiral is one of the hottest. This 2.5 inch long pepper is nothing to play with. If your pepper tolerance is moderate or low, this one is not for you. Despite is hotness, Death Spiral has nice flavor of what almost seems tropical. I couldn’t quite place my finger on it, but that twist sure added some nice color to its already undeniable pull! In fact I used it to make some really great hot sauce this summer. It was the base for the many gallons that I made for my personal use. I love my sauces extremely hot, so this fireball was a gift for me. I also dehydrated many and made pepper flakes and powder.

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Wrinkles and bumps are always a sign that a pepper is HOT! Well, Death Spiral is one of the hottest. This 2.5 inch long pepper is nothing to play with. If your pepper tolerance is moderate or low, this one is not for you. Despite is hotness, Death Spiral has nice flavor of what almost seems tropical. I couldn’t quite place my finger on it, but that twist sure added some nice color to its already undeniable pull! In fact I used it to make some really great hot sauce this summer. It was the base for the many gallons that I made for my personal use. I love my sauces extremely hot, so this fireball was a gift for me. I also dehydrated many and made pepper flakes and powder.

Additional information

Pepper Seeds


14/2/2021: Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say that due to COVID-19, we are still running behind on orders. Presently, processing time is about 5 days plus shipping. Please consider this before making your order. ~Curtis T Maters

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